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"Don't you know that her father is still alive", I barked at the nurse who was giving my baby to Bela.

She flinched suddenly when she heard me and took a step back. I took my Mahira in my arms and kissed her forehead. My baby is just three days old now. I told my dad to complete the formalities in the hospital. I gave a last glance at Bani and stormed out of the room with Mahira in my arms. My eyes started pooling again. She is gone. My Bani, my love of my life is gone. All the women I loved in this world left me alone. But now I won't let go of  my daughter to anyone. She is mine. I saw Yuvi coming towards me in a hurry, dad must have informed him about Bani and Mahira.

"Oh my god..., Bhai it's a girl", tears started pooling in Yuvi's eyes. I nooded and gave another kiss on my baby's forehead.

"Bhai can I...can I hold her once"? asked Yuvi. I handed Mahira to him, he was observing her angelic features and gave  a peck on her forehead.

"She got Bani bhabi's eyes , and her nose and hairs are like your's Bhai", said Yuvi. I gave him a sad smile.

"Bhai I'm soryy about Bani bhabi, if she could inform us before hand then we could...",I stopped him in between signalling with my hand to stop.

"Is the driver available with my car now"? I asked him, to which he nodded.

"I'm leaving to my home with Mahira, inform dad and others to come there if they want to see Mahira", telling him I started to walk towards the parking.

I met the doctor and took the medications and diet plan of Mahira and started to heed to my home.

My baby is sleeping peacefully in my arms. Tears started to pool in my eyes. Bela returned after damn two years. What does she think about her self? Going and coming whenever she want's. She was my fucking best friend and she left me on the day of my wedding. That was ridiculous of her. She never contacted me or Bani in these two years. We don't know the reason why she left all of a sudden. We asked her dad and he told that she got admission in her dream university. But that was a lame excuse by her father. Bani had many sleepless nights because of her. I called Vish and Vyom too to ask about her. But they don't have a single clue about her.

Why did she ran away when her sister needed her? When I needed her? And Bani din't care to inform me about her pregnancy complications. These both sisters took me for granted. And Bani wants me to marry Bela? This was unexpected. I know Mahira needs a mother now, but Bela was my best friend. Yes, she was but not now. She contacted Bani only once in these two years to congratulate her about her pregnancy. I tried to talk to her that time but she din't respond.

She did not even contact me when I lost my mother. She very well knows the relationship between me and my mother and she was very close to her also. But still, no response. If not Bani I would have been a mess till now.

Bela broke my heart and now she is expecting me to marry her?

I reached my home and our maid Mallika opened the door and welcomed us. 

"Sir, I'm soryy about Bani bhabi..", I stopped her in middle before speaking further.

"Mallika , you please take a day off today, I can manage", I told her and she reluctantly agreed to it and left.

I made the bed for my baby and feed her the milk from milk bottle. She was not drinking before and was crying. I cooed her slowly and made her drink the milk. I statred rocking her back to sleep and soon sleep engulfed us.


Mahir took Mahira and stormed out of the room after giving a last glance to my sister. He din't even perform the last rights for my sister. My dad was unconsolable. And then I saw Yuvi coming towards us. I couldn't meet his gaze. He stared at me  for a minute  and went to meet my dad. We all were sitting in the living room of my home.

"Uncle, can I talk to Bela for few minutes"? asked Yuvi and my head shot up in his direction. This is not going to be good now.My dad nodded, I and Yuvi started to heed towards the garden.

"How are you Bela"? asked Yuvi with a calm face.

"I..I..am not.. not..ok" saying this I bursted out  into tears sobbing heavily.

"Hey...Bela it's ok, calm down", saying this he took me in a hug.

"I already told you Bela, see now it happened as expected", said Yuvi. I looked at him with a blank face.

"I...I can never do one good thing... which is good for everyone...I always mess up things.I...I can never", saying this I started to cry. Yuvi took me to a nearby couch and made me sit.

"Can I say one thing which you can do good for everyone"? he asked me. I nodded at him to continue.

"Marry Mahir bhai Bela!" said Yuvi and tears started pooling again in my eyes.

"Not this Yuvi, I told you two years back that Mahir loves Bani, not me. That was the reason I left my everything and ran away like a coward. No one can be happy after knowing that I love Mahir, no one can. And now  you all are asking me to do that mistake which I din't wanted to do two years back?

"Are now everyone happy"? asked Yuvi making me shot up my glance towards him.

"Tell me Bela? Is everything happening according to how you thought? Nothing such thing happened, no one's happy and you  made your own assumptions and left?" asked Yuvi with a sad expression.

