Chapter 3 shift and fights

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Okays so umm imma time skip to when they are getting out of the car and into the pack house......please continue reading.....this message wasent really nessesary but,who cares you lobe me.....lobe? I means LOVE XD RIGHT?!?!


We get out of the car and walk to the big two....three story house. Why would someone need three story's? Well because this is a big pack from what I have heard .sitting up I streach my back until it pops. My eyes get droopier by the minute. "Are you tired? I can carry you If you want".  Seth asks poking my shoulder.  A loud growl sounds right by my ear.  Seth slowly backs away and instead picks up Lilly instead. 

"Wheeeeeee go faster! Mush  mush!!". Lilly squeals as Seth carries  her in the house.  All of a sudden I'm beginning to get raised off the ground with do sparks igniting all over my body.

We enter the threshold of the house and head up stairs. Heading up another flight of stairs and interning a door. He gently lays me on a bed which smells a lot like him. Well duh it's his room. "Somethings off with this scent....something or someone else's scent is mixed with his....". Alice states angrily.

"Well you can go to sleep here if you want". My eyes go wide. I take a deep breath. " I can't go to sleep unless I see my sister". I whisper standing up. He smiles a breathtaking smile that makes my wolf go crazy. "Okay I'll tell them to bring her over here ". He looks at the wall and his eyes glaze over so I know he's talking too someone through his mind link.

He sits on the bed next to me and soon enough Sara walks in. "You okay izzy?"she a asks. I nod and Walk over too where she was standing by the door. She pulls me into a hug and smells my neck. "I'm not going too be able to sleep with out  you Sara ". I whisper pulling her closer.  She nods and begins to pull me out of the bedroom to a bedroom across the hall and Aaron is laying down on a bed with his arm across his eyes.

"Aaron you're going to have to sleep on the couch or floor tonight". Sara says shoving him off the bed. "He shoots up and growls looking at Sara sprawled across the bed where she just pushed him off. "Id rather do those things in the bed sweet cheeks ". He says pulling her off the bed so she's on top of the sitting Aaron.  I clear my throat  looking away.

"Your sisters in the room isint she?". Sara nods and stands up. "We kinda had to share a bed for years....we just got used to it ya know... I'm going to talk to her tonight to see if she will try to talk too you guys....just please go sleep somewhere else tonight". Arron stands up sighing.

"Yeah all right...(he looks at me) I hope you have a nice night Luna". He says bowing. Smiling I thank him with a nod. Shutting the door behind him Sara pulls me to a bed that smells a lot like leather. "Hey I have a great idea..Lets go see if we can go for a run since we haven't shifted for like what? Three years."

I jump up With a dorky smile on my face noodding my head eagerly.  "Okay but let's make a deal if I ask to go on a have to sleep in your mates". She asks wiggling her eyebrows.

God damnit! How do people do that with their eyebrows?! Every time I try it turns out with me making constipated faces! Thats so not fair!!!

"Earth to Izzy? ". She holds her hand out eagerly. I take her hand and shake it glaring at her the whole time."okay let's go". She Yanks me off the bed and back to my mates room." Heys Mr.alpha we would like to ask you a question ". She says opening Blake's room.

"Sure what is it?". He says walking over to us. "We would like to go for a run we haven't  shifted for about three years can we please?". His eyes go back back to their normal shade. "YOU....DIDN'T GET TO.....SHIFT FOR THREE FUCKING YEARS?!"He shouts looking at us as we nod our head.

I put my hand on his cheek in a soothing gesture. Smiling he leads our side and towards a more wooded area. Sara and I go behind a tree stripping off our clothes. Soon enough you could hear the fimular sound of cracking bones. And just let me say it hurt like a bitch.

We begin to run and chase each other playfully as our mates just watch us. Sara let's out a long happy howl and I join in feeling free. A twig snaps and Sara and I freeze listening  for more movements. A squirm scatters out of the bush and runs to a tree.

Then something unexpected happens....

Short chapter and it being a cliff hanger and all......



Rougs trying to touch my mate?  I don't think so. But my feet where glued to the spot and so were  Aaron's.  One rouge walks closer to them.  Izzy growls a loud fierce warning growl that would make any wolf bow their head and submit. Making my wolf shine with pride.

But the wolf wasn't going to back down withought a fight it lunges for Sara but Izzy jumped in front of her smashing into the shewolf.  the other rouge thinks that it's a great.time to help the first rouge with attacking Izzy but Sara rams into it sending it flying backwards into a tree.

Izzy growls once more trying to make the wolf submit but lunges at her again she swiftly moves out of the way and diggs her canines into the neck of the shewolf  the shewolf slashes her claws at izzy and she grunts in pain letting go of the rouge just to get clawed into the side . Red oozing blood runs down her white fur making it dark with crimson .

I try to move my feet forward to help my mate bit i still cant move so i just stand there in awe looking at my mate.   

"Ryder let me move to help our mate" .

"No. Her wolf is strong I can feel it. She wants to prove to us that she's not weak. Just watch and wait." 

Why would she want to prove to us that she's strong. She was abused.... she survived of course she's strong. Even if she wasn't strong I would still want her as a mate.

Izzy then takes her canines into the shewolfs kneck ripping out the throat of the enemy. Sara on the other hand has the wolf that attacked her pinned to the ground biting into her throat until the shewolf goes limp.

They both trotted back to us happily. I love What my mate just did. Feeling that I can move again I run to my mate checking for wounds.

"That was awesome... I'm in LOVE!!!." Aaron screams.  Sara gives a low purring sound . I just stare at Izzy wondering why she would want to prove to us that she strong.

"Oh my god . That was great I..I....I'm just ahhhh". Aaron screams once again jumping up and down. Laughing I motion for them to shift back. Nodding their heads they go behind the same tree to shift again.

"How did you Learn to fight like that but you didn't use it to defend yourself when your alpha and brother abused you? " they think for a moment talking in the mind link that they share.

" Well before out mother died we learned basic fighting skills. Being the alphas daughters have some advantages because our training was more advanced. We learned to fight in wolf form and human form. We were the top of the class. Being early shifters meant traning started earlier. We finished training completely the night before...before the car crash that killed our mother."

Well. That was interesting.  Not many wolves shift early. Only really amazing powerful wolves do said to be blessed by the moon goddess herself. I'm proud to say the next thing that comes out of my mouth.

"So was my mom. An early shifter I mean."

Hello my pineapple God/Goddesses. I hope you like this chapter......I'm horrible at writing I know... lol any way keep reading if you would like to.


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