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Today I'm getting married to her. God is not showing a little pity on me. Now I think I should just go with the flow. My daughter should not be left with an incomplete feeling. She will have mother and father. She should have a happy family. She came into my life as a ray of hope. Today I'm attaching a string between me and Bela even when she have cut all the strings with me two years back. But Mahira is my first priority. I filled her hair partition and tied the mangalsutr around her neck. I did not even look at her while tying the knot.

We were heading back to home. I informed my office that I will be working from home and asked my secretary to take care. Mahira needs both of us at this time. Bela is already a step ahead of me in taking care of her. Why should I back off when it comes to my blood? I glanced at her through the rear view mirror. She is lost in her own world.

We reached our home and our fathers left us alone. My heart started feeling heavy, this marriage, this new relation, it's feeling heavy. I just lost my wife and now tied with another women. Bela, my wife's sister, no..no, first she was my best friend then my wife's sister. Though I'm angry on her but still I feel sad for her too. She is almost sacrificing her carrier for me and Mahira.

I told her that I'm going out and stormed out of my house after giving my daughter a peck on her forehead. She was sleeping so peacefully. My doll she is. I went to the bar and ordered my drink. It's been a year since I came to this bar. I came here when I lost my mother and never returned here after that. 

I was having my last peg and I checked the time, it's half past eleven. I should go home now, my daughter and her mother must be waiting for me. I called my driver and told him to come and pick me up.

My house is on 18 floor and I could'nt stand properly on my feet.

"Driver saab...can you please drop me .. in..infront of my hommmeee", I joined my hands infront of him. He took a hold on me and stopped infront of my door. He was about to ring the doorbell.

"Thank youuu.. driver saab.. I can bang my own doooor, you can leaveee now, tata...bye...bye...", and he left.

"Uff... common Mahir, you can do it, can do it damn it.....", saying so I ringed the doorbell continously. She opened the door and before she could say anything I slumped on her. I can feel my forehead touching hers and she hold me with all her mighty. She was not able to stand properly due to my weight on her. I don't remember anything after that.


It's half past eleven and Mahir is still not home. Today Mallika didi is staying with us. She was with Mahira in my room and I'm waiting for him in the hall. I din't even changed my saree from morning. I thought to change and suddenly I heard the door bell ringing continously , I got scared. Who could be at this time when Mahir isn't  home and they are ringing continously. With a lot of fear I went and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door,I saw Mahir in a horrible condition. He couldn't stand on his feet. Before I could say anything he slumped on me. My forehead touching his and I couldn't stand properly due to his body weight.

"Mahir...what happen..are you..are you alright"? I asked him.

Mallika didi came out from the room with Mahira. I told her to lock the room from inside. Mahir is drunk, he can't meet Mahira in this condition. I locked the main door and started taking slow steps towards Mahir room with his hands on my shoulders.

"Ohh...Bela, no hi hello from two years"? Mahir was blabbering in his alcoholic state.

"Mahir..just calm down", I said but he was looking at me and smiling.

I took him to his room finally and made him sleep on the bed. But the next moment his body touched the bed he was doing something unexpected.

"Bela...I'm feeling so hotttt", saying so he started removing his blazer and his shirt. I was stunned. I switched on the ac immediately.

"Mahir..wait, I switched on the ac..", I was telling and he pulled me onto him. What has happened to him?

"Still I'm feeling hottt.. Bela", saying so he gripped me more tightly. I slowly came out of his grip and started removing his shoes and socks. When I was pulling out his socks he again pulled me upon him.

"Mahir..wha..what are you doing"? I couldn't speak properly.

"Belaaa...come sleep beside me today, I..I need to talk alotttt with you", saying so he layed me beside him and gripped me tightly. Oh god what is he doing? He is shirtless and I'm still in a saree. This is adding fuel to the burning fire.

"Mah...", before I could talk he sushh me by placing his finger on my lips.

"Belaaaa, today I will talk and..you...you should listen to me like a good girllll..ok"? telling that he pulled me more closer placing his arm and leg on me.

"You know Bela..oh wait you are Bela only righttt..?he asked.

"Yes, yes you are Bela only..you cannot disappear like a daily soap heroin.., ok now listen... Mahir will talk about his..his great unfateful life with you", he said and tears already started pooling in my eyes.

He is shirtless, I'm still in my saree, even this cool air isn't helping. God please save me from this situation.

"No Bela...no, never trust god", he said shocking me. Did he read my mind or did  I just said it out loud.

"You ..you..know, that god took all...all my happiness, first you left me and I don't know the reason, Ok we will discuss this later.. , second he took my mom, third he took my Bani...", he said while holding me tight. His chin was resting on my shoulder, he was almost sleeping on me. He was sleeping on my right shoulder.

"You don't have a heart right Bela? Leaving your best friend when he is going..going..to start..a new lifee.., Yes, you are really heartless, see I can't even listen to your heartbeat also", saying that he was sniffing on my shoulder.

Today I will listen to him. I will listen every single word of his.

