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"Vish", I couldn't complete and was awarded by a tight slap on my left cheek. I can feel the sting of pain on my cheeks. I looked at her with tearful eyes.

"What the hell do you think about your self"?she yelled at me.

I was still caressing my cheek with my hands.

"First of all you left your everything here and ran away like a coward who cannot face the situation, second you dint bother to atleast contact me"?she asked with tears in her eyes.

"I understand that you wanted to stay away from them but what did I do? Did I do something wrong"?she asked wiping her tears.

I was still looking at her with tears flowing from my eyes. We both were silent. She looked at me came near me.

"Ok now stop crying and give me a hug", saying that she hugged me tightly.

I started sobbing and she was rocking my back. I was shivering while crying. She was still caressing my back.

"I'm sorry Bela, you were not in touch with Yuvi and Vyom, that I can understand because they are close to Mahir, but what did I do? I'm close to him and you also, how can you forget that"? She asked caressing my face.

"Yuvi is Mahir's brother, you and Yuvi are together, I can get to hear about di and Mahir from you too, that's why I kept you also apart from me Vish", I said sobbing.

"Bela you have to really stop assuming things by your own", she said.

"I'm really sorry Vish, my intention was not be away from you, it was for being away from Bani di and her family", I said wiping my tears.

"I was in Banglore since six months for my project and I returned yesterday, and Yuvi told me what all happened ", she said looking sadly at me.

"Leave it na, whatever happened is happened. Forget about it. How are you Bela"?she asked.

"I'm....I'm..just ok Vish, Mahira has become my world now", I said taking Mahira from Mallika didi. Vish took Mahira in her arms.

"Mahira is lucky Bela, she got you as her mother",she said kissing Mahira.

"I'm lucky to have her Vish", I said.

"How are you doing with Mahir Bela"?she asked.

"I became his child's mother but cannot become his wife", I said giving a sad smile.

"It was not your fault Bela, Mahir and Bani di loved each other behind your back and made you nuts", she said with little anger.

"They did not do a mistake Vish, they loved each other. Wether they loved behind our back or not the only thing matters is they loved each other", I said.

"You, me and Mahir were such a good buddies, what a days they were", she said.

I completed my classes and was waiting for di to come. Suddenly someone patted my shoulders. U turned around and saw Mahir.

"Mahirrrr..you scared me", I said.

"Oh sorry Bela, and for whom you are waiting"?he asked.

"Bani di", I said.

"She must be busy Bela, from tomorrow cultural fest starts right"?he asked.

"Hmm..yaa, she must be busy", I said.

"I can drop you", he said.

"You can trust me", he said smiling.

"Arey Mahir I don't mean that, common let's go", I said and we went to parking area.

I was waiting for him to come. He was looking so handsome. He looks good with beard also but I like him clean shaved. He came in front of me and I hopped on his bike. We started going.

"Umm..Bela..are you free now"?he asked.

"Hmm yes I am. Why so"?I asked.

"I want to show you my new flat", he said.

"You got a new flat"? I asked.

"Hmm ya, I wanted to stay alone for sometime so I brought it", he said.

"Cool then, let's go", I said.

"Cool", telling so we went to his new condo.
I was really mesmerized by the interiors.

"Wow Mahir this looks so cool", I said looking around.

"I will stay with my future wife here only", he stated making me shock.

"What? You don't want to stay with your parent's "? I asked.

"It's not like that but I would prefer privacy after getting married", he said winking.

"Oh oo..so who is your future bride"? I asked him winking.

"You will get to know in future", he said smirking.

I was hiding my blush. I was looking cherry red when I saw myself in the mirror. This man has something which pulls me towards him.

"Ok , so why are you showing it to me then"? I asked faking my anger.

"Bela you are my bff, how can I hide something from you"?he said while wrapping his hands around my shoulder.

"Ok so you remember that I'm your friend"? I asked.

"What kind of question is this Bela"?he asked with little anger.

"I mean you are not spending time with us and you are always busy these days", I said.

"Bela that is something important related to my life", he said.

"If you consider me as your friend you would tell me what is it about", I said.
I was trying to confirm about his relation with my sister. But there is nothing like that I guess.

