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One month later..


Today is the day of Yuvi and Vish's marriage.We all are so happy,finally my little brother is going to get married.

"Mahir..did you talk to the decoraters?"my dad asked getting worried.

"Dad relax,you don't worry. I've talked to everyone,everything will be fine",I assured my dad making a call.

Of course its his son's marriage,he will be worried.But I already took care of every arrangements.

Our house was full of people roaming here and there,a wedding house is a sight to see.

"Mahir..you arranged everything properly right?"my dad asked for the nth time today.

"Dad I told that everything is fine right.Don't worry,everything will go as you wished",I said.

Since my mom is not there now,its my dad who took her place.

"OK where is Bela?"he asked.

"I guess she is helping Vish in getting ready",I said.

"OK come let's go to them",my dad said and we went to Vish's room.

Vish was looking so beautiful in that bridal look.Yuvi is a one lucky man.

"Vish this a small wedding gift from me",my dad said giving her a anklet set.

"Thank you so much uncle,they are so beautiful",Vish said hugging my dad.

"Bela this is for you",my dad said giving her box.

"Uncle there is no need of it,it's OK",Bela was hesitating to take.

"Bela,Sumi got this personally for you.She wanted to give you this on your wedding but she never got a chance.This is a gift from me and Sumi.Please wear it today",my dad said.

She looked at me and I nodded to take it.

"Thank you so much uncle",Bela said hugging my dad.

Yeah,my mom wanted to give this to Bela.She personally shopped that for Bela's wedding.But she never got a chance to give it.Bela dint give her that chance!!

My mom really like Bela for some reason.She was very friendly with Bela!!

My dad went to check on Yuvi and I was standing here gazing at my beautiful wife.

"Oh Mr.Sehgal,she is yours only.She won't slip away",Vish said laughing.

"I know.Bela..once come here,I need to talk to you",I called her.

Vish and Suhani were hooting looking at us and making Bela blush.

"Go go..Mahir is unstoppable",Suhani said winking.

I grabbed her hand and went to the next room.

"Mahir..what will they think if you grab me like this?"Bela asked blushing.

"I don't care,let them think whatever they want",I said pinning her to the wall.

"Bela...where this today only.My mom wanted to give this to you for your wedding,but you never gave her that chance.I want you to look like a bride today",I said palming her face.

"I will surely wear it Mahir,but I'm not the bride",she said smiling.

"That doesn't matter.I want you to look beautiful today",I said kissing her forehead.

She smiled and kissed my cheeks
"You are the best",she said.

"Tell me something new",I winked.

She punched my chest blushing!!

"Where is Mahira?"she asked.

"She is with Yuvi,you don't worry.I will make her ready",I said rubbing her lower lip with my thumb.

"OK,I think you should go now",she said pushing me slightly.

"But after this",I said capturing her kissable lips in mine.

She always feels like the first time I felt her!!!

She clutched the collar of my kurta nibbling my upper lip.I slipped my hand in her neck,angling her face properly.

I deepened the kiss and parted her lips with my tounge.I pulled her more close,gluing her to my body.

She palmed my face and kissed me back with same passion.

"I'm so sorry..I..I was going",the door opened with a bang revealing Suhani.

She caught us kissing and left immediately,being embarrassed...I guess?

"Mahir..you dint lock the door?"Bela asked angrily.

"I think I forgot",I said rubbing my nape.

"I'm their meme content today again",Bela said huffing in anger.

"It's OK,let them be.You get ready soon.I and Mahira will be waiting to see you in this beautiful saree",I said pecking her lips.

I moved out of that room to give her space to change.I saw Suhani looking at me...feeling shy.

"Suhani..that..I forgot to lock the door..so please..",I was myself shy.

"Oh Mahir it's OK..but don't forget to lock from next time",she said hiding her smile.

I left blushing.I eneterd Yuvi's room to check up on him.He was all ready trying to make Mahira wear her dress.

Oh my poor brother!!