"You left me Bela, you...you left me and Bani, she used to cry for you daily night..leaving...leaving me also in tears", he said my eyes started flowing.

"You left me, then mom left me....if not Bani, I would have been a mess now, Oh wait..wait..even...even she did the honours, she too left me...", he said.

"You know Bela, right after three days of mom's death...Bani told me that she...she was pregnant", saying so he started drawing circles on my navel. Oh no god, what is he doing?

"Mahir..., shhh I'm talking here na", telling that he gave me a small smack on my navel. I flinched at his action. Now this is going out of control.

"I used to play with Mahira when she was inside Bani like this...like this only", he said making smooth patterns on my belly. I fisted the sheets in my other hand tightly.

"Anddd... now here comes the ultimatum, guess what? Bani also left me", saying this he started giggling. My eyes are still flowing.I thought my life is a mess, but in his case it's worst. He snuggled more closer to me gripping me more tightly.

"Bela..I..I loved you..you left, I loved my mom..she left, I loved Bani..she too left, you again came back, but now I don't want to loose anything more. Mahira and you, only you both are there for me now", telling that he started sobbing. I placed my hand on his arm which is resting on my belly.

"You...you are thinking that...that.. I'm drunk, but no Bela...I'm ....I'm not drunk, you know right I don't drink frequently..I only drink when...when...I loose something", he said. 

"I loved Bani alot Bela...and you...you.. are my best friend..you both left me broken", he said with a dull tone.

"Mahira...I would love to give her you as her mother, she will also...she will also love you..", he said. He loves me, but not in a romantic way. But this will never affect my love towards Mahira.

"You..you know..whenever I look into Mahira's eyes, it...it reminds me of you...you and Bani, the same chocolate orbs", he said smiling against my shoulder. His beard is poking me on my shoulder as I'm wearing a sleevless blouse.

"You...you both sisters don't have mercy on this guy right? but my Mahira is not like that, she..she loves her daddaa alot. She will never leave me", he said.

"Mahir.. I.., listen to me na, I..I told you not to talk ...and you...are talking againn.. don't teach this...this..bad manners to my daughter ok"? he said and I was waiting for him to talk. But there is no moment from him. Still his hand and leg are resting on me. I turned to his side, he is sleeping like a baby snoring lightly. 

I caressed his forehead and slowly untangled myself from him. I gave a small peck on his forehead and left that room with tears continuously flowing from eyes. I sat on the sofa in the hall and started crying. If I had faced problems, this man faced more problems then me. I just lost my love once, but he lost his love not once nor twice, but thrice. And now god must be playing his own game. Tying two broken people together. It's broken but not beautiful. 

I went and checked on Mahira, she was also sleeping just like her dad. I'm feeling sad that my sister couldn't see her daughter growing. Mahir told me that he loved me, but I can say that it was just a friendly love but not in a romantic way as I did. And he is drunk now. Never believe drunk people. But many say that people speak truth when they are drunk. With all these thoughts I drifted to sleep on the sofa itself.

My sleep was disturbed by the sun rays falling from the window. I checked the time it was 6 in the morning. I checked on Mahira and she was still sleeping. I went for a quick shower and came out wearing a saree. All those scenes of last night are flashing in my mind while wearing saree. I shrugged off those thoughts and came out. I saw Mahira moving, as soon as I saw her she started to cry out loudly. And the walls of this house literally  break when she cries. I mixed her milk in the bottle and tried to feed her. As usual she was not drinking properly, after saying cute nothings to her she started drinking her milk.

I did her burp and took her to the lobby. Mallika didi left early in the morning. I settled  on the sofa with her. I was massaging her and Mahir came out looking fresh holding his head with his hands.

"Mahiraa.. why crying when dadda is here baby..", he said making funny faces. I smiled looking at them. He looked at me and asked for a coffee.

I gave him coffee and took Mahira in my arms.

"Now Mahira baby will do bathing bathing..", saying this I started to take body oils and shampoos in my other hand but I was stopped by him again. I hope he doesn't say anything like last time.

"I will help you with her bath",he said and took those body oils and shampoos from hand. Thank god. I hope he does't remember about last night. We both together gave Mahira a nice bath and took her to the room for changing.

"From when you started wearing sarees"? he asked. I looked at him blankly.

"There is no need of wearing anything in which you are uncomfortable, feel free to wear anything you like ", he said while making Mahira wear her clothes.

"It's nothing like that..I..I'm even comfortable in this ", I said looking at him.

Mahira was giggling and clapping her hands with her tiny hands. We both looked at her and gave a small smile to each other.

"Oh Mahira is laughing when dadaa is talking"? telling that Mahir started to play with her hands. I was smiling like a mad women there looking at them. And suddenly we heard door bell ringing. Mahir took Mahira in his arms and we left to the lobby. I opened the door and saw Polo aunty standing there.

"Good morning Bela beta, how are you"? she asked.

"Good morning aunty, I'm ..I'm fine, please come inside", I replied  giving her way inside.

"Good morning Mahir, how are you"? she greeted Mahir while taking Mahira in her arms.

