11: you shouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight

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k I'm done


(Two months later)

Brandon and Vincent were walking home one night, well, if they HAD a home, since Vince was kicked out just earlier that day. The air carried a faint breeze that blew through the city oh so calmly. The atmosphere would have been calm and soothing, but the overwhelming fact that in just a few short chapters they would be risking their lives at a haunted pizza place was enough to make anything seem so small, even the sound of thunder didn't make a difference on anything.

A few drops of rain made their way down from the dark, stormy sky, and onto earth's soil. The sky lightened up for a second, then drooped back to darkness as the sound of thunder was heard once more. Then the same pitter patter of raindrops making their way to Earth's soil like the ones that came only seconds before. After a bit, the sky lightened up once more, but this time, it was closer to the two nightgaurds. Dangerously close. It was literally on the other side of the building, the one they were walking by.

"Vince?" Brandon asked.


Brandon looked towards the alleyway, "Maybe we should take the short cut to work? I don't like this lightning...."

Vincent looked towards the alley, "meh, sure."

They ran across the drenched street, with Brandon almost slipping twice, and went into the alley. The alley was dark, and kinda terrifying.

As Vincent and Brandon walked side by side together to the pizzeria, Brandon couldn't help but feel like they were being watched.



Brandon looked around, "I feel like were being followed..."

"Oh, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." Vincent tried to reasure.

Suddenly, Vincent was pushed to the floor forcefully, making him face first into a rock, making his nose bleed.

He looked up to his horror, he saw two guys, one of which was holding Brandon's arms back, so he cannot escape.

"Fine looking one you got here, you know, nobody needs to get hurt here!" One of them told Vincent.

"What do you want?!" Vincent half yelled half asked.

"Him." The other guy said, "So we'd like to make an offer. Spare your life, if we can have him. So, what do ya say?"

Vincent looked from them, to Brandon, who was motioning for him to leave without him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! No! I'm not leaving without him!" Vincent put his hand in his pocket, his hand around a knife he had just in case.

The one holding Brandon just laughed, "Oh? And what are you gonna do to us? You to weak save your little boyfriend! Your just a wimp!"

Vincent suddenly remembered: his father's words.


"How could I have made such a wimpy, weak kid!" His father yelled at him, making his shake.

He walked up to Vincent, and slapped him across the face, leaving a red hand mark.

"See? You did nothing about it! So pathetic...."

He punched Vince in the ribcage, making him yell and fall to the floor.

'No, I'm not a wimp...'

"I'M NOT A WIMP!" Vincent suddenly yelled.

His father just froze, and turned around, and stared at his son in shock.

(End of le flashback)

"NO! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" Vincent yelled, taking out the knife he had in his pocket.

He ran up to the guy that wasn't holding Brandon, and slit his throat, but just the front of his throat.

"Vince!" Brandon yelled.

Vincent stood up, blood still gushing from the now dead guy's neck.

"Don't worry, this isn't the first person I was forced to kill," Vincent walked up to the guy holding Brandon, "And certainly won't be the last!"

Before Vincent could raise the knife to the other guys neck, he took out a gun and pointed it to Brandon's head.

"Come closer, don't be shy, come closer! Come closer and see your little boyfriends brains splatter all over the place!" He threatened.

Brandon struggled to get free, but all he got was the gun being pushed harder on his head.

He knew he'd be facing death in the face tonight, but not this way, he thought at Freddy's, but this seems more dangerous.

He heard a sickening laugh, and the sound of a gun being loaded.

"So...what's the choice gonna be? Will you let me take him and spare you, or have me blow his brains out! Your choice..." He said.

Vincent looked down at his knife, because after all..

You shouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight.





stupid caps lock...


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