❀ chapter eight | why were you staring at jack michel ❀

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"And then they just left me there. Can you believe it?" Seth asked as the bell rang, running a hand over his freshly-buzzed head.

I sighed. "Was this on Saturday?"

"Yeah. Partay 2.0 with the college bros before our midnight race."

"The midnight race they ditched you at."

Seth looked down. "I don't know why they're treating me so different all of a sudden."

"Maybe you're just not cut out for the fast life."

He let out one of his signature scoffs before his gaze landed on something behind me.


He was walking past us, probably on his way to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. His pace quickened as Seth ogled him.

"And there's your coworker now, flower girl," Seth laughed. "Hey, mute boy!"

Jack froze. Slowly, he turned to face us, but he looked directly at me instead of Seth, blank face unreadable.

"You know," Seth called out, earning the attention of several other students. "Ever since everyone found out you're not a real mute, you're just some fag that doesn't wanna talk, I've been dying to know why. Tell us why, mute boy."

I elbowed Seth in the ribs. "Are you really not bored of this yet? Because I am."

But Seth, instead of listening for once, stormed over to Jack—a somewhat humorous sight considering Seth was significantly shorter than him—and pushed him so he tripped and fell on the floor. Books and crumpled papers spilled out of Jack's open backpack.

Seth smirked. "Stupid freak."

Jack's breath shook, his cheeks a bright red. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave Seth a nice slap right then and there. But in the crowded hallway, Jack didn't give Seth the satisfaction of reacting. He sat up and in his slow, careful way, picked up his papers and books, then returned them to the mess of his backpack.

❀     ❀     ❀

When lunch came around, I was so bored of the school monotony I sincerely considered performing a ritual sacrifice on myself. Megan, Seth, and Eli sat with me at our designated lunch table. A few of our friends sat around us like asteroids in our own personal solar system.

Seth had a precalc worksheet in front of him, frantically scribbling in his attempt to finish before the bell rung. Eli, still mad at Seth, quietly ate his sandwich. Megan was going on about her pageant audition. And me? I stared at the table in front of ours.

Jack's table.

I wasn't sure if you could call them friends, but during lunch he sat with a few other "outcasts" like himself—one anime-obsessed weeaboo who had a huge crush on me for the sole fact I happened to be part Japanese, a quiet, religious girl who I theorized must've dated Jack at some point judging by the heart eyes she was currently making at him, and a few other stragglers who came and went depending on the day. 


I looked at Megan's perfectly made-up face. "Hm?"

She sighed. "Maybe you should audition for the pageant with me. You'd look really cute in a long dress."

Eli's dark eyes burned into mine. "What are you staring at, anyway?"

"Nothing," I said. 

But Eli, ever the skeptic, turned around and looked at Jack. After several moments, Jack finally noticed and looked right back at Eli with a tense, smug smile.

Eli bit into his sandwich hard. "Why were you staring at Jack Michel?" 

"I wasn't staring at him," I retorted too quickly.

"Yes you were."

"No, I wasn't."

"Did something happen at the flower shop?"

"Nothing happened at the flower shop, Eli."

He went back to eating his lunch. He didn't seem as bitter with me today—probably because whatever was going on with Seth had taken center-stage. Plus, I'd been a great friend lately. I'd gone to their pointless party, talked to them in the halls, sat with them at lunch like the old Romy. If they decided to ditch me tomorrow, so be it, but for now, I was slightly less bored with them than by myself. Especially considering Eli's mood swings kept me mildly entertained half of the time.

Truthfully, I'd be more than down for another hookup. But juvie had been my boy detox, and I had a clearer head because of it. Talia was the gay sister, not me. Not even making out with Penelope in a broom closet on a dare got me going the way looking at a hot guy's ass in gym shorts did.

My eyes trailed to Jack. 

"You're doing it again," Eli said. 

But I wasn't listening. "I'll be right back."

Some unknown force made me get up from my table, sling my bag over my shoulders, and go over to Jack and sit down in front of him. 

"Hey," I told Jack.

With his AirPods in his ears as always, he ignored me. I grew increasingly aware of the stares on my back, but I didn't turn to see the expressions on my friends' faces. 

Now what? 

What's up, Jack, you're really good at making websites and I'm sorry for not giving you the benefit of the doubt? 

Yeah, as if. 

"Nice website," I said.

Jack didn't move a muscle.

"Oh, please, I'm actually trying to say you did a good job."

Slowly, he brought his eyes to mine. Stared me down as if to ask, what else?

"I have a list of adjustments I want you to make. I need it done by Wednesday when we open again." I took out a sheet of notebook paper with my scribbled notes and passed it across the table to him.

Similar to how he hadn't slapped Seth in the face like he deserved, he didn't spare my paper a single glance. His shoulders were tenser than ever under the impact of the gawking eyes surroundings us.

I leaned my cheek on my hand. "What, do you want me to apologize? For the paint? For reading your journal? Don't act like you didn't enjoy it."

He turned up the volume of his music loudly. Sure, it was fun as hell embarrassing him, but I did need him to work on that website...

"Okay, fine," I said, accepting defeat. "I'm... sorry?"

How gross it sounded coming from me. Jack sure better appreciate it, but instead, he stood. He typed something on his phone and walked out the cafeteria, shoulders straight and chin raised like he owned the world.

My phone buzzed a moment later. 

From Jackass:

apology not accepted 

❀     ❀     ❀

A/N: Very glad I kept up with my upload schedule this week! Stay tuned for a longer chapter taking place at the new flower shop. Do you think Jack will continue to put up with Seth? Have you ever been in Romy's place: feeling disconnected with your friends but not knowing exactly how to let them go? 

This chapter is dedicated to The_Potato_Writer for the hilarious comments and all the times I laughed reading them. Thank you 💛

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