The First Day

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Izuku POV:

"Ok, we're off." Me and Ocha are standing in my moms doorway with both our parents taking pictures of us in our uniforms. "Just one more picture please?" "Mommy, we'll be late." "Please Ochako. Maybe one with you hugging Izuku." Ocha starts to blush a little. "I-I wouldn't mind one like that." She starts wrapping around me with both of us a beet red color. "So cute!" Both our Mother's Day this with a look of happiness on their faces. "Alright, I think we teased them enough." Ocha's dad comes over and pats my shoulder. "As her boyfriend, I hope my daughter is safe in your hands Izuku." "You don't have to worry about that sir. Boyfriend or not, I will solemnly swear that I will protect Ocha at all costs." I give him a stern look with him smiling and clenching my shoulder harder. "That's good to hear, I always liked you Izuku and preferred Ochako to have a boyfriend like you. Be that as it may, if I find out that my daughter was hurt by your hands in any way physical or emotional." Mr. Uraraka looks at me with an evil smile. "I'll kill you."

I go completely stiff hearing the last part and become paler than a ghost. "Common Daddy, stop being mean to Izu. He's always been so nice to me and you know it." "Your right. I just thought I would scare him a little before he got to big for his bridges honey." Mr. Uraraka starts laughing until Kurama grew big enough to make a truck fit in his paws. "Let's go you two! If your late, that Konan woman will have my head!" "Right, sorry Kurama." He transforms back into his little form with us saying goodbye to our parents and heading out. "Get better at holding a spine kid. You'll never get anywhere without one." Kurama says this while resting on my head and about to go to sleep. "Easy for you to say. When you get mad, most people just look at your size and stop at the sight of you." "It's called respect kid." "...It's also called seeing reality in a situation." He just holds a superior look while me and Ocha think the same thoughts. 'Why do we have to put up with him?'

About 2 weeks ago on Dagobah beach

"And that just about covers what happened and what Kurama said to us." Mr. Pain and Ms. Konan look at me and then at Kurama. "There is nothing we can do about it now. If the tailed beasts were to become aggressive and attack people however, we have a means to keep them at bay." "Not like I care to attack humans as they are a pointless existence that I couldn't care less for. Also if I were to kill them, it would defeat the purpose being reborn in a physical manifestation in this world." Kurama says this while scratching his ear with his back paw. 'So cute! like an actual fox.' "Call me cute again and your dead kid." "Wait, you can hear my thoughts!?" "We hold a bond similar to that between a jinchuriki and a tailed beast. I can read your thoughts, but you can't read mine." "From what the nine tails had said, it seems you and him hold an important connection, so try to not die and inform us if any others show up."

Back to present

'This is gonna be hard to explain why I have a fox on my head at school.' "The Konan woman said that she will discuss this with the school. Do not worry about this, worry about getting my brethren back into this world." 'Easier said than done. I literally summoned you on accident and really don't want to replicate the incident again.' "Then stop complaining and find a different way to do so you dolt." "You and me really need to have a talk about the whole you reading my mind without my permission later." "Hmph, whatever." "You have to admit though Izu, he is kinda cool." "I'm not saying he isn't, but I'd rather not answer the questions of our classmates why I have a talking plushy sized fox that loves to sleep on my head that can turn into a fox the size of godzilla with it's own atomic blast." "What's your point?" I look up at Kurama and sigh at his question. "Just don't do what you just did to our classmates please. We need to live with them." "I make no promises, especially to that Bakugo bastard." '*Sigh* Best I'm gonna get I guess.'

Once we get to UA, we drop the last of our stuff off at the dorms before heading to class. "1-A, 1-A, Aha!" Me and Ocha stand in front of a giant door while admiring the size. "Now that is a big door." "No kidding Ocha." "I've seen bigger." We both ignore Kurama and prepare to open the door. 'Ok, there's 40 people in the hero course and two are us. What's the chances we have the glasses guy and Kaachan in the same class?' "I'd say about 1/75 chance." "What did I just talk to you about with the reading my mind without permission!?" I open it to the shout of two people inside. "Get your feet of the desk! It is an insult to our upper class men and the people who made the desk." "Who put the stick up your ass four eyes?" "I am Tenya Ida, from Somei and how dare you insult me by calling me such a ridiculous name!" "So your a fucking elitist huh. I can't wait to destroy you and prove my superiority." "Are you sure you want to be a hero with that attitude?"

