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"I missed you too",Mahir said breathing heavily.

I was resting my forehead against his, and we both were breathing heavily. I just forgot everything when I saw him. My legs were numb. I dint realize he carried me like a baby to my room.

I just poured my feelings for him in this kiss. I dint care what he will think. I just missed him a lot.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. He was also looking at me.

"You missed me this much, that you took my breath away"? he asked.

"Yes! I missed you",I said without any shame.

He tightened his grip on me by pulling me more into him. I felt something poking.

God no! He is hard.

I came back into the reality and saw, I was sitting on him just as Mahira sits on me and him.

I was straddling him!

I don't know how to react to this also now. I was about to get out of his grip,but he stopped me by pinching my waist.

"Ahh",I sighed rubbing my waist looking at him.

Idiot. He was smirking.

"It's hurting Mahir",I said.

"I was hurt more than this when I was away from you", he said easing my pain over there.

My legs were turned into jelly now. I'm numb again.

My body ignites with his every touch.

"Bela, can I ask you something"? he asked.

I nodded.

"Do you have any fantasy with me"? he asked.

What the fish?

Why is he asking about the closed chapter in my life.

"Mah....Mahir... what are...what are you asking"?I said looking away.

He pulled my face closer and asked again
"Tell me Bela, I'm not joking. Any simple fantasy"? he asked.

I have imagined many fantasies with him,but I cannot share with him. But he is not going to leave me today.

OK. Nothing wrong in telling one from my list.

"Yes. I...I w...want to cuddle with you all... all night",I said and closed my eyes immediately.

There was silence again. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him.

His pupils were dilated,dark, filled with love and passion.

"I'm.... I'm sorry",I said trying to get up from him.

He held me again and nodded 'no'.

What is he going to do now?

I could just listen to my heartbeat in this thick silence. I could smell his after shower smell.

Me or him, both were not blinking our eyes.

In a one swift motion,he flipped us and in no time my body touched the soft mattress.

I looked at him and now my heart beats were drumming in my ears. I was in the sleeping position and he was on his knees near my legs.

He removed his tee and threw it somewhere in the room.

My pupils dilated looking at him. Is he going to kill me today?

I just want to touch his body, feel his dips. I want to feel every muscle of his body.

He hovered on me pinning my each hand beside my head. He locked  our fingers together. I felt his whole weight on me. I'm feeling him.

He kissed my forehead and left my hands free. He was cupping my face and kissed my forehead.

I don't know what to do with my free hands now. They were just numb. He slammed his lips on my lips without warning.

This kiss was full of love and passion, he is in need of me also.

My hands automatically went to clutch his hairs. He kissed me till we both were breathless.

Our chests were getting in contact due to our heavy breathing. He took my hands and rested on his back. I was hesitant to touch him.

"Feel me Bela", he said breathing heavily.

"Mahir..",I was cut off by him.

"Just feel me Bela. You can trust me,I won't go beyond this", he said putting my baby hairs behind my ear.

I slowly touched his body. Now I was roaming my hands all over his back.

I've heard about Greek gods,but I'm feeling one of them.

Mahir is really a Greek God.

He dipped his face in my neck,inhaling my scent. I closed my eyes feeling his body.

He was getting relaxed at my touch.

He flipped us, and now I was on top of him. My bare legs,my bare arms, everything was on him.

I looked at him and he pecked my lips. I'm becoming a teenager again.

I rested my head on his chest and relaxed. He was caressing my back,my arms and my hairs too.

I was trying to get off him,but he stopped me again.

"Stay", he said with an innocent face.

"I'm... I'm heavy",I said out of shame.

I'm feeling like gained a lot of weight.

He started laughing. Why is he laughing?

"You weigh nothing, even my gym weights are heavy than you", he said laughing.

I smacked his chest and pinched his nipple.

"Ahh Belaaaa",he looked at me rubbing that spot.

I'm embarrassed officially now.

You know what Bela? You will die with embarrassment instead of some health problems.

Dumb girl!

"I'm.. I'm so sorry Mahir",I said getting off him.

He caught my hand and pulled me on him again.

"Just sleep in my embrace today Bela", he said kissing my knuckles.

I rested my head on his strong muscular chest. He was rocking me to sleep just as we do to Mahira.

I was feeling relaxed and I slept in his embrace.

