Ochako's Will

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Up top is a recap for those that forgot a bit of how the 'base' sharingan(not mongekyo is activated and can be used. Since it's going to make a debut in this chapter, I thought it would be better for people to remember how it works with a little help from a youtuber by the name of Swagkage. Respect to him for making this video and all his other Naruto videos since it's helped me in this story. Anyway, here's the next chapter.

Izuku POV:

"LET'S GET THE FIRST ROUND OF THE THIRD EVENT STARTED PEOPLE!" "I couldn't take the mic from him anymore people. My apologies." "ENTERING IN ON ONE SIDE, WE HAVE THE WORLDS NEXT ORIGAMI MASTER, THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE A PAPER CUT MORE DEADLY THAN IT SHOULD, IZUKU MIDORIYA OF CLASS 1-A!" I walk out to see a field and Shinso entering in on the other side. "AND HIS OPPONENT. THE MAN THAT LOOKS LIKE HE REALLY NEEDS A NAP, THE BOY THAT MAKES ALL OF US QUESTION HOW HE'S HERE. HITOSHI SHINSO OF CLASS 1-E!" I take a fighting stance before glaring him down. "Your quirk is easy to avoid if you know how it works." He scoffs at me before we get the all clear to fight.

"That tail idiot was a fool. He wasted a perfectly good chance to be noticed on his stupid pride." I get angry and charge at him. 'Ojiro wasn't a fool! He felt bad and wanted out because he didn't like how he got here. Not everyone is fine with a free ride and I respect him for that!' I run over and grab Shinso by the shirt collar and flip him over my back. He loses his wind before I make a paper spear and hold it to his face. "...You give?" He looks away from me and nods. "I give up." "AND THAT ENDS THE UNEVENTFUL FIRST MATCH WITH MIDORIYA BEING THE VICTOR!"

I dispersed my spear and offer my hand to Shinso. "Need a hand?" He pushes my hand away and gets up. "I don't need sympathy from people in the hero course." He walks away with me worried for him. "Achieving a goals are important, but getting help is something that you don't have to take as an insult. I would've never gotten to where I was if it wasn't for several amazing people in my life." He looks over to me a little angered before asking. "What are you getting at?" "Don't push people that want to help you away, you'll only hurt yourself in the end." He sighs and walks away with me hoping for his success in his goal.

Konan POV:

After seeing Izuku win his match, I decided to walk over to meet with All Might. I have had a few questions on my mind after Izuku had received OFA that stemmed off of the creature from the USJ that made me question All Might's quirk. On my way, I bump into Endeavor who is rather irritated as always. "My apologies." "Watch where your going you impudent fool." I get angered by this act and correct myself. "On second thought, I am not sorry." He looks over to me and tries to glare me down. "Watch what you say, you may get hurt because of it." "You think I'm scared of your empty threats?" I glare at him with a death stare before answering. "Do I look as if I am afraid of death to you, Endeavor? You have no idea what me and my comrades have done up to now."

He decides to back down and walk away with me angered by his act. 'Now I can tell why your son does not like you.' I look up at the screen to see Todoroki win his match against Sero with encasing the entire right side of the field with ice. "Poor Sero. That must be frustrating for him." I watch as Todoroki holds a hurt expression on his face to make me question. 'Did something happen to him?' I continue to walk to All Might to ask him my questions.

Timeskip to the 6th match Izuku POV:

After my match, I had went to the stands to see any possible competition with Ocha. The match with Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami had officially started with Tokoyami's Dark Shadow pushing Yaoyorozu back. But for some reason, she wasn't using her quirk or fighting. "This seems pretty one sided." "Common Yaomomo, fight!" I look closely and try to find out what's going on until I see a small shimmer on her wrists. "Ocha, you see what I see?" "I do. this may end badly for Tokoyami."

"Dark Shadow, why are you moving so slow?" "*pant* *pant* I don't know. I just feel really tired for some reason." Yaoyorozu starts charging at Tokoyami and wrapping her arms and legs around him like a snake. "WHAT'S GOING ON FOLKS!? YAOYOROZU IS PUTTING THE SQUEEZE ON TOKOYAMI IN A LITERAL TERM! IS THIS A NEW MOVE SHE LEARNED!?" 'It's all over.' "How is Yaomomo doing that?" "That's not Momo Mina." Sand starts to fall off Yaoyorozu to show a puppet.

