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Bela hid a lot of pain in her. She was in pain, I was in pain. But these two pains cannot be compared. Both have it's own disadvantages.

Bani was also in pain. Bela was a spark in mine and Bani's life. When she left, she took that spark with her and we were like left out matches.

She is ready to tell me about her love, pain and what she had gone threw. But I know her. She will not show her vulnerable side to me. I need to know even her vulnerable side too. I have my ways to get to know about that.

I looked at Bela's side, she was sleeping peacefully. She came back again into my life as a new spark along with Mahira. Mahira is the reason we got married but I know that it's not the only reason. I feel for her something and she loves me.

After marrying her, I'm feeling all her emotions. I used to feel for her in the same way as in past. I admit myself that I was confused once about her feelings towards me. But never expected it changed our life's.

Bela woke up stretching her arms and looked at me.
"You woke up"?she asked.

"Long ago", I said turning towards her.

Mahira also started to wake up. She opened her eyes and looked at us rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning baby", I said kissing her.

"Daddaa..", she said weakly. The fever is down now but she is a bit weak.

"Mahira wakey...wakey..", Bela said tickling her.

She jumped on her. After their love exchange Bela took Mahira for her bath.

I went and took my bath and came out. Bela was feeding Mahira while Mahira was crawling everywhere.

"Mahira baby slow down", I said taking her in my arms. I made her sit on her chair and locked it.

"Dadda..dadda..out Maiiaa", she was asking.

"No baby. You are troubling your mumma a lot, complete eating and then dadda will play with you", I said wiping her mouth.

Mahira was whining a lot while having her medicine. With a lot of difficulty she had her medicine. She was sitting on me and watching cartoons. Bela was working on her system.

"Um..Bela till when you are going to work from home"? I asked.

"That's fine Mahir. I can work from home as much as I can", she said.

"Your boss won't mind"? I asked.

"Yes I don't mind. I'm the boss", she said smirking.

"Oh boss lady", I said and we started laughing.

"Bela I guess we need to complete our talk", I said looking stern now.

"Mahir I..I already told you, what is there to know more", she said.

"Bela don't play with words, you said that you will tell me everything", I said.

"Mahir please...that is not important for you to know", she said trying to move into her room.

I caught her hand and stopped her.

"Mahir please don't push my button's", she said.

Now my anger raised into peaks. I pinned her to the wall and she was looking at me with confused look.

"I'm not pushing your button's, you are pushing my button's", I yelled at her.

"Don't be angry with me", she said and tears started pooling in her eyes.

"I am angry with you. And I have a good reason to be angry with you", I shouted.

Now her eyes started to water. I looked at Mahira and she was sleeping. I took her to my room and made her sleep on my bed.

I went back to hall and saw she was going to her room.

"Don't you dare walk away now", telling that I grabbed her hand and pinned to the wall again.

"Mahir please....you are hurting me", she said trying to come out of her grip.

I loosened my grip on her.

"Mahir don't be angry on me", she said rubbing her wrists.

"I am not angry,I'm in pain. And you put me here", I yelled and my eyes started to pool.

"Life is pain. I woke up every morning , I'm in pain. I got to work in pain. You know how many times I've just wanted to give up? How many times I have thought about ending it"? Bela yelled with anger and her eyes flowing continuously.

I removed my hands from either side of her from the wall.

She thought about ending herself?

She stared at me and left to her room closing the door with a bang.

"Fuck!", I shouted and went to my room.


I came into my room banging the door. I myself decided to tell him everything. But I loose all my guts looking at him. I just can't say it out.

He will feel guilty if I say about that situation.

After hearing the news of their marriage, I was broken beyond repair.
I was sleeping in my room and Bani di came inside disturbing my sleep.

"Bela where were you"?she said hugging me.

"Ahh..", I hissed in pain when she touched my shoulder.

"Bela what happened? You're shoulder is bruised", she said while her eyes welling up.

"Its just a small scratch", I said coldly.

"Bela"?my sister called.

"Are you angry on me"? she asked.

"No di. I'm fine. It's just.... just a headache", I said turning to other side.