I opened my eyes when I felt weight on my chest.Mahir was sleeping on my chest like a baby.

Wait a minute!

Last night I was on top of him,now he is partially on me.

Trust me,I got the best sleep in all these years yesterday night.

I just forgot each and every problem in my life while I was in his embrace.

I was shocked looking at our attires.

He was shirtless,I was in my shorts and tank. His grip was tight on my waist as he snuggled into my chest.

Butterflies woke up again in my tummy.

Our legs were entangled and his muscular body was on my soft body.

God I just don't want the sun to rise today. Why can't the time stop for once.

I looked at clock and saw it was six in the morning. It's my baby's birthday today.I dint wish her yesterday as I was distracted by her father.

Mahir is a heavy sleeper, he dint budge when I untangled myself from his grip. Thanks to his jet lag.

I caressed his face and gave a quick peck on his forehead. I kept a pillow beside him and he snuggled into it.

I wore my shrug immediately and went to Mahira's crib. I kissed her and mouthed her a very happy birthday.

I took shower with hot water,relaxing my muscles.

Mahir is making the impossible as possible. He full filled one of my fantasy yesterday night.

I dint know how I told him about it and he full filled it too.

Long distance relationship thought a lot to me and him also.

He is back finally. Now I can breath with relief.

I came to my closet for dressing up and I saw the black shirt I bought for him. It's Mahira's birthday today.

I can gift it to him today.

I wore a saree and came out. I saw Mahira shifting in her crib,she is going to wake up.

I took her before she cries.

"Good morning baby",I said kissing her.

She was rubbing her eyes and she looked at me.

She snuggled more into me.

"Wake up baby,it's your birthday today",I said rubbing her back.

She was not ready to wake up only.

"Mahira,see dadda is back",I whispered in her ears.

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

I pointed her towards Mahir.

"Dadda", she said in her sleepy tone.

I went and sat beside Mahir. Mahira crawled towards him and she kissed his nose.

Mahir was still sleeping hugging the pillow tightly.

"Daddaa",Mahira shouted in his ears.

He woke up with a jerk.

"Mahiraa", telling that he took her in his arms.

Mahira was kissing all over his face and she was sitting on his stomach now.

"Happy birthday my baby,you have turned one today",Mahir said kissing her.

Their love exchange was unstoppable. Mahir's sleep is gone now.

"Dadda brought many toys and chocolates for my birthday girl",Mahir said kissing her forehead.

"Toy"?Mahira asked.

"Yes baby, so many. Some couldn't fit in my bags, so daadu will get it for you", he said.

He told me that dad will come after submitting the project.

"Come on, both dadda and Mahira should get freshed now",I said.

Mahir looked at me and I was cherry red now.

"I will give bath to Mahira today", he said and I nodded.

He took Mahira and went. I went to my vanity table to get ready and I saw my neck was filled with two or three hickeys. They were purple in color now.

I dint realize that he bit me also,I was just lost in him and he did this to me.


Mahir gave me these love bites. I was blushing looking at it. But I need to hide them.

I applied vermilion today. I was looking like a new bride.

I got ready and went to Mahir's room to help him.

His bags were still unpacked. I went to washroom and saw both father and daughter relaxing in the tub.

Mahira was sitting on his stomach while Mahir was making all boyish hairstyles with Mahira's hair.

God these fathers!

"Mahir, she is a girl",I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Mumma see my hay",Mahira said showing me her lather filled hair.

I touched the water,it was warm.

"I will never leave Mahira alone with you from next time",I told Mahir.

"What did I do Bela? I'm just playing with her hair",Mahir said making another hairstyle.

And this girl was enjoying it.

"Mahira come to mumma,I will complete your bath",I said looking at her.

"Mumma you go..I and dadda", she said.

"Don't be childish Mahir,we need to go to temple",I said.

"OK OK,we will be out in ten minutes", he said.

I sighed and came out waiting for them.

Both came out wrapped in fluffy towels.

I took Mahira and he went into his closet to get ready.
He came out all dressed up.

"Mahir I want to give you something",I said.

"Yes Bela", he said.

I forwarded the black shirt to him and he looked at me amused.

"I bought it for you long back. You can wear it for evening party if you like it",I said.

"I will definitely wear it Bela", he said.

