Chapter 24

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"Hmm mmm mmm~" Mae was quietly humming to herself and waiting for Lloyd.

"Wow~ that's quite the nice humming you have~ you could sing to people~" A familiar voice repeated their snarky comment.

The blue eyed female jumped and looked over to Lloyd swinging a new set of keys around his right pointer finger. "You really need to come up with a new phrase."

"Well, I still got you, didn't I?" The young man had a playful look in his green eyes. "C'mon let's go." The male said, getting out the window, grabbing her hand.

"I'm a bit nervous to ask if you got those keys from a doctor, nurse, patient, or pass by person..." The raven haired young woman said a little concerned.

"Then I won't tell you who or where I got these from." Lloyd replied, a mischievous look in his green eyes.

Somehow not knowing makes me even more nervous... Mae thought.

Lloyd stopped once they got to the parking lot. "Let's see, it should be around here somewhere~" He pressed one of the buttons on the key and one of the car's lights lit up. "Oh! Looks like it's very close by-" the male got cut off.

"Lloyd." Mae said the male got confused and looked back at her, and then she made a hand gesture that told him to give her the keys. Which he sighed in response too, dropping the keys in her hand. "Thank you." She said with an 'innocent' smile.

"You're so mean to me." The green eyed male eyed said with a small laugh.

"Because I like you... I like you a lot..." The dark haired young woman replied, walking away to their new stolen car and Lloyd followed behind her.

When they were both in the car the girl took off his sweatshirt and immediately tossed it to him. "How do you always wear that? It feels like one million degrees in that thing?"

"I'm just used to it~" he laughed.

"You still have the gun you stole from the police, right?" The raven haired female asked, looking at him.

"I'm sorry for laughing at you, please don't shoot me." The green eyed male quickly replied, looking at the ground.

"Anyways... we both know I'm not really one to pry but right now I kind of want to be a pryer. So, umm what did you and your mom talk about while you were in there...? You don't have to tell me of course... I'm just curious..." Mae asked.

"Start driving, and I'll talk." The male said, which the female nodded too, facing forward, struggling to get out of the parking lot without making a scratch on the other cars.

"Oh no! Tsk, tsk, fifteen that time! What happened to the wonderful driver, Maebelle Evans?" Lloyd teased.

"It was crowded, it's not like I could do anything, but it's still less than you who tries to hit at least twenty people and things on purpose!" Mae said, looking at him with another blank stare.

"Meh, I say live a little." The green eyed young male shrugged, folding his arms in the back of his head. I feel like a bit closer to dying a little. The blue eyed girl thought before she let out a sigh.

"So, are you going to tell me what you and your mom were talking about or... would you rather keep it personal?" The female asked, pulling up to a stop light.

"Of course you remember that." Lloyd said. "Well..." he sighed. "I told you I would start talking about it when you started driving, so I guess there's no going back now."

"Well I'll start with the first thing she asked me is, if you were my girlfriend." The white haired male said, annoyed.

"Oh... What'd you say?" Mae asked, her face flushed a bit pink, obviously not used to being called someone's girlfriend.

"Well considering I got a bit embarrassed in front of my own mother she kinda got the hint." He explained, and Mae started to giggle a little. "Oh shut up!" The white haired male yelled, his face flushing red.

"I'm sorry! It's just...! You can be cute when you want to be, you know? You don't have to hide it." The female grinned. I wish I was there to see that...! Imagining that is so amusing pfft...!

"I'm a killer. I'm not cute." The green eyed male said, leaning against the car window, the male's face became a darker shade of red.

"Well cute in your own way. I think when you're embarrassed you're quite cute." The long raven haired young woman said, giggling again.

"I hate this mean side of yours, y'know?" The white haired male said, which made her laugh even more. Well before she noticed something.

"Oh the light is green...! Time to keep going! Would you like to keep talking?" The female asked.

"Well since we have nothing else to do while on this road trip." Lloyd said before sighing, but it wasn't out of relief. "We mainly just talked about what happened with my life and that man had forced his murderous instincts into me... but... hey! I found out why my mom married him." He threw his pale hands in the air with little care, showing he wasn't that happy about it.

"Oh...? What was the reason...?" The blue eyed girl asked, trying to focus on the road, but also listen. The green eyed male explained their situation of little wages and it was more of a 'forced marriage' situation type deal. Then when Julius had found out Liliana had been pregnant with Lloyd, Julius had left Liliana to care for Lloyd by herself. "How awful... I'm so sorry..." Mae responded, quite sad to hear all of this.

"Mae, you know this isn't your fault." The male said.