"If you are scared about  one thing, let me tell you that one thing, everyone except Mahir bhai knows about your love for Mahir including Bani bhabi", said Yuvi and I was out of words.

"Yes Bela, mom got to know about it from your dad and she informed about this to my dad when she was on the death bed. And I guess one day Bani bhabi overheard your dad's conversation with you in the phone. That day she went to inform your dad about her pregnancy and she heard about it", said Yuvi and all the color drained from my face.

"Di knows about my love"? No, this was not good... not at all good.

"Bela let's discuss about it later, but first you have to fulfill the promise you gave to Bani bhabi, you have to marry Mahir bhai, now only you and Mahira are the ray of hope in Mahir's bhai life", said Yuvi. Before I could say anything Andy uncle started..

"Bela now it's not just about his child, it's even about my child, I can't see my son in that condition as a single parent, and he lost all the women he loves in his life. Please Bela marry Mahir and become his support system, I know that you even loved Mahir but your decision of running away was not justified", said Andy uncle with pleading eyes.

"Beta you loved someone once but you din't get a chance to express your love for that person, but now you got a second chance to show your love for him and everyone in this world will not get a second chance like this", said my dad with tears.

"But Bani di....., she herself asked you to marry Mahir bhai",stated Yuvi.

Yes, I promised my sister to look after her family. I can't run away now. I can at least do this much for her. And I don't want Mahira to be deprived by mother's love just as we sisters were. And I decided to marry him and rest I'm leaving it on the god.

"Ok dad....I...I..will marry him and look after Mahira", I said.

We all started to heed towards Mahir's home. He opened the door and we all went in without looking at him. I can feel that he is staring me but I decided to look away. This house is same as it was two years back. Nothing has changed. But what surprised me was there was not even a single picture of Bani di. Then I realized, this man should not turn into a cold hearted man.


My sleep was disturbed by continues ringing of the doorbell. I opened the door and found my family members along with her. What does she want now? After leaving me alone and taking our happiness for two years. I was staring at her but she din't dare to look at me.

"Mahir we need to talk to you", said my dad and I heeded towards the study to talk. I went back to my room to check on Mahira and I was surprised to see Bela rocking her back to sleep.I returned back to study and found our family doctor Polo aunty who did Bani's delivary. I greeted her with a smile and took a seat.

"Mahir you have to marry Bela for Bani and Mahira", said my dad and Bela's dad in unison. I gave them a cold look.

"Uncle why din't you marry again  when Bani's mother passed away, and dad why don't you marry again as mom's no more"? I asked, shock evident in everyone's face.

"Mahir, child my situation was different when I lost my wife. I had my parents and my wife's parents to look after my children, but now you don't have your mom neither my wife is alive to look after Mahira," said Bela's dad.

"Do you want any random nanny to look after your child Mahir"? I lost your mom recently and my children are matured enough to look after themselfs , but Mahira is just three days old baby, don't you think about her Mahir?"asked my dad in disbelief.

"Mahir, I was in your situation years back, and now I don't want you to go through the same pain I had child. Yes, Mahira will have you but one day she will ask about her mother, what will you tell her?"asked Bela's dad with a teary eye.

"Mahir, I'm your well wisher and I too want you to marry Bela, because parenting a girl child without a mother is a horrible situation to every single parent, think about it Mahir", said Polo aunty caressing my hair.

"Why din't you inform me about Bani's pregnancy complications aunty"? I asked.

"Because she asked me to do so and I can't overcome my professional ethics Mahir", said Polo aunty caressing my hair. And suddenly we hear Mahira crying and I stormed out of the room and others followed me. But I halted on my steps near the entrence when I saw Bela cooing Mahira in her arms and started feeding her milk with the milk bottle. Mahira was very loud when she cries and she stopped crying when Bela was murmuring  sweet words to  her. She did her burp and setteled on the couch showing her back towards us. I guess she is not aware that we all are here watching her.

And I did what I should do right now, and I said those words loudly so everyone in this room is aware about it. {and I guess you all know about whom I'm talking about}

"I WILL MARRY BELA",I said and saw her body posture stiffening hearing my words.


Hello guys, I am so damn happy after the response I got from you all. It's really over whelming. Your comments and votes inspires me to write more.

What would be Bela's reaction after listening to Mahir and why do think Mahir is ready to marry her?

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OK so the previous chapter got 50+ votes, so can I expect 100+ votes for this chapter?

I request all the silent readers to share their views through comments and votes please. It's a humble request from your writer.

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