I blushed at his comment.

"Come I will show you Mahira's dresses",I said and we three went to my room.

"Wow Bela, these are amazing", he said touching them.

"Dadda they Maiiaa",Mahira said pointing it to herself.

"They will look beautiful on you baby",Mahir said kissing her.

"Mahira which one will you wear now to temple,yellow or pink"?I asked.

OK now she is thinking like Einstein!

"Mumma pink", she said pointing towards the dress.

"OK Mahira baby will get ready in pink now",I said and she was looking like a princess in that dress.

Our family also came and we all went to temple together.

Only my dad was missing.

We all came back from temple,Mahira was having her milk,we all were having our breakfast.


This warm welcome was unexpected from her. I just lost my mind when she hugged me.

I just lost it!

She told a very small fantasy,cuddling?

That's it?

I already imagined many fantasies with her.

Jerk. Shut the fuck up!

I just want to feel her all my life.

We came back from temple and were having breakfast. Bela was looking like a new bride today. She was glowing.

My effect maybe!

"Umm..Bela? What happened to your neck? Vish asked.

I looked at her and saw three big marks were clearly visible on her neck, they were purple in color.

Shit! Hickeys!

She was hiding it with her hair and was looking embarrassed.

Of course everyone's attention was on her now.

"It's...it's nothing Vish,just mosquito..", she was struggling to tell.

Bad lie Bela. Vish is a cop in my sense.

"Really? Mosquitos in Mr. Mahir Sehgal's house? Yuvi,is the world ending"? she asked with a shocked expression.

Drama queen!

"Yes Bela bhabiiii, that's not looking like a mosquito. Did someone bite you"? Yuvi asked looking at me.

These people. They are embarrassing her. I think I should take it into my hands now.

"Umm..Vish I guess last year I caught you and Yuvi...",I was cut by Yuvi.

"Arey Vish,see so many mosquitos are there. I guess it is a mosquito bite only",Yuvi said pleading me with his eyes.

"Ha ya ya.. even I saw one just now",Vish said glaring at me.

My dad went to wash his hands laughing at our conversation.

"Bhai please don't tell anything in front of dad, I beg you",Yuvi said.

"It's OK,by the way you are getting married this year right? And Vish told me that you always use a pro..",Bela was cut by Vish.

"Arey Bela..I...Mahir..sorry",Vish said smiling sheepishly.

I was amused.I looked at Yuvi,he became red.

"What is it that I don't know Bela? Something 'pro' you were telling",I said.

I know it anyways.

"Arey please stop this topic. I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs Sehgal",Vish said joining her hands.

We all were laughing at it. Mahira was also laughing as if she understood everything.

"And yeah Vyom told that he will join in the evening",Bela said.

"OK cool",I said.

I was unpacking my bags and was giving Mahira her gifts.

Now we need a separate room for her toys also.

I gave Vish and Yuvi their gifts.

I wanted to give Bela that dress, but not in front of everyone.

"OK Bela..we will come at evening. Take Care",my dad said and they all left.

Bela and Mahira were talking with Suhani.

"Hey Mahir,say hi to Suhani",Bela said showing me her phone.

"Hey Suhani, the dresses are amazing. When will you come to India"?I asked.

"I will try to come soon Mahir and thank you", she said.

"All thanks to you Suhani,I need to thank you for a lot of things",I said and Bela looked at me.

OK, now I should give her the dress and necklace.

Mahira was taking a nap, so this is the best time to give her.


"Bela.. just come with me",Mahir said taking me to his room.

He bought a necklace and dress from his closet.

"Bela I got this dress for you,it will look beautiful on you. Will you wear it for evening party"?he asked with a hope.

"Sure Mahir,it's beautiful. I will wear it",I said touching the dress.

The dress was beautiful indeed,red one. He is still obsessed with red.

"I have one more gift for you",he said and placed a necklace box in front of me.

He signalled me to open it. I  opened it and looked at him with shock.

Pearls! He still remember?

"This is for you. I hope you still like pearls",he said.

"I love pearls, and I will always love pearl",I  said.

Now he was blushing like a teenager.

He gifted me, and I gifted him today.
We should gift Mahira,but we were just into us.

Crazy we!

I  went back to my room silently. Mahir has gifted me a dress and pearl necklace.

He is giving so many shocks.