Both Kaachan and the glasses person that we now know as Ida look at us. "Hello, I am Tenya Ida. It is nice to meet you. You truly are the better student for finding the secret grading system in the exam." "Sorry Ida, that was actually a fluke. I honestly just wanted to save Ocha and nothing more." Ida looks up at my head and notices Kurama sleeping. "Hats are not permitted indoors. I would recommend you take it off now-" "Who are you calling a hat you filthy human!?" Everyone stops and looks at me with Kurama clearly angry on my head for being called a hat. "Hear me now you filthy humans! I am the nine tailed fox of ancient times. My name has been whispered in fear of those that know me with very few living to tell the tale of my existence. If you ever call me a hat again, you will be nothing more than a piece of meat in my teeth! Understand!"

At that point, Ida walks to his desk and sits down clearly scared by what just happened. "Didn't I tell you to get along with people Kurama?" "He dared call me a hat. I took that as a challenge to my existence." "Yeah, yeah." "That was so cute Kurama!" Both me and Kurama sigh at Ocha's comment. "And you behind us. How long are you going to stay there?" We look behind to see a tired man with a yellow sleeping bag on. "So it does talk. I thought Konan was kidding when she said it does, but I see she wasn't." He gets up and gets out of the sleeping bag before folding it up and heading to the podium. "Hello class, I am your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Now put these on and meet me outside." He pulls out 20 uniforms from the sleeping bag before leaving. We all take one and go to the changing rooms.

time skip to outside

We all get out and see Mr. Aizawa out on the training field. "Sir, what about orientation?" "Those things are irrelevant and do nothing. At UA, teachers can add or take anything out of the curriculum that they deem unnecessary. In short, I can teach my class however I want." Mr. Aizawa tosses me a ball that he took out of his pocket and stares at me. "Midoriya, you scored the highest on the entrance exam. What was your score in the ball throw in middle school?" "Uh, 70 meters." "Try doing it with your quirk now." I get into the ring with Kurama still on my head. "You disturb my comfort and you'll regret it." "Your gonna eventually have to get off my head, you know." He ignores me and goes back to sleep. "Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle." 'Ok, here I go.'

I cover the ball in paper and make wings out of it and toss it underhand into the air. It flies at a slow pace, but nonstop until it's out of sight. Mr. Aizawa holds a phone up to show an infinity sign. "IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!?" Everyone says this with Kurama opening an eye and showing some of his teeth. "Today you will be taking 8 physical tests to show how much talent you have. The one who comes in last will show that they have no talent and be expelled." Everyone goes quiet and pale except for a few. "That's so unfair!" A pink alien girl shouts this with Kurama getting off my head and walking up to her.

"Do you think people dying every day is fair? What about people that are abused and mistreated for things they have no control over? Or what about how some people that are abandoned at birth by their mothers? The world is full of unfairness, so get over it." He walks over and sits in the grass after."You heard the fox. If your that worried, then don't come in last. I want to see you all show me everything you have and go beyond, plus ultra." I look at Ocha who nods before we start the next test.

Time skip to the end of the tests

"Alright, I'm not going over all the results one by one since you all know how you did. So here are the results as a whole."

Momo Yaoyorozu

Shoto Todoroki

Izuku Midoriya

Ochako Uraraka

Katsuki Bakugo

Tenya Ida

Fumikage Tokoyami

Mezo Shoji

Mashirao Ojiro

Ejiro Kirishima

Mina Ashido

Koji Koda

Rikito Sato

Tsuyu Asui

Yuga Aoyama

Hanta Sero

Denki Kaminari

Kyoka Jiro

Toru Hagakure

Minoru Mineta

"Oh and that part about me expelling the person in last was a lie." We all freeze for a second knowing that he didn't intend to expel anyone. "It was all just a logical ruse to get you all to put everything in these tests." Mr. Aizawa looks at us with a shit eating grin while saying this with me and Ocha now seeing what he did. "Sorry, guess I should've told you about this from the start." "Syllabuses are on the desks in the class. Pick one up on your way to the dorms." Mr. Aizawa walks away with Kurama coming up to me and climbing on my shoulder. "Your correct Izuku. He had intentions to let the last place person get expelled but didn't. Not sure why though." "That's not important now. Let's get a syllabus and head to our new home."

Konan POV:

"I know you planned to expel someone. Your record speaks for itself." I confront Aizawa with him looking at me. "I only expel those that I see no potential in at all. Those kids whether it was small or not, had some potential in them." He starts walking away while asking one question. "That Midoriya kids related to you, isn't he?" I begin to go pale at the question. "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize it. He might be a little naive, but not completely stupid. People will find out one way or another and lead him to the answer." He walks away with his words still in my head. 'That's what I'm afraid of.'

