Chapter 8: Meeting the other mates and parents

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I'm going to introduce you guys to Carter's and Austin's mates and Axel gets to meet the parents :) everyone excited?? Hehe (;


Axel'a POV-

I woke up and started to stretch. I put my arm back over Skylar's waist to pull her closer only to find that her side of the bed is empty. I shot out of bed and I was panicking. I looked in our bathroom and closet and couldn't find her anywhere. 'Skylar! Where are you?!' I mid-linked her.

'Dude, relax. I'm down here cooking bacon for all of us.' She replied laughing. She's cooking for us? That's when the smell of bacon hit me. I walked down the stairs to see everyone. The guys are sitting down while the girls are cooking. I sat down next Carter and I spotted 2 other girls I did not know. "Hey Carter, who are those 2 girls. I haven't seem them around before." I ask him.

"Oh, the one by the fridge is my mate, Taylor. And the one by the stove is Austin's mate, Katie." He replied with a smile.

"Cool. Thanks." The girls came back with the food and set it on the kitchen island. "Oh you're awake." Skylar said laughing. "Didn't mean to make you freak out." Sticking her tongue out at me.

'I'd put that tongue back in your mouth if I were you kitten. Or else.' I mid-linked her smirking. Her eyes got big and her tongue went back in her mouth instantly. Skylar spoke up. "Oh, and Axel this is Taylor and Katie. Carter and Taylor are mates and Austin and Katie are mates."

"It's nice to meet you guys." I said sticking my hand out and we shook hands.

"You too." Both of them said smiling.

Since it's Sunday, we all thought we could go ice skating at the mall. After eating our food, we decided to go get ready then leave to go ice skate. I made Skylar sit on my lap because I love having in my arms. It felt so right. We were putting our dishes away when 2 figures came through the front door. Looking at them, I could tell that they were Skylar's parents. Carter and the twins look a lot like their father, while Skylar looked like her mother. "Hey mom, hey dad." Skylar said running up to them to give them a hug.

"Hello dear." Her mom replied.

"Hey baby girl." Her dad said.

"I'm not a baby you know."

"You will always be my baby." He replied smiling and kissing the top of her head.

'Actually, she's our baby.' My wolf said. I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

"Uh Skylar. Who is this?" He asked pointing to me.

"Hello sir. My name is Axel, alpha of the Red Moon Pack. And your daughter is my mate." I said proudly. (It was okay to be on his land, because my dad and him had a treaty. So we were allies.)

"Please to meet you son. My name is Greg, and I am the alpha of the Blue Creek Pack. Well, not for long. Anyway, this is my mate Sophia."

"Nice to me you." I said shaking her hand.

"Wait, what do you mean dad?" Carter stood up walking over to us.

"Well, I decided that I need to step down, and let you become alpha of this great pack."

"A-are you serious? Y-you mean it?"

"Of course Carter. You have showed me that you can become a wonderful leader. So, surprise!" Greg said laughing.

"This is wonderful! Skylar and Taylor are going to become Luna's! And Carter is going to be the alpha!" Her mother said squealing with joy.

We all laughed at her comment. "Dad, all of us are going to go ice skating." Skylar said.

"Okay, you kids have fun. We are going to set up for the ceremony. It's going to be tomorrow at 5:30."

"Okay. Bye, love you guys." And we set off to the mall.


Skylar's POV-

We just arrived at the mall and we got our skates and put them on. Us girls got out here first, and the guys are walking slowly out to the rink. Surprise, surprise. "You baby's coming?" Taylor said mockingly.

"Ya ya. We are coming. Jeez." Carter replied. We just laughed at them then continued to skate. Since the mall is big, it has 3 levels. The skating rink is on the first level, so if you look up, you can see the other 2 levels. I felt someone watching me, so I looked up. Oh crap...I saw a blonde haired boy with a smirk plastered on his face watching me as I'm skating. "Hey babe, what are you looking at?" I jump when Axel comes up behind me. I look up and notice he isn't there anymore. "Skylar, are you okay?"

"Uh ya. I'm fine, come on let's continue to skate." I said while grabbing his hand.

"Are you sure. Don't lie to me."

"Ya I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me kitten."

"I said I'm fine okay!" I snapped.

He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Axel I'm really sorry. I-I didn't mean to snap."

"It's okay sweetheart. Just tell me what scared you."

"Not here. I will tell you when we get home. Okay?"

"Okay. I love you babe." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Love you too." And we continued to skate. I just don't get how he found me. I haven't seen him for 5 years. And all of the sudden he just randomly shows up. What the hell is going on...


Dun dun dun!!! Who is this blonde haired mystery guy?? Haha. If you want to find out, you'll have to stay tuned for the next chapter (: keep voting! Love you guys. You're the best!

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