Hospital Room

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~~~~~~~~~ ANGIE'S P.O.V.

I work up with a small headache... wait a mintue..... this isnt my room. Within seconds memories of yesturday came back. I told Harry i love him. And it's true, and i meant it. And he said it back. But the thing is did he mean it.

I looked over to my left and there he was, the one i love, Harry. He has his arm around my waist. AWWWW!! He's so cute when he's asleep. He's kinda sweaty.... maybe because he has like 3 blankets on. I just nocited he's bare and so am i. (.0.)

I quickly grabbed one of the blankets and wrapped it around my body and went into Harry's bathroom. I decided to take a shower. The only thing i could think about it yesturday on how Harry said "I love you". I melts my insides.

When i get out of the bathroom Harry is sitting on the edge of the bed with black tight boxers on.

" Hey love! Are you ok?" he asked me and walked straight towards me.

" yes of course why wouldn't i be." He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips.

" Harry?" i nervously called out

" Yes, beautiful?"

"Do you have any spare cloths i can use?" I was embarassed. I have spare clothing in my car but i didnt bring my car to Harry's flat.

" Of course i do. Hold on."

" Here i bought you something a little gift. I think i got your size. Go put it on. Oh.. and you might need this too. "

He handed me a pink gift bag with a pair of a red lace bra and the matchinng underwear. Why would he have these in his room? i had a confused look on but i looked down so Harry wont feel presured or anything.

" Oh no they are my sister's. She sometimes stays here, but not in my room....In the guest room.... i dont sleep around dont think that i do." he stuttered.

Im guessing i didn't look far down enough.

" Harry i dont think that. I would never question why you have things, it's none of my buisness." I laughed

He let out a sigh of relief.

" But thank you for the gift it's very thoughtful. Thank you, babe." Did i just say babe? omg! why did i say tht. I feel so embarassed. I can feel my cheeks turn red.

" Babe?" he questioned with a smirk

" Yea. im so sorr--" Harry cut me off

" No. I like it. I would love it if you called me that." he gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes.

" What? did i say something wrong.?" he yelled as i walk back into the bathroom. I laughed at his reaction.

I placed the bra and under on the top of the toilet and took a look in the bag. I was a tan flowery dress kind of like jess. But this one had blue and purple flowers and this one was shorter, her's went up to her knees, and this one goes up to about 3 quaters of my thighs. I just remembered i always carry extra white toms in my purse so ill wear those intsead of the heels, beacause if i wear the heels i will eventually bust my face.

i slowly walked out of the bathroom. and i couldnt the zipper.

" Crap" i whispered. i was in the middle of Harry's room.

" Here let me help you." Harry was sitting in his bed all the time i was struggling. i didnt even notice. He walked toward me. And put up my zipper.

" You look beautiful. Well you always look beautiful." he compimented

" Thank you. You look nice too." i smiled.

" Would you like to go get breakfest?" he asked me walking towards his small desk, grabbing his keys.

" Yea sure."



"Good morning. May i take your order please?" a blonde chick asked us. she looks around our age.

"ill just have buttermilk pancakes." Harry ordered.

" What about you?" She asked me with a bit of attitude. What did i do to her?

" I'll have blueberry pancakes please."

" Coming right up. " she walked away from us.

i shifted in pain in my seat. Harry noticed.

"Are you ok love? Maybe a little sore?" he teased

i looked down at the table. I could feel my cheeks flush.

"Your so cute when you blush" he complimented. i giggled.

" babe come sit next to me." he suggested

" OK" i got up and sat next to Harry just like he said. He wrapped him arm around my waist. He placed a sweet kiss on my cheek.

" I love you." he whispered.

I looked up at him, he was smiling. I smiled too.

" I love you too." And i mean it.

About 3 minutes later the blonde chick came back with our pancakes.

" her you go very handsome young man." she gave harry a wink. AWWW! excuse me but he's my man bitch.

" and for you." she gave me a disgust look.

" And by the way. Here's my number." She handed harry a small piece of paper.

" Ummm.... no thanks... I have a girlfriend." Harry placed his hand on mine and handed back her paper. He called me his girlfriend!!!! im not but i would love to be his girlfriend."

She rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

" Well she's very nice. isn't she?" i asked Harry

"HAHAHA, yea, But she isn't you."

i can't help but blush.

" eat up, babe. Then we'll go back to my flat and you can sleep because i know your still tired on from last night." he had a smirk on his face.

i smacked his arm. i guess it's a good idea to go back to his flat. so i can still spend some time with him.

"ok babe." he did tell me to call him the because he liked it so then i will.