"Sorry Tokoyami, but I've won." Yaoyorozu comes out of the bandaged casing that was supposed to hold the puppet."YAOYOROZU HAS JUST COME OUT OF THE MUMMY FOLKS, BUT HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?" "She must have made the switch some time before the match and used her Puppet Masters Jutsu and a sand Transformation Jutsu to make her puppet look exactly like her. A smart trick for a puppet master." "Wait, but why is Tokoyami's quirk not moving so well?" "Simple Mr. bug zapper, Dark Shadow was poisoned." We look back to see Mr. Sasori watching with some pride. "POISONED?!" "Not as in he'll die poison. Consider it like a poison that affects quirks. Not as effective as mine, but Yaoyorozu has come a long way compared to 2 weeks ago. And her actions right now are proof of that."

"Do you give up Tokoyami?" Tokoyami looks at Yaoyorozu and lowers his head. "I...I submit." "WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS! THE FIRST ROUNDS 6TH MATCH IS CLENCHED BY YAOYOROZU!" Yaoyorozu releases Crow's grip and walks over to Tokoyami. "Sorry if that was a little rough. The poison should work it's way out of Dark Shadow in about 2 hours." "No worries and thank you for your concern." Me and Ocha watch in amazement as Yaoyorozu beat Tokoyami with her mindful deception with ease. "The poison was created by Yaoyorozu after looking over my notes. She has proven herself hard working to master controlling Crow in the short time span she has. If I had to say one thing about her skills, I'd say she was a puppet master reincarnated."

'So she can control puppets to that degree. That's gonna be a tough one going forward knowing.' I glance over to see Ocha walk away. I follow her knowing what is probably going through her mind right now. 'She still hasn't gotten over her emotional hump, has she?'

Ochako POV:

I start to breathe a little uneasy while walking in the hallways. 'Get it together Ochako. Bakugo isn't stronger than you anymore and can't hurt you. You can fight back unlike when you were 5.' "You ok Ocha?" I look behind me to see Izu looking at me worried. "Yeah, just some last minute jitters." He comes over and hugs me while caressing my head. "Your still scared of how Kaachan acted towards us when we were little, aren't you?" 'I hate when he can read me like a book sometimes.' "...A little." "Don't worry about that Ocha. Your not the same little girl you were when you first met him. You are a strong, fierce, dependable, heroic shinobi in training."

I smile a bit at Izu as he gives me a peck on my lips. "That's also kinda why I fell in love with you." He smiles at me with a blush forming on my cheeks. "Y-you always know how to embarrass me, don't you?" "Knowing you for as long as we have is the best way to." I sigh a bit before taking off my headband and looking at it. 'This headband symbolizes my training with Ms. Konan and Mr. Pain with all the blood, sweat, and tears me and Izu had along the way. But to me, it's more than just that. It's proof of the bond me and Izu share as we've grown up together. It's proof we have trained to be better together.'

I hand my headband to Izu to which he looked at me confused. "What are you doing?" "I wanna beat Bakugo today without ninjutsu and don't want to insult our teachers if I fail." "Your taking Kaachan on without ninjutsu, that's insane!" I nod and smile. "I know, but I need to do this for myself." Izu looks at me a little worried, but gives in. "I don't like the thought of it, but please don't be too reckless." "I promise, and I promise that well face off in the finals." I give him a peck on the lips before heading to the waiting room.

Time skip to Ochako's match

"ALRIGHT LADIES AND GENTS, TIME FOR THE 8TH MATCH OF THE FIRST ROUND! ON ONE SIDE, I HAVE THE GIRL WHO CAN MAKE SWEET SOUNDS TURN SOUR, OCHAKO URARAKA! AND ON THE OTHER, THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE A BIG FLASH NO MATTER WHAT, KATSUKI BAKUGO!" "Oi, Deku's bitch! You gonna fight me with that lame ass cheat you and him have, or are you gonna fight me as your lame ass self for once?" I clench my fist a little and take a fighting stance. "Neither, because I'm going to beat you with my own talent." "BEGIN!"

