Chapter 13

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"Hmm mmm mmm~" Mae was quietly humming to herself while quietly cooking.

"Wow~ that's quite the nice humming you have~ you could sing to people~" A certain whisper white haired male said, leaning against the wall next to her.

"Gah?!" The female quickly turned around to see him. "Stop showing up randomly...! You're going to give me a heart attack...!"

"Yeah, yeah~ anyways, I didn't see any cars outside, where is everyone else?" Lloyd asked, trying to look at what she was making.

"My siblings have sports today..." Mae explained, "but please go upstairs, I don't want a repeat of what happened before..." she sighed.

Lloyd nodded. "Can you bring me something to eat?" He asked.

"Fine, fine, just go...!" She said, waving her left arm, telling him to go upstairs, and trying to cook with her right.

After about ten minutes Mae had gone to her room with two plates full of what she had made, she put both plates down on the floor. "Here you go~! Please don't spill anything." She said, sitting on the floor in front of him.

"So, what did you make anyways?" The male asked.

"Spaghetti, but without certain spices, due to my dad's allergies." The raven haired girl said, covering her blue eyes.

Ah, she already knew... he pulled down his black mask and started to eat. Wow, just like before, this is really good.

"Well? How is it...?" Mae asked, she seemed a bit nervous to hear his answer, considering she couldn't see his face.

"I think it's good," he said when he finished up, "and you can put your hands down," he pulled his mask up.

"Huh? Really?" She asked, putting her hands down. "You think that? You're not just trying to pity me are you?"

"Since when have I pitied you?" He asked, rolling his green eyes. "Seriously, it was good."

"I'm glad, usually my siblings will critique it on how poorly I did... so, it's nice to get another person's point of view...!" The girl said happily, before eating.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "Speaking of your siblings, don't you want to eat with your family?"

"Hm? Why did you think I brought two plates up? I wanted to eat with you." Mae said with a smile. "If my parents get mad that I started dinner 'by myself' then they can get mad, I don't care."

"Wow, look who has become more confident~ I'm so proud of you~" The male said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Well after knowing you for almost a year, it's kind of rubbed off on me-" she paused.

"What? What did you or I do?" He asked, rubbing his forehead, annoyed to hear the answer.

"No, no, it's not that. I know it's only late July, but... what would you like to do for your birthday, Lloyd?" Mae asked.

"Hm?" That's right. He never actually kept track of his actual birthday, so, Mae said the day they met was his birthday, and his assumed age was twenty three, meaning, he would assume to be twenty four years old.

"Nothing much, I guess... What we're doing now is fine too. Maybe we can add in your siblings or something, I really don't care-" The male cut himself off. However... "I won't go near Maebelle Cynthia Evans. And I'm assuming you don't want me going near her eleven- wait no- now she's twelve years old little sister, and her now nine year old twin brothers, her father, and her... pregnant mother." She's definitely out for them-!

"Lloyd..!" Mae yelled, lightly poking at the young male's the forehead with her pointer finger, cutting him off from thought.

"Y-Yeah? Sorry... just thinking..." the male said.

"More like overthinking... you've been doing that a lot recently, and it really worries me... look at what 'overthinking' has done to you." The blue eyed girl says, pulling up the sleeve of his right arm, there was sweat running all down it.

"That's simply from heat, dummy." He said, lightly bonking her on the head... but she wasn't wrong. A lot of it was from stress too. Makayla was usually one step ahead of him, ever since they were little too.

Lloyd definitely didn't want Mae dead, but he never knew what Makayla was planning...

"Liar." The raven haired young woman mumbled. "Your eyes keep flickering. I won't pry with you about whatever's going on, but just let me know if there is anything I can do to help." The female gave him a small smile. ...however he looks a little nervous, and pale, could he be...?!

"Are you sick?" The blue eyed girl asked.

"No. I don't get sick, I've told you this and you just said you wouldn't pry!" The male said, turning his head away from her. A lot of this stress has made me a bit tired out though...

