... There's Light

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"So, this finally is the famous Temple of Light..." Nya stated as she looked in amazement at the red and white brick structure that had been built into the rock atop the high mountain. While she had visited the Dark Island before, the Water Ninja and former Samurai X had never been up here with the other Ninja.

"Yes." Lloyd confirmed. "This is the Temple of Light. And it's even more impressive inside. C'mon."

Together, the four friends pushed open the large gates and entered the Temple of the First Spinjitzu Master.

"Look." Skylor pointed at the paintings covering the walls of the dark room. "It's... it's them."

She had spotted a picture showing Kai, Cole, Jay and Zane together with Baby Wu in what looked like a vast desert. "When did that happen?" She wondered.

"I have no recollection of this event in my database." PIXAL stated.

Lloyd swallowed. "Maybe this should have been their destiny instead of..."

"But this here is us." Nya remarked, examining another painting depicting herself, Skylor, PIXAL and Lloyd climbing up the mountain. "How does that make sense?"

"I-I don't know..." Lloyd replied, his eyes still fixed at the picture of his brothers and uncles. How does any of this make sense?

"But as we were supposed to come here together, what do we do now?" Skylor wanted to know, while she was exploring the temple.

In response, the green Ninja wordlessly walked over in one of the four corners. He crouched down in front of the pillar and brushed away the sand and rubble that covered the ground, revealing a circle with the dark grey rock representing the Earth element. Cole's element.

"This." He said.
His teammates followed their leader's example and started wiping the ground in front of the three other pillars. As Lloyd continue to clear the circle with his own dragon symbol in the centre of the room, he watched the girls discovering the other symbols underneath the dirt.

Skylor was running her hand along the outline of the red glowing flame, whereas Nya's fingers traced the three lightning bolts emitted by the electric blue storm cloud.

PIXAL, who had uncovered the symbol representing Zane's element, was vigorously brushing the floor, wanting to remove even the tiniest piece of dirt from the image of a pure white ice crystal. When she was finally satisfied with her work, the Nindroid joined the two other girls and Lloyd in 'his' circle in the centre.

The currently powerless green Ninja sighed. "I guess I'll have to do the next bit on my own." He stated, looking up into the golden bell hanging over them.

The others nodded. "Remember, you're not alone." Nya gave him a quick hug, and Skylor and PIXAL did the same, before the female Ninja and Samurai sat down against the wall, right under the picture showing the original team after the so-called Final Battle.

Lloyd took a deep breath. And just as he had done during his first visit, he ran up to one of the pillars and jumped against it. Flipping off the white column, he turned mid air to strike the golden bell with his foot. As the loud and deep ring vibrated though the temple, the bells once again emitted a white light beam which was then reflected by the four pillars as well as by the crystals embedded in the structure of the temple, and soon the Temple was brightly illuminated. While Lloyd had seen this impressive display before, he could hear the surprised gasps coming from his amazed teammates.

Engulfed in the light, Lloyd could feel the Temple's energy spreading through his body. And he was definitely going to need it, for now, he had to summon his late brothers' powers.

The young Green Ninja had always found it more easy to control Ice and Earth, rather than the more unstable elements, Lightning and Fire. He therefore turned towards the Ice Ninja's corner first.


Lloyd closed his eyes, mentally recalling his memories of the White and then Titanium Ninja, the wise, sometimes odd, but always brave and caring Nindroid with the sixth sense. The one built to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Or, as Cyrus Borg once had called him, the perfect balance between humans and technology.

Lloyd's eyes snapped open when the air around him suddenly became cold, and he saw perfect crystals of ice glistening in the silver white light surrounding him.

And although he kept his eyes fixed on the symbol on the ground, his ears undoubtedly detected the sound of PIXAL's sobbing and the soft voices of Nya and Skylor comforting her.

Next was Cole.

Lloyd's body and gaze turned towards the black Ninja's symbol, and his mind wandered to the former leader's personality.

The creativity bubbling under his calm, composed shell. The sacrifices the former ghost had taken for the sake of his team. And, of course, the Earth Master's almost inhuman physical strength.

At the same time that the colour of the light beam changed into the dark brown to black shade of soil, the ground underneath Lloyd's feet started to tremble slightly.

The boy smiled, these events surely had given him a huge boost of confidence by these events. Yet, the two most difficult elements were still ahead of him.

C'mon. You can do it. He told himself. Use the Power of Positive Thinking.

As he looked at the octopus-like (although Zane had correctly pointed out that the creature only had three arms, thus making it a non-existent tripus) symbol on the ground, he remembered the tremendous patience the talkative blue Ninja had shown when teaching Lloyd's younger self how to master his element and light up a lightbulb – without blowing it up.

Lloyd hadn't realised it back then, but this kind of patience and persistence had only been reserved for the most important things in Jay's life – usually when it came to inventing or to Nya, the love of his life. And apparently, this also extended to teaching and supporting the green Ninja.

And the green Ninja was not going to let him down.
He could feel the air crackling with electricity as the beam of light turned into a deep blue – Jay and Nya's shared favourite colour.

And now for the final one.

While he considered all of his teammates – the old and the new ones – to be his honorary siblings, the Master of Fire had always been the first one Lloyd would go to when he needed the advice or support of a 'big brother'. Ever since that day at the Fire Temple, Kai had pretty much adopted the little boy and treated him the same way as his sister by blood. And while not many people outside their clan had known about his caring side, his family had always been the hotheaded Ninja's first priority.

And just as the passion burnt brightly in Kai's heart, a small flame lit up in Lloyd's palms, and the orange-red light in the room made him feel like it was the break of a new dawn.

Lloyd had made it.

He proudly smiled at his friends, who were smiling back through their tears.
Suddenly, the room fell dark again and Lloyd felt himself rise up in the air. Spinning around, he could see the four pillars lighting up in their respective element's colour, as they each emitted a beam of Ice, Earth, Lightning, or Fire.

Hitting him all at the same time, the four elemental beams briefly fused together, just before exploded in a bright golden flash of light.

When the light subsided, Lloyd realised that he was not at the Temple of Light anymore. The explosion must have sent him to a different location.

And it was a location that he had never been to before.

He appeared to be in a desert – but the red sand and the vast rock formations looked different to those he had seen in the Sea of Sands. Also, in the distance, the sun was glistening on the ocean and majestic creatures were flying high above the water.

Thinking about it, this place didn't even look like Ninjago at all...

"Lloyd." The sound of those all too familiar voices calling out his name snapped him out of his thoughts.

The Green Ninja spun around to see four figures running his way – one in white, one in black, and two in... purple?

Also, a smaller person adorned in a white and golden outfit was chasing after them.

"Guys." Lloyd cheered. Wait, does this mean I am dead as well? He wondered, just as he was tackled into a bone crushing group hug.

"So happy to see you, Lloyd." Kai grinned at him, and the others agreed: "We've missed you."

"I – we've missed you too." He replied. "What is this place, I would have never expected the Departed Realm to look like this?"

"That's because it isn't." The young boy in white and gold stated. He had blonde hair and bore a strong resemblance to Lloyd's younger self. "This is the home of our ancestors." He smiled at the Green Ninja. "Nephew."

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