Part seven - Wiltshire

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The following morning
Joe's POV
Today was the day we were travelling down to Wiltshire to perform for the students at my old school. I was excited but extremely nervous, what if they threw pens at me? I knew that they probably wouldn't, but you never know.

I looked down to see Dianne still asleep in my arms, her long, red hair covering her face as she peacefully slept. I decided to go on my phone and check social media, not waking up Dianne. I knew that we had to leave in about and an hour and a half, but I know that Dianne hasn't been sleeping properly this week so I decided to leave her sleep a little longer. I scrolled through Instagram and noticed many fan accounts of Joanne - shipping us together. If only they knew what was going on behind the scenes.

After a while, Dianne started stirring in my arms.
"Good morning gorgeous." I said.
"Good morning handsome" Dianne replied smiling.
"Should we go get some breakfast? Would you like some fruit and yogurt?"
"Yes please. That sounds lovely"
"Okay then. Do you mind waking up Alexa for me and I'll start on breakfast?"
"Yeah sure. Let's go"

Dianne's POV
I headed towards Alexa's room, while Joe went downstairs to make breakfast. I was really excited for today, we were going to perform for the students at Joe's old secondary school. I was so excited for them to see a preview of our dance this week, it was such a lovely dance and I knew that the Joanne fans were going to ship us even more after watching us.

When I reached Alexa's room, I lightly knocked on the door before walking in to find Alexa starting to stir awake.
"Good morning Alexa"
"Morning Dianne"
"Are you excited to go to grandma's house today?"
"A wittle I wish I could come with you and daddy"
"Aw Alexa I promise sometime this week you can come and watch us practice. Would you like that?"
"Yeah yeah! Fank you"
"You're welcome. Should we go downstairs for breakfast now"

Joe's POV
I finished cutting up the fruit; strawberries, blueberries, banana and raspberries and placed them in three bowls, topping them with yogurt. I heard the sound of footsteps and turned to see Dianne and Alexa walk through the door hand in hand. They really were the best of friends already and I was so glad. My hopefully soon to be girlfriend and my daughter. I was so happy that they got along, as I had a feeling that Dianne could be the one. I know that it's still early days but I just feel as though we have a connection.

Half and hour later we had all finished our breakfast and were ready for the day ahead. We collected our bags from the front door and headed outside to the car. Before long we arrived at my mum's house.
"Right come on the Alexa sat bye bye to Dianne"
"Bye Bye Dianne"
"Bye Alexa have a nice day"

After dropping Alexa off, me and Dianne were on our way to the train station.

Dianne's POV
Finally after the long train ride down to Wiltshire and the car journey to Corsham school, we were outside about to perform for the students. We were both super excited but I could tell that Joe was slightly nervous. I told him that there was nothing to be nervous about and that all he needed to do was try his best. His smile grew as he looked around, before giving me a sneaky kiss. He turned his vlog camera on before we made our way into the school, being greeted by the sounds of screaming children.

After performing for the students.

Joe's POV
After our mini performance, we had made our way to the town hall to practice and go over our American smooth. We then later decided that we were going to book a hotel room for the night so we would have more time to practice. I knew that meant that I wouldn't be home to see Alexa before bed but I decided that I would take her out on a day out, this Sunday after the show.

Throughout our practice session me and Dianne keep giving each other small kisses to one another, giggling like little school children.
"Should we head to our hotel room then?" I asked.
Dianne and I had decided to just share a room as the VT producers had already left earlier on in the day, so we didn't have to worry about being caught.
"Yeah okay then let's go, I'm absolutely shattered" Dianne responded.

When we arrived at our hotel room, we hurriedly got into our pyjamas and dived into our bed.
"I told Alexa earlier that she could come watch us practice sometime this week. Could she come tomorrow?" Dianne told me.
"Yeah okay. Thanks for letting her come I know she's been desperate to watch us"
"It's okay I'm excited to show her"
"Me too" I ended. "Goodnight gorgeous"
"Night handsome"
I kissed Dianne on the forehead before we drifted off into a peaceful slumber tangled up in each other's arms.

Tomorrow is going to be a good day!

Authors note -
I hope that youse are enjoying the story so far!
Also @geek2901 thank you so much for the suggestion!
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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