Chapter 8

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Quick author's note (the rest will be at the bottom)

guys i am so sorry it has been so long (7 months Emma get your shit together) since i have updated this damn book and i promise I'm not going to discontinue it, i just have had so much going on blah blah blah but honestly I've just gotten a life besides writing..


Yeah i know, i just have other things to do.

*boos, throws popcorn*

yeah yeah i know shocking. anyways i'll fill you in at the end, but again, I'm SORRY!!!!!!!!


I woke up with a loose gown on, and very hot. My eyes were still closed, but I started to feel a sharp pain on my right skill, and on my left wrist. I sighed when I smelled the damp hospital smell. I looked up and saw my mom smiling softly at me.

"You're awake." She stated. I rolled my eyes subtly, as she was stating the clear obvious. I started to observe my surroundings, and saw Haley to the right side of my bed, and Patrick on the other, next to Pete. Haley kept shooting glares at Pete, and he just smirked, but glared back. I sat up carefully, hissing in pain when my arm fell out from under me. My mom moved towards me, gasping, and helped me up.

"Careful, your left wrist is sprained." said the doctor, when he walked in. He had his white doctor gown hanging on his shoulder, and was wearing light blue scrubs. I sighed as mumbled "I noticed." He chuckled lightly and walked towards me, clipboard in hand. He filled me and the rest of my part in that I had fallen on my hand when i passed out, and had sprained my wrist. Wait, why did I pass out? Oh shit!

"Shawn?" I asked. everyone went quiet and looked at me in questioning. "When is Shawn?!" I asked in a demanding tone. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHAWN"

"I'm right here god, shut the hell up I have a headache. What does a man have to do to get some damn sleep?" I heard from the bed next to me. I reached over and pulled the curtain back and revealed my brother laying down. I sighed in relief as I realized he was going to be okay. I sighed again as I lied my head back and decided to get some sleep as well.


3 days later


I winced as I picked up the pen and signed my release form, signing next to my mother's name. She smiled at me fondly as we walked out, Patrick pushing my wheelchair out to the car. He picked me up and lifted me into the back seat, and walked around to the other side and sat next to me. I smiled at him softly as he buckled, and waited patiently before leaning my head on his lap. He chuckled as my mom drove out of the parking lot, and he began to stroke my hair. My mom drove the car home in silence, other than the radio. When we got home, after the ten minute ride, Patrick helped me yet again. I half expected a surprise party when i walked through the door, but luckily that didn't happen. My mom followed, but stayed near the door.

"I'm sorry I can't stay." she said sadly. I smiled.

"It's fine mom, go take care of Shawn. He needs it." she nodded and walked back out of the door. I turned towards Patrick, but he beat me to it. He Grabbed ahold of my waist and pulled me close to him, kissing me with the same passion he had when he first kissed me. I ruffled my hands into his hair and deepened the kiss even more. He growled softly and pulled me over to the couch, placing me on his lap. He pulled away and tucked my hair behind my ear. I smiled at him softly.

"I was so worried about you..." he whispered quietly. "I got scared and I thought I lost you." I lifted my still healing wrist up to his hair and dug my fingers into it.

"You could never lose me." I said before pulling his head to mine, and kissing him the same as before. He laughed through the kiss and continued kissing me. A thought popped into my head as to where this was going, before being interrupted by my phone going off. I kissed him slower then, but didnt stop. Patrick started to lower his hand down my back, towards the edge of my shirt.

Then Patrick's phone went off.

I sighed and pulled away in annoyance. Patrick laughed and reached into his back pocket to his phone. He looked at it confused at first, then annoyed. He showed me the text on his phone.

"You two gonna quit makin' babies and answer the door?"

It was from Haley. I looked toward the front door and mentally face palmed myself as it dawned on me that the front curtains were drawn. I looked at Patrick, then pulled his head to me again, and pushed my body against him. I gave him a quick three second, but very passion and need filled, kiss. When i pulled away I looked at him smugly.

"I'm not done with you yet."


"You're what?!" I yelled at Haley. She winced.

"I'm in a gang. God damn." She said annoyed. I looked at her in mad astonishment.

"Unh unh. Nope, you dont get to be annoyed at me. Or mad for that matter." I folded my arms. "Do you hear yourself? You're in a fucking gang! Do you know how shocking that is?! Apparently not!" I yelled a little softer. She shrugged and looked down at her nails.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just used to it by now." She said while looking at her painted nails. "But I did have a point to telling you this. Shawn. I found out the reason he was beat up was to join the gang closer to mine. By closer I mean area wise, by no means is it nicer to each other. For that matter, we hate each other." She looked at me with that concerned sister look I always give my brother, then looked at Patrick. He sighed and got up, walking towards the door. I got up and walked after him, and I had a feeling that I needed to, because he was probably about to do something stupid...


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