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Harry's P.O.V.
Ever since out sudden face to face with Angie and I. I haven't heard anything of her. Well I haven't since she left. Which is killing me. I know I made a huge mistake but we're all imperfect and we make mistakes. And I made a huge one.
It wasn't my intention to make Angie leave Louis house. My intention was to talk to her and maybe fix thing. And explain what she had seen the other day when she came and found Becka and I.
I dont even know what happened that day. I guess I was caught off guard and I was fully functioning and Becka took advantage of it. She knew Angie had left. She was outside when she saw Angie leave with Darcy.
And that day Angie came, Becka had came over not to long before Angie. Becka at first had brought cookies because she said she knew I was lonely and she wanted to give me something to cheer me up.
And I accepted her cookies and let her come in. And one thing led to another.
She seduced me.
I've been up I'm my room every since she left. I don't feel like going out at all. Just that one day at Lou's because i felt like a needed a bit if fresh air. But now I want to stay here locked up forever.
To be honest I can't live without Angie. Her and Darcy were the main reason why I kept going in life. And now I don't have them.

" Harry foods ready." Liam knocked on the door.
"I'm not hungry." I yelled back.
I heard the door open and Liam came to my side.
" Harry you have to eat." Liam said sliding the tray in my lap.
" Not until I see Darcy and Angie." I spoke looking at the wall.
" You know Angie doesn't want to see you. But I think I can find a way that you can see Darcy." Liam smiled.
" Really? You would find a way so I can see her." I said in surprise.
" Yes but only if you eat and get your life back on track."
" Okay. I'll try."
He left the room.
The only way to get my life back on track is to can the love of my life beside me.

Angie's P.O.V.
Its 10:00 a.m. and I'm going out for a run. Darcy is with Zayn. He wanted to take her out to the park. And I let him.
"Carla I'm going out for a quick run." I called.
" Okay. Be careful." She yelled back from the kitchen.
I opened the front door and stepped out. I'll head towards the park maybe I can see Zayn and Darcy.
I started jogging and eventually stopped at a small shoppe.
I'm thirsty I need something to drink.
I opened the door to the shoppe and when towards the back where the fridges were located.
I opened up a fridge door and pulled out a Gatorade. I walked back to the register and payed. I said thank you and walked back out. And once again like always I crashed into someone. I looked up and it was Liam
" Hey Liam." I smiled.
" Hey Angie. How you been?" He asked.
" Eh. Still trying to stay strong. You know." I smiled weakly.
" I'm sorry really. It anyways I was going to call you later but since you here now. I wanted to ask you for a favor." He spoke.
" Sure go ahead."
" Well how do I say this. Harry wants to see Darcy. I wanted to ask you if maybe I can pick her up and Harry can see her." He said rather nervous.
" No I'm sorry. That can't happen." I said not thinking twice.
" Angie please. He has the right to see her. He is her father." He insisted.
He has a point there but I don't want Darcy by Harry. I don't want Darcy to be like Harry at all. But I guess Harry does have the right to see her. I guess I can let it slide just once.
" Fine. You can pick her up on Wednesday . And I can go pick her up." I spoke.
" Thank you Angie. You won't regret it. I'll take go care of her." He smiled.
" No prob Liam. Well I have to go continue my run. See ya." I waved. I started my jogging again and Stopped at the park. I entered thr park and removed my ear buds from my ears. I looked around the park to see maybe I saw Zayn and Darcy and they were sitting on a bench playing with Darcy's doll.
I walked over to them and Darcy saw me.
" Mommy!" She yelled and ran towards me.
" Hey baby girl." I said hugging her.
" Mommy wook Zaynie and I. We playing wif my doll." She said running back to Zayn. I walked to where Zayn was and sat next to him.
" Hey Zayn." I smiled.
" Hey." He smiled back.
We talked for a bit and Darcy was running around chasing after a squirrel.
" Can I take Darcy out next week?" Zayn asked.
" What day?" I asked getting a bit nervous. Please don't say Wednesday.
" On Wednesday."
" Ohh about Wednesday. Darcy is going over to Harry's." I mumbled.
" What? She's going to Harry's?" He said looking at me.
" Yes. Liam is taking her with Harry and shes going to stay with him for awhile. He has the right as a father to be with her." I explained.
" Your right. Well can I take both of you guys out on Friday?" He asked.
" Sure but as friends." I made it clear.
" Yes Yea as friends." He smiled.
I smiled back and looked at Darcy.
Oh Darcy you have quite a place to visit next week.

Its now 7:00 p.m. and I'm on the couch cuddled up with Darcy. We're watching Finding Nemo.
" Mommy can I get a fwish like that." She pointed at Nemo.
" Anything for my Princess." I said kissing her for head.
Right when I settled back down my phone started to ring.
I grabbed my phone and read the Caller I.D. and signed.
" Hello?" I answered
" Hey hun. How are you?" My mom asked.
" I'm good mom. How about you?" I lied.
" My great honey. I just was calling you to advise you that there is going to be a very special dinner on Wednesday and you have to come." She spoke.
" Okay mom I'll be there. Darcy isn't coming with me." I said looking at Darcy.
" And what is that?" She asked.
" Because Carla and Jess are taking her out. And I can't cancel on them because they have been waiting for weeks to take her out." I lied once again.
" Oh okay. Then just you come. Do you need a ride?" She asked.
" Yes I do."
" Alright I'll ask Dylan to pick you up. Well got to go. Kisses to the princess ." She hung up.
She didn't even let me speak. Wednesday is going to be a very stressful say. Yay what fun. But hopefully its not as bad as I think it will be.

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