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an person was an lab while look an portal

???:if things work i can visit other worlds without the mess things of the boundary

he said as he activate the machine as an portal begin to form

???:wow is working ..this is succend

but hear an beep and check the monitor

???:what over charge no i can't be 

he said and look back the portal get untable as he try to turn off the machine but it doesn't happen

???:what the!?

the portal got out of control create an black hole as it begin to bring tings into it the person be one of then

???:no no no!

he use an ki blade to stab the ground and have an support

???:i need to shut the machine..before

but the force increase as the person was drag into the portal


the person enter the portal as the black hole close leave nothing

another scene show an city as the person walk aroud

???:...i sense sure is strong very strong but not like the ones i face an my odd world

he said and find the place and see an mass an blood and amon then an regular clothe person as the person look at him

???2:...oh hey you new here?

???:yeah are you the one who did this

???2:t that was because of the monster

???:i see{no douth is the guy dispide be normal looking he sure have power}

???2:uhh can i go home now

???:mild tell me you name?

saitama:saitama and you


another scene show jason and saitama play video games an saitama aparment 


jason:i just very smart

both feel the ground shake and look the window and see an monster

jason:guess is go time


mutiple scenes show the duo take out monsters either saitama use one punch or jason use one attack  among then an monster made of daimonts

saitama:jajaj we became rich!

jason:yeah we do{this i can cover my investigation}

another scene show the hero association have the images of both jason and saitama

guy:soo thoses are the two

guy 2:mutiple reports confirm that and look back from the past years is confirm as well

guy:any location

guy 3:we do turn out the one with hair have an shop for high techology an fact child emperor metion the quality is above his

the group were suprise

guy 2:do we know where he have that shop

guy 3:is an city z

guy:that is the ghost town..could be the resposible were those two?

guy 3:yes could be

guy:we need to recluit thoses two

another scene show jason and saitama meet the hero association

jason:soo you want us to join you group


jason:..well we in

saitama:i never know you have to register

jason:considere how you outdate you are not suprise

saitama:what you said!

another scene jason and saitama have an intese fight while the s class heros watch an shock


silver fang:thoses two are really strong

meta bat:yeah thoses guys sure won't pull any punches

child emperor:yeah even the area shake by they impacts

tornado:no big deal

silver fang:you  think you can match either of then

tornado:of course i 


they look an intense explosions

another scene show jason wound and saitama with bore look

saitama:is that all

jason:je you not see my strong form

saitama:really an power up 

jason:you see

an pink mist cover jason as jason trasform as saitama raise an eyebrown

saitama:are you living gum

jason:this is my maji here comes round two!

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