Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

[Two people riding on a cart are riding through the woods. Suddenly a large creature appears terrifying the travelers. Their worries soon disappear when the monster is suddenly cut right in half and falls dead. The travelers look for their savior. He soon appears with his sword on his back. A young boy]

Traveler #1: Thank you so much for saving us.

???: It's fine. It's what I do.

Traveler #2: Let us repay you in some way.

???: That isn't necessary.

Traveler #1: At least tell us where you're going so we can give you a lift.

???: I'm heading to the Capital to make a name for myself.

Traveler #2: You better be careful up there. It's a bad place.

???: I'm well aware.

Traveler #1: Now how about we give you a lift.

???: Thank you. That would be appreciated.

??? POV

[I arrive in the city. I decide to walk around and get myself acquainted with my surroundings. I see a bunch of WANTED posters. Each picture was from this group called Night Raid. I was looking for them. I had some business that I needed to take care of. I walk around and see a boy get thrown out of a building. I walk over to him]

???: You okay there, champ?

???: I come here to make a name for myself but I don't want to start at the bottom.

???: That's the way the world works.

[The boy looks at me and offers his hand]

Tatsumi: The name is Tatsumi.

[I shake his hands]

???: Nice to meet you.

Tatsumi: Aren't you going to tell me your name?

???: I don't with people I just met.

Tatsumi: That's fair. Anyway, do you know any good places where I could start making a name for myself?

[Before I can answer, a blonde haired girl with a very a revealing outfit walks over to us]

???: Hey there, boys. Having trouble?

[I instantly recognize her from the WANTED posters. She's from Night Raid. She could possibly lead me to them. I just have to learn where they're heading next]

???: I know an easy way to become the top dog in this place. I know a guy who can help you.

Tatsumi: Really? Could you introduce me?

???: Sure. We're meeting up in a tavern close by. I'll show you where. Follow me.

[I decide to tag along. She has no idea of my true intentions. We arrive at the tavern]

???: Okay. Before I introduce you to the guy, he requires payment up front. So, do you have anything I could take to him?

[I didn't want her to leave just yet]

???: Don't leave. Have a drink first. I'll pay for it.

???: Sure. Why not.

[I buy her a drink. It was time to make my move]

???: I'm new here as well. Can you tell me about this place?

???: Well, there is a lot of drama going on. Some people believe that the higher ups are evil. There are groups taking things into their own hands.

???: Like Night Raid?

[The blonde flinches ever so slightly but I catch it. Tatsumi beside me just looks like an idiot while listening to the conversation]

???: Yes. Like Night Raid.

Tatsumi: I hate people like them. Assassins are evil people.

[The blonde eyeballs Tatsumi]

???: You think so?

[It was time to change the course of the conversation]

???: I respect what they do.

[The blonde flinches again. I catch it]

???: You respect a bunch of assassins?

???: If you believe you're doing something right then go for it. I read the reports on the people they killed. Night Raid doesn't kill for fun. They kill the corrupted.

[The blonde smiles slightly]

???: Interesting view.

???: Well, where I'm from we have an assassin of our own.

[Tatsumi and the blonde get excited to hear the story]

Tatsumi: You have an assassin where you're from?

???: Yeah. I heard he wears all black with a hood. No one has ever seen his face. He has an imperial arm that allows him to create any weapon he chooses.

[The blonde shows that she knows what I'm talking about]

???: I heard about him. He's called "The Assassin."

Tatsumi: Is that it? "The Assassin"? What type of name is that?

[I decide to scare him]

???: It's the name he uses when he leaves a note with his victims.

[Tatsumi squeals]

???: Anyway. I heard that he might be coming here. I've been hunting him down for a while but he keeps slipping away.

[I could tell the blonde was listening intently]

???: I hope he doesn't join Night Raid. That would make everything a mess.

[It was time to set the trap]

???: Any so called "corrupt" people around here?

[The blonde smiles thinking she can pull a sneaky one on me]

???: I heard of a family that tortures people to death.

[Got it]

???: They just capture people and torture them to death? They must do in a sneakier way.

[The blonde answers still thinking I'm eating out of her hand]

???: I heard they invite people to their house, drug them, and then take them to a shed where they're tortured to death. They're a pretty wealthy family. Literally taking anyone.

[I got what I needed. Time to make her leave]

???: Anyway, you were going to help Tatsumi here?

[The blonde snaps out of her trance]

???: Right. Well, got any money for me?

[Tatsumi hands her a large sack full of money. The blonde walks away with his money telling him that she would be right back. I already knew that she scammed him. I decided to leave as well]

???: Well, Tatsumi, I hope you find what you're looking for.

Tatsumi: Thank you. Maybe I'll see you around. Good luck tracking down the Assassin.

???: Thanks.