At the dorms Izuku POV:

I walk up the stairs with Ocha holding my hand to go into the dorms to see our new roommates. "The hell?" We stop when seeing all my stuff on the floor outside my room. "LIKE HELL I'M ROOMING WITH THE FUCKING NERD!" "Of all the people I could've been assigned, it had to be him." I walk in to see Kaachan with a fragile box in his hands about to be thrown. "Knock it off man, that ones got fragile stuff in it!" "LIKE I CARE!" He throws it for Kurama to grab it with an enlarged tail. "What's going on up here?" Mr. Aizawa walks up and sees the mess in the hall. "There is no way in hell that I am rooming with fucking Deku!" "Why do you care that were roommates? I hate you as much as you hate me, but you don't see me throwing your stuff out the door like a child."

Kaachan glares at me in anger until he is wrapped by Mr. Aizawa's scarf. "Let me tell you something Bakugo. You both were placed here because Midoriya and you were the top 2 males in the entrance exam. If you really want to complain, then I'll have you swap with Todoroki since he placed top out of the recommended students out of the class and you will room with Mineta." "The loser brat that got last in the test!? Screw that!" "Either Mineta or Midoriya. Those are your options." Mr. Aizawa glares at Kaachan with anger until he answered. "Tch, the pervert is better than Deku." "You heard him Midoriya. Go to the next floor and tell Mineta and Todoroki that their's a room change." "Yes sir."

I get up to the next floor and find Mineta and Todoroki's room and knock on it. Todoroki answers it with an emotionless expression. "Yes?" "Hey sorry to bother you, but their's been a slight change in living arrangements. Mineta and me will swap rooms because of an issue and I'll be your roommate now." "....ok. Mineta, your now moving down the stairs to where Midoriya was." "Dammit, and I just got my favorite porn mag out!" 'I'm gonna need to sterilize where he touched when I move in.' Once he came out with some of his things, I started to bring my stuff up and check to make sure not much damage was done during Kaachan's little ruckus.

Once we finished changing and I was done unpacking and setting up my side how I liked, I changed into some more comfy clothes before getting a knock on the door. Todoroki opens it to Ochako. "Hey, is Izu in here?" "Izu?" "She means me." I walk over and open the door to let her in. "*giggle* Looks just like your room at home. Pro hero memorabilia, origami flowers, and you made a little bed for Kurama that's so cute." "So how do you two know each other?" "Ocha's a childhood friend and my girlfriend." We both smile with Todoroki laying on his bed to read a book. "Just try not to do perverse things while I'm around." We both go red and shout at this. "We don't even do that!" "Whatever." He goes back to reading his book without acknowledging us after.

"Oh yeah, who were you paired with?" "Yaoyorozu." "The girl that placed first in the quirk test?" "Yup. She's pretty nice considering she lived literally like a princess until she got here." 'Quite the odd pairing given Ocha and her families situation.' "Sorry if were bothering you Todoroki. If you want, we can leave so you can read in silence." "Don't worry about it. I already read this book so it's just me passing time." He sits up and looks at Kurama. "So what exactly is that?" "Do not take such a tone with me human, unless you wish to die." "This is Kurama. To make a long story short, he's a nine tailed fox that I summoned not that long ago." "How?" "Again, a little hard to explain. Let's just say he was summoned and now he's kinda forcing me to summon his buddies." "Why don't you just kick him out or something?" "Hard to do when he is a real life godzilla sized fox."

Todoroki looks a little confused. "He takes this size to avoid issues. His real size is literally big enough that your body is the size of an eye." Todoroki holds a face that says he's heard enough and heads to sleep. "I think I'll follow Todoroki's lead and head back to my dorm. I'll talk to you tomorrow Izu." Ocha gives me a peck on the lips before waving goodbye and walking out the door. There was a silence in the room until Todoroki spoke. "Cute girlfriend you have. Just make sure you treat her right." I get a little confused by Todoroki's comment but pay it not much thought before heading to sleep myself.

In the teachers dorm house Konan POV:

For the last few hours, I have been going over some of the student's that have had certain physiological issues growing up and started putting a list of them together to keep myself aware who I may speak with. *knock* *knock* "Door is open." The door opens to show Orochimaru walking in. "Quite the little overachiever you are Konan." "What do you wish to discuss Orochimaru?" "I just wanted to talk about something that interests you. You see, a while back, I had taken a blood sample of both you and Izuku since something was strange with the both of you. He is the only child in this world that we have seen use Kekkei Genkai. And of all the types out there, it was yours.

In that moment, I had thrown a paper shurikin at the wall beside him. "The water your tread is very deep. I suggest you keep your findings to yourself." He begins to grin knowing that I know what he will say next. "Very well, but that may come to the surface one day." He leaves with shutting the door and me remembering his last words. "*sigh* I know that for a fact. But I hope you are ready when that day comes Izuku."

And that concludes this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it and stay tuned for the next chapter. Thanks for reading.

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