Chapter 1: Here comes Monkie Kid!

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Hiro: Anyone knows what that thing is?

Euryale: That the apocalypse beast Trihexa it was sealed away because it was a threat to the universe.

Hiro: Hmph that thing a threat to the universe what a joke.

Euryale: Hiro this is serious!

Hiro: maybe to you but not to me I can beat it in base if I wanted to end it quickly I can just enter my true form.

Noelle: I've only seen up to your astral form and that's about it.

Ru: Hunnybun people need help can you help them?

Hiro: Alright Ru I'll help them.

Hiro started to walk up to the injured group of people from Union Academy.

Ozpin: Young man it's dangerous here you have to get away!

Hiro just ignore him walking up to the apocalypse beast.

Gudako:Hey don't be stupid you'll die!

Euryale: I'd really appreciate it if you didn't disrespect my husband master.

Guado: Husband?!

Euryale:Yes I'm married to him and he's amazing and super strong.

Hiro: Enough Euryale we got people to save.

Hiro plucked a few strands of hair from his head and used it to make his clones.

Hiro: Alright everyone we got lives to save. All of you handled rescuing people I'll deal with the "pest".

Party Hiro: y'all heard em let's get this party Started!

Allmight:Young man you can't fight Trihexa.

Hiro: I didn't ask for your concern or input seeing as you allow it to destroy this city and harm and or kill many innocent people.

Ru: alright Hiro that's enough please take care of it Hunnybun.

Issei:Wait Hiro as in the weakling how is he alive?!

Suddenly everyone was hit with by massive surge of power a pillar of gold light illuminated the sky and in it was Hiro in his monkey form.

Even Trihexa was taken back from the amount of power coming from Hiro.

Hiro: Well alright then.

With unparalleled speed Hiro speed blitz Infront of Trihexa shocking the apocalypse beast and all of Union academy.

Before he hit Trihexa with his tail launch it out of the city.

Hiro immediately gave chase flying at the beast like a golden blurr.

Trihexa tried calling to defend itself by firing multiple blasts at Hiro but he simply bulldoze through them not even affected at all. Before getting behind Trihexa and delivering a devasting blow to the back and one to the gut.

Meanwhile with Union

Ozpin:Is is that really Mr. Faith?

Sirzechs:How did he become so power?

Yang:How the hell is this weakling even standing against that monster when we're having trouble with.

Mio:Is that really our ex boyfriend Hiro.

Irina: I don't know he looks completely different I almost didn't recognize him until that silver haired girl mentioned his.



Trihexa grabbed Hiro but he easily broke out it's grasp.

Hiro: You're nothing more than a mindless beast rampage around. But unfortunately for you I'm not a mindless beast friend.

Union academy could only watch as Hiro was doing the impossible beating the apocalypse beast without difficulty.

Trihexa was sent flying into the sky as Hiro chased it down.

Hiro:The Great Apocalypse beast being treated like a weakling by a mere monkey.

Trihexa created a sword and tried to slash Hiro but hey collided with the blade stoping it and using his Astra form.

The power drew in every power being as it eclipsed their own Ophis and Great Red arrived watching in awe that someone was actually beating Trihexa.

Hiro:You put your hand in the monkey and expect to get bit son.

Hiro clashed with Trihexa one more time overwhelming the beast.

Hiro: come on! Come on! Come on great apocalypse beast you're supposed to be the big bad monster to end all life! SHOW ME!
With a mighty power Hiro knocked Trihexa into a mountain destroying it.

Trihexa climbed up from the rubble only to be met with something that really scared it True Form Hiro.

His eyes now a fiery red with golden star like pupils glared at Trihexa and it trembled because of the oppressive aura coming from Hiro not only was Trihexa scared but everyone else except for Hiro's wives most had passed out from the intense aura while other tried to stay conscious Ophis had literally wet herself never had she felt oppressed by anyone no one could ever Make her feel that way not even Great Red but this Hiro made her feel that way.

Hiro: A pathetic beast till the end I thank you for giving me some form of entrainment but sadly the is were your story ends.

Hiro kick straight through Trihexa destroying it's core and regeneration killing it.

Issei:No Way how can a wea

Hiro:Shut up.

Issei was about to say something but Hiro glared at him his eyes promising his the worst experience of pain.

Ozpin: Mr faith we'd like to

Hiro: I don't care. I don't care. I don't fucking care. Who ever the fuck you all are shut the hell up and let me fix everything.

Hiro began to you his powers to repair the entire city even resurrecting the people killed by Trihexa.

Sirzechs: that's not possible he knows how to bring back the dead.

Weiss: How did he get this type of power in the first place.

Blake who was silent was trembling her instincts telling her to run but her legs were frozen in fear then Hiro looked at her and she pissed herself and Noelle noticed.

Noelle: Ew!!! She wet herself that's disgusting.

Hiro: hmph that's sad.

Mio: Hiro you don't need to be a jerk.

Hiro cocked his head to the side in confusion.

Hiro: Who are you?

Mio: huh?! What do you mean who am I. I'm Mio Naruse one your ex girlfriends.

Hiro: Even with my amnesia I remember important things but you not a clue guess you weren't important enough for me to remember.

Mio: wh wh what.

Ru: Hunnybun has amnesia he doesn't really remember anything not even his past only his first name and a few other things.

Ozpin: Well Mr.Faith

Hiro: I don't know who the fuck Faith is but it ain't me my name is Hiro Shizuki or Monkie Kid or MK.

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