Part three - Chicken Pox

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Joe's POV
Today me and Dianne are both busy with work, so Caspar has offered to watch Alexa for the day. Dianne is at strictly rehearsals, and I have to go to some meetings about doing some voice overs for a show. I am setting off at around eleven am and and should be back for about half three, Dianne is leaving at eight and should be back around half three as well. So Caspar is coming round the house for about half ten so that we can have a quick chat about our upcoming meetings, before I have to leave.

Dianne had left already and it was currently 8:30am, and Alexa was still asleep. I decided to wake her up, so that she could get dressed and have breakfast before Caspar turned up. I walked into her bedroom, to find her just waking up. She sat up on her bed rubbing her eyes before she smiled noticing I had walked into the room.
"Good morning princess, are you excited for Caspar to come round today?"
"Yeah we get to watch movies all day long and colour"
"That sounds good, now let's get ready and we can go and eat breakfast"

I helped her get ready, putting her hair into two Dutch braids and then two buns. Before we went downstairs to have breakfast.

Alexa's Outfit

We walked downstairs into the kitchen, and I placed some bread into the toaster for the two of us. When the toast popped back up, I buttered the toast, placing it on two plates and placed it on the island in front of me and Alexa.
"I'm not hungry daddy"
"Why not bubba"
"I feel sick"
"You probably are just hungry, please can you at least try and have three bites"
"Okay" She said hesitantly, and started to eat the toast.
After she ate half of her toast, I asked her if she was feeling better to which she told that me that she was feeling a little better.

Caspar had arrived about half an hour ago and we had gone over our schedules for our upcoming meetings. Now I had to leave, so I didn't miss today's meeting, so I said goodbye to the two of them before setting off to my car.

Caspar's POV
Me and Alexa were currently sat on the sofa, playing with her colouring book and crayons. However she had been off for most of the day. It was currently 1:30 in the afternoon, so Joe and Dianne would be back in about two hours. At lunch time I had made her a bowl of pasta - normally one of her favourites - but she barely ate 5 mouthfuls. After that she claimed she wasn't hungry, like Joe had told me she had done at breakfast. Now she was sat with me colouring in a Princess Ariel picture for Dianne, however she kept on scratching her stomach.
"Is your tummy okay Lexi?"
"No it's itchy, it hurts" she complained.
"Can I see your tummy"
"She lifted up her t-shirt to reveal five little red spots. I looked at them before coming to the conclusion, after looking online, that it was Chicken Pox.
"Aw Alexa, I think you have chicken pox, and that's why your tummy is itchy. Is there anywhere else itchy?"
"Here" She said pointing to her shoulder, and sure enough there was two little red spots.
"Aw Lexi, should we get you some calpol and then we can try and get ahold of Daddy"

I gave her a spoonful of Calpol, before I texted Joe. I thought to myself that he would most probably be in a meeting so I texted Dianne to see if she wasn't busy dancing, so that I could ring her. Within five minutes she text me back to say she wasn't busy, so I rang her.
C: Hiya Dianne.
D: Hiya Caspar is everything okay?
C: sort of, I think that Alexa might have chicken pox, she has little red spots all over her stomach and shoulders.
D: Oh no, the poor thing, is she okay?
C: yeah I gave her calpol, but she keeps asking for you and Joe. 
D: okay, well I cant come home now, as I need to attend this meeting, but would you mind bringing her to the studio. She's okay to sit with me just along as I can go to this meeting. (Let's pretend that Chicken Pox isn't contagious)
C: yeah of course, I'll get her in the car now. Is the spare car seat still in the garage.
D: yeah, thanks for this Caspar, your a life saver.
C: at time Dianne. I'll see you soon bye
D: bye.

I got the spare car seat from the garage and strapped it into my car, before going back in to get Alexa. I made sure that she had Patch and some earplugs, as I know meetings can get noisy, and strapped he into her seat. We then set off to the studio to see Dianne.

When we arrived at the studio, Alexa had fallen asleep so I picked her up making sure I had Patch and her earplugs and headed inside to find Dianne stood talking to the reception staff.
"Dianne" I said and she turned around.
"Oh thank you so much Caspar," she said again taking Alexa out of my arms and grabbing her stuff.
"No problem, I just hope she feels better soon"
"Yeah me too" she said before she walked into the studios.

Dianne's POV
I headed into the business room where all the pros and the directors would be having our meeting. It was going to start in about ten minutes so everyone was started to head in. I sat down next to AJ, before making Alexa comfortable on my lap; putting her earplugs in, making sure she had patch and that she was okay.
"How come Alexa's here" AJ asked.
"Oh she's caught the chicken pox, so Caspar brought her here as Joe's had loads of meetings and work today."
"Aw she's looks awfully sick, with her pale face and her little red spots on her cheek"
I looked down to see that she now had three little spots on her face. They must be spreading.
"Yeah I know"

My meeting was now over, and Alexa had mostly slept the whole way through. She did wake up once and was a little shocked that she was with me and not Caspar, but she soon settled back down again. We were now in the car heading home to Joe.

When we got home, we found Joe stood at the door waiting for us.
"Hiya Baby" I said to him.
"Hi gorgeous, how is she?"
"She's doing fine aren't you bubba" I said as she lifted her head off of my shoulder, finally awake. She reached her arms out in front of Joe, who picked her up out of my arms, cuddling her.
"I guess this week is going to be full of cuddles, movies, kisses and sleeping. How does that sound princess?" Joe said.
"Good" She said cuddling back into Joe's chest

Author's note
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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