Chapter Fifteen : True Colors

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 You bastard!"

 The voice was pounded into Erik Romerv's head. Her words almost knocked the breath out of him. He could almost see her, her brown tangled hair covering her face, her body filled with bruises and scars. How pathetic, all these years, he loved and cared for her. Now, she was just throwing it all away because, he was too arrogant. So what, he wasn't in SHIELD anymore. He could feel the tension between the two, as he pictured her raising a gun toward him. Her hands almost crushing the small trigger.

 She almost did it.

 Almost killed him. There he was, motionless in front of his so-called lover, as she held him at gunpoint. This all seemed like a dream to Erik, the turn of events that had happened all in one week. Being kicked out of SHIELD for his unusual and dangerous actions that were close enough to being a threat to the agency. Another agent, coming in, and replacing his spot. Worse enough, Agent Romanoff was recruited by Agent Barton, his own best friend. After Barton returned from his mission, he brought along Agent Romanoff who was a threat to SHIELD. He soon broke his friendship with Erik before turning to Director Fury to recruit Romanoff. The council agreed with Fury's decision to remove their own veteran recruit.

 Another memory flashed by, back to when Grace held the gun at him. She threatened him, saying she didn't care if she killed him. Her uncle had warned her about Erik, his new reputation as a deadly assassin. If Grace really did love him, she would have accepted his new calling. The pain of knowing, all those years, Grace didn't love him back.

 To release the painful pain, he hit her.

 Worse enough, his actions nearly killed her.

 Now, he was here in New York, to take back what was his. Start out fresh and maybe make Grace love him again. The past was gone, forgotten and Erik wanted to start over. To take back what was once his.


 Steve was bit surprised when Grace had asked him to another dinner. But, soon realized he was just a wingman in Sean's surprise party act. Still, it would be rude of Steve to reject her request. Like a real gentleman, he accepted the request sincerely and kept his tone steady. As he finished buttoning the last button on his suit, he turned to see how it looked on him. The suit was a dark silky blue color Grace had picked out, almost matching his eyes.

 It was bit awkward for him, fitting into another suit. It's been awhile since he had last worn one. Hopefully, when the act with Sean is finished, he and Grace could have some alone time. Ever since their dinner, Steve's feelings for Grace had grown. He wanted to get in some alone time between the two, maybe get to know each other better. Steve often wondered if Grace had the same feelings back, her surprise kiss on the cheek definitely shocked him. He never understood women and their actions. Was that kiss just a thank you? Or just a polite gesture? That didn't matter; this was something Steve had to find about himself.

 The doorbell rings a few minutes later as Steve finishes coming back his ashy blonde hair. Before answering the door, he fixes his suit, making sure everything was on right. As he opened the door, he was greeted by a shy smile. Grace's long brown hair was tied in a low ponytail that the end fell on her shoulders while wearing a long black formal kind of dress. Overall, she looked stunning just like last night and every time he sees her. Sean appears behind her, his shaggy hair fixed while wearing a black similar suit to Steve's.

 "Ready?" Grace asked.

 Steve nodded as he walked out the door. Sean walked ahead, just in time to open up the car door for Grace, a typical gentleman act. Since, the two were supposed to act like a date, Steve held his thoughts. He spotted a small bouquet of flowers near Grace's seat, probably from Sean. The two continued to talk between themselves, sometimes letting Steve into the conversation. To distract his mind, he looked out the window, seeing the different buildings as they passed by. He watched as they started to laugh about various topics. From his view, he knew Sean liked Grace, and could easily tell from his actions. Maybe going on this date wasn't a good idea after all.

 The feeling of being forgotten washed over Steve as he continued to remain silent throughout the car ride. He didn't want to interrupt the happy two and was starting to realize that maybe the two really were going as a date. But why was he here? Grace probably brought him to meet some other women at her work. He shook the terrible feeling aside and just wanted to focus on spending some time with Grace and Sean. The conversation came to an end as Sean pulled over by the front office parking lot. From the looks of the building, it looked dead, how were they supposed to have a party there? Grace spotted his confused look and mouthed the words, Top Floor which made more sense to Steve.