"Did you take medicine"? she asked.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You have many people around to worry about", I said and regretted the next moment.

I turned around and looked at her. Her eyes were flowing.

"Di I'm...I'm sorry. Just I'm not well now", I said.

She wiped her tears and left my room. I started crying again. I just taunted my sister. I should leave as soon as possible before I mess up their life.

I checked my phone and saw  hundred plus text messages and few missed calls from Mahir.

I ignored them and went back to sleep.

I left early to the college to avoid Bani di.

I was completing my assignment and saw Mahir coming towards me. I packed my things and started moving before he come to me.

"Bela..wait", telling that he grabbed my hand.

"Mahir.. I'm .. I'm busy now", I said.

"Just shut the fuck up", he said.

I looked at him with anger. I averted my gaze from him. I cannot look into his eyes for long time.

"Where were you yesterday"?he asked.

"What are you doing in the college now? I asked.

"Don't change the topic. My dad's a trustee here and I can come whenever I want", he spatted.

"What you want now"? I asked giving up.

"What do you mean by what you want"? he was shouting at me gaining everyone's attention.

"Mahir! Everyone's watching", I said looking down.

"Let them. And why the fuck you din't tell me about your admission", he said.

"You too din't tell me many things. Did I ever questioned you"? I asked.

He was silent. He knew exactly what I was taking about.

"And congratulations for your marriage Mahir", I said.

"Bela don't act so formal",he said irritated.

"I'm congratulating you, what's formal in that", I said.

"Bela what is it? Why are you throwing these new tantrums", he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm possessed by a devil. OK"? I shouted at him.

"Bela..I'm sorry if I've hurted you", telling that he went away.

I left that place whiping my tears.

"Bela! How are you"? Vish asked.

"I'm fine Vish", I replied.

"There are just nine days left for Mahir bhai's marriage", Yuvi said.

"And nine days left for me to leave", I said with a sad smile.

"Bela running away from your problems is not the solution", Vyom said.

"I'm not running away. It's good only if I leave", I said.

"But Bela, what will you answer to Bani di and Mahir"? Vish asked.

"At some point you must  realize that some people can live in your heart, but not in your life. And that's OK. Because sometime you must forget what you feel and remember what you deserve", I said looking at them.

"You are right Bela. You deserve your happiness. You just follow your dreams", Vish said.

"My happiness is gone yesterday only Vish. It's no more existing. I'm leaving for their happiness", I said.

"You don't deserve this pain Bela. I will tell to Mahir", Vyom said.

"No Vyom. You will not do any that sort of a thing", I said.

"Why can't we"? Yuvi asked.

"Try your luck. But you can see my dead body even before their marriage", I said choking.

Vyom took me in a hug and started sniffing. Yuvi and Vish were also consoling me.

"Enough guys. No one will tell anything to them", Vish said.

I took a half day and went back to home as my head was bursting with pain.

I opened the door and saw Mahir along with his family. Mahir and Bani di were sitting together. I averted my gaze and looked at my dad.

"Bela your college is over"?dad asked.

"No dad. I'm just having a headache", I said entering inside my home.

"Are you Ok now", my dad asked taking me in a hug.

"Relax dad. I'm OK", I said.

I saw Sumi aunty looking at me. I went and greeted her.

"What happened Bela? You are looking so pale"?she asked.

"Nothing aunty. I'm fine. Just a headache", I said.

"Bela sit here. We are discussing about my marriage", di said and my eyes started pooling again.

"I'm so sorry di. I'm really not feeling well", I said looking around.

"Let her go Bani. She is not needed in this discussion", Mahir said looking at me.

Everyone must be thinking that it was our cute banter. But only I and Mahir knew what does those words mean.

I left and went to my room and started crying. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in", I shouted.

"Bela can I talk to you for a minute"? Sumi aunty came inside.

"Aunty don't be so formal. You can talk to me", I said.

"How are you feeling after Mahir's surprise"? I asked hiding my pain.

"That was a shock to me", she said.

"Trust me aunty. You will not get someone better than Bani di for Mahir", I said.

"I'm happy Bela. But I expected someone else from him", she said.

"Me and Mahir are just friends aunty. Nothing more than that. You just saw our banter right"? I said.

