Part Four - The secrets out

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Joe's POV
Today was the start of movie week, me and Dianne have been having the best time together and we've grew extremely close over the past 4/5 weeks. My crush on Dianne has only grown further over this time, but I know that she doesn't like me in the same way I like her.

Anyways away from my crush on Dianne, Alexa didn't forget about meeting Dianne at all, her desire has only grown bigger. She asks me everyday when can she meet her;
"Daddy when can I meet Dianne"
"Pwease can I meet her"
"Why can't I meet her"
"Can I come to dancing wit you"

I really do want them both to meet. So I've decided I'm going to talk to Dianne about Alexa. I know that she won't judge me but I just have the fear that she might and the even worse she won't want to meet Alexa - one of her biggest fans. I'm going to talk to Dianne about it tomorrow.

The next morning.

Dianne's POV
Today was the start of movie week and we were doing the American smooth to High School Musical. I've just loved these past 4/5 weeks, spending time with Joe as he's just really funny and I love getting to spend everyday with him. My crush on him is seriously getting worse, but I just need to focus on the dancing.

Joe's POV
I'm really nervous, what will Dianne think of me? She'll probably be fine with it but I just think of the worst things in these situations.

As soon as I drop Alexa off at my mum's house I drive straight to the studio where I'm meeting Dianne. I walk into the building to find Dianne practicing this weeks dance, I sneak up towards Dianne trying to scare her. However she notices me in the mirror and turns around quickly making me jump.
"Arghhhh" I screamed while Dianne laughed her head off at me.
"It's not funny Dianne" I said trying not to laugh. "Anyways erm I was wondering if erm I could talk to you about something" I said nervously.
"Yeah sure" she said smiling.

Dianne's POV
"Anyways erm I was wondering if erm I could talk to you about something" Joe said nervously.
"Yeah sure" I said smiling.
I wondered what he wanted to tell me, I just hope that's he's okay as he seem quite nervous asking to talk to me. He's not normally this nervous.

Joe's POV
Here goes nothing.
"Well basically.....three years ago.......erm bascically....... I h-h-have a daughter" I struggled to get the words out.
I looked at Dianne who looked really shocked. What was she thinking?
"Aw you have a little girl. What's she called? How old is she? Do you have a photo? Can I meet her?" Dianne said almost immediately. "Sorry I'm just blabbing, I just LOVE children"
"Don't worry it's fine I just glad that your okay with it"
"Why wouldn't I be okay with it?" She questioned.
"I just thought that you would judge me for being a young single dad."
"Aw Joe I would never judge you, so what's her name then"
"Alexa May Sugg and she just turned three years old in August" I said smiling. "here's a photo" I said as I showed her my lock screen.

(I know the times don't add up but just go with it)
Oh my god! She's absolutely adorable! Can I meet her?" She asked.
"If you would like, I know that she's desperate to meet you as she says that you look like Ariel"
"Aw I love her already!" She exclaimed. "I know I'm just being nosy but what happened to Alexa's mum"
"Don't worry your not being rude, it's a long story but basically we met at a bar, had a one night stand, she found out she was pregnant even though we used protection. She said she didn't want an abortion but was going to put the baby up for adoption. I didn't want that to happen so I said I would take full custody. I haven't seen or spoke to her mum since the day Alexa was born" I told Dianne.
"A bet that was one of the biggest decisions of your life"
"Yeah but it was by one of the best decisions"
"I bet it was. So when can I meet her?"
"Well I know it's such short notice but you could come round mine later today let's say around 5ish, you could stay the night and we can travel down to my old school together"
"Yeah that would be perfect we can finish at four giving us time to sort out clothes out for tomorrow"
"Great! Should we get on with the dancing then?"
"Yeah alright then"

General POV
The pair started to practice their dance, it was going alright even if Joe was struggling slightly. They practiced all the way up to four o'clock before they set off in their separate directions.

Authors note -
If you would like me to continue with the story please comment below. I just don't know wether I should as I don't know if people are enjoying my writing.
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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