 "Why are we here? Isn't the restaurant we're going too, just down another street?" Sean questioned.

 "I forgot my purse at work, and worse enough, I left it on the top floor while I was gathering papers." Grace replied.

 "You're lucky, you didn't make dinner reservations." Steve added.

 Sean glanced over at Steve, agreeing with his comment. After, he followed Grace as they walked into the office. The building had ten stories and they would have to take a long elevator ride to get there. Luckily, this wasn't a real date and soon they'd be heading out those doors into a dark room filled with people.

 What a surprise.


Erik watched close by as two men walked alongside with Grace. He didn't understand who were the two men with her? Both dressed in nice suits, the men were different from each other. One was tall, and very broad with light blonde hair, which trailed behind the other one, who was a bit more skinner and had brown shaggy hair.

 Either, Grace became a huge whore or those men were just friends. As soon as they entered into the building, Erik followed. The room was dark and the door was surprisingly still opened after they went in. Using his agent skills, he hid behind a large desk, and waited quietly till they left in the elevator. He decided to wait awhile, till the surprise party was in session ready for their grand entrance of a surprise guest. At that moment, Erik's heart started to pumping, just eager to get his hands on Grace and take her back. He had to calm himself of the joy and excitement of achieving his goal.

 Good things to those who wait.


 Sean never expected a surprise party being thrown for him. When he walked through the elevator doors, seeing a pitch black room, also Steve and Grace had disappeared from behind him. The lights flickered brightly, showing many figures jumping up in the room. Confetti was thrown along with many balloons that filled the place. His boss emerged from the crowd, giving him a glass of champagne and a hug to welcome his best writer back. He was greeted by many faces and took in many hugs and gifts for his arrival.

 After, Grace greeted him with a gift of chocolate and as usual, a hug. He couldn't believe his luck and how many of his friends in office, took the time to create the celebration for him. He really needed it, after coming back from his mother's funeral. He finishes his champagne and soon pours another round. Sean spotted Grace in front of the crowd, holding her glass along with a microphone. She taps the microphone to gather everyone's attention before starting.

 "Attention! I'd like to make a toast, to my new best friend, Sean. What a privilege is has been for me, to work with one of New York's finest journalists. Seriously, I could learn stuff from this guy. He's one of a kind, even though we got off to a rocky start. I'm glad to say that things between us have changed and new feelings have been developed. To Sean!"

 She looked over and flashed a smile before sipping bits of her champagne. A slow song starts to play as Grace speaks into the microphone again.

 "I'd like to dedicate this song to him. Showing me his true colors, something I have never seen from him before."

 Around him, people start to grab partners to dance along to the song. He expected Grace to ask Steve, who was dancing with another woman. At least, he was trying too. He watched Grace as she takes quick glance at Steve and the mystery woman before approaching him.

 "Oh my gosh, that toast was horrible."

 "No, it was great. I liked it." He paused for a moment, "Thank you."

 Sean reached for her hand and gave a small kiss before wrapping her arm around his shoulder. His hands gripped her waist as they move along to the slow song. She walked closer, letting her chin touch the tip of his shoulder blade, allowing Sean's free hand to hold her bare back. The moment felt so real, if only his mother would see him now. Ever since her passing, changes were made into his life, allowing Grace to enter and opening up his true colors for her, and finding love in unexpected moments in life.

 I can see your true colors shining through. I can see your true colors and, that's why I love you. So, don't be afraid to let them show.

 Grace's grip loosened and the song came to an abrupt end. The crowd grew small and screams and gasps were heard throughout the room. An unfamiliar voice ranged through the room, along with a sharp gunshot. Grace soon released her grip and pushed Sean toward the ground. As soon as he hit the hard ground, his vision becomes blurry. But he could still hear the noises in the room.

 "Well, well. Grace, what a pleasure to see you again." The voice called.

 "I didn't expect you to return, Erik." Grace responded sharply.

 "I've missed you." He called back.

A/N : I'm sorry if this chapter was confusing , it was switching from Erik's - Steve's - Erik's - Sean's . So , Erik ? What do you think of him ? Evil Exes . Hehe , & so the action begins ! Hope you like this , thanks so much loves ! (:

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