The only exception

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You can watch the original vid in youtube or the internet.


"When i was younger, i saw my Mommy cry and curse at the wind...."

Katsuki was 7 when he woke up in the middle of the night hearing shouting from the neighboring room.



'Are mama and papa are fighting again....?'

His parents playfully 'argued' from time to time but they never really fought. But this time their fights has become more frequent than usual.

After a while the shouting lessened and he heard a door slam making him flinch.

After a while he went outside to check if they were alright.

Then while he was searching in their masion with he has learn to nagivate he heard quiet sobbing from the balcony.

He then saw his mom sitting on the railings of their balcony crying.



"She broke her own heart and i watched as she tried to re-assemble it."

Katsuki was 10... 2 years after his parents officially divorced.

and there was never a day he missed the old days when they were complete.

Since his father was too busy adjusting to being the 6th ranked hero at that time, he stayed with his mom though his father would visit sometimes it would be when Mitsuki was not there.

And it was when he was 10 that he first saw her first attempt to move on.

He was walking home from school when he catched a familliar color of hair.

'.....Mom?' He stood there shocked when he saw them...

It was his mother and some BOY who he has learned to respect as time goes by... kissing in the park they used to go to when....


Clouded by anger, fear and confusion he rushed to the shocked pair and pushed the man away from his mom.


"What do you think you are doing?!"

"No no, its fine." The man said as he kneeled down to the boy's level

"Hello Katsuki, i am Masaru. Nice to meet you kiddo. How about lets go to the all might merch store? Mitsuki here mentioned Before that you love All might, then after that we could go to the ice cream shop."

He looked like a kind man that could take care of his mom. He realized that even if he dosen't really like this man. He made his mom happy.

"I like the sound of that! Okay, I'll take you up on that offer. ALL MIGHT AND ICE CREAM HERE WE COME!"

"and my Papa swore that he would never let himself again"

It was exactly 16 years ago before his biological parents officially divorced. Exactly 9 months after months of consistently fighting. He just turned 8 at that time.

It has been a while since they hanged out as a family.

His parents would rarely hang out together anymore other than with Katsuki but even then they never really talked to each other unless needed. They would eat at different times and act like strangers.

Then when he was walking by his parents room when he saw it open and looked inside making sure to keep hidden.

Inside he saw his father in a miserable state. His eyes look like they have been crying for hours none stop and he visibly looked miserable which din't suit his usually always presentable, clean and elegant look.

Katsuki felt his heart drop when he saw what he was holding...

it was... divorce papers... requested by his mom...

"And that was the day that i promised that i'd never sing of love if it does not exist"

"Mitsuki... why?" Was the last thing he heard from his father before the looked away when went back to his room shaken on what he has seen.

He then promised himself that he would never fall in love if there is even 1 percent of a possiblity that, that would happen to him.

He has seen what has love has done to his parents how it broke his parents apart. How it broke his family apart...

"But darling
You are the only exception"

It was a few days after the Sports festival

"Bakugou! Wanna walk home together?"

"No way shittyhair!"

"I'm taking that as a yes. Lets go!"


"Come on Bakubro! I thought we we're friends! You're so manly!"

"Who said?! And who gave you permission to give call me that?!"

"You call me shittyhair! Its only fitting i call you a nickname too you know!"

"Well You are the only exception"

They were in camp and it was the day before Bakugou got kidnapped.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima called out to his best friend

"What the fuck do you want this time?!"

"Aizawa-sensei is so meannnnn! Help mehhhh!"

"But you are the only exception"

The screen shows Kirishima putting his arm out in Kamino to save Bakugou.

"But you are the only exception"

"BAKUGOU" Then when they landed Kirishima went straight to hugging Bakugou.

"I was so worried..." Kirishima whispered in his ear as Bakugou suddenly started feeling butterflies in his stomach and the heat rising on his face.

"Maybe i know somewhere deep in my soul that love never lasts."

Bakugou's mind flashbacks to the states of his parents when they divorced and how love made them miserable.

How his parents' eyes looked when they first saw each other after they divorced.

"And we got to find other ways to make it alone but keep a straight face

and i've always lived like this...keeping a comfortable distance"

"Kacchan lets go out and play!"

He was 8 just 2 or 3 months -he honestly forgot the exact date- after he saw his father crying in their room and a few weeks after his parents divorced. When he first had a brief encounter with this feeling.

It wasn't the exact same love though it was more like brotherly love but back then he was stupid and somehow mixed them up.

He felt fondness and then his mind flashed back to his parents.


"Kacchan?" His friend asked as he saw his blond haired friend walking away.

He wasn't even going to risk friendship as this was a weakness that could also hurt him...

"And up until now i had sworn to myself that i'm content with loneliness"

At first it hurt but he got used to it knowing that it would hurt more if he risked it.

That resulted him not having any real friends, he made sure they got sick of him before they became close and he thought he was alright with that.

There was times where he was lonely but slowly he got used to pushing people away..

But Kirishima paved the way for him to have real friends, and the Bakusquad was formed.

