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Okay :) so you guys wanted to know what the surprise is :) well, here it is. I'm gonna write a sequel :) haha

But first I would like to thank all of you guys for reading the one and only alpha. It truly means so much to me. My book got over 1 MILLION reads. I honestly did NOT think I would get that many, but you proved me wrong and I thank you for that. You guys have been so amazing. Your comments are so much fun to read. Every time I read them, I literally laugh so hard. I even had my mom ask me of I was okay because I was laughing so hard. :) I love all of you so so so much. You have been amazing fans. I couldn't have asked for better fans :)

Anyway, please read the sequel :) I'm so excited to write it. But I'm gonna wait a little bit so I can come up with ideas and things of that nature :) but thankyou everyone for voting and commenting. Oh and reading :) PLEAE PLEASE PLEASE read the sequel when it comes out :)

When the sequel comes out, I will put it on my profile. And I will list the title too :) so stay tuned :)

"Alex. Are you coming? It's your first day of school." My mom called me.

"Yes mom. I'm coming!" I ran down the stairs only to find my idiotic brother Asher eating all of my bacon. "Hey!" I yelled at him. He smirked before he took the last one and ran off into the living room.

I ran after him and almost ran over my uncle. "Sorry uncle Carter." I said in a rush before running after Asher.

"I see Alex is getting her alpha werewolf speed under control." Uncle Carter said.

"Yes. She just shifted last week." My mom replied with a bright smile.

"How's Skylar and Axel?" Uncle Spencer said walking in.

"Good." They both replied smiling.

"Now, where is my niece?"

"Uncle Spencer!" I yelled running over to him.

"How do you like being 16?" He asked me.

"Okay. I don't feel any different, well besides the fact that I shifted last week."

"Pft. Being 18 is better." Asher said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Whatever." I said laughing shoving his shoulder gently.

"Come on. I'll give you a ride to school sis." He said nicely.

"Sweet. Thanks Asher." I said and I went to go grab my bookbag.

"Now remember Asher. If any boy even looks at her, kick his ass." Our dad said.

"Yes dad." Asher replied back. "And trust me I know. I don't want any guy staring at my little sis."

"You are only 2 years older than me." I laughed.

"I don't care. You are younger than me, therefor I have to protect you." He said puffing out his chest.

"Lets just go." I laughed at him.

Today was the day. My first day of school....joy to the world. Note the sarcasm.

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