[I leave the tavern but stay outside it to wait for Tatsumi to realize he was scammed. Unfortunately it took him all day. He realized it late at night. He sits outside on the ground outside. I keep a close eye on him. I see a carriage ride over to him. This was suspicious but I wasn't sure. I activated my Imperial arm which dressed me in my black assassin outfit. This imperial arm allows me to create any weapon I want but it also gives me some special skills. It gives me the ability to move faster than anything in the universe. I quickly go around to scout the situation. Then there they were. Night Raid. Watching the whole situation go down. I then stop my imperial arm and watch myself. The carriage takes Tatsumi to a house where I knew they would trap him. I stayed outside hidden in the dark with my Imperial arm activated. I then see Night Raid make their move. The guards are alerted. I use my imperial arm to run around to see what was going on. The mother of the house was killed by a girl dressed in violet. The guards outside where being killed by the blonde from earlier and another girl with long black hair and a katana. There was a metal man there as well and a man with green hair. Seriously. Who chose their hair styles? If that wasn't bad enough, I saw a sniper with pink hair off in the distance. I slow down to watch again. The young lady of the house is chased outside with Tatsumi following her to protect her. It was time to make my move. It was time for Maximum Effort. I saw the girl with the katana approach them. The young lady was being protected by Tatsumi and the guard. I use my speed to appear out of nowhere and decapitate the guard. Tatsumi sees me and strikes at me with his sword. I easily bloke it with my own sword and knock him away. I stood face to face with the girl with the katana]

Tatsumi: You're the Assassin! I have a friend looking for you.

Assassin: Well, you can tell your friend he can go fuck himself.

[The girl with the katana looks at me]

???: You're not a target but you're getting in the way of mine. Move.

Assassin: Sorry, cutie, but that isn't going to work.

[The blonde walks over]

???: You're the Assassin. I've heard some things about you.

Assassin: It's cool that my reputation proceeds me.

[The girl with katana speaks again]

???: You're in the way of my target. Move or I will kill you.

Assassin: Try me.

[The girl rushes at me. I slow time down to create a pistol in my hand and point it at her. She freezes]

???: You cheated!

[The girl with Tatsumi looks relieved]

Girl: You're my hero!

[That pissed me off]

Assassin: I am no hero!

Tatsumi: So you're a bad guy since you use a gun when a girl is attacking you with a sword?

Assassin: I'm not a bad guy!

Tatsumi: That seems like something a bad guy would do.

Assassin: You know what I don't get is that while you and I are talking, this girl with the katana could've killed me by now.

[The girl rushes at me again but I use my speed to disarm her. She looks and is surprised to see the sword in my hand]

Assassin: Nice sword. I heard it traps the souls of its victims. It also kills with one hit.

???: Give it back.

Assassin: I don't get the whole black and red look. Red is a good color to make sure guys don't see you bleed. I wear all black so no blood is seen whatsoever. It's also very slimming.

[The blonde rushes at me. I use my speed to knock her down]

Assassin: You on the other hand decide to wear something more revealing. You also have a beast mode. That's adorable. I love a sexy girl with cat ears.

[The blonde blushes]

???: Aww. What a nice thing to say. You're making me blush.

Assassin: You know, you remind of a girl that I met. Her name was Yang. She's blonde and has the same attitude. Oh shit. Wrong universe.

[The black haired girl gets a little annoyed]

???: He called me cute, Leone.

Leone: Akame, we're not supposed to say our names!

Assassin: Nice to have names. I'm sure the readers where tired of reading ??? for a while.

[The girl of the house speaks up]

Girl: So am I dying or not?

[I shoot her in the leg causing her to fall]

Assassin: Don't think I've forgotten about you. This is a common thing in shonin anime! We will stand here and talk and no makes a move until we're done!


Assassin: (Sigh) Okay. I'm ending this.

[I put a bullet in the girl of the house's head]

Assassin: There we go.

Tatsumi: What the hell?

Assassin: Go look in the shed, Tatsumi. You'll find your friends in there that went missing.

Tatsumi: How do you know about that?

Assassin: Plot convenience. Anyway...

[I toss Akame back her sword]

Assassin: You're Night Raid. I've been looking for you.

Akame: Why is that?

Assassin: I want to join you!

Akame: Why?

Assassin: That's the plot of this story. Anyway, can we leave now? Leone go grab Tatsumi before he goes to the shed. I'm sure the readers don't want to read how gruesome that scene is.

Leone: Before we leave, can we have a name and a face.

Assassin: Sure but don't get nose bleeds!

[I turn off my imperial arm to reveal myself. Akame blushes while Leone gets a nosebleed]

???: Damnit, Leone! I just said not to do that!

Tatsumi: You're the guy from earlier!

???: I have a name. Oh right. I haven't told you yet. My name is JP and I'm the handsome one in this story.

Tatsumi: How come? That's not fair!

JP: Because this is a harem story where I get all the girls and you get none!

Tatsumi: What?

JP: Or the author can just kill you off. It's his call. Anyway, let's go meet up with Sheele, Bulat, Mine, and Lubbock shall we?

[I join the rest of Night Raid. Mine, the girl in pink, is very scepticle]

Mine: Who are those two?

JP: Quiet, tsundere. I don't want to deal with you right now.

Mine: What did you call me?

JP: Okay end the chapter. Roll credits.

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