Baby Darcy

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Angie's P.O.V.

Its already midnight and were all sitting here watching a show called prison break. Omg the main character is hawwwtt. His name is Michael. ( real name: wenthworth miller. He's gay tho D': )

" hey babe, I'm tired let's go upstairs." Harry whispered in my ear.

I nodded in agreement and forced myself off the perfectly comfy couch.

" Kayla, Zayn, harry and I are going to sleep. We're tired. You guys can sleep in the extra room next to ours." I informed them.

They both had uncomfortable looks on other faces. What did I sat wrong?

" unless you guys want to sleep in seperate rooms." I added. I just made it ak.

" No it's fine. We can sleep in the same room." Kayla finally spoke.

" OK. If you need anything. you know where we are. Or you can help yourself." I said walking up the stairs.

I grabbed my white pj's. I was about to walk to the bathroom to change but harry spoke.

" just change here babe. I don't bite." He smirked.

" ewwww. OK." I laughed. I striped down to my undies and bra. I felt harry wrap his arms around my tummy. He turned me around so I can face him.

" you look beautiful pregnant." He smiled.

Just by hearing that I smiled widely. It means a lot.

" maybe you should pregnant all the time."

What is he trying to say?

" what are you saying? That I'm not pretty when I'm not pregnant?" I fake gasped.

" no babe. I just mean Ur look beautiful. And when U weren't pregnant... Well you beautiful both ways.. But....yea I'm not helping at all." He mumbled.

"Yea. Shut up. let's just go to sleep." playfully slapped his arm. I quickly changed and got on the bed. Harry got on as well. And we fell asleep.

Next morning-

Harry's P.O.V.

Today I woke up at 8:00. Who needs to wake up earlier. I don't. But apparently Angie keeped sleeping.

I decided to make her breakfest in bed. She deserves it. I made her pancakes, toast, cut up fruit and orange juice. And a red rose on the side. Its cheesy I know. But it demonstrates my love to her. When I got upstairs, Angie was awake.

" Morning babe."

She looked up at me and a smile grew on her face. I walked towards her with all the food I made her.

" what's that for?" She asked talking about the food.

" Just you know. So you don't have to make break fest today."

" awwww. What a gentlemen. Thank you baby. But you have to eat with me because I don't think I can finish this alone." She moved so I can sit next to her.

I sat next to her, and placed the tray on my lap since I can't place it on her's....

I feed her little by little making small talk her and there.

" I have to peeeee." She said and got off the bed walking to the bathroom down the hall.

" babe imma go make zayn and Kayla breakfast too." I told her walking to the stairs.

" alright. You can do that while I'm in the bathroom. Then I'll head down there to help!" She yelled from the bathroom.

Angie's P.O.V.

I really had to pee. I washed my hands quickly and opened the door to go downstairs and accompany Harry.

When I opened the door I surprised with Zayn standing by the door.

" Hey Zayn!" I cheered.

" Hey." He weakly smiled.

" are you gonna use the bathroom. Sorry for taking long." I apologized

" no its okay love." I walked out of the bathroom so he can go in.

I started to walk towards the stairs when massive wave of pain hit me.

" Oh my god." I hissed.

Its coming from my lower back.

I placed my hand on my lower back and the other against the wall.

" no please Darcy not now." I whispered to myself.

" Zaynnn, Kayla,Harry!!" I yelled.

I heard a door swing open and zayn popped up next to me.

" Angie. What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

" Zayn. She's coming." I said throwing my arms over him digging my nails into his back and taking deep breaths.

" w-what. Oh dear god. HARRY!" He yelled way louder than me.

" Zayn I'm not gonna make it." I told him holding my stomach. I'm not going to make it. Oh god why now. Ugh. This hurts.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"- Harry!" I yelled. I'm holding Angie. In my arms. And um enjoying this...besides the part that Darcy is about to be born.

" I'm not gonna make it Zayn." She whispered.

" No babe. You are gonna make it. HARRRYY!!!" I yelled again.

And finally after a couple yelled Harry came in running.

" Angie baby. What's wrong?" He asked Trying to hold Angie.

" Darcy,Harry." She said clutching her stomach.

" Oh god. Babe let's go. We gotta go." He said trying to take her but she didn't let me go. Harry looked at me a bit angry.. Who am I kidding he was furious.

He acted fast why taking Angie right off me. He was fast and furious. ( lololol c; omg f&f 7 look up the trailer!!)

" Zayn go call Kayla and meet us at the hospital." Harry said as Angie and him walked downstairs.

" alright." I ran towards towards the room Kayla was at.

I opened the door and Kayla was putting on her shoes. Yea she sleep with cloths. The things is we never actually done it sooo.. Well we aren't gonna talked about that.

" Kayla we go to go." I said grabbing my jacket.

" what? why?" She said tieing her shoes.

"One word. Darcy." Her eyes widened once she heard what I said.

" then what are we waiting for let's goo!!" She zipped up her jacket. She grabbed her phone and ran out the door.

I rolled my eyes at her comment and ran behind her. Darcy uncle zayn and auntie Kayla are on there wayyy.

Harry's P.O.V.

Angie and I arrived at the hospital about 5 minutes ago and they took her in quickly. Where are Zayn and Kayla? I have to call the rest of boys too. I'm in the waiting room

pacing back and forth.

" Harry." I looked up to see Zayn and Kayla walking towards me.

" Mate." I signed.

"Wheres Angie." Kayla asked.

" Giving birth maybe?" Zayn said sarcasticly.

" shut up." She hissed.

" Are you here for Ms. Angie Rodriguez?" A doctor walked over to us. He looked 20ish. He was blonde like always. He had green colored eyes and a impressive jaw line.

"Yes. Is my girlfriend OK?" I asked worried.

" Congrats. Mr. Styles. You now have a beautiful daughter." He smiled.

" thank you doctor." I hugged him.

" Can I see them?" I asked.

" of course. Only one at a time. Follow me." He started walking.

" Zayn call the other boys and tell them Darcy is here." I grinned massively.

He nodded in agreement.

I walked behind the doctor and we walked to the backside of the floor.

" This is it Mr. Styles." He informed me and we stood out side a room with the numeral B26 on it.

" thank you once again doc." I shock his hand and walked in.

The lights were out. All I heard was light snores.

I walked further into the room and there was a bed with the two loves of my lifes.

"Hey." I whispered.

" Hey." Angie smiled.

I stood next to the bed looking at our beautiful creation.

" here." She grabbed my arm.

" what no. Im going to drop her."

" no your not babe. Here." She grabbed my Arms again and slid her into my arms.

She's so light. She has little hairs on her tiny head. I just met her. And I'm in love with her.


Done with another chapterrr ;) hope you enjoyed ittt. I just finish watching the Latin Grammy's. It just realized that I have almost 700 views. Its like wooowww. And I'm extremely thankful!! I thought I would get like 3 but nawww. And I have 40 votes in total. Thank you ;3; well I'm tired. Don't forget to voter pleaseee. And follow me. And share my story plzz. By eee c;

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