At Harry's flat

" So what would you like to do today babe?" Harry asked me

mmm... i am actually tired.

" lets just lay down and watch movies?" i suggested.

" yea sure i knew you were tired."

ewwww... why does he have to make these nasty comments. After that we walked upstairs to his room. We cuddled on his soft bed while watching The Boy In Stripe Pyjamas.

I cried when Bruno and Shmall were killed. Ive seen this movie like a thousand times but it still gets to me. It's so sad!

" Calm down love! Don't cry. It's okay" he tried to confort me.

" I can't. It's just to sad. What if that was your child?"

nooo! if that was my child i would die. i would have no reason to live.

well thats if i even have kids... i mean i want kids...what if im forever alone. Stop thinking that Angie thats never going to happen.... although i think not.

" I know but don't cry please i dont want to see you crying."

" o-ok" i stuttered through my sobs.

he kissed my forehead and wiped my tears. then the movie ended.

" What a movie huh babe?"

" Yea i know."

Then my phone went off like crazy. It was like 20 texts from Kayla ok? odd.

i just read one the last one.

From: Kayla

Angie! Go to the hospital now!! Its an emergancy. HURRY!!!

I was confused. so i texted her back.

To: Kayla

What's wrong? What happen?

Not even minute later like a few seconds later she replied.

From: Kayla

It's Carla. She had an accident.

i couldnt believe what i was reading. what does she mean an accident?!? I dont believe this. Its not true. But why would Kayla lie to me. She's like my sister. She wouldnt lie to me.... so it must be true. i have to go now!

"Whats wrong love?" Harry asked me confused.

"I-i have to go to the hospital...." i looked up at him. I could feel the hot tears going down my face.

"What happen?" he asked me nervously

" My friend Carla is at the h-hospital s-she had an accident. And im guessing its really bad because Kayla said its and emergancy." i explained trying not to cry in between.

" Well then let's go! We can't waist time. Hopefully there will be no traffic." He grabbed my jacket and i put it on. I grabbed my phone and my purse. Harry and I rushed out to his car.



"Angie!!.... Harry??" Jess and Kayla said all together

Harry just smiled.

"Hey is she ok?" I asked both of them. I sat in the small couch they had there and Harry followed.

" Well.... She broke her neck, left leg, and right arm." Jess seem to be crying. she has tear stains down her cheeks.

" Ouch" i heard Harry whisper.

" Are you guys staying here tonight?" i asked Jess and Kayla.

" well, i have a very important family meeting today." Kayla stated

" And my parents are pretty mad at me because yestuarday i arrived at home around 3 a.m." Jess informed me

" ok then you guys should go do what you guys have to do. Harry and I will stay here with Carla." i looked at Harry and he nodded in agreement.

" Are you sure Angie... I mean you dont have to st-" Kayla said but i cut her off

" Of course it's ok. We'll be fine. you guys go." i gave them a smile

"Thank you Angie." They thanked me

Then they grabbed their jackets and purses and walked out the door.

" Now its just you and me love." Harry scooted closer to me.

" Yea i know." i turned to face him.

He leaned in and our lips connected. I felt small sparks. Ive never felt these 'sparks' before with anyone.

There was a knock on the door that made Harry and I jump and pull apart.

It was Zayn and 3 other cute boys.

" Mate!" The blonde one walked towards Harry.

" Niall!" Harry stood up and hugged the boy.Hes irish. i know because he has an irish accent.

Then another one came to greet Harry.


"Hazza!!" They both hugged.

Then zayn and another boy wearing stripes came to Harry.. that boy has a big ass.... ( c;)

" Louiss!!!" Harry yelled

" HAZZA!!" He yelled back.

Then they both hugged. Harry gets more hugs then me in one day then i get in a week.

" What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked them

"Well Zayn's girlfriend Kay-." Liam was cut off because Zayn smacked him on the stomach.

" Girlfriend? Kayla's your girlfriend??" Harry and I said all together.

" errrmm... yea." Zayn looked down and blushed.

Wow she didnt even tell me. What a bitch! Im going to kill her once i see her again.

" anyways is she ok?" Louis asked me. I bet they didnt realize i was here.

" She broke her neck, left leg, and right arm." i told him but staring at the ground.

"Btw what's your name, love?" Niall asked me

" Angie. My name is Angie."

"Thats a lovely name." Liam compimented

" And you are lovely too." Niall sat right next to me with a smirk

" Hey shes mine. Back off." Harry warned and placed his arm around my waist

" Alright mate. Dont bite me." Niall playfully growled. I laughed.

He said i was his. I know he really does love me. Now the only thing i need is to know that Carla will be healthy.

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