Once we get the green light, I charge at Bakugo as fast as I can. He pulls his right hand back to do a right hook for me to see it coming and dodge it in the nick of time. 'He always starts with a right hook.' I try and touch his arm for him to only blast me away. I stagger, but I come charging back after being thrown a few feet. The next hit was a left directly to me jumping and trying to roundhouse him to the face. He grabs my leg with his right and makes an explosion with it. I get pushed back and look down at me ankle to see how bad the burn was. 'Is he trying to kill me?' "Is that the best your lame ass can do without your fancy whatever the fuck it is? Your as useless as you were 10 years ago."

10 years ago

"Ochako sweetie. It's going to be some time to unpack. Why don't you to to the park and try and meet some new friends." I smiled at my mom and nodded. "Ok, I'll make a bunch of new ones." My parents moved to this neighborhood to help their work. I felt a little uneasy moving to a new place, but I wanted to find a way to help my mom and dad not worry for me. Once I got to the park, I found a blond boy and two others to play with. "Hi, I'm Ochako Uraraka. I just moved here." I smiled at the boy as he just smirked at me. "Nice to meet ya. Names Katsuki Bakugo, but you can call me the next Number 1 hero!" He states this in a bold manner to the point I started giggling at him. "Seems like a arrogant thing to say, but it's nice to-" "WHAT WAS THAT!?" He pushed me to the ground with his hands making some kind of explosion. "That hurt." I started to cry a little with him kicking me. "Nobody insults me and gets away with it!" All I could do was cry until I heard someone shout.

"KAACHAN, STOP!" I start to look up with my teary eyes to see a bow with green hair shaking in front of me. He was trying to help me, but was really scared. I heard them argue with the green haired boy taking a fighting stance. "If you wont stop, then I'll stop you myself!" I was scared for the boy. Here was someone fighting for me when he didn't even know me. But when the angry boy came at him, all I could do was close my eyes. Once I opened them, I saw a pretty lady with wings stand between the boys. I could not believe it. Two people came to help when I could do nothing. 'Could...could one of them be my guardian angel?'

The next day

"Everyone, this is Ochako Uraraka. She just moved here, so treat her nicely." I looked at my new classmates and recognized one immediately. "Deku!" I ran over and hugged Deku when I saw him to make him really happy. "Hey Occhan, guess we're in the same classroom together." We started to laugh before the mean boy from yesterday walked over to us. "I finally get my revenge on you round face!" He came at me with his quirk with Deku pulling me away. "Kaachan, stop it. Your being mean." "Who cares if I'm mean! I just want to beat you and round face up!" Ever since that day, me and Deku had made sure to keep away from Bakugo especially when it was recess time. Most of our recess was made up of us running from him. Eventually we made it a game and had a blast. When we got stronger though, Deku stopped this with him making a paper bomb one day and exploring it near his face. He backed away from us a lot after that, but he still wanted us hurt for some reason.

Time skip to the last year of middle school

"Hey Ocha, how's your kunai training going?" "Not so well. I can't stop making mine float when I touch them. It's becoming a problem." Me and Izu has trained with Ms. Konan and Mr. Pain for several years now and are practically inseparable. I never understood why, but I've lately been getting this weird feeling whenever we're alone. My chest has started clenching for some reason with it being more apparent when we're close. It isn't a bad feeling, but it's one I don't get. 'Maybe mom knows what this feeling is?' "Outta the way nerd!" Bakugo had shoved Izu out of the way and pulled me next to him. "From now on round face, your my woman."

I felt beyond angry at him at that point to want to punch him in the face. If I had more guts at that point, I probably would. "Sorry Bakugo, but I don't date jackasses." I pinch his shirt sleeve and pull myself out of it to go back to Izu. "What was that!?" While my back was turned, he came at me with an explosion before I could even react. I could only shut my eyes and wait for the pain that was going to come. Once the smoke cleared, Izu's paper wing was in front of me . "Very mature of you Kaachan. Attacking someone when you get rejected." Bakugo glared me down in anger and then towards Izu. "Get out of the way Deku! This has nothing to do with you!" Izu started making several paper bombs with me being covered in his paper for protection. "Make me." They glared off for two solid minutes before Bakugo walks away. "Not even worth it. Enjoy being with the loser ya flabby bitch." I felt beyond useless at that point seeing how much I haven't changed since we were little. I still needed Izu to protect me from Bakugo and hated it.