"because none of it was ever worth the risk"

....His head fashes back to the states of his parents due to love.

"Well you are the only the only exception"

"And then Kaminari wanted to buy the Pikachu stuff toy but he was broke so Sero ended up buying it for him. I swear, Sero is so whipped! Too bad Kaminari and Jirou are dating though..." Kirishima rambled to him while they were hanging out in the cafe near U.A.

'Cute...' Bakugou stared fondly at him.

"Well you are the only exception"

"Hey Bakubro! Can you meet me at the back of the school later?"

"Fine but if this turns out to be another prank!"

"No i swear its not a prank this time!"

"you are the only exception"

"What do you want shitty hair?" He stared face to face at his newly admitted crush; Kirishima Eijirou.

"Well.... let me just get to the point. ILOVEYOUBAKUGOUKATSUKI!"


"....I love you too-"

"Well its totally okay if you don't like me- WAIT WHAT?! What did you say? Did i hear that right?"

"W-well i'm not fucking repeating it. And if it turns out i heard wrong and you don't want to be in a fucking relationship i could always just- hmn?!" He teased sluttering a bit at the start but was cut of by a kiss.

"You are the only exception"


Bakugou and Kirishima were on their first date. They had just finished eating in a resturant when Kirishima told him he had a suprise for him.

After minutes of walking in the forest and trying to get his boyfriend to spill they reached their destination.

It was a beautiful clear lake reflecting the moonlight and had a nice view on the moon and the twinkling stars.

Flowers, vines, trees and plants of different kinds surrounded all the lake and dragonflies roamed around.

"Wow.. Shitty hair.. this is so beautiful! How did you even fucking find this place?!"


"And yes its beautiful" Kirishima said but instead of looking at the lake he was looking at him.

Katsuki blushed as he realized he wasn't talking about the lake.

"Shut up! Thats so fucking cliche Shitty hair!"

"But you loved it~"

After hours of talking they ended up sitting on the grass staring at the sky....

" Eijirou? You won't leave me right?" Katsuki asked.

Kirishima din't know what to be more shocked of. The fact he even asked that question or the fact he called him by his name.

"I've got a tight grip on reality but i cant...let go of whats in front of me here"

Bakugou and Kirishima stared at each other as they subconciously leaned closer like a magnet attracting a metal.

"I know you leaving in the morning when you wake up."

"Honestly i don't know either....But we will never know if we never try...but Katsuki please remember that....i love you and i will always love you..." Eijirou said before closing the gap.

"Will you leave me with some kind of prove that its not a dream?"

Katsuki slowly kissed back as he found Eijirou's hands around his suprisingly slender waist. He found his own arms around the red head's neck as they kissed deeper fighting for dominace which Eijirou ends up winning exploring the blond's mouth.


Now we are back in the present in Bakugou and Kirishima's wedding day.

"You are the only exception~"

Kirishima twirled Bakugou around the room in while the other Yuuei students and staff were dancing around them.

"It feels like it just yesterday when i proposed to you." Kirishima said dreamily twirling Bakugou once again.


"You really fucking suprised me back then." Bakugou hit him softly.

"You are the only exception~"

Kirishima and Bakugou were having breakfast on a plane going to a seminar for the top 10 heroes in Dubai along with the other heroes who went out for some odd reason.

"Hey Katsuki!"

"What is it shitty hair?"

"After 8 years you're still seriously calling me Shitty hair?!"

"Yes, so fucking deal with it."

"You are the only exception~"

Kirishima shook his head fondly at his boyfriends never changing fiery behavior.

"Anyways, look i saw something! Look outside!"

"You are! ...the only exception~"

"What the fuck?!"

Bakugou looked out the window to see something he never expected. In front of him down carved in the grassy hills  "Will you marry me ?" with Midoriya, Todoroki, Kaminari, Sero and Mina holding matching signs and all their other friends, family and old teachers holding roses waving at them.

"You are the only exception~"

"Is that a yes?" Kirishima asked sheepishing rubbing the back of his head. Nervously sweating, waiting for his rejection.

"Well you are the only exception~"

"HELL YES!" Bakugou said kissing his now fiance who kissed back a few seconds later after recovering for his shock.

"You are the only exception~"

"IM THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE!" Kirishima lifted Bakugou and twirled him around after the kiss.

"PUT ME DOWN SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugou blushed in embarassment.

"Yoouuu are~ the only exception"

Back in the reception they burst out laughing from the memory and looked at each other.

They looked at each other like they were each other's world and they really were. They looked at each other like they can't believe this was acually happening.

"And i'm on my way to believing"

They smiled at each other lovingly as Kirishima swirled Bakugou around.

"Oh and i'm on my way to believing"

"This is real." Bakugou whispered the last part Kirishima heard him as he kissed him.

"I love you Eijirou..."

"I love you too Katsuki..."

Hope you enjoyed this little oneshot of mine! I really enjoyed writting it and re-reading it! Thank you for taking your time to read this and have a great day!

2174 words (Not including the reminders and lines in bold.)

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