Chapter 5

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I turn to see my wings in chains.

I recognized the man from some fanfictions. He had a psychotic smile plastered to his face. But then it faded into a concerned look. His name was googleiplier. When he walked in my direction. My reaction was to back up. Suddenly I reached the wall. My head ached. Then all he says is "scan complete. (y/n) let me help your head." He then gave me a blue liquid. He sure loves his blue. I asked what the substance was and apparently it was a special medicine for Angels, it cures all illneses.

I then start to fall asleep all over again.

Anti pov

I go into (y/n)'s room to see her gone! I searched everywhere. Then I remember hearing a glitching evil laugh. That narrows it down to three:
And glitchiplier
I called my good friend Darkiplier.

~~~time skip~~~

When dark finally got here I explained the plan.

Phase 1 is to call light to help. We saw a silver glow which ment light was here. I told light the plan too.

Light summoned are three main suspects. Dark and I interviewed them. First we interviewed glitch. When he lies his voice glitches, but his voice didn't glitch. Same thing happens with Bing.

The last person was googleiplier. I stroll into the room that he was in and I can tell he is hiding something. We start the questioning and he breakes, he tells us everything. How Wilford got demon to take control of him and he could see what demon was making him do. When he was out of his trance he offered to help (y/n) with her headache. She was out cold when Wilford knocked Google out and locked him in a cell near (y/n). Then he was summoned.

(y/n) pov

"Ah, you are awake. Finally." The unforgettable voice rang in my head. Then my eyes focused to see the one and only...

Wilford wafstashe!
He reaches for his inside pocket. I try to move, but I am too weak. He pulls out roses? "(y/n) will you marry me?" was all he said. I screamed " I would rather marry a donkey." He went to slap me, but hesitated. That is when I saw a green and blue eye. I start to cry to disract Wilford and it works. He unlocks my chains holding my wings. I fly to the ceiling. All of a sudden I have no control over my own body. I fly down to Wilford and create a glowing (f/c) (fave colour) orb and shoot at anti. I didn't know I could do that. Luckily anti teleported away just before he was hit. Then I started walking to the basement and opened a cell. Then I steped in the cell near googleiplier.

When I gained control I thought, Anti if you can hear me I wasn't in control of my body.

Then I hear anti in my head say, I know because the same thing happened to google.

I glance over at Google and see his head hung low. But robots don't have feelings. Do they? "Google how did u end up here, in this mess?" He didn't respond. I ask again and again. No answer.

Out of know where there is a silver glow and because I am an angel I can walk through. When I do walk through I am met with anti, dark, Angel and someone new. He introduced himself as lightiplier. He explains that  my parents is angel and a neko. I ask who my Dad is and he is...
Who do you think is your dad? Comment your thoughts.
Here are some cool peeps

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