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I left with a heavy heart leaving Bela.It is going to be tough again.

So fucking tough!!

I saw those girls gawking at me and I showed them that I'm already taken by kissing Bela.

As soon as Bela left,I went to those girls to show something.They were getting stiff when I was walking towards them.

"Hey girls",I greeted them.

"Umm..hi",they both said blushing.

"How is this baby looking?"I asked showing Mahira's picture to them.

"She is looking so lovely,just like a doll",one girl said.

"Yeah she is a doll indeed,she is my daughter you know",I said.

They both were looking at me with their wide mouths,their eyes will pop out of their sockets I guess.

"What?She is your daughter...you look so young and hot..I mean..you don't look like a father",another girl said.

I chuckled and showed mine and Bela's picture which we took during our college time.

"And she is my wife,mother to my child",I said removing my shades.

"You both really look good together..and you both look so young,no one can believe that you both are parents..and your daughter is so so cute",they said.

"I know..I saw you both looking at me,so I thought to tell you about myself",I said putting my shades back.

"We are sorry..we were just looking you know",they both said.

"Oh..it's fine,but I'm already taken,and my wife is so possessive",I said raising my hands up in surrender.

"Oh...sorry..sorry",telling that they both left running.

Girls you see!!!

I was returning back to home,I took an ice cream tub on my way.Mahira will cry after not finding Bela in our home.

I gave my jacket to Bela so that she can feel me when ever she misses me.I have plenty of her things with me to feel her.But Bela can't be without me..I know that.

It will be tough for me and her.

We were staying in dad's house as Bela was not there.I dad and Yuvi took three days off to spend our time with Mahira.

I entered and saw dad feeding Mahira,and Mahira was sitting in Yuvi's lap.Mahira's face,hands,dress,everything was with the food.


"Come on baby..if you will have this spoon..hmm..we will go to park at the evening",my dad said trying to feed Mahira.

Everyone gets scared with his one stare in the office,and now he is so carefree for Mahira.

I saw my dad feeding Yuvi like this when we were small,and now I'm watching it after many years.I was happy looking at him like this.He is a strong man,he stood strong even after my mom's desmise.

I took a picture of those three,they were laughing,giggling,enjoying together.

"Daadu aaa..",Mahira said opening her mouth.

"Mahira is a good girl",telling that my dad shoved last spoon of food in her mouth.

"My Mahira is a good girl,we all will go to park in the evening",Yuvi said cleaning her face.

I went and sat beside them and Mahira still dint notice me.I was waiting when she will notice me.

"Ahem..ahem..",I tried to gain her attention.

"Dadda....",she jumped on me.

I hugged her to my heart kissing her,she was kissing my nose.

"You completed your food?"I asked.

"Daadu..say dadda..Maiia ate",she said clapping her hands.

"Ya today my Mahira ate full",my dad said.

"Mahira is a good girl,so ice cream?"I asked showing her the ice cream tub.

"Aaa...",she screamed looking at ice cream.

"Icy...icy..choco Yue",she was jumping in excitement.

"OK now Mahira will eat ice cream like a good girl",I said making her sit down on the floor.

We all sat down along with her,she was so happy after looking at ice cream.This is the best way to distract her from Bela.

But I'm sure..by end of the day she will ask for Bela.I need to do face time with Bela for her.

I already started missing her..more three days!!

"What Mahir bhai you went with your jacket on and came without it?"Yuvi asked muffling his laughter.

My dad was also trying hard not to laugh.

"It's...I..my jacket..I gave..I gave to..",this idiot is stalking me or what.

"It's OK Mahir bhai,we can understand,hope Bela takes good care of your jacket",Yuvi said laughing out loud.My dad also started laughing along with him.

"Stop laughing,my jacket,my wife,my wish",I shrugged feeding Mahira.

"Aww...aww..aww..",my dad and Yuvi were hooting.

"Haww..aww",Mahira too hooted along with them.

She don't know anything and is playing along with them now!!

All three started laughing and my face was red.