"I know, but if I could do something about it... if I could change something..." The dark haired girl said.

"I know. However, we can't change the past. This is the way the system works. The way life was set. It is just how it goes. No matter what happens, nothing can be done." The green eyed male explained. "That's why we're at least trying to get farther away, right?"

The raven haired female nodded. "Right."

"You know at some point we'll need to get out and walk, right? So people won't track us." Lloyd said.

"Hm? You won't be able to fix up this car to be 'un-track-able'?" Mae asked.

"Listen. We've been lucky so far, but I don't think we'll be entirely that lucky this whole trip." He laughed.

"Okay... then, should I pull over now...?" The blue eyed girl asked.

"Hm... well there's no cars or camera's around, so yes, I'd say now is a good time... let's go." The green eyed male answered, opening the passenger seat door, unbuckling the seatbelt and getting out. Mae nodded, getting out of her side in the same routine.

"Alright, now... what should we do with the keys? Just throw them on the ground and under the car, like the others?" Mae asked.

"We could do that." Lloyd nodded. "Or I can put on gloves, and my gloved hands can throw them in the grass somewhere just in case someone comes this far. Y'know? To piss them off more." The young male said with a shrug, putting on gloves with a mischievous look in his light green eyes.

"You really do have the personality of a book-like criminal." The dark haired girl said with a small laugh.

"I call it, having fun. And as you said, don't they turn into the 'good guys'." Lloyd said before tossing the keys far into the grass.

She sighed a little in annoyance. "Not all book criminals do. And I say you're fifty-fifty of a good guy right now."

"Aw, you flatter me~" The green eyed male said with a bow and the blue eyed young woman rolled her blue eyes.

"So, did you and your mom talk about anything else?" Mae asked, wanting to go back to their original topic, which caused Lloyd to freeze.


Lloyd paused for a moment before speaking again. "Mom... can I ask you two more things?" The white haired male asked.

"Hm?" The green eyed female asked.

"When is my birthday... and how old am I...?" Lloyd asked.

"Huh?" That was what Liliana answered with.

"After... I saw you get shot by Makayla... I slowly forgot about the year I was born and just... never kept track of my actual birthday..." The male explained, glancing away to hide his guilt.

"Oh, I see." The white haired woman said. "Well I can only answer what day you were born... I can't answer how old you are since I sadly don't know what year it is..." Then the male remembered Mae's ID card.

"I... I actually might know what year it is..." explaining the situation of when he last saw the raven haired female's identity card. It was because of Makayla, she had to get a new one. So it had the recent year on it.

"Ah, so I know your age then. You're twenty-three right now..." Liliana said with a smile. "And your birthday is May twenty third."


"No... we didn't talk about anything after that." The white haired male said.

"Your eyes flickered..." Mae said.

Damn it. I knew that wouldn't work. Lloyd thought.

"If you don't want to tell me... it's fine. I'm not going to pressure you into doing so- mh!" The blue eyed female got cut off, by her face being pulled up, and the green eyed male pulled his face mask down.

When he pulled away she had a very confused look on her face. " W-Why did you do that...?" The female's face turned red.

"Just because..." the young male smirked before pulling his mask up. "Now let's go. We have ways of walking before breaking into some place, most likely a motel, or hotel, if people don't catch us." He said, pulling out his phone and starting to walk.

"O-Okay...!" Mae said, following beside him.

Lloyd glanced over looking at the blue eyed girl beside him. He remembered her looking like a doll the first day he met her. However, right now, she looked a bit less like a doll and more like a human being. Well, not that she wasn't one before.

"Hey... y'know... I'm fine with my birthday being September fifteenth... and not knowing my own age." Lloyd said.

"Hm? Why are you bringing that up now?" Mae asked, glancing up at him with a raised eyebrow.

I have a feeling I know what he and his mom talked about now... the girl thought with a small smile.

"Also... I have a question, how did you know my mom's name was Liliana...?" The white haired male asked.

"Names...? Um... I guess... Liliana." The dark haired young woman remembered when he had asked her for sibling names, and it had flown over her head, so she asked back, but in the end, she learned something from him. It was his mother's name. "Like I said, I just figured..." The raven haired girl giggled, the male raised an eyebrow before sighing.

"You know what, forget I asked." Lloyd said, that caused her to laugh more.

And this is the end!
Thank you for reading
"The One Who Lies First"

At multiple points I stopped continuing this, but personally, I'm glad I did continue and finished this!! It was a lot of fun to write, and I hope people had fun reading this!
( >< )
So, thank you for reading!

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