Chapter 1

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The world has changed and it is now just two districts:
~The Rich and The Poor~

Grandview Laws:
1. No murder is allowed
2. No stealing is allowed
3. The Rich and The Poor cannot fall for each other

(and the laws go on)

"Umpf-" Was the first noise the pale, whisper white haired male had made when he met the pale skinned, raven haired girl.

The white haired male turned his head just enough to be able to see the girl. She slowly lifted her head to see the man's face. (Well what was shown)

Her eyes went wide and her face colored red. "O-Oh! Oh my gosh...! I-I-I'm so sorry!" She whispered a yell out. She took a few steps back before speaking again on the bricks they were standing on. "I-I wasn't looking where I was going! P-Please forgive me!" She closed her eyes, collapsed her hands together, and bowed to him.

He turned his face away from her. "Just... speak up a bit. Alright." He replied, starting to walk away.

"P-Please wait...!" She said, her voice a bit louder, her jet black boots quickly hitting the bricks as she ran on the right side of him to stand in front of the male. "I-I really am sorry..."

Now getting a good look at her... she's in a navy blue school uniform... so a high school or college student... He glanced at her big dark blue eyes, then down at the end of her long dark hair, noting the dyed dark blue tips. She some kind of rebel?... No, probably not. Considering how she was acting just now... The male then glanced over at her blue purse. She looks like she's in the Rich District... how much money does she have on her right now I wonder...? I could knock her out- or 'worse' and grab her purse... actually... no, I shouldn't... I'll play around with her for a little I guess, yeah, I'm bored so why not? The whisper white haired male thought.

The male sighed. "Look, I don't care, I shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the walkway to check my phone." He told her.

Now getting a good look at him... he's wearing a black face mask on the lower half of his face, like the hospital mom works for...wait, no, those are light blue... and cover their nose... how did I not notice that a second ago? His hair is straight whisper white, however... it's... a bit messy... and his eyes are a very pretty light green... actually... all of him is quite appealing...! No! No! Weirdo! Stop that! The girl's face started to turn red, as she turned her head away. But anyways... how have I not seen him before... but maybe I have... it feels like some weird deja vu type of feeling...

"How about this, if you buy me a soda, then I'll forgive you." He said with a shrug.

"Eh? Really?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and turning her head back to him.

He sighed in annoyance, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, why not... you're probably one of those people who will feel bad about things until something is done, and you're forgiven, seeing how we've talked for this long. Am I correct?"

The raven haired girl nodded. "Y-Yes... you're correct..."

"Okay, then let's go to a vending machine-" The white haired male got cut off.

"Oh there's one on the way to where I was going." The blue eyed girl said.

"What?" The male inquired, staring at the dark haired girl blankly.

"A-A vending machine," the girl responded. "That's what we're supposed to be looking for, right? Well I'm going to a grocery store, and the grocery store I'm going to has a vending machine nearby." The girl then went silent for a moment and took a breath. "That was a lot of speaking..." she whispered.

Damn, who the hell is she near to not let her talk? The male thought. "Alright then," he said, "lead the way."

The girl nodded before speaking one more time. "O-Oh wait, I forgot to ask your name..."

"Why do you want to know? It's not like we'll meet ever again after this." The green eyed male said.

"Yes... but... what if we do...?" The girl questioned.

The male internally sighed. "Lloyd. You?"

"Eh?" The girl said.

"You have a name too, right?" Lloyd said.

"Maebelle Evans..." She quietly said.

"Huh?" The male asked.

"Maebelle Evans." She said a bit louder.

"Oh. Maebelle Evans, huh?" He mumbled. "Well then, lead the way, Mae." Lloyd then pushed her the way she was originally going (which obviously startled her) and started to follow behind her.

Evans... and black hair... Where have I heard that last name with that black hair before...? No. Must be someone else. He thought, scratching the back of his head with a sigh.


And... bought...! Mae thought as she heard the little slam of the red vending machine work it's ways.

"Okay... it's done." Mae said with a small smile, handing the male the soda can. Afterwards, she sat on the bench to the left of the vending machine and he sat on the bench to the right of it.

Lloyd opened the can, pulling down the mask for a second and took a sip. He pulled the mask back up and leaned over, checking to see if Mae had seen him.

No. Mae was just staring straight across this whole time.

Looking at her like this... she looks like a doll. Lloyd thought.

"Hey, Mae." The male said, curiously.

"Hm?" Was all the girl responded with.

"Why haven't you asked about my face mask yet? That's usually the first thing people ask when they see me? Not my name or anything like that..." The light green eyed male questioned.

"Because I'm not one to pry... I don't like talking about certain things, and I'm sure others don't as well... people do, say and have certain things I'm sure they don't like talking about with anyone... so that's understandable..." She says before whispering "Wow, that was a lot of speaking again...!"

He was surprised by what she said, and then he laughed a bit.

"W-What's so funny?" The dark blue eyed girl questioned, her face turning red again. "Did I do or say something embarrassing again? Oh, I'm so stupid...!"

"No, no. It's not that. It's just... you're a really funny girl." Standing up and looking at her.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked, standing up and looking at him.

"Well, you were shy and quiet this whole time we met. Then you go and say something like that. I find that funny." Lloyd explains. "...And well then you'll get embarrassed again and there you go getting all shy and quiet."

"You got all that just from this one afternoon...?" Mae says surprised.

"Yeah, you're interesting." The male says.

Interesting...! That was the first time the girl has ever heard that word directed to her in a positive way... and she liked that.

"H-Hey... L-Lloyd... How old are you?" She asked.

"Don't know. Don't really keep count." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Mae was surprised. "W-What about your birthday...?" She inquired, tilting her head.

