Chapter Nine : Just A Simple Comment

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 The next morning was no different for Grace. Her normal routine went through as usual. Wake up at around 5:00, jog around the city for thirty minutes, shower and get ready for another long day of work. She wasn't quite satisfied with her body and the way it turned out in her suits and skirts for work. A young Californian girl shouldn't be worrying much about her body. After being accepted in the New York Times, she gained a bit of weight due to the tight schedule. Constant urgings of getting up and being active dawned on Grace. And here she was, running around New York City at 5:15 in the morning.

 With the upbeat tune of her favorite song, "Feel So Close", she constantly kept a steady pace on herself. She was never a track runner or participated in any running activities. But jogging seemed to be the best sport for her. After about thirty-five of running, she returned to her small New York apartment. As she entered through the door, her eyes scanned the room. Steve decided to sleep on their small couch, only having a blanket and pillow to comfort him. The couch was empty, the blanket folded neatly and put away on the side.

 Typical Steve.

 Grace enjoyed his kindness and his gentleman acts. Throughout the two weeks she'd been in New York, she never met a man like Steve. Though, Steve was still used to the way things were back in the 1940s, Grace didn't want the act to fade. She liked men who were respectful and polite. Back in California, there were very few of those kinds. Still, Grace had no time for a relationship; she had to focus on rebuilding her friendship with Sean and work. Something about Sean, the way he acted last night, pleased Grace. She hoped that today, she could help him with the funeral planning and hopefully get to know him better. The two had a rocky start, starting off as viral enemies. Everyone knew the rivalry the two had, and seeing them speaking to each other today would definitely spark something.

 She looked around the room for a few minutes, trying to find where Steve had gone. The rooms were empty and the kitchen remained untouched. At the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar figure outside the balcony of their apartment. She kept quiet as she approached the figure, soon finding out it was Steve. He still had on his attire from the other day minus the leather jacket. She pulled up a chair next to him, startling him at the process. He smiled pleasantly and watched her sit down next to him. He noticed her long black sweats and New York sweater, the one she had worn the day they had met.

 Grace wondered why Steve got up so early. Was something bothering him? Did he miss the world he used to grow and love? Questions ran through her head, as she tried her best to keep them all in. They continued to remain silent for a few minutes as Grace looked out into the city. She glanced down at her watch to keep in touch with the time. Only about five minutes to speak with Steve before getting ready for work.

 "You look like her." Steve spoke softly.

 Grace whipped her attention to Steve, waiting for an explanation about the comment he had just made. Who was "her"?

 "I'm sorry. Peggy Carter. We worked together back in the 1940s. You look a lot like her."

 She nodded slowly, "So, you're saying I look like a friend of yours?"

 "Not just a friend. The first woman I ever loved."

 She was taken aback with his comment. Grace felt rude for her response, knowing she should have been more gentle and appreciative. She didn't know whether to accept the compliment with a simple smile or brush the comment away. Something in her, urged her to ask more about Peggy. But time seemed to be ticking away and Grace had to get ready for work.

 "Thank you."

 And with that, she walked out of the balcony, turning her direction to her room. Steve's comment continued to ring in her head as she undressed herself. Who was this Peggy Carter? And how much did Grace resemble of her? She must have been a beautiful woman, since Steve had fallen in love with her. Grace took in her reflection in the mirror, seeing her growing fat in her legs and stomach. But that was just her imagination growing on her. Her reflection in the mirror staring back at her.

  Peggy, Peggy Carter.

 She knew the name would stick in her mind for a while, possibly distracting her from her funeral and possible bonding time with Sean. Maybe Uncle Phil would know who this mysterious woman was. He was a big fan of Captain America, let alone he would know about his personal life. Uncle Phil was just huge fan of the hero, and would freak if he found Steve living in her house.

 After dressing herself in her typical white blouse and black pencil skirt, she tied her long brown hair into a tight bun to match her professional look. She kept her face makeup-free but excluding her dabs of concealer and a few whips of mascara to enhance her eyes, she felt ready for the day. Downstairs, Grace found Carly and James around the kitchen. Carly was preparing breakfast as usual before her day at school, while James read the morning newspaper. Grace joined the two girls, while looking at the newspaper James had.

 One of the small articles inside the paper was about the time Steve rescued Grace's purse. She knew the story would go viral since Grace was well known throughout the city. After that incident, Grace and Steve refused to be interviewed by anyone. Whoever wrote the small article did a good job summing up the situation. Her mind was reverted back to Steve, as she looked out her window. He appeared out the balcony doors, and joined the girls at the table. Grace tried her best to hide her confusion and questions about his comment. She gave him a reassuring smile as he sat down.

 "Grace, I'm sorry about this morning. I don't know what hit me at the moment." He apologized.

 "Steve, please. Don't worry about it. It's nothing."

 He smiled nervously at her response, noticing the tone of her voice. Grace couldn't help it; her mind was constantly focused on the mysterious Peggy Carter. Three words that would appear in her mind as it focused on his comment.

 Who is she?

A/N: Grace looks like Peggy ? What ? ! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter , be sure to tell me what you think about this ! How do you think Steve feels about Grace ? (;

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