"Good morning aunty, I'm fine", he replied.

"How is Mahira doing"? she asked in a baby tone while playing with Mahira.

"She is fine aunty", Mahir replied.

"I'm sorry to trouble you people in the morning, actually I was leaving to the clinic and thought to do a quick check up on Mahira.. so I came", she said.

"That's fine aunty, feel free to come whenever you want to", Mahir replied her.

"Ok let's go inside the room aunty, you can check on her there", I said.

"Yaa sure beta, let's go", she said taking Mahira to Mahir's room. I too went inside with them Mahir following me.

She was checking Mahira and asked me and Mahir a question.

"Does she cry before taking the bottle in her mouth"? she asked us. Mahir looked at me for an answer, he just fed Mahira twice since she was born.

"Umm..actually yes aunty, I try to feed her but as usual she cries for nearly 5 to 6 minutes and then drink from the bottle, and why that so, is there any problem with that? I asked waiting for her answer.

"Oh yes beta, it happens with few children who takes a bottle feed", she replied casually.

"It means is there any problem with her? If yes what is the solution for this? I don't want my baby to cry for food", Mahir said with worry in his face.

"Relax Mahir, some children who bottlefeed may have this problem, but don't worry there is a solution for this", she said making me and Mahir sigh in relief .

"What is it aunty", I asked with a hope.

"Beta I can say this if only you and Mahir are comfortable", she said looking at us. We looked at each other. 

"It's ok aunty I'm comfortable, you can say it", I told her.

"Beta you know babies feed on mother's milk until six months, and Mahira din't have her mother's milk so she must be facing difficulty while having a bootlefeed", she said looking at us.

"Now what is the solution for this aunty", I asked.

"Bela, you have to feed her on your breast before giving her the bottle milk", she said and my eyes widened with shock.

"But aunty, I'm not lactating and how can I feed her", I asked being confused.

"I know beta, you do not need to lactate for that, but just put your breast in her mouth before giving her milk. As soon as she start sucking your breast put the milk bottle in her mouth after two or three minutes. She won't be crying if you try this method", she said.

"I know beta that you are shocked after listening to this but a baby need nourishment from their mother during this growth period. Since Bani is not there and you here as her mother I suggest you to do it", she said. I looked at Mahir hoping for an answer. He too was looking at me waiting for the answer.

"I'm ok with this Polo aunty, I ..I can do it", I said and Mahir looked at me shocked.

"That's really kind of you beta, and now like good kids follow this method and become wonderful parent's", she said patting mine and Mahir's head. He is giving a plastic smile to her. I can sense it.

"Ok now.. I will take a leave from you,getting late to the clinic", she said while taking her things. I and Mahir nodded following her to the doorway.

"And Mahir, be beside Bela when she does that, so that you can take Mahira from her and feed her as soon as she is done with Bela", she said  making me and Mahir look at each other with shock. We bid her bye and locked the door.

And as if on cue Mahira started crying and she had to be feed for every two hours. I took the bottle and tried to feed her but as Mahira is Mahira, she is very stubborn just like her dad.

"I..I think we should...we..we should try that method which Polo aunty suggested", said Mahir while stammering. I nodded nervously looking at him. We both headed towards my room. 

I made space for him to sit and took Mahira in my lap. He sat beside me facing the other side completely. I removed my hooks and slowly held Mahira's head near my breast. And as she was so hungry she started sucking my breast in a hurry. I caressed her head. She gave me this feeling even before I become a mother. This feeling is a wonderful feeling every mother cherishes in their lifetime. I got tears in my eyes. And Mahira started crying as she was not getting milk.

Mahir immediately kneeled in front of me, he looked at me and suddenly turned his face aside and took Mahira. I was confused by his action. Then I realized that my hooks are still open. I immediately closed them turning that side. Mahir sat beside me and was feeding Mahira.

Mahira was now drinking milk peacefully. He did her burp and took her to the lobby to spend some time with her.

Last night events were still fresh in my mind. I was in his arms. He was almost sleeping on me. I immediately shrugged off those thoughts patting my cheeks. My cheeks became warm. I was blushing like a teenager. 

"No..no Bela, you are just Mahira's mother, not Mahir's wife", I said to myself going to the lobby.

I was working on my system and suddenly Mahir called me.

"Umm... Bela.. what did I do last night"? he asked hesitating. I lowered my head.

"Nothing...you..you just came drunk and you slept immediately as soon as you hit the bed", I said stammering.

I was about to go and he suddenly held my hand. I looked at him.

"Really? I dint do anything wrong right"? he asked.

"You ...you can trust me Mahir", I said.

"I don't trust anyone", saying so he left my hand and leaving my heart broken.


Hello guys, you people are giving me the love which I dint expect at all. Thank you so so much for that guys.The story crossed 1k reads and I'm flying. Thank you so much for the love.

I'm really sorry to say but the next chapter will be updated as soon as this chapter hits 100 votes. I know many are loving this story but I even need votes guys, that will motivate me to write more. This I'm telling for all the silent readers.

Stay home stay safe guys.

Thank you.

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