"I know! But I just want to help...! ...And don't give me the 'child-attitude,' you're an adult, act like one." Ah, wait... The young woman said, noting his fatigue. "I won't really butt in on this anymore after this last question, but, are you nervous or scared about something?" She asked.

"For being dense, you're pretty good at guessing games." The male replied. The dense comment caused her to frown. "Calm down, you know, I'm kidding."

Now this caused her to pout. "Oh. 'I'm an adult you say~'" he repeated, with a teasing look in his eyes, facing back at her.

"L-Let's change the topic to something else!" The young woman quickly replied.

That's when it got awkwardly quiet, neither knew what to say...

Well until...

This question has been on my mind for a bit... but now... The male began thinking to himself.

"Hey, Mae...?" The male started. "If you were to have another sibling, what would you want to name them?" The moment Makayla told Lloyd that Mae's mother was pregnant it hadn't left his mind. To know all of this meant Makayla was after Mae's family.

Another sibling? The raven haired female thought surprised. "Um...? I guess Braden if they were a boy or Charlotte if they were a girl." Mae smiled.

"Really? Braden or Charlotte?" The light green eyed male said with a small laugh.

"Why? What's wrong with those? You know someone out there in the world is feeling really offended right now-!" The blue eyed young woman got cut off.

"Well then, Maebelle, I'll ask you this. Why'd you pick those names?" Lloyd asked, with another mischievous look in his green eyes.

"W-Well let's see... Braden means valley, and I've always wanted to live in one of those. Not one where any of these societies where the government tells us-" Lloyd covered her mouth. "Shh! Mae don't say that! You don't know who's around and who could hear you!" Ah! The raven haired girl remembered what he told her and her blue eyes widened. The male then took his hands off the female's mouth. "B-But I thought my room was soundproof...?" Mae said confused, raising an eyebrow.

"And as I said, it is. From outside your walls no one can hear you, but that doesn't mean there aren't cameras, or sound recording devices somewhere in here." The white haired male said.

"Eep...! Don't freak me out...!" The dark haired girl said.

Lloyd laughed. "God, you're so easy to startle."

"Well of course I am...! By saying something like that...!" Mae glared at him before sighing. "Anyways I would pick Charlotte because the name means a 'free person.' If that makes sense, and I think it's pretty." She smiled. "What about you?"

"Hm? What about me?" The male asked.

"If you had another sibling what names would you want?" The blue eyed young woman inquired.

"Names...? Um... I guess..." If he had to pick one... "Liliana."

"Liliana?" Mae asked, tilting her head.

"What? You have a problem with it?" He asked.

"No, no, it's not that." She laughed. "I just wasn't expecting a very pretty, and pure name from you, Lloyd...!"

"Huh?" The young male raised an eyebrow.

"But it's a very beautiful name, I won't ask the meaning behind it if you don't want me too... but I really like it." The raven haired female smiled. "Anyways, I should take these plates downstairs, since we're done with them." Mae stood up and grabbed the plates, then walked down the stairs.

Lloyd then let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding in. Well it doesn't seem like she knows her mom is pregnant, and it doesn't seem like she gets the hint that I told her. The male thought with a sigh. Well I guess that's kind of a good thing... her mother has to tell her first, not me. But..."I just wasn't expecting a very pretty, and pure name from you, Lloyd...!" What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Sorry, I'm back...!" Mae said. "I had to put the plates in the dishwasher...!"

"Hey, Mae? When you said-" The green eyed male got cut off.

"Maebelle! We're home!" The father called from downstairs.

"Dang, and just when I got back up here too. Please, hold that thought, I'm sorry." The girl replied, closing the door to her room, and walking back down the stairs.

The male sighed and looked around the room. I never really got a good glance around her room before... However a box underneath her desk had caught his eye. Hm? What's this? He got up and walked over to the box and picked it up.

The words DO NOT OPEN were on it.