"Bela you will get to know about it soon", he said.

"Are you in a relationship Mahir ", I asked.
He was looking shocked and he was trying to answer me.

"I will get to know first if you are in relation, you did not tell me anything till now that means you are not in a relationship right"? I asked.

"Yes...yes Bela you..you are right, I would tell...tell you first about it", he said.

I was feeling little relieved now.

"Ok come Mahir let's go, it's getting late", I said and he dropped me near my home.

"Bela", he called me.
I stopped on my track. I turned around and looked at him.

"Yes Mahir, you want to ask something"? I asked.

"What are you wearing for the fest tomorrow, the code is traditional right"?he asked me.

"I cannot carry traditional wear, it's really difficult for me", I said making faces.

"You can Bela, wear whatever you like tomorrow , but on second day you have to wear a red saree", he ordered.

"Why should I wear a red saree"? I asked him feeling confused.

"Because I like red", he said out of blue.
My heart was doing a marathon. He loves red colour, I know that. But I dint knew that he likes red on me too.

"So are you requesting me to wear it for you"? I asked wiggling my eye brows.

"Umm..kind of, will you wear for me"?he asked.

"Hmm I will wear it on one condition", I said.

"Ok praise me my lord", he said making me laugh.

"You have to trim your beard, I mean you look good with beard also but I like it when your beard is trimmed", I said blushing.

"Hmm you asked very big thing my lord", he said.

"Wearing a saree is also a big thing for me you know"? I asked giggling.

"Ok you are wearing red saree and I will trim my beard", he said.

"No, first you have to trim your beard and then I will wear a red saree on the second day of fest", I said.

"Jo hukum kare mere akaa ", he said while bowing his head for which I started laughing.

"Ok then meet you tomorrow with a lite trim stubble", he said winking at me.

"I will meet you in my traditional look", I said winking at him.

I bid him bye and went inside my house. I saw di talking with my dad.

"Di, when did you come home? I was waiting for you", I said .

"I came home early Bela, I went to shop for you", she said winking at me.

"Thank you so much di, I am really confused what to wear tomorrow ", I said while putting my head on her shoulder.

"Oh my baby, your di is there na, why to worry"? She said.

"Sorry di, I thought you forgot about me", I said feeling guilty.

"How can I forget my baby"?she said kissing me on my forehead.

"My dolls you both are", said my dad and we had a family hug.

Vish and di did my shopping for the fest. I asked them to buy a red saree for me which they did.

Next day I met Mahir and I was clean bowled. He really looks sexy with this look. I was tripping again and again with my lehenga.

"Bela..you look gorgeous ", he said.

"And you look se...", I said and realised what I was saying giving awkward smile to him.

"I know I look sexy right"?he asked and I was utter shocked.
Does he really know mind reading?

"So funny", I said laughing.

"So are you ready to wear red saree"?he asked.

"Oh god Mahir what is this with your obsession of red"? I asked.

"I love red and I would love to see my loved ones in red", he said.

"Ok fine, I will wear it", I said.

We went inside the auditorium and the fest started with many cultural programmes. We all were cheering for Bani di whenever she comes to host.
I, Vish and Mahir were shouting like monkeys. We were really the three monkeys of Gandhi ji.

On the second day as requested by Mahir I wore red saree. He was really amazed looking at me. And on the last day of the fest, my dad and Andy uncle came to collage as they were trustees.

The fest went so good.              

Vish was looking at me smirking.

"What", I asked her.
She was still wiggling her eyebrows. What's wrong with her.

"Yuvi, did she hit her head somewhere"? I asked him.

"I don't think so, but what's wrong with her"? He asked.

"Arey I dint hit my head stupid, your heart met with an accident", she said.

"Vish have you gone nuts"?asked Vyom.

"No, Bela has gone nuts", she said.

"Vish what are you talking"? I asked.

"Bela you are in love", she said and we all looked at her shocked. Now Yuvi and Vyom were looking at me.

"Vish you are really mad", I said hiding my blush.

"Someone's blushing ", she said.

"Oh our Bela is in love"?asked Vyom.

"Vyom, she is mad don't believe her", I said.