"Mahira",I called her and she looked at me.

"Dadda..",she beemed looking at me.

"Dadda will make Mahira wear her pretty dress.She will wear it without troubling dadda right?"I asked taking her in my arms.

She nodded her head up and down like a good girl!!

"I think someone is more excited than Yuvi for this marriage I guess?"Vyom said muffling his laughter.

"Shut up you douche",I snapped at them making Mahira wear her dress.

"My Mahira is a baby doll",I said after making her wear her dress.

She kissed my nose and pecked my lips!!

"Say cheese...",Yuvi said taking our selfie with Mahira in our arms.

"Mahir..are you ready?"my dad asked coming inside with Bela's dad.

"No dad,I will get ready.You people take care of Mahira,I will get ready",I said giving Mahira to him.

"Mahir this is a small present to you from me,can you please wear it for today",Bela's dad said giving me a box.

"Sure uncle,I will definitely wear it",I said taking that box.

He had happy tears looking at me,I know he is missing Bani and everyone are missing her.We are missing my mom and Bani a lot.

"OK uncle,it's fine.Please don't cry today",I said hugging him.

"Yes child,I'm happy for you",he said patting my shoulder.

I quickly got ready and we all were waiting for the bride to come.


I opened the box and saw a beautiful lehenga.The fabric looks very royal and I'm sure it costs a lot.

Sumi aunty got this for me with lot of love.I can't deny it.I know she had planned a lot for my wedding.But being the ungraceful girl I am,I dint give her that chance.

I got ready and looked at myself in the mirror.I was gaping at myself..is this me?

I was looking like a bride just as Mahir wanted.I was looking like a real bride who is getting married.

"Bela...you..you are gorgeous",Suhani said looking at me wide eyed.

"It's like..it's your wedding only,you are looking beautiful Bela",Vish said looking at me.

"Come on Vish,it's your wedding not mine",I said cheering her up.

"Ya it's her wedding but someone else is going to have a nuptial night",Suhani said laughing.

"Ahh...Suhani..please..not today",I face palmed myself.

"Learn to lock the doors women",Vish said laughing.

"Whatever..come let's go.It's time",I said.

We eneterd at the alter with Vish and my eyes directly landed on Mahir who was gaping at me helding Mahira.

He looks so hot..damn..I can't look at him,he will caught me gaping at him!!

He was looking lost after looking at me..I know I affect him also.

I went and stood beside him after leaving Vish at the alter.

"Mumma..",Mahira jumped on me.

"My baby is looking like a princess",I said kissing her.

"And you are looking like my queen.Gorgeous as ever",Mahir said staring at me.

"Thank you",I blushed.

The wedding went on so well.I saw Yuvi eyes welled up.

He is missing his mother!!I saw Andy uncle too in tears.Mahir went near them and hugged them.

I was standing beside my dad holding his hand.He kissed my forehead circling his arm around my shoulder.

I know my dad wanted my wedding to be grand,but the situation was not in our hands.

"I miss Bani di a lot dad",I said hugging him tight.

"I miss her too Bela,but don't cry and spoil your beautiful face.I don't want Mahir to get scared",my dad said rubbing my tears and I giggled at his comment.

Mahira was enjoying looking at everyone dancing like maniac's.She was also jumping on her place.

I was also enjoying that site,but I couldn't find Mahir.Where is he?

"Bela",I heard Mahir calling me and I turned towards my side.

He came towards me with a broad smile and I was confused looking at him.

I was still standing with my dad,helding him like a small girl.

"Uncle..will you agree to give me your daughter?I want to marry her and I will make her happy.I will never let a single tear slip from her eyes.Do you agree to let me marry your daughter?"Mahir asked looking at my dad.

What is he talking?Marriage?

We are already married..wait..what?

Are we..?

"I will agree only if you do the dishes.I don't want my daughter to be strained.And I don't want any single tear in her eyes",my dad said glaring at him with fake anger.


