Chapter Eighteen: Better Days

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Training made the days pass quickly. June gave way to July in a blaze of red, white, and blue. Sweetwater didn't have many things to boast about, but the town's Fourth of July picnic was one of them. The sweet tang of barbecue hung heavy in the humidity, and as the long summer day turned dark, it would coalesce with the sulfur and smoke from fireworks, both big and small. Even Audra was infected by the atmosphere and she agreed to give the Circle a break from training.

If anyone expected the girls to spend the holiday together, they were sadly mistaken. Training wasn't the only thing the girls needed a respite from. While their skills improved, attitudes didn't. Regardless, Lux was excited about the opportunity to spend the day alone with Kitty and Travis. Away from Sara Elizabeth's snark, Audra's bossiness, and Ruby's depression.

And Declan's indifference.

"What are you wearing?" Kitty asked, lying on her stomach flipping through the latest fashion magazine. Strange how something that used to be so mundane now felt like a special moment to be cherished.

"I can't decide between a dress or shorts. A dress will be cooler, but I like the freedom of shorts."

"I mean, we're seventeen now. What do you plan on doing in shorts that you can't do in a dress?"

Lux pulled out the red sundress she'd purchased at a boutique with the Fourth in mind. The color would make what was left of her tan pop, and the length would show off her long legs without giving her mother a heart attack. She eyed the plunging back and couldn't stop the errant thought Declan might have a heart attack when he spied the expanse of skin she'd be exposing. They'd kept their distance from one another, but she knew he still desired her. This dress was the perfect revenge.

"When you put it that way," she told Kitty, holding the dress in front of her for inspection.

Kitty dropped the magazine and rose to her knees. She made give me hands at the dress, her blue eyes bright and carefree. The sight made Lux feel giddy and reminded her of better days. If the dull, constant ache in her chest disappeared, she could almost pretend this 4th of July was just like that last year's, and that meant she could be last year's Lux too.

"Is that the dress that was in the Sew Fabulous Boutique? Girl, that dress is haawt."

Lux stepped into the dress, loving the way the soft cotton felt against her skin. The hem swished about her mid-thigh as she spun to look at herself in her mirror. "The bra will have to go," she worried.

Kitty shook her head. "The front is blousy enough that it will hide any nipping."


"I'm sure. Besides, it's not cold outside. Then again, it won't be cold turning your high beams on tonight."

"You're four," Lux chastised until what Kitty said sunk in. "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Declan. He's coming with us tonight. I thought that's why you were wearing a dress sexy enough to give Travis a boner."

"Kitty! Do you know how freaking awkward it's going to be having him wandering around with us all night?"

While they didn't chat like they used to, Lux couldn't keep the details of her heartbreak a secret from her best friend. Well, most of the details. She didn't tell her the truth about the consequences a relationship between Declan and Lux would bring. She was too afraid Kitty would side with him- the girl was developing a no nonsense approach to magic. In everything else, Kitty sought to buck the rules, but not where magic was concerned. She studied hard and took everything at face value.

So Lux spun a simpler story. One any teenage girl could get behind, and Kitty didn't disappoint. Like a loyal friend, she consoled her, fed her fattening foods, and offered to mess up Declan's pickup truck. In the south, it didn't get much more loyal than messing with a man's ride.

Kitty shrugged. "It can't be anymore more awkward than suffering through a training class with you two. I mean, he fights with all of us, but as soon as you step into the ring, he has to run off. Can he be anymore obvious? I thought dudes a century ago were more chivalrous."

"Kitty, I'm serious."

"Sorry, he was looking so out of place while we were talking about today. I couldn't not invite him. It would've been rude."

"Damn your southern manners. I think it was pretty rude of him to kiss me senseless and then break my heart." Lux stopped dragging the brush through her hair, the roots stinging from the force. "Will you do my makeup?"

"Damn, it's that kind of serious," Kitty quipped, pushing her into the bathroom and getting to work. "I will never pass up an opportunity to put makeup on you, even if it's gonna melt off in an hour. I will make sure it's the finest hour of your life."


Declan waited for the girls at the bottom of the stairs. Girlish giggles reached him every so often, making him grin. The sound was a scarce commodity these days. The thought made his grin fall. He owned a share of the blame for Lux's sadness. Her heartsick cries played on repeat in his mind, and he would give back every kiss they shared just to recover the happy girl he met in the kitchen.

The phone in his pocket rang, making him jump. It would be years before he was used to the contraption. Seeing Phoebe's name on the screen, he answered it eagerly. "Hello?"

"How are things going?" Phoebe asked, sounding harried.

"Fine. The girls are all progressing nicely, much faster than I expected."

"I received your message about Audra. Her presence will help, and I remember her family. Strong witches all of them. They refused to bind any of their girls. I'm glad you have help. How is Lux?"

"She's-" he began, stopping when he saw her appear at the top of the stairs. Breathtaking. "I have to go."