"We will not believe her but we will believe your blushing face", said Yuvi while smirking.

I hid my face with my palms and these three started hooting. Everyone in the cafe were looking at us. Mahir and di were not here.

"Bela, you have tell us that theif's name who stole your precious heart", said Vyom.

"I love that guy, but I think he is already in a relationship", I said feeling sad.

"You just tell his name Bela, we will give his biodata to you", said Yuvi.

"Yuvi, stop joking. I'm serious", I said.

"I'm too serious, you just tell his name" , he said.

I was scared to tell Mahir's name. Yuvi is his brother and Vyom is Mahir's bff. What will they think about me.

"I know that guys name", said Vish while I choked listening to her.

"Shall I do the honours Bela", Vish asked smirking.
How does she know?

"Vish it's nothing like that", I said.

"I know.. I know it's nothing like that but something else", she said.

"Guys she is in love with Mahir", Vish said excitedly.
I looked down and tears started pooling in my eyes. I looked at them with tear filled eyes.

"Hey why are you crying Bela", asked Vyom with concern.

"Bela, what happened", asked Vish and Yuvi together.
I was sniffing and wiping my tears. They all took their seats around me .

"I.. I love him but I think he is already in a relationship", I said sobbing.

"And why do you think like that", asked Vyom.

"I don't...don't know. I can feel it", I said wiping my tears.

"Bela, I'm happy that you are in love my brother but how can you say that he is already in a relationship"?asked Yuvi.

"I don't know..I feel it sometimes by looking at his behaviour, he shares everything with me and spends a lot of time with me. But nowadays its not like that, he is not even sparing a glance at me", I said while sobbing.

"Oh..Belaa , he is going to get graduated and is going to take over dad's bussiness, so he is working on it. You know him right, he will not think about anyone when he is busy with his work"?asked Yuvi.

"I know but...but..I think he and...Banidiareinrelationship", I said looking down.

"Bela, what is Bani studying"?asked Vyom.

"Bussiness studies", I replied.

"Is she going to take over your dad's bussiness"?he asked.

"Yes", I said.

"That's it", said Yuvi while banging on the table lightly.

"What that's it"?asked Vish.

"See both Mahir and Bani di are going to get graduated and they will take over their dad's bussiness", said Yuvi making me and Vish confused.

"What are you telling Yuvi", I asked annoyed.

"It's simple Bela, I heard yesterday that mine and your dad's company are collaborating together which will be taken care in future together by both Mahir bhai and Bani di", he said.

"Do you remember, we invited your family to our home this Sunday? To discuss this matter only dad invited you and your family", he said.

"How are you sure about it"? I asked.

"Oh Bela I'm really not adopted, I'm also their son only and I also stay in that home only", he said while laughing.
We all laughed for this.

"Bela, I'm his best friend like you only, he will tell me if there is something like that", said Vyom assuring me.

"Bela...did you ask Bani di about this", asked Vish.

"I asked many times but she also said that she will first tell me if it is something like that", I said.

"Bela she is your sister, ofcourse she will tell you if it is something like that, she dint tell you anything,that means there is nothing that sort of thing", Vyom assured me.

"Bela did you tell Bani di about your love for Mahir"?she asked.

"No. I want to surprise her", I said.

"I guess she will be happy after knowing that her sister is in love with her friend",said Yuvi.

"When are you planning to tell Mahir bhai"?asked Yuvi.

"I will tell him on his graduation day", I said blushing.

"But there is still three months time for that", said Vish.

"I know but, it will be his special day and hope so mine too", I said.

"Guys do you think that he will accept my love"? I asked with worry.

"Bela you are his best friend and he talks about you to my mom daily, everything starts from friendship right"?asked Yuvi.

"I know but, being a friend is different from being his love", I said.

"Keep thinking like this only and Mahir will get someone better than you", said Vish.

Tears started pooling in my eyes again.

"Bela..are you really that serious about Mahir"?asked Vyom. 

"I know about her since childhood Vyom, if she loves something she will never regret or leave it until she die",said Vish.

"I'm sure Mahir bhai will accept your love bela", said Yuvi.
I gave a smile to him.