What is happening here?

"I promise you uncle,not a single tear",Mahir said chuckling.

Are we getting married again?

"Bela?"Mahir called me forwarding his hand.

I looked at my dad with tears pooled in my eyes.He nooded putting my hand in Mahir's.

"Will you marry me?"Mahir asked.

I nodded looking at him with a lot of emotions.I'm blank now..my eyes were flowing.

My knees felt weak,I may loose my balance with this shock!!

He held my hand and took me to the alter.I looked at everyone,they all were looking happy looking at us.

"I want it to be special for you,always special"Mahir said kissing my forehead.

I sobbed looking at him,he wiped my tears!!

How can this man give me everything  without asking?How can he understand my feelings like no one else can?

"I promised your dad that no more tears and he is already glaring at me",Mahir said and I smiled wiping my tears.

Mahir tied the wedding chain around my neck and I sobbed very hard at this feeling.Vish was consoling me from back.

I never thought that I would want my wedding again with Mahir.I wanted to get married to Mahir,I got married but none of us were happy at that time.

I was just looking at him when he tied the wedding chain.He lifted my maag tika and filled my partition with the vermilion.

A pinch of vermilion fell on the tip of my nose!!

"Mumma..see nosee...",Mahira said laughing suiting on my dad's lap.

I wiped my nose laughing,everyone bursted out laughing after looking at Mahira clapping her hands.

She was enjoying our wedding!!!

All the images of our collage time was flashing in front of my eyes!!

The day I met him,the day he asked me to wear red..and I was wearing a red saree today!! He always wants me in red!!

The day when he proposed Bani di is still in my mind,but now it just faded away.

It was like a scar and it faded away after putting a medicine called Mahir!!

Mahir always leaves me in a surprise..I was shocked when he said he will marry at first,and now also it's like a shock.

"How?How you could do everything for me without asking?"I asked Mahir with a tear filled eyes.

"I love you Bela,I know everything about you.You also deserve a grand wedding like every girl wishes,to get married to their love",Mahir said wiping my tears.

I hugged him in front of everyone,I don't care what others think today.It's my moment with my man.

"I love you so much Mahir..so much",I said sobbing in his chest.

"And I love you more baby",Mahir said kissing my forehead.

"Arey Mahira see..your mumma and dadda got married",Yuvi said dancing along with Mahira.

She is a one lucky girl for dancing on her parents wedding!!

I laughed looking at how she is enjoying with my dad and Andy uncle.

She slowly came towards us and Mahir picked her up in his arms.She was still jumping in his arms.I took her from him and kissed her.

"I love you Mahira",I said.

"Maiia lobess you mumma",she said kissing my nose.

"And what about dadda?"Mahir asked.

"Maiia lobess you too dadda",she said going into his arms.

My happiness!!

"Did you like our surprise Mrs.Bela Mahir Sehgal?"Andy uncle asked.

I nodded shyly looking the other side!!

"Come on don't be shy now Bela babhii",Yuvi said.

I swatted his hand and looked at Mahir.He was just adoring me with a beautiful smile.

"Come on Sehgal's,time to pose for a royal family picture",Vyom came helding a cam.

Like...we took a bunch of pictures like a happy family.Vish being the new member of our family,me and Mahir getting married again,the perfect happiness which we all wished for.

And Mahira being the apple of our eye filled our life's with a lot of happiness.She was enjoying the photoshoot a lot.She got used to Yuvi and Vish very well.She was more happy while clicking pictures with them.

And this is the best surprise ever I got!!

"And this will be forever",Mahir said kissing my hand.

"Forever",I said kissing his hand.


She was looking so so happy,I knew she would be.

She must have not expected this from me,but I planned it before a long time for this.And it finally happened.

Frankly speaking...I was not happy when I got married to Bela at the first. We both were in a fix.We married for Mahira.

Mahira was the sole reason for us being together that time.But the situation thought me a lot.

