Chapter Twenty-One: Gideon

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Lux ignored the gasps echoing around the room and kept her eyes trained on the cheerleader. With a sullen sigh, Sara Elizabeth slipped the ring off of her finger and handed it over. The stone warmed against Lux's skin but that was all. No glow or shine declaring that she was a water witch.

"Brooke, will you look?"

The younger girl pulled herself away from the wall and crossed the room. She took the jewelry, but immediately shook her head in the negative. "This stone is much bigger than ours, and ours has a thicker, antique band."

The knot in Lux's stomach released, only to be replaced by guilt. She handed the channeling stone back to its owner, who immediately slipped it back on her finger. Lux waited for the deserved verbal assault, but to her surprise, Sara Elizabeth remained silent, none of her special brand of malice falling from her lips.

"Are you going to tell anyone what that was about?" Declan asked. His tone aimed at casual but missed.

Lux didn't know where to start. Bailey didn't want to involve the Circle, but at this point, that was impossible. She pointed at the girl and said, "This is Brooke Bailey. Corinne Bailey's sister."

"Well shit," Travis muttered, looking contrite when Brooke gave him a frosty glare.

"I still don't see how meeting Brooke led you to accuse Sara Elizabeth of murder," Kitty said. Her blue eyes were wary as she looked between Sara Elizabeth and Lux, almost as if her willingness to defend Sara Elizabeth surprised her.

"I'm getting there. Brooke had some suspicions regarding her sister's death, and because of what we are, she brought them to me. I agreed to help her investigate, and it was there that she found a necklace Corinne always wore. A star sapphire. And the necklace had a matching ring." Ruby and Kitty both tensed. They'd both been there that day in the Nature Center when the cheerleader had "found" her ring. "It just seemed odd that you'd lost your ring there, and they never found Corinne's ring. And then I was reminded that your property backs up to the crime scene."

"That is damning," Audra said. "Especially considering what else y'all discovered. Hanish, you want to tell everyone?"

The Sylph stepped forward. "Audra and I were aware of the murder that took place here, and based on the symbols carved into the victim, we suspected a Bloodborn witch. But we hadn't really investigated the Baileys. Unlike most witch families, they discarded the family name by taking on their husbands' surname. Their surname was Hazelwood.

"The Hazelwoods were staunch supporters of binding the daughters of the First Circle, and by the time Brooke's grandmother came into her powers, they taught her they were from the devil. She bound her daughter's powers, but much like we see with you girls, by the time Corinne came of age, no one possessed the knowledge to bind her powers."

"Mama sent Corinne to Amulets- Granny had mentioned the shop in some of her diaries, and she thought the answers to getting rid of the devil powers would be in that place," Brooke picked up where Hanish had paused. "She never told us how we came to possess these powers. I don't know if she even knew."

"If we'd known at the beginning that you were members of the Circle, we would've been certain that it was a Bloodborn witch. But it doesn't matter anymore. We found her lair, and if she's killed once, she will kill again. They only strike when the powers in their stones are drained." Audra's words faded to a whisper. As strong and feisty as she was, even she was afraid of the Bloodborn.

"I'm adopted," Sara Elizabeth blurted.

"What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?" Travis demanded.

The girl ignored him, her features tight as she continued. "My family never told me who my birth mother was, but when I turned seventeen, they gave me a book and a jewelry box containing several stones. My birth mother made them promise they'd give that to me, and the sapphire ring is the one that chose me. What-what if my power is stolen?"

Declan stepped past Lux and placed a comforting hand on the water witch. She tried to ignore the jealousy that churned in her stomach; he was just being kind. Because that's who he was.

"Sara Elizabeth, that's not how it works. If that stone belonged to a Bloodborn, it would only respond to the witch who completed the ritual to steal the power. You're a Trueborn."

The smile that flashed across her face, while watery, transformed her. For the first time, genuine kindness peered out of those blue eyes. "Thank you."

"So what do we do?" Lux asked, turning her back to Declan. It was the first time she'd addressed him directly, and holding his gaze was painful.

"I think it's time we called Phoebe. Whatever she's doing can't be more important than this." Declan, either unaware of the turmoil she was in or uncaring, stepped closer to her. The heat from his tall frame furled around her, making her body ache with desire. "I'm proud of how far you've all come, but we can't have a bunch of untrained witches around a Bloodborn witch who's started a killing spree. Not without some help."

"My mother should be involved too."

He nodded. "I agree. We should bring Bella up to date, though I know she doesn't practice now. She did once."

