Chapter 1: Meeting the Let's Players

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"Good Morning, everyone. This is the start of the new school semester. Wwwww what a gloomy atmosphere it is here.", Retrodot commented.

"Anyway, we will start with self-introductions so you will get to know the people you will try to achieve this goal. We will start with you by the window. Please state your name and your game genre speciality. Please speak in a loud, clear and cheerful voice.", Retrodot said as the red-haired boy stood up and smiled brightly.

"Yes! My name is Sakata and my specialty is adventure games! It's nice to meet you.", Sakata introduced himself. "I was right... you are an idiot.", a brown-haired guy confirmed it.

"Hey! I'm not! At least I'm not as short as you!", he countered. "Oi!", the short boy shouted.

"Calm down guys.... you bickered since we've met... Anyways, my name is Senra. My specialty are puzzle and maze games. It's nice to meet you.", he introduced himself smiling slightly.

"Those two acted like an old married couple ever since we've arrived.", a purple-haired man informed them. "Oi!", both of them shouted.

"Wwwwww. I'm Shima. I like action games the most. Nice to meet ya!", he saluted in front of them before taking a seat again.

"I am Mafumafu. I like Jump 'n' Run Games as well as RPGs. I hope we can work together to achieve the 100 million views.", Mafumafu introduced himself smiling brightly like Sakata.

"Now then, could you introduce yourself again, Urata-sama?", Retrodot asked. "Tch... I'm Urata. I specialize in Stealth and Escape Games.", he introduced himself reluctantly.

"Good and for your information: Escaping this island is an impossible task no matter how many times you will try.

Do you understand, Urata-sama?", Retrodot looked at Urata who looked outside and Urata just clicked his tongue before looking into his eyes.

"When it comes to escape games and stealth I don't restrict myself to just games.", he said but Retrodot still understood.

"What do you mean with that, Ura-san?", Sakata asked. "You won't understand even if I'll explain it to you. Because you're an idiot.", Urata said as if that was a fact. "Meanie!", Sakata pouted but Urata turned his attention to the outside again.

He muttered something under his breath probably cursing Retrodot. "A-anyway, I am Amatsuki and I specialize in Nurturing Games. Hope we can get along.", he introduced himself.

"Ah! Ama-chan! I'm here as well!", someone raised their voice and Amatsuki turned his attention to them. "My name is Kashitaro and I mostly play Sengoku Games.", he introduced himself.

"Kashi?", Amatsuki asked unsure but Kashitaro nodded in confirmation. "That's me! We played some online games together. Do you remember me?", he asked Amatsuki.

"I do. So you were kidnapped as well?", Amatsuki asked. "Yep! We should use that opportunity and do a video together.", Kashitaro said pulling Amatsuki to the exit already.

"H-hey!", Amatsuki weakly defended himself before Retrodot stopped them. "It's nice that you are having fun but we still have to finish the self-introductions.", Retrodot reminded them.

Soraru looked at him briefly and sighed before introducing himself shortly.

"I'm Soraru. I mostly play mystery games. A question. What is that?", Soraru asked pointing toward a vase with a flower in it. "That will be necessary for the next level. Please do not worry about it for now.", Retrodot answered.

"I wanted to ask a question!", Sakata raised his hand. "What is it, Sakata-sama?", Retrodot asked. "What will happen when we reach 100 million views? What is the purpose of this?", Sakata asked. "That's why you're an idiot...", Urata muttered but Sakata still heard him.

"No, I'm not!", Sakata denied. "You will see that when you reach that goal.

Anyway, let's move on to the next stage.
Stage 2 is the traditional "Oujia Board Exchange". Four streamers will have to participate in this game.", Retrodot started explaining.

"Hold on... you still haven't explained.", Mafumafu interrupted him but Retrodot ignored him. "To determine the four streamers we will do a lottery. The players with the deer logo will be the ones to participate.", he said.

"Don't screw with us! As if we would do what you say!", Urata shouted. "Yeah! Why do we have to do that?!", Amatsuki asked.

"Oh? Do you wish to retire then? In that case you will be disqualified and subjected compulsory imprisonment in the 'White Room' in the lowest floor of the Genome Tower.", he said as a projector started a video.

"Until the rest of the group succeeds to achieve 100 million views you'll be alone. Endlessly waiting in the small white tatami room. This is someone from the past who complained about it like you guys.", he showed us a guys clutching his head in a completely white room.

"He, who abandoned the live-stream, was always waiting in this room for his comrades to clear their goal. Alas, he had no idea that they'd already failed to achieve that goal. So he was always waiting for them who couldn't come. Forever and ever.", he showed a picture of a skeleton with blood coming out of their eyes.

Senra and Kashitaro widened their eyes. Mafumafu, Amatsuki and Sakata clutched their head.

The next second Retrodot laid on the ground with Urata putting his hands around his neck, Soraru pointing his knife at him and Shima standing on his ear. They all looked at him with either hatred, fear, disgust or something else.

"Yeah, as expected. You are sick.", Soraru stated. "So we really have to stay here until we reach 100 million views?", Amatsuki asked scared.

"I hate you... I hate you all so much.", Urata declared as he tightened his grip but Senra pulled him away. "Oi!", Urata shouted in protest but he looked at him worriedly and shook his heads. "You wouldn't want him to put you into the white room, would you? You too Shima.", Senra asked and Urata calmed down at that.

