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He is leaving! He is leaving to NY for a week. I stayed without him for two years, but now it's different. After being with him all these months,it's difficult for me to stay without him.

He is like a drug, and I'm an addict to it.

"I don't want to go leaving you and Mahira here all alone,but it will be stable only when I go and solve that problem over there", he said.

"It's OK Mahir,I...I understand. You should go and solve that problem",I said.

I'm controlling the tears which are ready to spill out of my eyes.

He was looking at me without blinking, he got to know that I'm about to cry.

"Bela come here", telling that he took me in a hug.

I wrapped my hands around his torso and closed my eyes.

I can't even think without him now. After being with him all these days, now I can't stay away from him.

"You will come soon right"?I asked sniffing.

"I will try my best to come, even your dad is going to join me", he said kissing my temple.

"I'm so sorry Bela. I've never listened to you. I shout on you without knowing the reason always", he said.

"It's OK Mahir. I can understand that,but you doubted my love for Mahira"? I asked looking at him.

"How can you even think like that. I will die if something will happen to Mahira",I said.

"I know Bela, I'm really sorry. It's just my anger issues, I'm working on them", he said.

"You can accuse me of anything but you cannot accuse me of not taking care of Mahira. I will not forgive my self if something will happen to her. She is the one who brought happiness in my life. I can't take risks of loosing her",I said sobbing.

"I will not lie,I was really hurt about you doubting on my love for her Mahir",I said wiping my tears.

"Bela please don't cry,I cannot see you crying like this"he said wiping my tears.

"Maybe I may leave in this mid week only,I will miss you and Mahira alot", he said.

"I..I will miss you too",I said and he took me into another hug.

We both were standing like that hugging each other.

"Mahir can I ask you something"?I asked.

I wanted to ask this from many days,but I was not sure weather to ask or not.

"Hmm...ask", he said.

I came out of the hug and looked at him.

"Did you really come to London,or was it my hallucination"?I asked.


I was really hoping that she should not ask about this. But finally she asked. It's better I tell her now.

"Yes Bela! I really came to London searching for you",I said.

She was shocked. Tears were flowing from her eyes.

"Why did you come searching for me"? she asked.

"I...I couldn't stay..I mean we, me and Bani couldn't stay without you",I said.

I don't know how to express that feeling I have for her. Of course Bani and I couldn't sit silent without looking for her,but I was trying day and night to search for her.

"Why Mahir"? she asked.

"Bela, one day I will give all your answers",I said.

"Did you find me in London"? she asked.

"No. But I felt like you were near me somewhere,but I came back the next day to India as I got call that mom was not well",I said.

"I'm sorry Mahir. I got to know about Sumi aunty,but I couldn't come", she said sniffing.

"If you want to come, you would really come. But even I dint knew the situation you were in",I said.

"I'm.. I'm really sorry Mahir", she said.

I took her to the couch and made her sit.

"It's OK Bela,it's already over. We can't do anything about it now",I said.

Tears were glistening in my eyes. Mom was very important in my life. She passed away even before holding her grandchild.

Not my mom, even Bani couldn't hold her. She held Mahira only for five minutes.

Bela hugged me wiping my tears.

"If someone important in our life's will leave,it's not necessary that even we should leave", she said.

"I realized that after you left",I said.

Now she was looking at me with guilt.

"It's late,we should sleep",I said.

She nodded. We locked all the doors and went to sleep. I went to sleep with her and Mahira in her room today.

"Why are you not making Mahira sleep in her crib"?I asked looking at Mahira surrounded by pillows.

Bela was smiling looking at me. I know she don't want to sleep alone, so Mahira is sleeping with her.

I should stop playing this game with her. I promised her that I will sleep with her in her room,but I'm going to my room whenever we have an argument.

That's so sick of me.

"I'm sorry again Bela",I said.

"Why Mahir"? she asked.

I signalled towards the bed and she understood.

"It's OK Mahir,I'm fine with it", she said.

"I will sleep beside you no matter what from now, even if we have an argument or not. I will stop being a dick",I said.

"OK ,but please stop cursing", she said closing her ears.

We both laughed and I layed Mahira in her crib. It's safe than the bed for her.

I and Bela settled on the bed facing each other.

"You will leave in this week", she said.

"Hmm I will",I said.

"Suhani messaged me today,she is sending Mahira's dresses day after tomorrow, they will reach before her birthday", she said.