Everyone began talking amongst themselves, throwing out ideas and expressing fears. Even Brooke chimed in. Lux hung back, uncertain about her future within the Circle. She wasn't much help without a channeling stone.

"Lux," Declan said, keeping his voice low so that only she heard him. "What you did today... that was amazing. I hope it makes you see how vital you are to this Circle."

She startled as his words addressed the fears running rampant through her mind. How did this man know her so well? "Declan- I- I really don't want to talk about this right now."


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You don't get to runaway because you're scared."

"I don't think you're one to talk to me about running away."

Heat simmered in his eyes. "I made a mistake. One I intend to rectify."

Swallowing hard, her gaze locked on his lips, she took a hesitant step toward him. All the noise in the room disappeared, and it was just the two of them. Her magic coiled in her breast, begging to reach out and caress him in all the places she wasn't allowed to touch in public. How quickly it forgot the hurt he'd caused, but her own memory was becoming hazy the longer they stared at one another.


The peeling sound of the doorbell broke the spell between them. Lux jumped back, mumbled an apology, and darted to the front door. She didn't know if it was relief or disappointment coursing through her, but regardless of how she felt, it was probably a good thing it had interrupted them.

An auburn-haired man stood on the front porch, one hand shoved deep into the pocket of expensive dress pants while the other hand clutched a suit jacket. He hadn't yet noticed she'd answered the door, his blue eyes roaming across the house with interest. Despite the oppressive heat, not a drop of sweat formed on his porcelain skin, and she had the sudden thought that he would suit her mother. Both came across as impeccable when anyone else would wilt.

"We're not interested in purchasing anything," she began, already pulling the door closed.

A beefy hand reached out and stopped her. "That's excellent, because I'm not selling anything. I'm looking for Bella Godelieve."

"I'm her daughter. She's not here right now. May I ask who you are?"

The man turned ashen. He looked her over, his eyes lingering on her face, but the scrutiny didn't make her uncomfortable. She sensed no malice in this man.

"Would it be alright if I waited here? Or could you call her? I think she'll want to speak to me."

"I think that would be fine. Can I get your name? For when I call her?"

"Gideon. The names Gideon."

Gideon followed her into the house. Declan pointed, but she shrugged, waving him back to the living room. Lux made them both a cup of coffee and settled on the barstool to wait for her mother's return. Boredom was overpowering her good manners, and she leaned back in her chair so she could see the group still planning in the living area. If her mother didn't get home soon, she'd have to ask the stranger to come back later.

"So how do you know my mother, Gideon?" she asked, tired of conversing about the weather.

The coffee cup halted on its journey to his mouth, and she suppressed a giggle as panic raced across his face. Interest piqued, she dropped her chair back to all fours and leaned forward. What salacious stories did this man have about her mother? Oh, she couldn't wait to find out.

"We met at college."

"You look older than my mother, no offense. Were you a professor?" The slimy thought that her mother had done the horizontal tango with this man arose. Or maybe he'd just had an unhealthy fixation on Bella- the woman was gorgeous after all. She pulled back. Her sixth sense never misled her, but she sincerely hoped she'd not just let a crazy person into her house.

"Grad student," he replied.

Lux accepted his answer, but she was too curious to leave it at that. "How come my mother never talked about you? I mean, you consider yourself close enough to drop in on her after all these years."

"Your mother never talked about me?"

Bella never talked about her past at all, but Lux would not let him in on that secret. "No. Never once heard of you."

He ran his hand through his hair, the reddish strands sticking straight up at this point. Gone was her initial impression that nothing ruffled this man's feathers. For some reason, he was finding a seventeen-year-old girl to be very uncomfortable.

"We didn't part on the best of terms," he explained.

"Go on," Lux urged, taking a sip of her coffee and staring him down. She shouldn't take so much delight in his discomfort, but her amusement replaced her curiosity.

"What time did you say Bella would get here?"

"I didn't."

"How old are you?"

"Why are you refusing to continue the story?"

"Sixteen? Seventeen?"

"I can play this game all day, mister."

Blue and gray eyes clashed as they held their ground. Both lifted their chins, a silent declaration of the intent to be stubborn. A ghost of a thought chased through her mind as his movement so closely mirrored her own. Even the set of his mouth was identical.

The front door opened, and a hush fell over the living room. Heels clicked across the foyer, and Mama turned the corner, not once looking into the living room. She looked tired, but a faint smile graced her lips.

"Lux, I'm home. Let's order takeout. Today was a real- Gideon." Mama said the man's name like it was a curse and prayer.

The newcomer leapt to his feet, knocking over the coffee cup and spilling the fragrant liquid across the counter. "Bella. You haven't changed at all."

