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I was left speechless when I heard the real story.My mom...she dint give birth to me?She is not my biological mother?

No...this can't happen.I collapsed on the couch and looked at Yuvi and Vishi with tear filled eyes.

"It's true Mahira..Bela..she is..she is not your biological mother.She is your mother's sister",Yuvi said sitting beside me.

"Though she is not your biological mother..you are more than her own kid Mahira,you gave her another life",Vishi said rubbing my back.

"See this picture...this is Bani babhi,not Bela.That was the first and last time she held you",Yuvi said showing the picture.

Bani...Bani Mahir Sehgal is my mom!!My dad loved them both,they three suffered a lot.My heart clenched after listening to their complicated love story.

The sacrifices made by each one is incomparable.My biological mother died for giving birth to me,my dad married mom for me and my mom...she suffered the most.

Her unconditional love for my dad is very pure,my dad's love for them was confusing for him.But I'm no where near them,they three sacrificed a lot for each other.

My mom sacrificed her love for her sister,my birth mother sacrificed herself for me,to get them close..my dad endured a lot of pain from loosing his mother to his wife.

All three were messed up...I dint knew I'm the reason for their togetherness today.No..I'm not,it's their unconditional love for each other..I'm...I'm just a small part of it.

"Bela and Mahir never wanted to tell you this because...you may hate Bela..after knowing that she is not your mother.But we couldn't stand when you accused Mahir for cheating on her",Vishi said helding my hand,tears were unstoppable in my eyes.

"So that means...my mom..she..is..she is not my mom?"I asked feeling defeated.

"It's nothing like that Mahira...she is your mom..your mom only",Yuvi said hugging me.

I sobbed in his chest,I can't take this.Anything but not this.She is my mom..my mother I've seen since childhood.

"Ayaan..he is my brother...my little brother..he is mom's son...but I'm not her daughter",I cried.

"Mahira..it's nothing like that baby..Bela loves you like her own.She would have not survived if you were not there in her life",Vishi said hugging me.

They told me how my parents met,how my mom loved him,my dad marrying my birth mother,her journal,my mom's life in London..everything.

"Bela,Mahir and Bani di...all three faced the toughest phase in their life Mahira,we all saw their pain.You came like a hope in their life",Vishi said hugging me tight.

They told me about the promise my parents gave to my birth mother when she was on her death bed.I'm feeling heavy suddenly..this all..it's too much for me to take in.

My dad loved them like a kind man with being completely loyal,and I accused him today?

I still remember my childhood days,my dad and mom used to be so close..making me jealous.I dint know there was a story behind their togetherness.I remember their wedding,I was there on their wedding.I used to think that my parents got married twice for me to see,but no...they got married for the second time out of love.

There was no love when they both got married for the first time!!

They faced a difficult situation,my mom..she thought to end her life?She loves my dad so much.

"I want to go home Vishi..I won't do anything stupid,I just want to go home",I said taking that album.

They nodded and dropped me at my home.I need to talk to my parents..my dad especially.I've hurted him...how could I do that?

I want to burn my throat with acid for accusing my dad like that..he loved them,he moved on from his first love and today I spoiled everything.

I opened the door and saw the lobby was empty,I searched every room but there is no trace of my parents.I finally saw my mom sitting on the swing in our balcony.

My heart swelled after looking at her,I hid behind a wall,covering my mouth with my hands to suppress my cries.

I composed myself,wiped my tears and made my way to her
"Mom",I called.

She looked at me wiping her tears,I could see only pain in her eyes..pain of loosing me.

"Mom..I got to know something..I..",I couldn't talk more.The words died in my mouth.

She turned her back towards me...she is hiding her tears!!

"Mom...I'm..I'm sorry..I'm sorry for my behavior..I'm really sorry",I apologized.First I need to apologize for the havoc I created for them.

"I got to know everything mom..I got to know that I'm..I'm..not your..I'm..not..",it was becoming painful to utter those words.

