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If the Kai-Jon Kingdom have ears then King El-Rey himself, of the very same Kingdom, is the eyes for he sees things no one can explain. He seen this power the new Queen of the Celestial Kingdom has, though all of what has come to him have come via visions, quite the number of visions. For as thing stand I this moment of moments, the two have never met.

Sure, how, or why would they ever have met? All Doms may exist in the guise of peace though that doesn't mean such a thing will always remain. For many generations no one Dom mingles with the other. All borders are protected. It cannot be truly known as to if any one Dom could potentially hold advantage over either of the other two, so tempt fate? Such things are of constant debate and possible will remain as such until such a time when things might change, then even at that, nothing can be guaranteed.

In all his visions, there is one which stands out. This is the vision of a young and new Queen using a power to eviscerate her father's top guy, a man King El-Rey knew well.

Elan-Rey Kai-Jon began learning the many arts of combat almost from the very moment he first was capable of standing by himself. The training initiated by his father with the very same man being his first instructor. He was a strong believer in the fact that war may be a decision taken away from all those in command position, that simply war was and is inevitable, so he made damn sure his oldest son would be a ready and experienced decision maker if war were to come in his time.

Time for the King himself was limited. He knew this though not many did. El-Rey kinda gathered such though never knew for sure until indeed time became extremely limited. What his father wanted was to prep him for a future which would surely come, and by hell or high water, he would ensure his son would be prepared to the nth degree. Now that time is his and has been for some time now. It's all rather a bit confusing, or so it can be.

Sword wielding, something held in high regard, along with honour and tradition, is the weapons training of choice. Of course, there would be training to involve and include many kinds of weapons, though the all mighty sword comes first. Honour and tradition, not everyone in this world would hold themselves to the same standard though as long as Prince Elan-Rey did, then maybe an end to the Kai-Jon legacy may not be without merit, still, he'd rather see his family line continue for at least a few more generations. He is the last of it as is, apart from one with whom he keeps secret, surely seeing him as King.

Of course, he won't be around to see much of the future because of his condition, so focusing of defence with his son is what comes first. Once defence has become as good as it gets, the offence can come into play.

'If you cannot defend yourself, then all the offence in the world will do you not good. Live long enough to outlive any battle, outlive any war, and a king of kings is what you surely will be.'

Young Elan-Rey does not want to be king; he does not even want to be a prince. Being a Prince and all that entails, is something of the past. He must soon take responsibility for his actions. His future Kingdom and his people one day will be at the mercy of his own actions. All he wants is to play, be a regular child like most anyone else. This, of course, will change. It is just a matter of time.

He is not a child. Eighteen is still quite young, yes, still, a time to lead is his, and his alone. Until that is, he finds himself elsewhere. He has seen this other place before, in vision only and he never understood these visions. Why do the occur and what do they mean?

He knows there is something real to his visions, is it to give him some sort of tactical advantage? Indeed, he know of a young queen through vision, and he knows this as fact but this land he dreams of. He knows not why he sees and what might be expected of his seeing this. Whatever it can mean, he will have to deal with it sooner than later.

On a quiet afternoon, Elan uses the main Kingdom ballroom for a session of peaceful training. He planned for this session not to be too strenuous, it is something he hopes to be as much for the mind as for the body. He has made those closest to him aware, so he may not be disturbed for the duration he plans to be there.

This room holds a central position within the kingdom and has no direct access to the great outdoors, so certain things, when they occur, are most definitely an impossibility. Lighting levels are dimmed, low ambient music plays, and his starting position is such that he is nowhere near anything which may hinder his movement during the session.

He stands silent, still. His eyes closed, breathing is steadied, slow. Mind, body, and soul all one. He takes his sword from his scabbard and brings it before him, inches from his body with the blade tip level with his eyes, ensuring to keep them closed. He takes a final slow breath ... and then begins.

Allowing the sword to be an extension of himself, the blade falls like a pendulum, and he raises the hilt, loosely gripped in his right hand, with the sword controlling the speed and force, not the hand, so that his movement more matches, and is not controlling of, the sword. The blade swings on without touching the floor and is brought directly out to his side pointing away. The momentum subsides the instant his arm stretches out at full reach and there he holds the blade for a moment.

For this moment the sword is as good as weightless with the momentum of the swing having brought it to where it currently is. The instant its weight returns, Elan begins to bring the blade forwards, keeping his arm fully extended and the blade now away before him rather than to his side.

He holds for a second or two, takes another slow deep breath. He brings his right elbow in and out to his right so the blade, at chest level, is directed to his left with his left arm and hand stretching out level with the sword. For a split second all changes. There is light, bright light, day light perhaps, and the sound of a gathered crowd. Is there cheering?

His eyes open, his heart rate quickens though he sees nothing out of the ordinary. He is still alone in a darkened ballroom. What had happened? Something sure did? Is his mind playing tricks? To the training he returns. His mind clear, his breathing controlled then it occurs for sure.

Light has returned as has noise. He is outdoors and is not alone. His eyes open to disbelief. The space is wide and open. Still in his training regalia and sword in his possession, another swordsman is on scene. Is there to be a challenge. It would appear so. What is happening here?

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