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This chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but the next part will mark a bit of a break in the plot so I decided to leave it as it is instead of continuing.

And I also think that this topic deserves its own chapter 😉.


But as soon as the group of seven sat down for lunch, the absence of their five teammates, friends, and family became painfully obvious once again.

In the year since they had moved back into their old home, Ray and Maya had spent as much time with their children as possible, and vice versa.

And many times that their son and daughter had come over for a visit, the blacksmith couple had extended their invitation to Kai and Nya's friends – all of which were descendants (in one way or another) of their own old friends – and one enemy. Therefore, the previous Masters of Fire and Water had replaced the family's old dining table with a new model to fit a larger group.

Ray and Maya took their usual seats on the end of the table closest to the kitchen, facing each other. And everyone else did the same.

As she had always done in the past year, Nya sat down next to her mother. Skylor's seat was diagonally across from the Water Ninja, for she would be right next to her boyfriend.

Leaving Zane's chair (next to Skylor) as well as Jay and Cole's places (on Nya's side of the table) empty, Lloyd and Misako were sitting opposite each other on the far end of the table.

But PIXAL remained standing. She was the only one who had never been here before, at least not in her own body. And now the highly intelligent android just couldn't figure out how and where she was supposed to fit in.

To an outsider, the gaps in the seating arrangement must look very odd, but for the seven survivors it clearly represented the team's current situation: They were missing some important and irreplaceable pieces.

Which also meant that none of the unused seats was actually available. Not Kai's between his father and girlfriend. Not Jay's next to Nya. Not Cole's who always used to sit beside his best friend. Not the chair at the head of the table that had always been kept empty in the hope of finding Wu. And most certainly not the one between Skylor and Lloyd.

The Samurai didn't need food anyway though, so maybe she should just wait in the other room... but Nya had already noticed that her friend had not joined them at the table. And she knew why.

"PIX." The raven haired young woman gave PIXAL an understanding smile. "Please, sit down with us. We can just squeeze together."

"I do not want to cause any inconvenience." The Nindroid replied, but Ray had already gotten up to fetch an additional chair from the kitchen. He wordlessly placed it between Skylor and the empty chair belonging to the late Master of Ice.

"This isn't about numbers, this is about family." Nya reminded her, while passing her friend a spare plate and glass, even though PIXAL didn't need to use either.

"Thank you." PIXAL smiled back.

"No, thank you." Maya told her. "For preparing the food. And Nya is right, you are now a part of our family too."

Although, as expected, nobody was hungry, everyone started eating nonetheless, grateful for the meal and for having something to do.

They even started a casual conversation about food and the weather, and everyone seemed to be doing quite well for a short while.

But this only lasted until Nya put down her chopsticks to take a sip from her water. As she lifted the glass to her mouth, she absentmindedly smiled. And her free hand slowly moved along the edge of the table to the empty place next to her, in search for another hand. A hand that just wasn't there.

All eyes turned to the Water Ninja as she dropped her glass with a loud clank.

"Excuse me." Nya shot up and exited the room.

The remaining six exchanged glances, trying to decide what do do – and who would do it.

"I'll check on her." Skylor finally offered.

"No." It was the first word Ray had said in quite a long time. "I will go."

When he and his wife had finally been reunited with their children, the blacksmith had been both proud and upset to find that his baby girl had turned into this beautiful, strong and independent young woman without them. And that she didn't really need them, especially with a caring brother and a loving boyfriend by her side.

But she needed him now. And that was even more painful to see.

Ray found his daughter sitting on the wooden bench under the cherry tree, crying violently.

Hearing his footsteps approaching on the grass, she looked up.

"Why?" Nya asked, tears streaming down her face.

The blacksmith sat down next to his daughter. He wrapped his arms around the small frame and pulled her into a tight hug, gently stroking the messy black hair as she cried into his chest. She had started to grow it out over the last year, making her look very much like her mother.

"Why?" Nya repeated, as she finally pulled away.

"Risking their lives was part of what they were doing." He tried to explain. "Part of what we are doing." He added.

He had lost many friends for many reasons, but through all his active years in the Elemental Alliance, Ray had never experienced the loss of a teammate.

"But why did they leave me behind?" She wondered. "I should have been with them..."

"Nya, they didn't abandon you, they helped you get away." He claimed. "And they would definitely not have wanted you to be with them when... you know." He swallowed hard. "Sweetheart, when your mother and I were fighting together during the Serpentine War and against the Hands of Time, I would have done anything to protect her. And then, when your brother and you came along, we knew that we would do anything to protect you. Even if that meant..."

He trailed off. Nya knew what he was talking about. Her parents had sacrificed their freedom and precious time with their children just to keep them safe.

"We missed you every day, but even though we could not be a part of it, we trusted you to make the most of your lives. And you did. And I am sure that Kai and Jay have trusted you to keep going now."

And Ray realised that he himself had to keep going too. For his son, but also for his wife and daughter.

"But how?" Nya asked. "I just don't know what to do anymore. Lloyd and PIX and Sky, they keep talking about going back to the city and facing Garmadon. But I am so tired of fighting. And I am scared of losing more people."

"Believe me, I don't want you to go back and fight either, I want you to be safe. But I also know that you aren't someone who runs away from danger. And... hiding usually doesn't work anyway."

He was right. Nya had tried hiding from Nadakhan. But that time, Jay had been with her.

"When we had to split up, we were in such a rush that I didn't even get to say goodbye." She sniffed. "Or be safe. Or... I love you."

"He was a good boy. A bit loud and annoying, just like his mother was. But I could see that he loved you and that he would do anything to make you happy."

"Yes, he did." Nya confirmed.

"And maybe I was a bit hard on him at first..."

"Yes, you were." The Water Ninja nodded again.

"It was just not easy to see my baby girl all grown up all of a sudden." He admitted. "In my head, you were still the prettiest three-year old Snow White Ninjago has ever seen."

"Thanks for never showing that photo to my friends." Nya chuckled.

Ray shook his head. "Nah, I was keeping that for your wedding." He joked, but it only made Nya break down again.

"I am sorry." He embraced her, gently rubbing her back. "This was not the best thing to say. I really haven't got much practice comforting my children... other than for a sore knee or a bumped head."

"You aren't that bad." Nya sobbed. "Living with five boys, I've had a lot worse."

"I just want you to know." He said. "If he had asked for my blessing, I would have said yes."

Nya sat up. Wiping her face, she gave her father a weak smile.

"Thanks, dad." She replied. "So would I."

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