"That's good",I replied.

"Mahir do you still miss Bani di"? she asked.

Of course I miss her. But I'm not feeling lonely now. I'm not able to express my feelings to Bela because of Bani.

I will express my feelings for her the day I will forgot Bani and accept my present. I need to forget my past and accept my present for the futures sake.

"I do miss her,but Mahira and you are filling that void",I said.

"Me also"? she asked with amused expression.

"Of course you do",I said.

She was staring at me and soon we both fell asleep.

I woke up when I heard Mahira crying. I looked at her side and saw that she was trying to climb the bed,but couldn't.

I pulled her up with my single hand and took her in a hug cooing her.

"It's OK baby,dadda and mumma both are here",I said rubbing her back.

"Mummaa..", she was crying for Bela.

Bela opened her eyes in a jerk. She looked at us and came near us.

"I'm hear baby,mumma is here", she said kissing her temple.

"Dadda u cab in mid",Mahira said poking my chest.

Me and Bela were giggling at her antiques.

She and Bela slept together all these days, now I came so she is feeling a bit different.

"But dadda will be with you and mumma from now",I said kissing her.

"Come Mahira let's take a nice warm shower",Bela said in her baby tone.

Mahira loves bathing. She loves playing with water actually.

"I will also help you today",I said.

"It's OK Mahir, you will get late to office", she said.

"It's OK,I can manage",I said.

We both gave bath to Mahira. Mahira was enjoying her bath to the fullest today as even I was there.

We three had our breakfast and I was getting ready to go to office.

"Mahir just wait a minute,I will give you lunch",Bela said.

"That's fine Bela, I'm getting late. I will have something in my office",I said buttoning my blazer.

"Just a minute Mahir"! she said.

"Sorry Bela, I'm in hurry. I need to go.",I said gathering all my files.

She sighed and nodded her head.

"Bye Mahira",I said kissing her but she was busy watching her rhymes.

I'm late today. But it was worth it.


He left without taking his lunch today. I told him that he will get late,but he is stubborn as usual.

Mallika didi also came late today. It was half past one in the noon. Mahir must have eaten by now. I thought to call him but dropped that idea again.

I called Yuvi instead.

"Hey Bela! What's up"? he asked.

"Hey Yuvi. I'm good. Um.. when is your lunch break"?I asked.

"Today at two,because an important meeting is going on", he said.

"Ohh! Did you eat"?I asked.

"No Bela,Mahir bhai dint eat", he replied.

"Idiot. I'm asking about you",I said.

"Oh bhabi jaan,I know you called for bhai. You want to get lunch for him"? he said.

I blushed at his comment.

"Hmm ya. I will get lunch for you all",I said.

"No. Get it only for me and bhai,our dad's had their lunch already", he said.

"Hmm OK then,I will be there",I said.

"Get Mahira also", he said.

"OK chachuu",I said chuckling.

"Hey don't call me that, and both of you come soon. I'm starving", he said and hanged up.

"Mahira shall we go to dadda"?I asked.

"Yey..daddaa", she beemed.

I packed lunch for them and got ready to go.

I put the baby bag around me and kept Mahira in it.

I drove to our office with Mahira in my car. I took Mahira in my arms and the lunch bag in another hand.

It's been two years since I came here.

I entered the office and saw everything was changed. It was nothing like before here.

"Hello Bela mam. How are you"?the receptionist greeted.

"I'm fine. Thank you",I said giving her a warm smile.

"Which floor is Mahir's"?I asked.

"Mam it's 18 floor. Do you need any help"? she asked.

"Thank you,it's OK I can manage",I said.

"Mumma daddaa wher"?Mahira asked.

"Yes baby,we are going to dadda",I said.

Everyone were looking at me like I'm an alien. Of course everyone know me from the beginning,but I came here after two years. Everyone are surprised looking at me.

Now I'm not Bela Sharma. I am Bela Mahir Sehgal. Not daughter of their ex boss but wife of their boss.

I saw Yuvi and called him.

"Yueee",Mahira shouted looking at him.

I made her stand on her feet and she slowly ran to Yuvi.

"Oh my baby came to see me today",Yuvi said kissing her.

"Hello mister, I'm also here",I said.

"Of course bhabi", he said putting his hand around my shoulder.

"Stop calling me that Yuvi",I glared at him.

"OK bhabi jiiii", he said.