"Acha..OK,I can't win with you people",I said smiling.

We all were watching some Disney movie with Mahira.

"Dadda..mumma whey",she asked looking at the door.

"Mumma...mumma..",now she was walking around the lobby checking for Bela.

"Mahira come here",we went behind her.

"Dadda..mumma whey..mumma",she was shouting for her.

She will cry now...no..no!!

"Baby..we will go to our garden..you know daadu got new birds.We will play with them",my dad said taking her in his arms.

"Ya Mahira..daadu feeds many birds,we will play with them come",I said and we took her to our garden.

There's even a pool here,we will have a pool party tomorrow with Mahira,she will feel good.

"Dadda..kuku..",Mahira said looking at all types of birds feeding in our garden.

My mom and dad used to spend their time in garden feeding them.

"Yes Mahira see there are many kuku's,go with daadu and feed them",I said giving her to my dad.

She went with my dad to feed them.I and Yuvi were sitting looking at them.

"So finally you are in love again",Yuvi said looking at me.

"Hmm..ya I am and I'm lucky to have her",I said looking at Mahira giggling sitting on my dad's hip.

"You are so lucky to have her bhai,just don't look back at the past.You're future is with her",Yuvi said.

"I know...she deserves a lot of happiness",I said.

"Dadda see..kuku is eating",Mahira said giggling.

"You rock baby",I shouted giving her a flying kiss.

"We just need to distract her from asking about Bela,we will call her once she reaches",I said.

"Yeah..we have to",Yuvi said while making a video of Mahira.

Mahira was so happy enjoying with my dad.I wish even my mom could enjoy with Mahira.

We took her to park after sometime and her happiness had no bounds today.

It was Mahira's day out with us.She is eating properly and was enjoying to the fullest.

She asked for Bela again but we distracted her somehow.I laid her on my chest,she was sleeping peacefully.She is so tired today.She used to take at least three naps daily,but she slept only once today.

I was feeling so empty without Bela.We distracted Mahira a lot from asking about Bela.I guess she will reach by early morning.

I laid Mahira beside me and slept feeling tired.


Finally I reached London.I checked my mobile and saw messages from Mahir and Yuvi.

They were videos of Mahira playing with them.Andy uncle was feeding Mahira and she was eating like a good girl.

She was feeding the birds sitting on Andy uncle's hip,eating ice cream,dancing.

She is doing good without me I guess.I just hope she doesn't cry.

I texted Mahir that I reached London,he must be sleeping now as it is early morning over there.

I went and met Suhani.It's been a year now.I immediately rushed to my office to complete my work.

"Bela mam...I guess once you have to check these building layout's",Anna my secratery said.

"Yeah sure",I said and checked everything.

"It's perfectly fine.Arrange the meeting in ten minutes.We will make the deal official",I said and sat on my chair.

I got a text from Mahir.I opened it and saw a video of all the three men playing in the pool along with Mahira.

Mahira was sitting on Mahir's shoulders and was enjoying in the pool.She wore a small tank and short.She was looking so cute.

My eyes welled up looking at her.It's been a day since I spoke to her.I texted Mahir to give me a video call.I can't stay without talking to her.

I completed my meeting by evening and was waiting for Mahir's call.I was getting a call from him and it dint take a second for me to pick up.

"Hey..",Mahir said smiling.

It's been a day since I heard his voice.

"Hey..hi",I said blushing.

"How are you...is the work done?"he asked.

"Ya I'm fine and the work is done",I said.

"Hmm good..wait I will call Mahira,Mahira...",he called her.

"Where is she?"I asked.

"She is upstairs,playing with Yuvi at the terrace",he replied looking at me deeply.

"Ohh...she is eating properly right?"I asked.

"Ya she is...mumma...",Mahira came running towards the phone I guess.

I guess the phone's fallen down due to her force.

"Mahira?"I called her.

Mahir kept the phone properly and Mahira was sitting on his lap now.

"Mumma...whey you",Mahira asked with puppy eyes.