"I'm..I'm..not your mother",she completed and I heard her sobbing.

I ran towards her and hugged her tight from behind
"No..mom..I can't take that...don't say like that..you are my mother,I'm your daughter..I'm only your's..I love you mom",I cried hugging her.

She held my hand and cried,she turned towards me and said
"Yes it's true..I'm not your biological mother..I..I dint give birth to you..I..",I cut her off in the middle.

"Don't say like that mom...you are my mother and no one can change that,I don't care about anything else..I love you mom..I'm not able to digest that you are not my mother..ahhh...I can't",I shouted banging on the table.

"Mahira..calm down..I know it is a bitter truth for you..but that's the truth.I dint give birth to you..I wish I could..but you are more than anything to me.My world revolves around you...you gave me another life baby..I raised you as my own..no..you are my own..my baby..my daughter Mahira",my mom cried hugging me.

"I don't care about who is my real mother mom..I care only about you.You are my mother..I'm blessed to have you as my mother",I sobbed in her chest and she was rubbing my back.

"I've hurt you and dad so much..dad..I accused him..that's not right,you three went through a lot of pain..I'm sorry to talk like that",I sobbed.

"We know Mahira..it was a game played by the fate..Mahir and me are here as..as survivers..with two lovely kids",she said kissing my temple.

"Mom I want to give you something",I said making her sit on the swing.

I kept that chit in her hand,and her eyes started pooling again
"I'm sorry to talk like that about her..I mean your sister and my..my birth mother",I said feeling guilty.

She cried hugging that chit to her heart,caressing that name again and again.They were more like mother and daughter.She is in loss of her sister..she misses her.

My mom have a very big heart,she sacrificed her love for her sister and never hated her for that.She is the best person I've ever seen.

"Don't you hate me after knowing that I'm not your mother?",mom asked palming my face.

"No mumma..how can I..I can't..never.You know what..I'm jealous of Ayaan..that he is your son,he took birth from you..if I ever had another life..I wish I could take birth as your own child",I cried wiping my tears.

"You are my child only Mahira..you know you were so precious to Bani di,she held you only once..but I could see the pain in her eyes that time,she wanted to watch you growing..but she gave that responsibility to me..and you are my everything since then",mom said hugging me.

"I heard your love story mom..you are everything that every person needs,you are the best friend,best sister,best daughter,best wife and a best mother..you loved dad so much.How can a person love someone so much?"I said.

"That's the relation I and your dad share..inseparable.I'm sorry I raised my hand on you baby",she said palming my face.

"I wish you could have hit me and put some sense in me",I said and she smiled.

"Mom..I'm so sorry for freshening your old wounds again..I'm feeling guilty..I'm sorry.I want dad",I said like a small kid.

She kissed my cheek and said
"No matter how you think about us Mahira..me and dad will always love you.Dad went with Ayaan,they will be back soon".

I nodded wiping my tears,I was teasing my mother about what Vishi said.Vishi told a lot about my parents married life and their love life.Their cute banters,friendship,romance..everything.

"Mahira..just don't let Ayaan know this..he can't take that he is your half..",I cut her off knowing what she was going to say
"He is not my half brother mom,he is my brother.My brother..we both share our parents love..he is always my little brother",I said.

"My Mahira is all grown up",mom said hugging me.


We were on the way to home and my boy was asleep already.
"Hey champ we are home",I nudged him getting out of the car.

"So soon dad?Dad..please carry me",he said yawning.

"Come on Ayaan,pick your sleepy ass up.Hit the bed as soon as we get in",I said pulling him out.

"Bela we are home",I said entering my home and Ayaan ran to his room to sleep.

Where is she?

I saw Bela and Mahira standing near the swing.
"Bela?"I called her and they both looked at me.

Both of them were looking drained out..both of them!!

"Mahira are you alright?"I asked when I saw her puffy eyes.

"Dad...",she came running  and hugged me tight.

