Episode 1

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Tokyo(Lost World Universe)

At Tokyo,we see nobody in the street and the places is empty but then...


Suddenly two of the figure got knocked off and got down.

Kamen Rider Kaixa(Ancient)

Kamen Rider Delta(Ancient)

They got up as an another figure came out and reveal it appearance.

Riotrooper V2(Ancient)

Riotrooper V2 charge at them as they dodge while Delta pull out his device gun and shout.

Kamen Rider Delta:Fire!

Burst Mode!

He fire some shots at Riotrooper V2 but it slash off the shots and run toward Delta as suddenly Kaixa came out and block the attack with his glowing sword.

Kamen Rider Kaixa:Now the chance!

Delta nodded and fire a shot at it helmet as it shatter a bit at the helmet and reveal is an Orphnoch as Kaixa and Delta eye widen.

Kamen Rider Delta:*Eye Widen*Murakami!

As then a girl came to them.

Mari Hagino


Dave(Kaixa Ancient):*Look Behind*Mari!It's dangerous!

Suddenly Riotrooper V2 pull out his energy sword and slash Kaixa and Delta away.

Dave(Kaixa Ancient):It too powerful!Let's go Mari!

Mari nodded and run off but then Kaixa insert his memory chip to his weapon and slash off Delta as he got down.

Kamen Rider Delta:Dave?!

Dave(Kaixa Ancient):You'll not call me Dave anymore after you send those deadly flowers to Mari.

He charge at Delta and keep slashing at him.

Kamen Rider Delta:Wait!It was an..misunderstanding!I didn't know that flowers was danger!

Dave(Kaixa Ancient):Shut up!

He deliver his final slash at Delta as he screamed and got down.His delta belt is dropped at the ground and Delta transforming back to human.

Finn Weal

Finn:*Tried getting up*Listen...to me please..!

Dave(Kaixa Ancient):*Glare*No...you tried to hurt my lovely girl and now here the gift for doing that.

Kaixa tosses some blue flowers at Finn as the flowers touch Finn body.Finn look at his hand and it starting to turning ashes.

Dave(Kaixa Ancient):You deserved it.

Kaixa then walk off as Finn is laying at the ground.


He then turn into ashes and leaving the Delta belt at the ground as the screen then show the tittle.

"The Only Male Fighter"

Earth 276(Union Academy)

The screen show an alarm was ring as a hand was place on top of the alarm and it stopped as we see a girl got up and head to the bathroom as she brush her teeth and dress up as her appearance is revealed.

Asuka(Senran Kagura)

Asuka:*Yawn*A new day to go.

She grab her katana and head off to class as she is walking on the hallway while some students greeted her.

Female Student 1:Good morning Asuka!

Asuka:*Smile*Good morning too!

She then meet her team at the class.

(Ignore Asuka on the picture)


Asuka:*Smile*Ohayo mina!So how are you guys been doing?

Hibari:We been doing fine.The class is about to start so let go inside.

Asuka:Oh ok.

They got inside as the class has begin.


At the empty alleyway,we see a person open his eyes as it reveal is Finn Weal as he slowly got up.

Finn:*Look at his hand*How...am I...alive?!

He notice a bag laying at the ground as he slowly open it and reveal it's the Delta Belt.

Finn:The delta belt...?How it get here...?!

He carry the bag and got out of the alleyway as he look around and saw he was in a different world as there humans living here.

Finn:Is..this another...world?!

He hold his stomach in pain after he got beaten by Kaixa but suddenly...

Civilian 1:Run from your life!

He look behind and saw most of the civilians run away as Finn saw some villains is attacking the street.

Finn:Is...that a villains...?I better..to stop them...

He then run toward to the scene where the villains is attacking while hold his pain.

Union City

We see some heroes are beaten by the villains while some of them fighting as we see Asuka is tied with chain as she struggle to get out but couldn't as a female fallen angel laugh.


Raynare:Mhm look like you're weak to get out my chain.


Raynare:Look like it's time to finish you!


Suddenly they heard a boy shouted as they see Finn Weal slowly walking toward and Raynare let go of the chain and set Asuka free.

Finn:You think...it's okay to bully...a girl?

Raynare:Huh?What are you talking about?I'm also a girl.

Finn:That doesn't..matter!You bully her...that mean it my turn...to bully you!

Touka Shigaraki(Female Tomura)

Touka:That doesn't matter!Grimm!Attack him!

The grimm came out from the portal and ready to charge at the boy.

Finn:Different monster...?!At least I have...something to beat it..

He pull out his Delta Belt and wear at his waist as everyone notice it.

Asuka:Is that..a belt?

Yagyuu:What he's gonna do?

He pull out his device and shout.


Standing By!

He then insert it to his belt.


He then transformed into Kamen Rider Delta(Ancient)as everyone in the scene is surprised.

Finn(Delta Ancient):Let's go...make this count.

Katsuragi:He transformed into a black figure?!

Asuka:Wait...I remember it..

Yagyuu:You know him?

Asuka:No..but I remember watching a show called Kamen Rider...I didn't know it was real!

Delta slowly walking toward to the grimm as he charge at the grimm.

Asuka:But...I don't remember this black Kamen Rider...who is he?

Delta kick one of the grimm away while punch one as he dodge the attack and pull out his gun and shouted.

Finn(Delta Ancient):Fire!

Burst Mode!

He fire some shots at the grimm as some of the grimm got hit and exploded but then his gun have no ammo as he shouted again.

Finn(Delta Ancient):Charge..


It refill the ammo from the gun as he insert his memory chip to his gun.


He fire a lot of shots at every of the grimm as they got exploded and Touka shouted.

Touka:No NO!YOU CHEATED!Now it my turn to defeat you!

She about to attack him but...

???:Stop what you're doing Touka.

She look behind and saw the villain leader,All For One.

Female All For One(MHA)

Touka:All For One!

Finn(Delta Ancient):All..For One?!

All For One:That enough Touka.We're leaving..next time we'll be back.


Touka and Raynare then got into the portal as All For One look at Delta and smirk.

All For One:*Smirk*Oh your an interesting male I ever seen.I hope we will meet back.Now..bye!

She got into the portal as the red portal then closes and Delta transform back to human as Finn then fall onto the ground and passed out.


She run toward to Finn as she check on him.

Asuka:Don't worry!I'll bring you to the infirmary!Guys come help me!

Her team nodded and came to help her carry Finn to the infirmary.

And Thus This World A Male Rider Was Born...

Next:Episode 2

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