Later after training

"After that, I started to question if I was even making progress over the years." When we were done with training today, I asked Ms. Konan for advice about how I feel when Izu left. "I feel horrible that I let this happen, but I feel worse for Izu for having to watch that." "So you want my opinion on what you feel?" I nodded to answer. "To my opinion, you let your past guide your fear and felt weak after seeing yourself as what you were younger." "What's your opinion on it?" "*sigh* These aren't as simple of an answer to make. But the best is to face your fear head on when it gets to this point. Having weakness is not a problem. It is when we let it guide us is when it become a problem." I think on this and nod at Ms. Konan.

"But how does this come to Izu." "To me, it sounds like your in love." I wait a second before going completely red. "WHAT!? But I don't know anything about love! Not only that, but Izu and I are more like siblings than anything, so I don't see how it could be love!" Ms. Konan chuckles at me a bit before answering. "Love isn't something you can just know about. Sometimes, it can be right in front of you and you will never notice." I think on these feelings with some uncertainty. "Let me put it this way, how would you feel if Izuku was with someone else?" I think of the image and feel as if my chest was throbbing and felt tears in my eyes. "It hurts." "That's proof you love him. You care for him and feel that pain because you envy that he's with her and not you. This is one of the more base ways you can tell there is more in your relationship than you think, so try and say it to him. I'm sure he feels the same."

back to present 3rd person POV:

"I'm not like before. I'm not that little girl I was 10 years ago." Ochako gritted her teeth as she got back up before glaring at Bakugo. "I won't lose today. not to..." Her eyes glared at him as some members of the audience saw something that shook them to their cores.


"NOT TO THE LIKES OF YOU!" Ochako charged at Bakugo as he was about to let off another explosion. "YOU THINK SOME FANCY EYE TRICK IS GONNA BEAT ME!?" He lets off an explosion that seems to go in slow motion for Ochako. She dodges it and goes directly under his front to kick him up in the air. 'I'm not that timid little girl anymore.' She jumped up and got directly behind Bakugo and tries to kick him with it being blocked. "You think that's gonna work?" Ochako uses his arm as a springboard to propel her forearm on her other side arond before releasing multiple kicks and back wrist punches in midair at him. 'I'm stronger! I'm faster! I'm not a scared little kitten!'


(Imagine Ochako doing this to Bakugo)

'I'M A LIONESS!' "LIONESSES BARRAGE!" Bakugo is brought back down to the ground in a small crater from the sheer force with Ochako sliding back and getting up. Once everything settles, Kakuzu heads over to see the condition of Bakugo before standing up. "Bakugo is rendered unconscious, the winner of the match is Uraraka!" "UNBELIEVABLE FOLKS! URARAKA HAS JUST BEATEN THE MIGHTY BEAST INTO THE GROUND AND IS ADVANCING TO THE SECOND ROUND!" The crowd cheered as some members in the stands looked in astonishment and worry. 

Izuku POV:

"Midoriya, was that what I think it was?" "I think." I answer Yaoyorozu with what little I knew of what just happened before processing it myself. 'It was only for a few moments, but I think I saw her eyes hold 'that' power.' I start to smile a bit at Ocha smiling as she looks up at me. "No matter how long I've known you Ochako Uraraka, you still find ways to make me impressed."

Konan POV:

'So she was able to tap into her lineage after all.' I glance at Itachi who has a bit of a smile on him after what he has seen. 'You and Izuku are quite the unique pair Ochako.'

Before the third event

"Orochimaru has found another Uchiha in the school." My eyes start to widen a bit before he hands me a test with a name on the bottom of the most recent. My eyes could not believe what I had been seeing. "Ochako is one of your clans descendants!?" "Yes. More directly, she is a descendant of my younger brother." I could not believe it, the little girl that I had trained actually had ties to us with none of us knowing. "Could she use Sharingan?" "I do not know, It becomes active though in times of great emotional stress, so we will not know until it happens." Itachi walks away with my mind still processing what has been said.

Back to present

"You two never cease to amaze me." I smile and chuckle a bit as Itachi and I leave to meet with Ochako.

And that finishes this chapter. So yeah, Ochako has Sharingan now. Thanks to a little digging that Orochimaru did(which he's known for), he found this by accident and gave it to Itachi. Also, having a mentor for Sharingan is practically pointless since it works like a leveling skill in a video game. So at best, Itachi will only be able to help her a little since it's something that is linked directly to Ochako's use of it as how it gets stronger. Hope you guys liked this chapter and thanks for reading.

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