"And do you know something, the whole collage is expecting this only", Vyom said smirking.

"Expecting what"? I asked confused.

"Everyone are thinking that you and Mahir bhai have something more than friendship, I too thought about it and finally it is happening", he said winking.

"Maybe they are right but now it's still one sided", I said.

"Soon it will be from his side too", said Vish.

"And coming to Bani, she is an introvert and never interacted with Mahir as much as you", said Vyom.

"What with Mahir bhai, she dint even interact with us also as much as you are", said Yuvi.

"I'm sure Bela, Mahir bhai also feels something for you", said Yuvi.

"Ya hope so but still I will propose him on his graduation day only", I said.

"And all the best to you", they all shouted in unison crushing me in their hug gaining everyone's attention in the cafe.

"Thank you guys...but..I cannot breath",I said with difficulty.

"Sorry babes", said Vish.

"And Bela we will be waiting for you and your family on sunday", said Yuvi winking at me.

We all left to our home. I saw my dad sitting with his system.

"Dad, did you get invitation from Andy uncle for this Sunday"? I asked.

"Yes my dear", said my dad while kissing me on my cheek.

Finally the Sunday came for which I was waiting. We three reached Mahir's house and Sumi aunty welcomed us.

"You both are looking so pretty",she said patting our heads.

As I was not intrested in bussiness I joined interior designing. My di was intrested in bussiness and she will take over my dad's bussiness for which my dad was glad.

They completed talking about their bussiness and we went to have lunch.
I and Bani di were seated side by side. Mahir was looking at us. I was blushing. I dint talk to him since I came here and now he is looking at me. Idiot. We finished lunch and were seated in the garden. I was not paying attention to what everyone are talking. I was lost looking at Mahir. I came out of my world when I heard Andy uncles voice.

"I guess one of my son had already choosed their bride", said Andy uncle.

Mahir was looking at our side. He was staring at me without a blink. I was feeling shy now.

"Yes dad", said Mahir and Yuvi in unison.

We all looked at them shocked. Even they were looking at each other with a shock.

"Oh I guess both have chosen their brides", said Sumi aunty.

I looked at them and started laughing.
Mahir and Yuvi were trying to cover their blush. My god Mahir is blushing. Does that blush belong to me. Yuvi's blush belongs to Vish ofcourse.

"Oh my god Mahir bhai, you are in love", said Yuvi.

"No..no there is nothing like that, I was answering for Yuvi mom", he said while stammering.

"Mahir bhai..what are you saying..I don't want to get married so soon", said Yuvi for which we all were laughing.

Mahir just said yes. Oh my god. I really hope he said it for me. We bid them good bye and left to our home.

Me and Vish were discussing about our collage days like that. Mahira started crying. I took her in my lap and started removing my shirt.

"Bela, what are you doing"? Vish asked me confused.

I told her what Polo aunty told us to do. She was shocked and she was smirking at me.

"What happen? Why are you looking at us like that"? I asked while caressing Mahira.

I started feeding her with her bottle.

"How are you feeling about it Bela"?she asked.

"About what"? I asked.

"Becoming mother even before bearing a child in your womb"?she asked.

"Trust me Vish, Mahira gave me this feeling even before I become a mother and it feels amazing", I said.

"Bela..how are you feeling when Mahira is feeding on your breast", she asked.

"That feeling is a bit different but it feels good", I said.

"Bela just think of Mahir in place of Mahira sucking your breast",she said smirking.

I took small pillow and throwed it on her.

"Ahh.. Vish don't talk filthy..atleast not in front of Mahira", I said.

She was laughing like hell. This girl really talks filthy sometimes. How can she think like that. Me and Mahir? It's impossible.

"And Bela Vyom is coming to meet you three tomorrow", said Vish.

"Oh", I said.

And I heard the door bell ringing. I went and opened and saw Mahir standing.


Hello people. How are you all? I guess I was late in updating. Sorry. I was drowning in my studies. Thank you for all your love guys🤗🤗. I just hit half century in my followers list. And my story hit 4k+ reads and 1k votes. Thank you so much guys. I request all silent readers to vote comment and share. Please🙏🙏.

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Thank you.

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