"Mahira..child..what happen baby?Why are you crying?"I asked rubbing her back.

I was tensed..did she get to know about us?No..no..this can't happen.

I looked at Bela and she was also shedding tears.She nodded her head and I closed my eyes feeling defeated.

This should not happen!!

"I'm sorry dad..I'm so sorry..why did you stop mom when she was going to hit me?I deserve that..I'm so sorry",Mahira cried in my arms.

"Baby please don't cry..I can't take it when you cry.Please don't cry Mahira",I kissed her head while she was sobbing in my chest.

"I deserve that one slap which never came to me,I deserve that for accusing you dad..I'm sorry for talking to you like that..I'm sorry",she sobbed.

"Arey baby..my heart is paining when you are crying.First stop crying baby..please",I wiped her tears and she was still sobbing.

We made her sit on the swing in between us and Bela gave her water.
"Dad I'm so sorry..I was being stupid to you..you are a great man dad.How can I think like that..you love mom so much..and here I was spitting venom on you..",she was rambling.

"Mahira..just calm down..calm down OK.It's OK baby,I'm your dad..you can talk like you want to.But don't cry..I can't see you crying like this",I said kissing her forehead.

"You are a great person dad,I'm lucky to be your daughter.I dint knew how your worlds revolved around me..you both suffered a lot..a lot of pain",Mahira said.

"That's all in the past Mahira..now..now..everything will be alright",I said.

"I'm sorry dad..I've just freshened your wounds..I'm sorry.I'm sorry about your wif..I mean..my birth mother",she said.

God..she got to know everything!!

"It's all over Mahira..now you three are my life",I said hugging her.

"I wish I could get a man like you in my life dad..such a loving person",Mahira said.

I smiled at her statement and patted her cheek
"I hope you should not get a person like me Mahira.I spoiled two sisters life",I said and Bela narrowed her eyes at me.

"Mahir stop joking",Bela said sternly.

"No dad..it's nothing like that,you dint spoil their life's..you...you gave them both new life's.You are a great man dad..I'm so sorry",Mahira cried catching her head.

She got that temper from me..she hurts herself when she is angry or hurt.Of course I had a history of anger issues but Mahira deals with them better than me.

"Mahira child..OK..OK,it's OK.Calm down",Bela hugged her.

"Dad I just want to say one thing..I don't hate mom after knowing that she is not my birth mother,I love her more.I don't care if she is not my birth mother...she is my mother and you are my father and Ayaan...he is my little brother.That's all matters to me",Mahira said helding my hands.

"I'm proud of you Mahira...we dint expect you would understand us like this.We thought you can't accept that Bela...",she cut me off.

"She is my mum dad..I'm her daughter.As far as I know..she is my mother since I was born.I shared her love..she is only my mother.I dint see my birth mother all these years and I don't care now.All I care is you both are my parents.And about Bani..I mean..mom's sister and your wife..I don't know anything about her.I mean I got to know about her..she is a good person dad,I'm sad that I couldn't meet her.But I'm more than happy for having her as my mom",Mahira said hugging Bela sideways.

"Dad all three of you were in a different situation when things happened to you.You can't blame anyone,not even your self.Anyone can say that after knowing your story.Only thing which matters is and I'm concerned about is...you both are made for each other",Mahira said looking at us.

I was speechless after listening to my daughter.Firstly,I dint knew how she received it when she got to know.Secondly,she is all grown up now.I never expected that Mahira will be so understanding in this matter.

"Dad you remember?When I was a small kid,you and mom used to sleep in a separate room?I was partially a reason that you both came together.It was your love..your love was very. strong that it pulled mom from London to India.It's always your love dad..your love is very strong and I'm proud to be your daughter.Proud to grow with this love of you both",Mahira said smiling.

How did she get to know all these?Of course..Yuvi and Vish.Only they have the guts to tell her the truth.

