Pregnancy test

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------ ANGIE'S P.O.V.--------

I don't want to get up. I'm so tired!!

I looked over to my left where Harry should be but he isn't. Where did he go?

" Morning Babe!!" Harrys voice made me jump.

Oh i just realized that I was naked.... again.

"Come here, love." he opened his arms for me.

"ok" i quickly got up and tired to walk towards Harry. But i couldn't i fell straight on my ass.

" shyt!" i cursed

" That shows me a did a great job last night. huh babe? Let me help you." he winked at me.

Great im naked in the floor and just emabarssed myself. Harry walked over to where i was and picked me up and layed me on the bed.

" Thanks." i thanked him.

He gave me a smile, and layed next to me.

"I love you." he whispered.

" I love you too."


Months later ~~~

------- ANGIES P.O.V.

So Harry decided to ask me to be his gilfriend and live with him. Of course i said YES! So now we live together at his flat. My parents dont know about this. And if they find out I know they will disagree. But i dont care. My mother will most likey flip out. She doesnt love me, never did and never will.

But im used to taking care of myself. Because my mom never took care of me. When i got my perios she wasnt there to show me what to do. That was my stepdad. He taught me what to do. Which is akward cuz hes a guy but he cares about me.

Talkinh about my period. I havent gotten it in the last months which isnt a good sign.

Today i woke up at 8:30 a.m.

Harry isnt home. Hes with the boys. There all coming here around 3 p.m. or so. Im really noy sure.

I have to go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test just to make sure im not pregnant. Im so nervous.

Since its summer im going to wear shorts. Ill wear black one... well maybe not black it attracts to much sun. Ill wear demin short shorts. ( lol c; ) and a pink shirt and my usual converse.

I straightned my hair. And added a little bit f makeup. Just mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. Keeping it simple.

I grabbed my purse and walked towards the pharmacy. There were little kids running every where.

I remember when i was little and i would always be outside with Carla Kayla and Jess and my other friend Carlos. We would always ride our bikes to the store and buy lots of things to snack onlike candy, chocolate, chips anything. I also havent seen Carlos in years. I have his # but i never call him. Maybe ill call him someday soon.

I walked straight in to the pharmacy and grabbed 2 test from the counter. And i payed for them. Ok. Now im super nervous. What if i am pregnant. How would i tell Harry?

What will be his reaction? But first i need to take the test.

I headed home. On the way there i saw a cute couple and the girl was pregnant. Awww there so adorable!! She looks around my age. When i got home i didnt bother to call Harry to ask what time they are coming. I know i have to ask but i have something way more important than ask him when hes coming home.

I headed towards the bathroom. And i took the test. I closed my eyes. My heart is beating 80 mph. Im so scared. What ever comes next might change mine and Harry's life. But here i go. I opened my eyes and looked at the test.. and its a .... positive... wait what a positive!! No that cant be true. I cant be pregnant. I can't be. Let me make sure and take another test. 2nd test- Oh god. please be a negative.. please. I looked at the 2nd test and its a positive again. Oh god! What am i going to do!?!? How am i going to tell Harry. How am i going to say it?

Oh hey Harry im pregnant with your baby. ill no thats too chessy. yet i can say it like that. But no!!

i have to figure out a way to let out the news.


----Around 2 P.M.

I was in Harry and i's room, and i was just staring at the test. Until there was a knock on the door. And i jumped like 3 feet high.

Its Harry. Oh god!

" May i come in, love?"

" ummm.. yea." You could tell im nervous. And i am... very nervous.

He then came in. I put the test in my pocket.

" H-Hey" i stuttered. Dammit why do i have to stutter.

" Are you ok? " He asked me a little concerned.

" aaahhh... yea. im fine."

" No your not. Your hiding something. What is it?" He was now standing on the corner of the bed.

" Where are the boys?" i tried to change the subject

" They are downstairs. Now tell me. Your hiding something. Tell me." He demanded.

Should i tell him now? or should i make up a lie? Common Angie you can tell him.

" Harry i have to tell you something important." Im so nervous.

" Go ahead, love."

" Harry... im...i-im pregnant."


Hii guys <3 <3

So ive been trying my best on this fanfic. I know its not that good. but you know i try. Tell me what you guys think. remember to Comment and Vote and follow me and Angie ( dimplesstyles ) Thank you!!! <3 luv yhu guys c:

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