"It's waste of time to argue with you",I said smacking his head.

"Come let's go, the food is getting cool",I said.

We got into the elevator. I don't know why all bosses prefers to be in the top floor. As a boss my floor was in five.

Typical bosses.

We reached 18 floor and came out of the elevator. I've been here when my dad was the boss . After our companies got merged,Mahir became the boss. My dad and Andy uncle helps Mahir and Yuvi.

Mahira started walking fastly shouting "Dadda". Her shoes were making pitter patter sound. Everyone were looking at her in aww.

"Dadda", she was shouting searching for Mahir.

This girl is crazy for her dadda. I feel jealous.

I and Yuvi were walking behind her.

"Mahira slow down baby, you will hurt yourself",I said.

She was increasing her speed. Everyone were literally looking at her pausing their works.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Mahir talking to someone signing a file.

"Dadda", she shouted in excitement.

Mahir looked at our side and was surprised. A big smile formed on his face looking at me and Mahira.

He signed that file hurrily and started walking towards us.

"Dadda",Mahira ran towards him and he took her in his arms and twirled her around.

That sight was worth watching. Everyone were clicking their picture's.

"Mahira came to see dadda"?Mahir asked kissing her.

He looked at me and smiled.

"You dint take your lunch in the morning, so I bought lunch for you and Yuvi",I said.

"Come let's go inside", he said and I nodded.

"Enough of pictures. Now back to work everyone",Yuvi said and everyone were alerted getting back to their work.

"That was so mean",I said entering Mahir's cabin.

"Oh bhabi jaan, I'm at least better. Your husband is more dangerous", he said.

Husband. That word feels so good.

"Yuviii",Mahir said narrowing his eyes at him.

I served them both and Mahira was sitting between them. They were feeding her occasionally and she was enjoying between them.

Mahir was stealing glances from me,but I was avoiding looking at him.

I was feeling shy. I'm blushing actually. I don't know what Mahir must be thinking about me that I got lunch for him.

"Did you.. did you eat"?Mahir asked putting another morsel in his mouth.

"Um..yeah I had",I replied.

"Dadda waterrrr",Mahira shouted.

"Eat slowly baby",Mahir said making her drink water.

"Mahira come,let's go and have some ice cream",Yuvi said wiggling his eyebrows.

"No Yuvi,we had it yesterday only",Mahir said.

"Yes. No more ice cream now",I said.

"Mummaa pleese",Mahira whined.

"No Mahira. No more ice cream",I said.

"OK not ice cream,but let's have a desert. Is it OK bhabi ji",Yuvi asked.

"Yuvii...,OK you and Mahira go. Have your desert and come",Mahir said.

"Bye bye,I and Mahira will eat cake today",Yuvi said taking her in his arms.

"Yuee cakeee",Mahira said clinging onto Yuvi.

They both went to have their desert while I and Mahir were sitting in silence.

"So you brought lunch for me"!Mahir said.

"Um...yaa",I said blushing.

I stood up and looked around his cabin. There was a picture of him and Bani di on his table. Another picture of me and Mahira.

I caressed both the frame's. Mahir was in washroom.

I went out of the cabin and was walking around. I heard few female voice's around.

"My god. She returned after two years and got married to her sister's husband,she played very smart",I heard a lady's voice.

"Now she will become close to Mahir sir by excuse of Mahira",I heard another lady's voice.

Tears were pooling in my eyes. They think like this about me?

Am I playing it as a game?

"I thought we can hit on Mahir sir after Bani died,but now this girl came in his life. She don't know that Mahir sir will never love anyone except Bani. Poor girl", that lady said.

I dint hear their conversation again. I turned back and saw Mahir.

His hands were fisted and knuckles were turning white. His eyes were red.

I wiped my tears immidieatly.

"Mahir...nothing..I...I. just came to see around",I said.

"You go and wait in my cabin,I will be back", he said.

"Mahir.. just listen to me..",I was telling.

"Bela just leave. I don't want to shout on you again", he said.

Now I really got scared and went back to his cabin.

"Just get the hell out of here",I heard his voice and flinched.

Hey Guys! Thank you so much for all your lovely wishes. It really means a lot to me. I was surprised by seeing 100+comments. It just made my day.

This update is for you all. My way of apologizing for a late update☺☺.

And Yeah you can read my interview in rainbow users page if u want😊😊.

Keep showering your love with votes and comments😉😉.

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