I hugged her smiling to myself and Bela was also smiling,wiping her tears.
"Come here",I called Bela to join our hug.

We three were sharing this lovely hug.My angels they are..god always took people from me but never forgot to replace them with another person.

Every person faces problems in their life,many accuse god like me.But it's a circle.We can't change anything.We should always trust and keep faith in god and the destiny.

We never knew what comes in front of us the next day.We should enjoy all our happy moments.

My daughter is a one grown up now.She is so matured..I really dint expect this from her.She made me proud today.She made me and Bela proud today.

Thank you Bani..you showed me what is true love and where my happiness lives!!!


"Mom..dad?"we saw Ayaan standing rubbing his eyes.

We three broke the hug and looked at him,he was just staring at us.

"Why is this bimbo crying?"Ayaan asked looking at Mahira.

Ohh...god when will this boy stop digging his grave!!

"Aya..",I was going to say something but Mahira stopped me,signalling that she will take care.

He is still drowsy and now he is officially gone.Even Mahir can't help him.

Sorry Ayaan!!

Mahira walked towards him and he was still rubbing his eyes.Mahira took the glass and splashed the water on his face.

I and Mahir started laughing looking at that scene.God Mahira..!!

"Dad..see Mahira di,she threw water on me",Ayaan complained.

"See it's not so tough to spell my name.Was it?"Mahira asking shrugging her shoulders.

"Ahh..I hate you di",he said splashing water on her.

"Mutual feeling little one,now stop running and surrender",Mahira said chasing him while Ayaan was running for his life.

I caught Mahira and Mahir caught Ayaan from back,we but were still laughing our hearts out.

"Mom leave me..I'm going to kill him",Mahira said getting out of my grip.

"Mahira calm down..he had enough",I laughed helding her tight.

"Don't leave her mom,she will kill me.Ooh I'm so I scared",Ayaan mimicked her.

"Ayaan..stop it buddy..I guess it's enough",Mahir laughed helding him from behind.

Finally both were stable but still in our hold.

"OK Ayaan we warned you many times not to call di with names,so say sorry",I said.

"No..I won't..she always wins the argument and fights...you both pamper her a lot",Ayaan complained.

We three were laughing looking at his struggle
"Dad you are laughing..tell Mahira di to say sorry to me now",Ayaan said.

"It's wrong Ayaan..you were the one who started it,so sorry to di",Mahir said.

"But dad..",Mahir cut him off
"What did I tell you Ayaan?",Mahir asked.

"I know..always protect your sister",Ayaan said.

"Good,but what did you do now?You splashed water on her",Mahir said.

"OK I was drowsy and sleepy..I'm sorry Mahira di",Ayaan said defeated.

"See better listen to mum and dad little one",Mahira said wriggling her eye brows.

"Dad see...",he whined again.

Ayaan doesn't like it when someone calls him 'little one'.

"Mahira..",Mahir looked at her.

"OK my back..I'm sorry little..I mean Ayaan.Now stop whining like that and come here",Mahira said going towards him.

They both hugged and surprisingly Ayaan got on his toes and kissed her cheek.Mahira too kissed his cheek.

They both are siblings and as usual they fight,but their love is also very sweet.

"See mom dad..he is my brother Ayaan",Mahira said ruffling his hair.

We both laughed looking at them and their cute bond.It's blood..they are siblings sharing same blood.No matter what,they are always inseparable.

"You are always their mother and I'm their father..I'm happy that my daughter is so matured,and it's only because of your upbringing",Mahir said pulling me closer.

I smiled and answered in return
"We raised our kids together with a lot of positivity,I was heart broken when Mahira thought that you were cheating on me..I mean she took a stand for me.That was really so warm of her.I'm glad I got her",I said hugging him.

"She was the only light in our dark life's at a time,the only string attached between us..and now we are a family",I said looking at Mahira and Ayaan while they both were watching a video in phone.

"We were meant to be a family my love",Mahir said kissing my forehead.