The word was harsh, and he ended the call. He turned his attention back to the slowly descending girls. Even walking down the stairs, Kitty bounced. A bundle of nervous energy as she glanced back and forth between her friend and the man who thought he might love her.

Lux stopped on the bottom step, her expression revealing nothing as he studied her. His concern about her health had grown over the last two weeks. Even now the dress hung on her in places it would've once hugged, and no amount of makeup could erase the traces of sleep deprivation. Yet none of those things could douse the fire that burned inside of her, and standing there, a beacon of beauty in a red dress, that fire blazed into his soul and stole any thought he had of keeping his distance.

"Is Travis here yet?" she asked coldly.

"He's meeting us at the park," Kitty explained, slipping her feet into her sandals by the front door. "Wanna take the car? It's too hot to ride our bikes into town."

"I'll drive. I need the practice," he volunteered, running a hand through his hair as his nerves got the better of him. Lux caught the movement, and he swore she softened slightly.

"Fine," Kitty said, "but I get shotgun. When you drive, I get carsick if I sit in the back."

The ride to the park was short and driving took most of his focus, though he sneaked peeks of Lux through the rearview mirror. Her fist propped up her chin as she stared out the window. Not once did she turn toward the front, no matter how hard he willed her to look at him. Kitty kept up a stream of chatter during the drive, and he appreciated it until he reached the park and had to find a place to park.

"Goodness at all the people," he said, scanning the field they'd turned into for a spot he could park the vehicle. Families poured out of vehicles and hurried to the festival in red, white, and blue blurs.

"Hardly anyone is here yet," Kitty replied, laughing when his eyes widened.

"Sweetwater has certainly grown. You know, when I was growing up here, we didn't celebrate July 4th. Too many old timers who refused to admit that the South was defeated."

"Gods, you're old. The picnic has been a tradition here since the 1930's."

"1937," Lux specified. "Look, there's Travis. By the picnic tables."

He spied the redheaded boy lounging in the shade and waved. They weaved their way through the crowd until they reached his side. Travis had abandoned his normal preppy attire in favor of clothing that offered relief from the oppressive heat. Highs near a hundred today had most people seeking water sources, and Declan had to admit he was sad that he would not see Lux in her bikini today.

"So what's the plan ladies and gent?"

"The usual," Kitty shouted, plopping in his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Food, food, and more food. Followed by-"

"Food?" Declan suggested.

"Noooo. Fireworks. Duh."

"Lead the way fair lady." Travis planted a wet kiss on the blonde's cheek before dumping her to the ground.

Lux watched the two bicker with a fond look, and Declan fell back to walk beside her. She tensed but said nothing. He used the opportunity to trace the shape of her face with his eyes and commit it to memory.

"I'm sorry," he blurted, no longer able or willing to live with this divide between them.

"What?" She came to a sudden stop and swung black-rimmed eyes to him in shock. Something akin to hope blossomed in their depths. "Sorry for what exactly?"

"That you were hurt. I never meant to hurt you. My job has always been to protect you, and I feel like I failed."

That bright light fizzled out and rage took its place. Back ramrod straight and arms tight against her side, Lux closed the distance between them. She drove a finger into his chest.

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to be a part of your job?"

He snagged her by the arm and let Travis and Kitty get further ahead. "That's not- that's not what you were... what you are."

"Excuse me, but that's what you just said."

"Damn it. Stop twisting my words."

"The honorable Declan curses. What would your mama say?"

"She'd tell me to stop being a fool and do what I was born to do. Protect the First Circle."

Lux laughed bitterly. "Well, the jokes on you then." She pulled free and walked away.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Clutching at her chest, pain contorting her face, she replied with a sob, "I'm not part of the Circle."

"Don't say that. We'll figure it out."

"No. I don't want to. Not anymore. I want out."

"Lux, you can't- You don't mean that." Leora's last words to him resurfaced, and panic choked him. "I know you're scared. I know you're hurting, but the Circle is the safest place for you."

"Look at me, Declan. I'm a shadow of my former self. I was fine until all of this. Until you. And the funny thing is, I told myself I would never be this girl. We just met. What you did shouldn't have hurt me so much as pissed me off. Yet here I am weeks later, still moping over my broken heart. I can't seem to do anything about that, but I can leave this Circle. Maybe even bind my powers."

He chased after her. "What about the Gateways?"

A young couple eyed them warily as they passed. With Lux's fiery expression and Declan's manic motions, outsiders couldn't miss that something was wrong. The man looked as if he was considering stepping in, but Lux softened for a moment, offering him a small smile that eased his concern.

"You're causing a scene, Declan," she growled.

"You're being absurd." He used the same tone he used with the girls during their lessons, but Lux was unfazed.

"What do I matter to the Gateways? You need a Spirit witch to complete the Circle, and I'm not that."

"We need you. I need you." It was a dangerous admission, but not as dangerous as Lux leaving the safety of her sisters.

He caught her when she stumbled, and she lingered in his arms for just long enough to make him hope, then she pushed away. When she left, this time he didn't go after her. 

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