Chapter Twenty-Seven : Old Fashion

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 All Grace wanted to do was run. Keep going until she was out of New York; out of the city even the state. The only thing on her mind was her life, and the only to protect it was to run away. She didn't think her escape would come so easy, how could Erik be so careless? Did he honestly think she wouldn't take the chance to run away or even escape. Freedom could easily be slipped into her bare hands; the touch of the feeling was at her fingertips. But freedom is something she couldn't earn easily; the false feeling was the one by her tips. Erik wasn't going to give up, since the night the two broke up also was the day he had hit her, he never stopped loving her. A day would go by, and it wouldn't go to waste, filled with constant searches for Grace.

 This decision required a moment of deep thinking, if she pushed through the idea; it meant not seeing Steve again, Sean, Carly, and James also Uncle Phil and Addison. All the people she would always love, but she had to stop her drama and hiding. Protect the ones that meant the most to Grace. The hide and seek game was now over, and Grace was ready to give in. She turned slowly from her location and started to walk back to the café. But instead of returning to Erik, he seemed to have found her first. His eyes filled with a mix of anger and fear, both for Grace and himself. Grace expected a harsh blow toward her head, a punishment for running away. Instead, she was greeted by open arms as Erik buried his face into her brown matted hair. She felt the warm tears streaming from his face, staining her cotton shirt and also giving her the feeling to wrap her arms around him.

 Erik was broken, hurt, and also wanted the love she had given him once again. Grace felt her heart fill with heavy tears, the memories of their broken relationship replaying in her head. Despite the night they broke up, the two had many memories Grace always wanted to cherish. But, the love for Erik had faded, and she found the new hope in Steve. The only hope she would find in Steve, a time of true happiness with a gentleman and who would love her unconditionally. If only Erik would understand, breaking the news to him was going to be the hardest thing Grace has ever done. Just like Steve and Peggy, Erik was Grace's first love, the man she dreamed on spending her life with. Unfortunately, for the two, life didn't exactly plan their route out that way.

 Cupping Erik's sad face into her hands, she gave him a small kiss on the forehead. Knowing the news would result of her life, Erik's bipolar behavior could trigger and things would turn for the worse.

 "Erik, the feelings I had for you. It's not there anymore." Grace calmly stated.

 His lips trembled as his face turned into a deep color of red. This action worried Grace as she instantly dropped his face before running off. Whether or not Erik was going to harm her, Grace couldn't take it. She needed to think about herself and for her own safety. The bruises on her arms and face were almost gone, and she didn't need another set to replace it. Erik's booming voice was echoing behind her, from the corner of her eye, she could see Erik chasing after her. The only thing Grace hated the most was Erik using his gun in public. Threatening the public was another story for Grace, and all the suffering would result in her fault. She ran through the street, trying her best not to run into cars or making the New York traffic much worse.

 After a few minutes of constant, nonstop sprinting, Grace stopped to catch her breath. Erik was nowhere in sight and Grace was able to let out a sigh of relief. But the small sigh of relief couldn't last long as she felt a strong hand pull on her arm. Things have definitely taken a turn for the worse, as Grace faced the furious Erik, his eyes almost bulging out his sockets. His grip was strong, almost crushing Grace's small, skimpy arms.

 "Before we leave, I want to take you to see my works. Why I've been so busy in New York, besides finding you of course. That was my main priority." Erik snapped.

 "What's that?" Grace replied.

 "The future, Grace. Our future."


 Steve took one last look at himself in his mirror, seeing how the suit still felt the same to him. But in the mirror, Steve wasn't there anymore. Instead, there was a man standing boldly, ready to get back into the bit of the world, Captain America. His shield laid by the corner, still untouched. The many memories flooded through him, causing Steve to be distracted and feel low about himself. But this wasn't the time, Steve had to remove the selfish thoughts and put Grace in front.  He still remembered the time when they first met, how Grace was kind enough to guide him throughout New York. She was always the charming one, spilling hot chocolate all over his pant leg. The way she reacted when she did her childish cry and swarms of many apologetic looks toward him.

 This was a favor Steve had to return, most importantly, he had to help Grace in her time of need. Just like she did with Steve, helping him in his time of need. Before taking one last glance in the mirror, he slipped his mask on. Addison walked in, dressed in her SHIELD gear, and beaming happily. Unusual feeling to be happy during this time, as Steve gripped his shield for the first time in many years. The feeling wasn't too different as his instinct urged him to fling the shield out of his apartment door.

 "I'm so excited! I get to fly a plane!" Addison squealed.

 Steve smiled at her emotion, seeing the bright red filling her cheeks. The girl acted much like a child by her cute squeals and joyous smiles. Addison was someone Steve could easily get along with.

 "Flying? First time?" Steve asked.

 "Yes! So, if the flight gets bumpy, just know it's my first time." Addison added.

 "I'll definitely keep that in mind. You'll do fine, Agent Par." Steve commented.

 He watched as Addison jumped into the front of the seat and started to turn on the engine. She turned and raised thumbs up to a brunette man in the back of the plane.

 "Ready for this Captain?" Addison asked, before shifting the plane in flight.

 "First of all, are we up in the sky yet?" Steve responded.

 "Yes! With this baby, you won't feel a thing!" Addison cried.

 "Agent Par, Agent Par. You read me?" A voice called over on the static radio.

 "Agent Barton, this is Agent Par. Bird is in flight."  Addison called back.

 "Wow, good job, Agent Par. Make sure not to kill Captain there okay?" The voice called again.

 Addison turned and gave Steve a reassuring smile before returning her concentration on the plane control. Steve remained quiet, analyzing his new and improved shield. Looks like the stars and stripes were still his trademark, even though it was a bit old fashioned. It brought him another memory of the time, when he chosen the design for the shield and uniform.

 "You quite finished, Mr. Stark? I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business?" Peggy smoothly remarked.

 Steve's cheek filled with red as he lifted the vibranium shield against him. Peggy's eyes were directed on him, very much like a hawk. Steve flashed his usual Brooklyn boy charm as he asked for her opinion. A loud bang filled the room, as Steve ducked behind the shield. The bullets flying out of Peggy's gun, lightly being flicked by Steve's shield. His heart continued to race, as he waited for the noise to stop.

 "Yes. I think it works." Peggy commented before leaving the two gentlemen alone.

 The two men both stunned at the event that had happened, stood by and watched Peggy walk off.

 "I had some ideas about the uniform."

 "Whatever you want, pal."

A/N : So this last part was for sheer amusement, I wanted to add that last part in . Goodness , I love that part ! Whoo , another update ! Continue to support this story in the Wattys 2012 ~! Comments , Votes ,  very much apperciative . " State Of Dreaming " My Bruce Banner Fan Fiction will probably be up next week , depending on how much I can get done . I can at least put the prologue up for you guys ! So , I hope you enjoy ! You guys are absolutely the best ! Going to preoder my Avengers DVD ! KAYYAAA ~ 

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