Same School

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It's Friday!! Yes i love fridays. On fridays my friends and i usually go clubbing. I know im not old enough but my uncle is the owner of the club we go to, so my uncle lets us in.

Iget up and take a shower and wear dark blue DKNY jeans with my pink Aero shirt ans for shoes i decided to wear my white Toms.

I grabbed my purse and my phone and headed downstairs for the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a small bottle of strawberry milk and a granola bar.

I walked out and saw harry walking by. When he noticed me staring at him, he smirked at me.

" Hey Angie!"

" Hi Harry. What are you doing here?"

"Im on my way to school. What about you?"

"Same here." I giggled

" What school do you go to?"

" I go to Morton, which is like 2 blocks aways from where i live." I stated

" Really? me too. Let's go together?"

" Yea. Sure." Hopefully i dont embarass myself.



" So love, what have you done lately?" harry asked me with a smile

" Nothing really. Just at home you know."

"Really. That sounds boring."

"Yea it is... well just Monday - Thursday, On Fridays my friends and I go out to the club." i smile at him. What if i ask him to with us tonight? What would be his reaction? I would love for him to come with his tonight, well with me.

" Arent you a little to young to go out clubbing?" he seem a bit confused

"Yes i am, but my uncle owns a club so i get to go in."

" thats cool." he seems like he wants to go. I'll just asking him to come with us tonight.

"Would you like to come with us tonight?" i finally ask him

"Are you sure? I don't want to get in your way toni-"

" No i insist." i really want him to come with us, so we can get to know eachother more.

"Ok. I would love to go." He then gave me a sweet smile reveling his beautiful deep dimples.

After that we walked in silence for only about 2 mintues and throughout the whole time harry was staring at me, then i looked over at him and he quickly moved his eyes away from me and looked at the ground. I can see his cheeks flush. Is he blushing? Why? Is it because of me?

***********************************************************************************************************AT 5TH HOUR CLASS

" Carla, Kayla, Jess!!" I scream out to my friends that are by the bathroom.

"Angie!' they all exclaimed all together

"Hey girls, Are you all ready for tonight?" i asked them

"Yea but we need new dresses?" Jess nervously smiled at me

"Its ok, well go to the mall in my car right after school" I suggested

They all noded.

"well, ladies you better get to 6th hour class or you'll be late!!" carla exclaimed. Shes like our mother!

" Fine!!' i groaned

************************************************************************************************************AFTER SCHOOL (3:10 P.M)

" Hey guys! You ready?" i asked them as i stepped out of the school front door.

" Yea,Lets go." jess answered me.

We all walked towards my house to get my car and drive to the mall. We talked about how excited we were, and if its a good idea to wear high heels, then kayla came up with that if we do wear high heels we better not get to drunk or we'll fall and break out face.

Once we reached my house we all ran towards my car, i know that my neighbors can see us running like 5 year olds running towards the toy store. I was the one driving so i jumped into the drivers seat. during the short drive no one said a word. I wonder what they are thinking about.


At the mall.

We walked into a random store Kayla suggested to go into. Once we walked in we say a sign that said DRESSES. So we walked towards it, when we finally reached the dress section, there were 3 aisles of dresses.

"Look!" i exclaimed

After a while of looking though dresses, i grabbed a short purple dress.

"Should i wear this one?" i asked Jess unsuerly.

" Hell Naww!! Thats nasty! try this one on."

She handed me a Pink very short dress. It looks cute. Then i walked over to the changing booth. And tried on the pink dress jess gave me. I like how it looks on me. It looks nice. The only thing is that i have to show the girl and ask for their opinoin.

"Carla, Kayla, Jess! Guys come here!" i called them over to where i was at.

Once they reached where i was they scanned my body and their jaws dropped. Is that good or bad? I hope i dont look that bad.

" Damm girl!! you look great!" Jess complimented me

" IT TOTALLY SHOWS OUT THOSE CURVES OF YOUR!" Carla winks at me. I giggled back at there compliments.

"Yea Angie you have to wear that dress tonight! HAVE TO!!" Kayla waved her hands over my dress

"ok I will" i responded back at them. I feel confident about this one, hopefuly i can impress Harry tonight. Hes a very nice sweet cute guy. I wish he feels the same way i feel for him.