"Hi baby, how are you?Mumma is missing you so much baby,I will come back soon",I said.

My heart was racing so fast after looking at her.It's been a day!!

"Mumma...dadda mumma",she started crying suddenly.

"Arey Mahira see..mumma is here only baby..see say 'hi'",Mahir said cooing her.

My heart was paining looking at her like that.

My baby is crying for me!!

"Baby..see me..I'm here only baby..I will be back soon..se dadda is there with you na",I said wiping my tears.

"Mumma Maiia kissy you",she said kissing the screen.

"I will also kiss you baby",I said kissing the screen.

She is missing me so much and I'm missing her too!!!

"Mumma...se Maiia ate mum",she said showing her empty food bowl.

"Mahira is a good girl...mumma will get so many candies for Mahira",I said blinking away my tears.

"I lobee you mumma...mumma",she started crying again.

I looked at Mahir with teary eyes.

Yuvi and Andy uncle came from behind.

"Areyy..why Mahira is crying?See Yuvi will play dolly dolly with you",telling that Yuvi took her.She was crying for me,but Yuvi distracted her.

She was normal now,she was playing silently with him.

"Just don't let her walk more Mahir,her legs will pain",I said.

"I know Bela..I miss you,come soon",Mahir said.

"I miss you too,my work is done Mahir.I will be back by tomorrow mid night",I said.

Yes the work over here is completed.I will leave tomorrow morning from here.I can reach there by day after tomorrow.

"Come soon Bela,Mahira was searching for you in the whole house...she started crying when she dint find you",Mahir said smiling.

Tears welled up in my eyes again!!

"I know,I will be back before you wake up Mahir..once show Mahira",I said.

He nodded and turned his phone towards her.She was watching rhymes silently sitting on Yuvi.And Andy uncle was caressing her hairs.

She literally forgets the whole world while watching rhymes.

"See she forgot me so soon",I said chuckling.

"She forgets the whole world while watching them",Mahir said smiling.

"When are you going back to our home?"I asked.

"Tomorrow evening,but Vish said she will come here.Should I leave Mahira here and go?"he asked.

"What?No.I need to see her right?Tell Vish to come to our home directly",I said.

"OK then,I will tell her and Yuvi to come tomorrow",he said.

He got up and came to pool side.

"I miss you Bela...I fucking miss you,I need you very badly",Mahir said.

I was hiding my blush...I'm also missing him.

"I..I miss you too Mahir,just one more day and I will be back to you",I said.

"I love you Bela",he said.

My heart skipped a beat again.

"I love you too Mahir..and I miss you",I said kissing the screen.

"Not virtually..I want it on my lips",he said.

I was trying my best not to smile.I'm a blushing mess again.

"Bye Mahir got to go,take care of yourself and Mahira",I said looking the other side.

"Not fair Bela..I will show you when you come back.Bye take care",he said.

"OK bye",I hanged up.

Mahir...what you do to me?

My work was done here,I have an early morning flight.I will be back with my lifelines tomorrow.

I called Suhani and informed that I'm leaving,she said that she is also coming to India after a week.I bid bye to her and reached airport.

Just more twelve hours to go.I won't go anywhere again leaving Mahir and Mahira.

I can't do it!!

I took permission from my office that I can work with the Mumbai branch over here.I don't need to go to London again for any other works.I can complete it from here.

I got text from Mahir that he reached our home.Vish and Yuvi were there along with them.

I dint get time to shop properly.I just got chocolates and some stuff for Mahira.I couldn't get anything for Mahir.

I snuggled to the jacket he gave me.It's like I'm feeling him,like I'm in his arms.

I was going through our photo's in my gallery,an old lady who was sitting beside me was also looking at them.

"Your daughter is so beautiful like you,you and your husband make a good pair",she said.

Of course I was still wearing my wedding chain.

"Thank you..",I said giving her a warm smile.

"How old is she and what is her name?"she asked.

" Her name is Mahira,she just completed one year,she is so naughty like her father",I said remembering her antiques.