A flush stained her mother's cheeks. Oh, this is getting better and better.

"Gideon has been telling me all about how you two knew each other in college." Maybe it was stretching the truth, but Lux enjoyed the further reddening of her mother's face. If she was honest, she was still a little peeved at her mother after their last argument. For all Mama's insistence that she cared, she'd seem to pull even further away after that fight.

"I hope not everything," Mama bit out, setting her briefcase down before walking to the sink to grab a washcloth to clean up Gideon's spill.

The implications of that statement stirred Lux's ire. She snapped, "Imagine that. You have more secrets."


"Ladies, please."

"Gideon, perhaps you should leave."

"Oh, no. I think he should stay. In fact, that's what my gut is telling me."

"Lux, please go to your room. I'll speak to you after the house is empty. So everyone eavesdropping in the living room needs to go. Now!"

No one had to be told twice, though Declan hovered at the door before Lux gave him a soft smile showing she was fine. He nodded and followed the others out, letting the door swing shut with a harsh click that reverberated in the quiet.

"I said to go to your room," Mama ordered, smacking her hand on the counter. Gideon recoiled, looking between mother and daughter with concern.

Something inside of Lux snapped. The meek, obedient daughter, the straight-A student, the planner... they all took a leave of absence. She'd thought the chaos in her life had begun the day she turned seventeen, but truthfully, she'd never had any control. She was a leaf, floating on the currents of everyone around her, and she was done.

"Her eyes," Gideon breathed. "They've turned silver."

Well, that's never good. Lux was not so far in the thrall of her power that she couldn't recognize the warning signs. Tugging on her temper, she tried to reign in her magic, but she'd never had to try this without Declan at her side. It was rising faster, making the room dim as she lost control.

"Declan," she shouted, hoping he hadn't gone far. The sorcerer burst into the house before her lips closed over the last syllable of his name. As soon as his fingers touched her shoulder, the sensation of drowning faded. "Thank you."

His hand drifted lower until it found hers, and he laced their fingers together. "I won't leave you again."

Mama's hands flattened over her breastbone, and she drew in a shuddering breath. Gaze glued on Lux and Declan's joined hands, she opened her mouth to speak, but Gideon cut her off.

"Where's her channeling stone?"

"Just how do you know so much about all of this?" Declan demanded.

"Damn it, Bella. You lied to me."

"No," Mama shrugged, "You were gone before I could correct some misunderstandings."

"Misunderstandings?" Gideon shouted.

Mama walked until she stood directly in front of him. Gone were the impeccable people. Now, they were wild- magic crackling in the air and whirling about them. Declan wrapped an arm around Lux as if to shield her, but she recognized the chemistry spiraling between her parent and this stranger.

"Mama?" Her voice was small in the storm. "Who is this man?" She already Knew the answer.

"Gideon, you have no right," Mama sobbed.

"I have every right," he declared, whirling to face Lux. Jaw clenched tight, he reached for her. "I'm your father Lux."

"I Know."

Everyone stared at her. Declan squeezed her tightly, his magic soothing her, but she stepped out of his embrace. She couldn't use it as a crutch.

"Did you know?" she asked him, needing him to say no. The lies and secrets grew heavy, and she couldn't stomach another one.

He shook his head. Mama dropped onto a barstool and laid her head in her hands, resignation lining her face.

"Your mother and I- we have a complicated history. I was never supposed to get involved with humans, but she was just so damn beautiful, I couldn't help myself. I told myself it was just a fling, but when she came to me and told me she had Dreamed of our daughter... I knew I had to end things. She never told me she was actually pregnant with our daughter."

Huffing, Mama mumbled, "I didn't know then. I thought I was having a premonition. I'm not prone to them; that power was never my strong suit. But from time to time, I would get flashes of things. Feelings. Lux, the dream I had of you was so vivid. I saw you just as you are now. But Gideon-your father- panicked and left me. And all those bright dreams I had of you turned dark. Every path that involved magic ended with your death, and so I cut ties with all of it. And now I've failed."

Her slim shoulders shook as sobs racked her frame, but before Lux could move to comfort her, Gideon pulled her into his embrace. Mama didn't push him away; instead, she twisted her fingers into his shirt and cried harder.

"Mama," Lux said when her mother had finally calmed. "I'm not going to die."

"Look at you. You're wasting away more and more every day. We're running out of time."

"I won't let anything happen to Lux. You know that."

"I know you will do everything in your power, Declan. But it's not going to be enough."

Gideon stroked her hair soothingly and eyed his newfound daughter. "Maybe his power won't be enough. But mine might be."

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