"Same response. Don't know." The white haired male replied.

Mae... wanted to do something about that...

"H-Hey... can you follow me for a second...?" She asked, already walking ahead.

"Sure, but, why?" He asked, following her. "I'm not getting killed, am I?" Lloyd let out a chuckle, but when he didn't get a response from the female he got a bit surprised. "Wait. Am I getting killed?"

"No." The long raven haired girl answered.

He let out a sigh of relief. After all, the quiet ones are always the scariest.

After a few minutes they appeared at a grocery store. "So what am I supposed to be doing here? I think you should be shopping for your family, am I correct? I don't have any reason to be here." He explains.

"C-Can you give me a second...?" Mae asked.

"Sure. One." The green eyed male replied with a shrug.

"I-I didn't mean it literally...!" The blue eyed girl whispered another yell, shaking her fists, her face turning red again. "So rude...!"

"I know, I think I just like seeing your face turn red." He said casually. "Anyways do what ya' gotta do. I'll wait here."

"Okay." She says before quickly walking inside the store.

"That girl is quite... something." Lloyd mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

He then noticed someone (most likely someone who worked in the store) hanging up some sort of paper on a pole near where he was standing. They didn't seem to spot him though.

When that person was done he took a few steps closer to what that paper was.

It said 'WANTED' on it.

Shit. He thought. Even grocery shops have these nowadays? Man, I can't catch a break. He let out an annoyed sigh.

"L-Lloyd...? I'm done...!" She said, trying to get his attention.

"Oh. Mae." His attention was now on the girl, and he also needed to make sure she didn't see the 'poster.'

"A-Are you okay...? You seem to be spacing out-?" The blue eyed girl was going to turn her head and see what the man was looking at, but she was cut off by the man grabbing her by the shoulders, which made her immediately look back at him.

"Yeah! I'm fine! Just some bird-" The white haired male got cut off.

"You're lying." Mae said, her face was serious which surprised him.

"Huh?" Lloyd asked, immediately taking his hands off her.

"Everyone has a tell when they're lying, your's is that your eyes flicker. But... I won't ask what you're hiding... because as I said, I'm not one to pry." She took another deep breath. "A lot of talking..."

Huh...? She keeps surprising me more and more... He chuckled a bit. "Alright. Well I stood out here for a bit, why did I have to?"

"Ah, y-yeah. Right." She put the shopping bags down and searched through them. "Here it is." Mae said, holding out a container to him.

"A container of cupcakes...?" He said and let out a chuckle. "I hate to break it to you sweetheart but I'm not a sweets kinda guy."

"W-Well..." the blue eyed girl turned a bit red before deciding to become more insistent. "Today you are...!"

"Look who's become more persistent. But, why does today matter?" Lloyd asked.

She smiled before saying, "Well I know I can't necessarily decide this, but... I'm making today your birthday...! Happy Birthday, Lloyd...! I promise, next year it will be much more exciting!"

My birthday...? He let out a laugh. "Alright then, and how old am I today?"

"Pick out a cupcake first, and then I'll decide." Mae says.

"Wow, after one afternoon with me, you sure added some spunk to your personality." He says before sighing. "But fine, I guess I'll appease you."

"Thank you..." She said with a smile, he picked out a cupcake from the back of the 24 case box. "Hmm... Twenty three."

"What?" The male gave her a blank stare.

"That's your assumed age, twenty three." She explained.

"You really just went with the cupcake I picked out?" The male asked, giving her a blank stare.

"...Yes..." She replied, her face slowly turning red.

He laughed a little. "Alright then. I guess I'm fine with that... oh wait. How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen. T-Turning nineteen on October Third..." Mae said.

Ah, so I was right, she is a college student. He thought.

"Well Mae... I guess this is where we part." Lloyd said.

"...Y-Yeah..." She mumbled. "I-I guess so... oh, but you can take the cupcakes."

"I told you, I don't-" The male got cut off once more.

"Just for today." Mae said with pleading eyes.

Lloyd rolled his green eyes and chuckled. "Fine. I'll take them." He says, grabbing the container from her, making her content.

"Thank you..." She responded with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah..." he said. "Anyways, shouldn't you be off now. You probably have some cold things in those bags."

"L-Luckily, I don't." Mae says with a small laugh. "If I did, I would have to race home... but, either way... I should head home before it gets dark... so, bye...!" She picked up the bags, waved to him and walked away to the Rich District.

Lloyd then turned away and whistled. "Wow... that was... an interesting afternoon..." He said to himself before walking off to the Poor District.

Lloyd walked to his apartment, it wasn't much, just a table, a fridge, a bed, a stove, and a bathroom, but hey, it's what he could call home. He put his container of cupcakes on the table and laid down on his bed.

What's today's date again...? He checked his phone, he was lucky he was able to afford it with his apartment. September 15th? So I guess that's my assumed birthday... "I promise, next year it will be much more exciting!" Next year, hmm? Well I guess I can play with her a little longer... Maebelle Evans... Huh?


Maebelle walked into her house, it was a nice fit for her family of six. Her parents, her, her eleven year old sister and her twin younger brothers that were the age of eight.

In her house she barely ever got a word out, after all how could she? I mean it was incredibly noisy with the amount of siblings and including her parents and even the neighbors sometimes coming over with their kids!

But today felt a little different... today her thoughts were screaming at her... that's why it felt loud.


She was face-first on her bed and kicking at it. WAH~! I'M SO STUPID I KNOW! She internally cried. Then, she sighed trying to calm down, taking a deep breath.

But other than lying... meeting Lloyd... felt nice... it felt nice to be noticed and not hurt... the raven haired female thought with a small smile.

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