"Hmm, now I'm really tempted too." The male mumbled, "but it's really disrespecting her privacy- but, oh wait I'm a killer." Lloyd had a mischievous look in his green eyes before putting it on the floor and opening the box, looking at what was inside.

Lloyd had a blank stare. "It's just photos of Mae when she was younger? What's the problem with these?" He picked one of them up. He glanced at the one a bit closer. Ah, I see... that's why she boxed it up and hid it under her desk...

The bedroom door opened, and then closed, and Mae slammed her back against it, taking a deep breath. "Gah, sorry, I needed to talk with my family..." The raven haired girl's words dragged out and her face reddened as she saw a certain box in front of Lloyd. "W-W-Why do you have that...?" The female asked nervously.

The whisper white haired male stared at her with a blank expression, then at the photo he was holding, then back at her. "I found it under your desk. You were pretty cute as a kid." The light green eyed male told her nonchalantly.

"H-Huh...? W-Wait, what? That's not the issue...! Put that away...!" The female yelled, embarrassed.

Lloyd sighed. "Fine, fine~" he put the photo back into the box and closed it, then he put the box back under her desk.

"You really shouldn't go through people's privacy like that...! What if it was like um... um... my diary or journal?" Mae thought off the top of her head.

"That would've been an interesting discovery, do you have one of those?" The whisper white haired young male answered smugly.

"I didn't mean that literally...! It was just something that came to mind, and no I do not...!" She yelled. "You're smirking behind that mask, aren't you?"

"Oh, yeah, I am." He responded, a troublesome look in his green eyes.

The young female sighed, trying to cool down from her embarrassment. "Anyways, what were you going to ask me?"

Ah, right, but I feel like I can figure that out on my own due to those pictures, and what she mentioned a while back. She's bad with people... so... the green eyed male thought. "It's nothing important, now that I think about it."

"Why did your eyes flicker a little bit?" Mae asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lloyd sighed, annoyed. "Fine. That thing you said about 'pretty and pure names' what was that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Oh, that's all?" The blue eyed young woman asked, surprised.

The male grabbed her cheek and pulled it. "What do you mean 'that's all?!" The young man yelled.

"I-I meant nothing by it...! It was just something surprising, I really liked it, and I wasn't expecting it...!" She pulled his hand off her and rubbed her pale face. "You really need to stop doing that..." the blue eyed female mumbled.

"So you just weren't expecting it because it came from a killer like me, right?!" The male asked.

"No, that's not it...! How do I say it?" Mae put a finger to her chin, trying to think of the best way to phrase her wording. "It's because you act tough in general, and that's the main side you show others, but, you have a nice side to you too Lloyd."

"Pfft please-" Lloyd got cut off.

"You know I'm right." The raven haired girl smiled, taking her hand off her face. "So whatever was the meaning behind it... or maybe a memory... shows you have a kind side to you..." The young woman said. "And I think it's both a meaning and a memory."

"I thought you weren't one to pry." He laughed a little. "It feels like I'm at a therapist meeting."

"Sorry, sorry, I'll stop being your counselor." Mae laughed, "but yeah, I was just trying to be a good friend."

Lloyd nodded, a bit glad he was wearing the mask, so Mae couldn't see the calming smile on his face... but somehow he was pretty sure she knew, just by his green eyes she could read what expression he was making.


About an hour later Lloyd had left out the window, hoping no one had seen him and made it back to his apartment... and right now, he was just thinking back to what he saw earlier.

Those photos of Mae when she was younger... the reason why she hid them in a shoe box hid them under her desk... The male thought. "...she must've been a lonely kid, huh..."


How embarrassing...! Lloyd had found those photos of me when I was five and six... "but it doesn't seem like he found out I was depressed and lonely until he came into my life..."

Well... I guess that's not entirely true... my nine year old life wasn't totally bad... until... that one thing happened... Maebelle shook her head, not wanting to recall the memory of that day.

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