Birthday girl

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Angie's P.O.V.

Times fly's. I swear.

Its Darcy's first birthday. Wow. I'm upstairs right now getting Darcy. She got cranky earlier this morning and she fell asleep.

Everyone is downstairs waiting for Darcy. As in everyone I mean Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Jess, Carla, Kayla, my parents etc.

I walked into the room and Darcy was still asleep. I walked towards her crib and gently picked her up. She places her chin on my shoulder and I placed my hand on her bum making sure she doesn't fall. As I began to walk out the door she opened her beautiful little green eyes. I smiled at her and kissed her tiny little for head. She looked at me and smiled.

I walked downstairs where everyone was at. One of the stairs made a creaking noise making everyone look at my direction. I looked a Harry and he smiled.

I walked towards the dinning room. I placed Darcy on her little polka dot chair and she just stared at everyone. Harry walked up to her and kissed her for head and she laughed. Everyone 'awwed'.

" Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Darcy. Happy Birthday to you." Everyone sang as Kayla came out of the Kitchen with the birthday cake. I had asked Jess to get the cake and pick any cute decoration. She pick the color white for the cake with white and pink frosting. And Darcy's name written in the middle with pink frosting. And a white candle in the shape of a 1. And it was lit up.

Kayla set the cake down in front of Darcy. Darcy stared at the cake and her eyes sparkled. Yea every kid does that. Its not even surprising. Harry and i looked at each other and laughed.

" Blow the candle Darcy." Zayn and Louis cheered.

"Blow it. Blow it. Blow it. Blow it." Everyone else joined.

Darcy started to laugh and looked up at me.

" Cmon baby girl. Blow it." I told her. She looked at the candle and gathered air in her cheeks. Both Harry and I sucked in air in our cheeks too.

She tried to blow but she couldn't. So harry and I help her. Carla snapped a picture of us all blowing. After the candle we all cheered.

Darcy looked up at me and opened her arms so I can carry her. I was about to pick her but Zayn beat me to it.

Darcy smiled at Zayn and Zayn kissed her cheeks.

I smiled at how adorable Zayn can be with Darcy.

He looked at me and smiled back. I grabbed the plastic mint color cake knife and slowly began to cut the cake into small slices. I grabbed disposable white plates and placed a slice of cake on in each. And a slice of New York style cheesecake. Everyone started to grab their plates until there was only 1 left. Which was mine. I grabbed my plate and headed over to the living room where most people where at. Some where still in the dining room but I perfer eating comfortable on the couch.

When u reached the living room Zayn was feeding Darcy some of his cake. Harry was talking to Lou. There was a space next to Zayn to I sat next to him. He looked at me and smiled.

" You would make a perfect father." I stated.

" Yea. I would love to be a father. But the problem is that the girl that I love is taken. And already has a baby girl. " He looked at me with a sad face.

My mouth fell a little bit but not that noticeable.

" I were over me.." I whispered looking at him shocked.

" Well you thought wrong." He said looking back at Darcy.

I turned around to look at Harry, but he was to distracted with Lou. I looked back at Zayn. Then at Darcy. She smiled at me then she looked at Zayn laughing. She leaned her head again Zayns shoulder and sucked on her tiny hand.

" I'll be right back." I excused myself. I walked to the kitchen and silently finished my cake.

When i was finished I threw away my plate. And re-took my place, sitting on a chair. I placed my head on the table. And just thought about what Zayn said.

So all this time I thought he was over me, he wasn't

...wait why am I thinking about it. Its doesnt change anything.

I was about to get up but Zayn walked into the kitchen.

" Hey. " he smiled shyly with his hands in his pockets.

" Hey."

" Darcy fell asleep and I just wanted to tell you I put her in her room." He advised me.

" oh okay thanks." I thanked him. I grabbed some used disposable plates that were left on the table and threw them out.

" Listen Angie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -" he started, but I cut him off.

" It's okay Zayn. You don't have to worry about it." I smiled but really wanted not to talk at all.

He smiled back and sat down in the chair next to mine. We talked for a bit. I didn't want to be rude but then I didn't want to make him feel that I like him or anything related to that.

" Angie? Where are you?" Carla and Jess called.

" Here." I called back walking into the living room.

" We just wanted to say bye. Its pretty late and we have to work tomorrow." Carla explained.

" okay. Well thanks for coming. I really appreciate it." I hugged them.

" No prob. That's what sisters are for."

They said there goodbyes to everyone and left.

About less than an hour later it was only Harry, the boys, and I.

We were all sitting on the couch watching some random TV show.

" I'm tired." Louis yawned.

" And I'm hungry." Niall placed him hand on his stomach and walked to the kitchen.

" We just ate not to long ago." I called.

" Its was long ago." I heard him open the fridge door.

Ugh he's gonna finish all our food. Oh Niall.

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