"Ya daughters always goes on father's..they will be much possessive for their dad",she said laughing.

"Ya that's true..she is really possessive..I feel jealous some times",I said laughing along with her.

"Don't worry..your time will also come when you will have a boy child",she said.


Child...boy child?

Me and Mahir having a baby?

I don't know...I really don't know!!

My cheeks became red after listening to her words.

"How many years it had been of your marriage?"she asked.

"It's..it's been a year",I said feeling shy.

She looked at me confused.I opened di's picture and showed her.

"She is my elder sister Bani.Mahira is not..not my daughter..I married Mahir to take care of them.My sister died during her delivery...Mahira is...she is my sister's daughter",I said feeling sad.

She gave me a warm smile and replied
"You took a very big responsibility dear,nothing is in our hands.You and your husband look good and happy together,be happy with your family".

"Thank you",I said giving her a healthy smile.

It was half past twelve in the night when I landed in Mumbai.I took a cab immediately and rushed to my home.

I slowly opened the door with my spare key and entered without making any noise.I slowly made my way towards Mahir's room.

I saw Mahira sleeping between Yuvi and Vish.My eyes started pooling after looking at her.I went and took her in my arms without disturbing them.

I kissed her to my heart content,I missed her so much.

"Bela?"Vish woke up.

"Hey",I replied kissing Mahira.

"When did you come?"she said rubbing her eyes.

"Just now,you sleep.I will take Mahira with me",I said.

"No no,you go.Mahira will be here with us and Mahir must be waiting for you.Did you meet him?"she asked.

"No..I dint",I replied shyly.

"Now stop blushing and go,he must be waiting",she said taking Mahira from me.

I kissed Mahira one more time and made my way to my room.

I slowly opened the door and the room was dim,just a lamp and the moon light.I looked at bed side,Mahir was not there.

I saw Mahir standing near the window facing the other side.My heart was running a marathon after looking at him,that to shirtless.

His hands were in his pockets and his hair was dancing due to the cold breeze.

I can't wait more...I ran to him,hugging him from behind.

"Bela?"he called.

"Mahir...I'm back...I missed you so much",I sobbed hugging him.

He touched my cold hand with his warm hands which was resting on his muscular chest.

He turned back slowly removing my hands.

"Bela....",he dint say anything other than that.

I was waiting for his reaction...he is just looking at me without blinking.

I'm wearing his jacket which he gave me while going to London.

He was putting my baby hairs behind my ears while caressing my cheeks.

He held me tightly,my body is pressed to his.He kissed my temple,eyes,cheeks,my jaw.

All wet and feather lite kisses!!!

God Mahir!!!

He made his way towards my neck and bit my neck cavity.

"Mahirrr...",I hissed when it was stinging.

He kissed the spot easing my pain.The next moment he lifted me off the ground,making me sit on the study table.

I gasped at his action.What is he going to do?

"Mahir..what...",I couldn't complete and he held the collar of jacket.

He spread my legs,making space for him to stand.He held my collar tightly and connected our lips slowly.

This kiss was the kiss which we missed in these three days.It was slow and passionate,full of love without a hint of lust in it.

I moaned when he bit my lip and started nibbling it.My hands were roaming on his body and he groaned when I touched his chest.

I pulled apart when I felt breathless,but Mahir continued kissing my neck hungrily.

"Ahh..Mahir..",I moaned when he sucked near my breast.

He stopped kissing me and looked at me breathing heavily,panting for air.

"I fucking missed you Bela...very badly",he said resting his forehead against mine.

"I..I missed you too Mahir..a lot",I said cupping his face.

Hey guys!The next chapter is your most awaited and favorite chapter...I guess😅😅.But I really need some time to write it as my exam is nearing,I'm trying my best to give regular updates.But I'm not able to due to my exam.Hope you guys understand.I will try my best to update the next chapter soon.So please I request you to wait for some time.

I'm under the exam pressure,so please understand and ya don't forget me😅😅.

I love you all and keep loving me😉😉

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