Chapter Twenty Three - Family ❤️

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Last chapter 🥺❤️
Joe's POV
Today is the day that I am presenting on BBC One with Stacey Dooley. We are presenting the New Years Eve fireworks, and I am quite nervous as I'm not used to presenting on live TV. But I'll be okay, I know Stacey, Dianne and Alexa will be by my side the whole time. We needed to be at the BBC studios for around 6:30 tonight to go over the script, and then to get ready for presenting.

It was currently 4:00 and I was upstairs getting ready. Dianne was downstairs making tea (dinner whatever you call it) and Alexa was upstairs playing. I finished getting ready before I headed into Alexa's room to get her ready so that she could eat tea. As I opened Alexa's bedroom door I could hear he playing with her toys.
"Are you okay Princess" I said crouching down on the floor
"Yeah pwaying with my dollies" she replied sleepily.
"That's great come on then Lexi, let's get ready and then we can go get something to eat"
I got Alexa dressed into her outfit that she was wearing for the fireworks.

I put her hair into two plaits before placing in two mustard coloured bows.
"All ready Alexa"
"Yep.. Can we go and see mummy now"

Mummy. That word. The word I'd never thought I'd hear her say about anyone. And now she had said it so casually.

"What did you say princess"
"Can we go and swee Mummy please"
"Who's mummy" I said confused. I had a feeling I knew how she was meaning but I wanted to make sure
"Dianne silly, she's my mummy right?"
What do I say? It's not up to me it's up to Dianne.
"Let's go see her" I said changing the conversation.

We walked down the stairs hand in hand before we reached the bottom of the stairs. Alexa ran into the kitchen hugging Dianne before she picked her up.
"Do you like my new outfit Mummy"
And with that said Dianne's face lit up. I don't think I've ever seen someone so happy by one simple word.
"Of course I do princess. Now can you go get and get Patch please so we don't forget him"
"Okay" Alexa said and walked back up the stairs to her room.

"Did you hear that?! She called me mummy"
"I know I'm sorry, it's too soon isn't it. I'll explain to Alexa that your not her mum-"
"Joe Wait. I love the fact that she called me mummy"
"Yes really, it shows that she officially thinks of me as part of the family "
"I think that she always has"

- And with that conversation, Alexa's called Dianne mummy all the time. -

We ate our food together, before we set off for the BBC studios. Dianne has brought her laptop to do some work,  while we were going over the script and Alexa had brought her iPad.

We walked into my green room, to find no other than Stacey Dooley!
"Hi guys! Thought I'd surprise you!" She said coming over to hug the three of us.
"So good to see you Stacey!" I said.
"Lady Di!" She said going over to hug Dianne.
"Stacey! I've missed you"
"I've missed you too"
"And now my favourite Sugg" She said going over to hug Alexa.
"Are you exited for the fireworks Alexa"
"Yeah and to see you and daddy present"
"Awww your so cute"

We talked for around and hour before Stacey had to leave.

"Right I've loved seeing you guys but I've got to go and get my make up sorted. I'll see you later for script rehearsal"
"See you later" I said after she left the green room.

After getting my hair done, and going over the script with Stacey it was now currently 10pm. We were presenting at half past so we're currently heading down to the set. During the past four hours, Alexa has had a nap so that she would be well rested for watching the fireworks. Dianne has been doing some
Work on her laptop, and we had announced to the fans that Dianne was back from Australia. They were going crazy (me) and were so glad that she was back. Now it was time for me and Stacey present so we all headed down to set.


Everyone had started counting down from 10. The cameras had started filming the fireworks and I could see Dianne walking towards me.
I handed Stacey my phone to take pictures.
Dianne reached me and I place my arms around her.
"I just wanted to say that I love you and I can't wait to have the best year ever"
"I love you too" Dianne responded.
I placed my hands on her cheeks, smiling down at her.
And then I kissed her.

"Happy New Year" I could hear people shouting around me. However I was too busy enjoying my first proper New Years kiss with the girl that I'll hopefully have in my life forever. We pulled apart looking into each other's eyes, before I spotted Alexa stood in the corner with Stacey.
"Come here princess" I shouted and she ran over to the pair of us. I picked her up spinning her around before kissing her on her forehead.

General POV
"I love you so much Daddy and Mummy" Alexa said.
"I love you too princess" Dianne added.
"Me three! Our little family together again" Joe finished.
And with that they watched the fireworks together, Joe holding Alexa with one arm while hugging Dianne with the other.

Happy New Year to the newly formed family.

The End ❤️

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