"Ya I know", she said.

"Congratulations aunty. I'm happy that they are getting married in just nine days", I said faking my excitement.

"Thank you Bela. I will shop for you in this wedding", she said.

I don't have that much luck.

"Thank you aunty. But it's OK. Actually I'm a bit busy with my college work", I said.

"It's your sisters wedding Bela", she said.

"It's not my wedding aunty", I said.

"You just shop for Bani di", I said.

"You escaped from me this time Bela. But on your wedding I will not leave you", she said kissing my forehead.

My wedding is never gonna take place.

"Sure aunty", I said.

She left and I started crying again. The wedding preparations are taking place.  It's better if I leave soon.

I went down after they left. I saw my dad selecting wedding cards.

"Dad", I called him.

"How is your headache beta", he asked kissing my temple.

"I'm fine dad. Can you check are there any flights for London before November 27"? I asked.

"Why Bela? Don't you want to see your sisters wedding"? my dad asked.

"Sorry dad. I don't have that much guts", I said.

"I already checked Bela. There are no flights before 27 November", he said.

"I want you to be away from this Bela. You don't din't deserve this pain. You cannot go through this pain in front of me", he said caressing my face.

I will go through this pain for all my life.

"I know dad. That's why I want to leave soon", I said sobbing.

"You din't tell to Bani di about this right"? I asked.

"No beta. But she has been crying from today afternoon", he said.

"Why"? I asked.

"She wants to talk to you. It's been a day since you spoke to her", my dad said.

My di cannot be without talking to me even for a day. I don't know how she will receive the news of me leaving.

"Where is she dad"? I asked.

"She is sleeping in her room beta", he said.

"I will talk to her", telling that I went to her room.

She was sleeping. My heart pained when I saw tear stains on her face.

"I love you so much di", I said caressing her face.

I don't want to change my feelings for her because of a man. That's why I'm leaving. I will create a problem in their life if I stay here.

I went back to my room and texted Mahir "SORRY". He saw my text but din't reply.

It's been one week and the wedding preparations are full on swing. Yuvi is sending me Mahir's pictures from his wedding functions.

They are going to get married tomorrow. They will start a new life.I will start a new life. But I'm scared how Mahir and Bani di will react when they see me leaving tomorrow.

There is a purpose for everyone you meet, some people come into your life to test you
Some to teach you
Some to use you
And some to bring out the very best in you.

Mahir showed me that life is beautiful. He showed me who I am. I will live my whole life with his memories.

I got a sister who loved me like her child.
I can live with that love for my whole life.

I packed all my bags and I'm ready to leave tomorrow.

I met my dad and told him that I will call him once a weak. I told him to not give a reaction in front of everyone while I'm leaving tomorrow.

With a heavy heart I dozed off to sleep.

I felt something shifting beside me. I saw di sleeping beside me. My eyes started to well up. It was morning and she started to wake up.

"Di why are you here? You should have a beauty sleep", I said.

"I feel comfortable sleeping beside you", she said kissing my temple.

"Di you know that I love you. I'm sorry. I was busy all these days and couldn't help you in any of your wedding preparations", I said.

"I understand Bela. Work comes first for you. And what about that admission you told", she asked.

No. She should not get there now.

"Leave that all di. I want to see your wedding saree", I said diverting her.

"Ya that will come from Mahir's house", she said blushing.

"Oh OK", I said.

"You din't show me what you are wearing"? she asked.

"Umm..di Vish will get it by afternoon", I said.

"Bela you are happy about my marriage right"? she asked.

"You don't know how happy I am di. That idiot is really lucky to get you", I said.

She started laughing.

"Mahir told me that you both are not talking properly"?she asked.

"You know about our banter na di", I said hiding my pain.

"I'm really happy for you di", I said.

"I'm going to miss you Bela", she said choking.

"Di please don't cry. Don't spoil your face crying today. Mahir will get scared looking at you", I joked and she swated my hand.

"I miss you too di", I said hugging her.

"OK now no more crying. Go and get ready my beautiful bride", I said and she was blushing.

"OK you too get ready", telling that she went.