The day has come finally. I'm eagerly waiting to read it. But I will read after Mahira's birthday party.

This day has done so much to me. Mahira came into my life,Bela came back.

And Bani.

Just after two days,Bani's one year ceremony. Then mine and Bela's wedding anniversary.

All are coming like a dagger which were ready to get into my heart.

Bani's dagger will get straight into my heart. Our daughter has turned one today.

My baby resembles a lot with Bani. It's like I'm watching little Bani growing in front of me.

I forget about Bani yesterday night when I was with Bela.

And now I'm feeling guilty,guilty because I'm still feeling like I'm doing wrong with Bani.

But I need to read that journal,I will read it when the party gets over.

I thought to surprise everyone by shaving my beard today. Bela doesn't like it, and my baby too.

All will be shocked looking at the old me today.

Everyone's jaw dropped looking at me. Of course, the old Mahir was in front of them.

"You are looking quite hot Mr.Sehgal,clean shave"?Vish asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing like that.. just I..",I dint knew what to answer.

"Of course someone likes him in this look,you forgot Vish"?Yuvi said looking at me.

"My Be..my baby don't like my beard, so I shaved to make her happy",I said with lot of difficulty.

I was almost caught.

"Ya..ya..we know about that baby also",Vish said.

"Keep dreaming guys",I said and came a side.

Mahira's birthday party was a small party, just our family and neighbors.

I saw Bela coming out of her room all ready with Mahira in her arms.

Both were looking amazing.

Amazing,beautiful, all these words were nothing in front of her.

My baby is not less than a princess in that yellow frok.

"You are looking beautiful, just breath taking",I said looking at Bela.

"Thank you", she said blushing and she was amused looking at me.

"You look so ho..good", she said blushing.

OK hot!

"Thank you,since you and Mahira don't like my beard,I trimmed",I said.

She was looking so beautiful even while blushing.

She wore that pearl necklace also.

Epitome of beauty!

"Daddaa",Mahira beemed looking at me.

"Mahira",I said taking her in my arms.

We celebrated her birthday with full joy and love.

Mahira was enjoying each and every moment.

"Mahira, there are three cakes. How many will you eat"?Vyom asked carrying her.

"No eating for Mahira, only licking the frosting",Bela said looking at him.

"OK mumma",Vyom said making us all laugh.

"And Vyom, what about your girlfriend"?I asked.

"Hmm she is coming next month to India,she stays in states so... yeah next month", he said.

"Finally this single is going to get mingled",Yuvi said patting his shoulder.

We all were laughing looking at him blushing. I don't know who is that girl making him blush this much.

Thanks to her.

I wore the shirt which Bela gifted me. Wearing the shirt gifted by her, and shaving for her...it was like I'm becoming a teenager again.

I have a baby and I'm acting like a love sick puppy.

We both were  matching today.

Not matching exactly,but the combination of her red and my black was just hot.


We gifted Mahira a big photo frame of hers. Everyone  were amazed after looking at it.

"This is a surprise for Mahira from me and dadda. Did you like it baby"?Bela asked.

"Maiiaa",Mahira was completely shocked looking at her big photo.

"Bhai you remember about the journal right"?Yuvi asked me.

"I can't forget about it even in my dreams",I replied.

"Give a fresh starting to your life Mahir bhai, you deserve all the happiness",Yuvi said hugging me.

"I will Yuvi",I said

The party went on very well and everyone left after having dinner.

Now it's time to open the journal.

"Bela, you and Mahira go to bed. I have some work,I will join you later",I said.

"OK, good night Mahir", she said and went inside.

I went to my room and closed the door.

I should read it today.

"I'm coming Bani",I said opening the journal.

Hey guys! You all know about our Mahir's anger right. He is so angry on me that the votes are fluctuating🙄🙄. I tried to make  him understand that it happens some times,but he told me to warn you all to vote and comment😁😁. Bela was also trying to make him understand,but Mahir is Mahir as we know.

He just threatened me to give a target of 270 votes.
I was like "are you nuts"?
But he is stubborn, and told me to update his story only after that🙄🙄.

He was telling that"every chapter is crossing 1k reads,so why not some votes and comments"?he had a point although😅😅.

Mahir is becoming selfish😏😏

So kindly,
Vote, comment and share.

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