"And my family is completed..my life too",I said hugging him tight.

"God Mahira di you are evil,you dint spare even chachu and Vyom uncle.How did you bear her tortures dad",Ayaan said looking at us.

They both were watching Mahira's childhood video in which she was painting their nails.

"I would do anything for my children",Mahir said and Mahira smiled looking at us.

"I would even marry my best friend for that",Mahir whispered in my ears making me red.

"OK Ayaan put this in your room and come",Mahira said and Ayaan left to his room.

"Mom dad..I can say one thing after hearing your love story,you both are inseparable.No matter what's the truth is..you are my mum and this is my family",Mahira said hugging me and Mahir.

"You are peice of our heart Mahira..we both could have not make it together if there's no you..you are a reason we both are happy today,as a family...a happy family",I said hugging her.

"I heard you mom...the only string attached..maybe I was the only string attached..but not anymore.You both are sealed together",Mahira said chuckling.

We laughed at it and Mahir shed some tears hugging Mahira
"I would be destroyed if you were not with me my baby",Mahir said.

"I love you dadda..no one can take your place in my life..no one.I'm always Mahir's Mahira",Mahira said.

I hugged them from behind,having a group hug.

"I'm always left out in family hugs?"Ayaan said coming towards us.

"Come here little one",Mahira and Ayaan joined our hug.

And this is my life,friendship,love,hatred,love,friendship..and love again.

It's a circle..love starts with a good friendship and sometimes may end with hatred!!

But it what makes us keep going,telling us to not to give up.Love is the most powerful feeling I experienced.Many say anger,hatred..etc..etc will control us.But that's wrong,it's love which will control us.

I sacrificed my love years ago for the love I had for my sister,Mahir married me for the love he had for my sister,I married him for the love I had for them and my little baby,and today Mahira is all grown up,matured and understanding due to the love she have towards us.

It was love which kept me going even in at the time of depression,it was love when Mahir dint gave up on Mahira,and it was love...when I and Mahir realized.

We were in love..we are in love!!

Never thought my life would have a happy ending like this,I had a hard start..but ended up in complete love.

And love gives you hope and makes you a better person at sometimes!!

"I love you Mahir Sehgal",I said hugging my love.

"I love you more Mrs.Mahir Sehgal",Mahir said pecking my lips.

"And this will be forever",I said pecking his lips.

Hey guys! This will be the last time I will be talking to you all😪😪. So the journey of Behir comes to an end today. I can't thank you all enough for all your immense love and support,I will repeat it again..I'm nothing without my readers.

You all supported me in my hard times,I can't thank you all enough.This is my first book and I won two runner up awards for my book.I just saw,my book is a runner up in cherish fan awards.I can't believe it,my first book getting this immense love...I love you all.

One day I was simply stalking some fan pages in Instagram and I saw some people suggesting others to read my book.My heart swelled looking at that,I love you,I love you and I love you.Keep sharing this book with your loved ones.

I never expected I would get this much love for my first book.I would like to thank my each and every reader,even silent readers,for loving my book this much.

You don't need to bear my voting targets from now on😂😂.But this is the last chapter and I would want all the readers to comment about your experience throughout this journey along with me.I haven't read my own story till now.I will start reading it today☺☺

I miss you all very badly,I will miss reading your comments and messages😪😪.I will meet you all soon with a new story.I hope you will give the same love and support which you gave to this book.My warm virtual hugs to everyone🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

The situation in Hyderabad is not a bit stable.Be safe everyone.And be strong guys,Pearlie will be alright.We all are praying for his family's well being.

And as a behirian and pearbhian I want to say one thing...pearbhitohhoga aur hokehi rahega😉😉😉

I love you all❤❤,will meet you soon with a new story.Till then...bye guys.Take care everyone and stay positive always.The above song is for the characters in my book,I will miss all of them.Do listen to that song❤

Vote,comment and share.

Thank you for being in this journey with me and supporting me❤❤

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