At the end Kayla went with a blue short dress that goes half way up her thigh. Carla bought a black short dress with a white thick belt to go along ans Jess she went with this cute tan, pink, and dark brown flowery dress. She just loves flowery dresses. Now to by the heels.

"Lets go for the heels?" i suggested

They all nodded in agreement. We entered Payless a typical store we go to buy our shoes. We walked around the store when i saw the perfect shoes. They were perfect. They were 5 inch white heels. Im going with these.

So i bought them. Kayla bought black heels, Carla went with red heels to combinate with the black dress and the white belt. And Jess bought some magenta heels to go with the flowers on her dress.

" Now time to get ready!" Kayla exclaimed as we walked out of the mall.

" guys.. i invited Harry to go with us tonight?" im so nervous about their reaction.

" You what?! Oh I see!! You have a crush on Harry dont you!!" Jess yelled. Can she be any louder!

" What noo!! It's just he's my friend and i asked him if he wanted to come and he agreed. That all" i defended trying not to blush of the thought of Harry.

" Yea! Right we know you love his flawless curls, his beautiful green eyes and dont forget his deep dimples!!" Carla exclaim and look right at me

I just looked down and i could feel my cheeks flush.

" AWWWWW! she's blushing!! Angie has a girly crush on Harry!" Kayla teased me

" SHHH!! Keep it quiet' I whispered to them trying to keep them quiet.

Hopefully no one heard over conversation.

--------- ZAYN'S P.O.V.

I was walking out of the mall when i heard a girl yell out:

" we know you love his flawless curls, his beautiful green eyes, and dont forget his deep dimples!" This one short blonde yelled.

Yup they are talking about Harry, i mean who else have curls, green eyes and deep dimples besides Harry, no one here in Chicago. I looked over to the 4 girls that we having a conversation about Harry.

One of them was blushing. Thats cute. She is very pretty. Then another girl yelled out im guessing her friend.

" AWWWW! Shes blushing! Angie has a girly crush on Harry!

WOW that girl is beautiful. Shes perfect. I have to meet her. I'll tell Harry if he can ask her on a date for me since i guess he know the other girl... Wait did she just say Angie?!?! She must be that one girl Harry wont stop talking about, he says how beautiful she is and he's right she is beautiful. But imma try not to get involve. But i cant wait to tell Harry that angie like him to!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARRY P.O.V.

I have no idea what to wear. And i only have 2 hours until Angie come over to my house and picks me up for the club.

I have to impress her, she's specai, that smile that just make me want to hold her and never let her go, her eyes that just suck you in and make you never want to leave. Her deep dimples just like mine. She's perfect, she has to be mine and no ones elses.

~~~ 30 minutes later

Zayn helped me pick out my clothing, because i was just over reacting about impressing her.

He picked out my black FREE HUGS shirt and my black jeans with my new white converse and he let me borrow one of his leather jacket. He never lets me borrow anything of his things, which makes me a little uncomfortable and im pretty surprised ans shocked of this comment he made earlier, he said that Angie is worth it and that she will like me and will not reject me. How is he so sure and confident. I wish i can be that confident like him, but i can't for some reason. Ive been rejected all my life. Ive never had a real girlfriend. Hopefully Angie will be the first.

I stepped over to the mirror and i look pretty good just that i need to fix my hair.

~~~~~~~~ ANGIE'S P.O.V.

Carla, Kaya and Jess are all ready to go and they are downstairs waiting for me.

I decided to curl my hair and for makeup just mascara, eyeliner and simple lip gloss. I dont want to look like a clown at the club. That would be awful, specaily because Harry is coming with us.

When i finally finished i headed downstairs to get with the girls and leave. When was finally in the living room i looked up to see Kayle ,Carla, and Jess with their eyes almost popping out of their head.

"What? Do i look that bad?" the look on their faces made me nervous.

" You look HOTTT!!" Carla smiled at me.

"Hey girl! Let me get your number?" Kayla winked at me.

" Aint no way Harry gonna reject you!" Jess exclaimed

I wish he doesn't reject me. But we'll see.

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