"I'm all ready to leave di", I said to myself.

It was afternoon and I have an evening flight. Mahir and his family are here. I din't dare to come out of my room before I leave.

Finally after gathering all my guts I went down with my luggage and everyone were staring at me with confusion.

I saw Mahir and di in their wedding attire. My eyes were glued to him. He was looking at me with confusion.

"Bela why din't you get ready? And what is this luggage"? she asked looking confused.

"What is this Bela"? Mahir asked.

"Di I'm sorry to say but I need to leave now. I got a call from my college and I need to report day after tomorrow", I said not meeting her eyes.

"On my wedding day"?she asked.

"Bela..", Mahir was about to say something but I cut him off.

"It's my life and I can do whatever I feel like", I said looking at him.

I saw hurt in his eyes.
I saw anger in his eyes.

"Bela you din't care to tell me"? di asked choking.

"If somebody wants to walk away from your life, let them walk away.
You shouldn't convince anyone to love you", telling that Mahir pulled Bani di towards his side.

"Congratulations both of  you. All the best for your new life", I said looking at them.

I looked at Bani di. She was hurt. She was not talking anything. She was looking at me with her tear filled eyes.

"It's time for me to leave. Goodbye", I said and turned away from then.

Both were in a shock and hurt. See I spoiled their mood on there wedding day also.

I saw Sumi aunty standing with tears in her eyes. I smiled at her and walked outside.

My heart was feeling heavy. I wanted to see him just once.

I turned back and saw him still looking at me. Di's eyes were flowing continuously. Mahir's eyes were welled up too.

I cannot leave if I look at them more. I turned and went out of my house. I saw Yuvi, Vish and Vyom waiting for me near my car.

"Bye guys. Take care of yourself", I said.

"We will come to drop you", they said in unison.

"No guys. You people are needed here", I said wiping my tears.

"I already met my dad and came. It's time. I need to leave", I said.

"Be in touch", Yuvi said.

"I will", I said and hugged them.

No one knows that I'm not going to return except my dad.
It's better if I not tell to anyone.

I hopped into my care and started to airport.

I was trying my best to not break. But I couldn't hold it back.

I saw my dad waiting for me in the airport. I din't knew he will come here.

I gave him a bone crushing hug and started sobbing.

"Dad why did you come here"? I asked sobbing.

"How can I be there when my baby is leaving", he said wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry dad. I need to leave. I'm sorry that I loved Mahir more than anything", I said.

"It's your life Bela. I can understand", he said.

"It's time dad. I need to go. Take care of yourself. I will call you once a week. Take care of di also", I said.

"She will have a husband from today to take care of her", he said.

"But still don't tell her anything and please take care of her", I said kissing his nose.

"I will. But you please take care. Don't skip your meals", he said.

"Try to come at least once", he said hoping.

"Sorry dad. I can't. U can come and meet me when I ask you. But don't tell anyone where I'm living in London", I said.

"OK Bela", he said wiping his tears.

"Bye dad", telling that I went inside the boarding.

I left a life where I have my loved ones with me.
Now I should get used to this new life.

Love can leave a memory that no one can steal, but can also leave a pain no one can heal.

It's impossible to be just friends with someone you have fell in love with.

Mahir is just adding more salt on my wounds by his words.

I know that I am the reason for his pain and he is blaming me.

He is the reason for my pain but I never blamed him.

I just lost my sane when he blamed me that I'm the reason for his pain.

Yes. I am the reason for his pain. But he caused me the same pain. He should stand in my place and think at least for once.

I was weeping in my room and heard Mahira crying. I wiped my tears and went out to take her.

I was about to take Mahira in my arms and Mahir stopped me.

"I can take care of my daughter. I don't need you", he said.

Hey guys. Again the votes are fluctuating. I guess I need to give a target from now again. Next update after 200+ votes. Silent readers, because of you many must be cursing me for my votes demand. I'm sorry but I love you all equally.

Guys vote even in rainbow awards 2020 for me. I'm feeling left out over there. I thought many will vote. But very few voted. Anyways 4 june is the last date. U can vote till 11:59pm.

Vote, comment and share.

Stay home stay safe.

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