Chapter 6

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The bell rang, signaling the end of the period. Time to go to class. Or, for Patrick and I, time to go home. Relief spread throughout my body as I realized I could finally go home and cry. That's all I wanted to do. Cry. Nothing else. Not scroll through social media. Not talk to Haley. Not eat. Just cry. But I knew Patrick would be there to cuddle me, so I guess that was fine too. Patrick and I have been dating for almost five months, tomorrow, actually. Wow. Five months has gone by so quickly. I couldn't believe that for the past five months, I had been dating someone who was in a band and had just produced their first album, to be published today. Oh! Today! I felt like an exclamation mark popped over my head as I shuffled out of the classroom. I took a sharp left instead of a right, towards the classrooms instead of the front doors. I spotted Pete and began to walk faster. Once I reached him, (right before he entered his classroom, mind you) I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the next class.

"Ow! Luce! I have to get to class!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Oh shut up," I said with annoyance tracing my voice. "It's not like you wanted to go anyways." He shrugged, agreeing with me. I planted him to the ground once I got to the classroom I was looking for.

"Stay," I demanded him. He rolled his eyes and leaned against the lockers as I looked at the door, ready to walk in. The door opened and I took y chance, right as the bell rang. I looked at math teacher, Mr. Harris. He rolled his eyes and looked at me painfully.

"Yes, Miss Jacobson?" he asked. I looked at him politely.

"Can I borrow Andrew Hurley for the rest of the day, sir?" I asked kindly. He rolled his eyes.

"What's your grade in this class, Hurley?" Mr. Harris asked. Andy stood up.

"A B-, sir," he said, just as politely. The teacher sighed and let him go. Andy looked at me in confusion as we walked out of the class. He was about to ask me what was going on when I grabbed his and Pete's arm and dragged them out to the back of the school. As I expected, Joe was sitting out there with his friends, smoking. I let go of the boys' arms to grab hold of Joe's cigarette and throw it on the ground, putting it out. Pete saved me the trouble and grabbed Joe's arm, dragging him with us.

"Now we find 'Trick." I sighed.

"Um, Luce?" Andy asked in a small whisper. "We'll follow you, just, let us go, please?" I nodded and let them go, making sure the followed as he said. There's Patrick.


Guys, I know this chapter took like 5 seconds to read but like I'm in trouble still for writing all the time and my parents are on their way home so I gotta hurry lol. Well, I'll try to get another chapter out tomorrow, for this one and Why Worry. Well, Peace!


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