It thought me my mistakes,my guilt my anger..everything.Everything happens for a reason here.

Bani came to show me the right person for me and went.I miss her alot and I'm always grateful for her being in my life.

I used to curse the god that he always take away my lady love from me.But I'm wrong.He always sends angels into my life.

My Bela and Mahira!!

I will always be sired to them both.No one can break that sireline!!

"OK Mahir..you can take my daughter with you only after filling Suhani and Vish's pocket",Uncle said looking at me.

"And why should I fill these monkeys pockets?"I asked glaring at them both.

"Mahir I'm telling you..pay them up..or else you have to sleep alone on your wedding night",Vyom whispered in my ears.

What No!!

"OK here take my card and give my girl to me",I said pulling her towards me.

"Arey..Mahir..",Bela blushed while everyone laughed looking at us.

We all reached our homes and Mahira was already in a deep slumber.My baby is tired a lot today.

"You go and change Bela,I will change for Mahira and come",I said taking Mahira with me.

I changed her clothes slowly and tucked her in her crib.I went back to my room and I heard the sound of shower.

Bela came out drying her hair with towel and I was staring at her without blinking.

"Go and change Mahir..stop staring at me",she said blushing.

I showered and came out drying my hair,Bela was standing near the window under the moonlight.

"What is your little brain thinking?"I asked circling my arms around her.

"Nothing...just like that",she said leaning on me.

"I never thought I could have a proper wedding with you including all rituals",she said circling her hands on my neck.

"And I think that's how wedding take place right?So even my wedding happened like that",I said joining our foreheads.

"You don't know how happy you made me Mahir...you are the best I could ever get",she said and I pulled her close to me.

"And you are the best for me",I said pecking her lips.

She dint let me pull out and continued kissing me.She is dominant today.She slipped her tounge in my mouth and the kiss was turning so hot.

We both parted when we felt breathless.She was breathing heavily and her chest was touching my bare chest.

"Easy there my wild cat..",I said breathing heavily.

"I'm kissing my husband..do you have any problem with it?"she asked pulling me closer.

"I don't have a problem,but your husband wants more",I said biting her ear lobe.

"I'm all yours",she said getting on her toes.

And that's it...she entered into the lions den now!!

Soon our clothes were lying on the floor and we both were into each other,exploring each other.

"Ahh....",she hissed when I sucked her peak.She clutched my hair tightly,roaming other hand on my torso.

I kissed along her neck and she stopped me when I was about to un clasp her wedding chain.

"That should always stay on me",she said palming my face.

I kissed her wedding chain which was resting on her heaving chest
"Mahirr...",she moaned due to feeling of escatasy.

I roamed my hands on every inch of her body,she was also enjoying it just like me.The shy Bela I know is long gone.

I know only the bold Bela who is as crazy as her husband!!!

"I love you so much",I said resting my forehead on hers.

"I..I love you too",she breathed heavily.

"Bela..maybe you are not my first,but you are my last",I said looking into her chocolate brown orbs.

"I know,and I love you.I'm all yours baby",she said.

Soon our bodies became one,legs tangled together,bed creaking along with our every move...and it always feels amazing when I'm inside her.

We both laid beside each other after a long night of love making,feeling exhausted.

"Good night Mahir",she said kissing my chest.

"It's good morning,its already half past five",I said giggling.

She smacked my chest and closed her eyes to get some sleep.

I felt into a deep slumber holding her in my embrace.

Hey guys!!So its a month leap and things changed😁😁.Enjoy reading guys.So I want all of you to drop your questions for our Behir and Mahira.I will pick up the best questions and put it in front of them.They are ready to give their interview😁😁.So ask all the things you want to know from them. The best chance to get your answers from our favorite couple.

I know many want to ask plenty question to them,so don't hesitate to put all your questions.I will be waiting for your questions and it's the interview coming up next😉😉

But I'm sad due to decline of votes.Am I not up to the mark?Please don't be a silent reader.

Vote,comment and share.

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