"You're right... Sorry. I lost my temper again.", Urata apologized as well as Shima and Senra nodded in understanding.

"We all would. It's fine.", Senra assured him. "If you still don't understand the situation you're in then I can bring you to the white room. The corpse has been removed but there are still some traces left behind.", Retrodot said.

"You...". "There is one advice I would like to give you. Get through your thick skulls the situation you're in right now. Unlike the video games where you can play and just watch you have to participate here. Do you think there is a retry or save in the real world?", Retrodot asked and they stayed quiet.

"Retrodot-san, could we start then? I want to get through it fast.", Senra said.

"Of course, Senra-sama. Now then, if you would take a paper.", Retrodot said holding the box up. Everyone looked at Senra who shrugged.

"You guys should get the situation we're in into your mind right now. That is the most rational decision.", Senra said.

"He is right. For now, we should listen to Retrodot and clear this stage.", Soraru agreed. They all pulled a piece of paper.

"Now then, if I'm correct the four streamers who will participate in this game are:

Soraru-sama, Mafumafu-sama, Kashitaro-sama and Amatsuki-sama.", Retrodot asked and they all nodded. "I don't want to... I'm scared.", Amatsuki said. "Don't worry, Ama-chan. If it's necessary then I'll be the one to protect you!", Kashitaro assured him smiling calmly.

"And Soraru-san will save me when that time comes, right?", Mafumafu said as he clung to Soraru's arm. "Oi! Don't just say that and stop clinging to my arm!", Soraru said.

The others exited and after a while the four were the only ones still in the classroom. There was one desk with a paper spread out on it.

There was a coin in the middle as well. The other desks were move besides so they had some space to clear the game.

The instructions were written on the blackboard.

"2nd Stage: Oujia Board Exchange. Grant 3 wishes of the Oujia Board and obtain the item 01 Chromosome."

"We gathered Chromosomes in Naka no Hito Genome as well. If you gathered 22 there you would be finished but does that mean it's here as well?", Mafumafu asked.

"No. You can only escape when you reach 100 million views. So we have to gather as many as we can but there is no maximum to chromosomes.", Soraru answered.

"Anyway, right now we don't have any other choice than playing the game.", Soraru said as he put his finger on the coin in the middle.

"You're right. Maybe it will be fun!", Mafumafu said enthusiastically as he put his finger in the coin as well. "It will be fine, Ama-chan. I'm here!", Kashitaro said as he gently took Amatsuki's finger and put it on the coin.

After he made sure Amatsuki stayed put he put his finger on the coin as well and so the game started. While they were trying to clear the stage the others watched them from another room.

"So they finally started. I was starting to wonder how long it would take them.", Shima said. "It's good that the Fox is with them.", Urata said. "The Fox?", Sakata asked.

"He means Kashitaro-san. He is not only famous because of his Sengoku let's plays but he knows about such stuff as well. As long as it has to do with the Japanese culture.", Senra explained.

"That is right. By being selected for the genre of his specialty the victory seems secure.

But what the viewers want isn't just reliable safe play. Sometimes it's the unexpected eccentric behavior that grabs people's attention more effectively.", he explained.

"Amazing! It moved!", Mafumafu said as his eyes sparkled. "Who is moving this?", Amatsuki asked still scared. "Wa-t-er! Water. It wants some water.", Mafumafu said to everyone.

"There was some water in the hall I think... Should I get some?", Soraru asked as he was about to let go but Kashitaro stopped him by holding his hand in place. "When you play this game you are not allowed to let go of the coin. It could lead to some serious consequences.", Kashitaro said.

"Where should we get the water then?", Mafumafu asked. "There was some on the desk. It was the vase. We could use that.", Soraru suggested. So they took the vase and poured some water on the board. The coming slowly wandered on "yes" so they assumed they were doing the right thing.

"So we did the right thing... it isn't that difficult as I thought it would be...", Amatsuki commented.

The coin continued moving and the next thing it wanted was: "Friend? How can we get that? That would be difficult.", Kashitaro said.

"Hmm... I could be your friend!", Mafumafu offered. "Oi! Are you crazy? You—", Soraru stopped when he noticed the coin moving again. "It said yes, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu said smiling. "You're just as stupid as that idiotic red-head.", Soraru said sighing tiredly.

"Hey.... I'm not stupid as Sakata!", Mafumafu protested. "...Next one is the last.". Amatsuki said. The coin moved again and they all looked closely at what it wanted.


Everyone stayed quiet not knowing what to do. "What do we do? This—", Amatsuki was interrupted by a loud thump and they all looked at Mafumafu who just fell on the ground.

"What are you doing?! W-why did you take the finger off?", Amatsuki panicked slightly.

"Um... I don't know. Just now something was pulling one me. A-ah... help...", Mafumafu asked for help as he tried to stay on the same place but he was being pulled and pulled and pulled until he sat on the edge of the window looking terrified.

"Soraru-san....", he looked at Soraru and he knew that something was wrong.

"Oi! Something is wrong with him! Hurry!", Soraru shouted as he ran towards Mafumafu who was being pulled out of the window.

Everything went slow and they all tried to reach Mafumafu but it was too late. Mafumafu fell off the window but before they lost sight of him he opened his mouth one last time to warn them.

"There is someone behind you."

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