Truth or Dare

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Izuku POV:

"Do you have a good feel on what you felt before?" "...Yeah." "Do it then." Today I was going to try for the first time since the entrance exam to summon another tailed beast. On standby was Ms. Konan, Mr. Pain, Mr. Zetsu, and Mr. Orochimaru in case something bad happened. started to remember the feeling of what happened during the entrance exams when Ocha was about to be crushed by the zero pointer. The sheer rage for the thing and fear about her being hurt flooded my head as I bit down on my thumb and started making hand signs. "Summoning Jutsu!" I slammed my hand down on the ground for a giant puff of smoke to happen. Once it cleared, a giant creature was seen glaring down at me.

"HOLY CRAP, I DID IT!" The thing looked down at me with Kurama walking in front of me. "Been a while Shukaku." "Kurama? Where the hell am I?" "Back in the human world.Can you change your size to something a little smaller to talk to? These people don't like us being our normal size because of how we look to the public." The tailed beast known as Shukaku held an agitated expression until answering, "Oh alright. Just give me a second."  Another giant puff of smoke happened with shukaku until I looked down and saw he was the same size as Kurama.

"So I'm guessing this guy is the one that summoned me?" "Y-yes. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I-it's nice to meet you Mr. Shukaku." He turns his head and looks at me confused. "Why are you stuttering?" "You get used to it." Kurama jumps on my head and gets himself comfy. "Now lets go home so I can sleep on your bed." "Do you do anything other than sleep on my bed?" Kurama ignores me and goes to sleep. "Like I'm hanging out with you guys. I'm outta her-" "Your not going anywhere unsupervised." Ms. Konan picks Shukaku up and carries him with me to the dorms. "Let me go you crazy bitch!" I see Ms. Konan give him an angered glare before replying to him. "If I was planning to let you go before getting to the dorms, you officially took that chance away now." We head to the dorms with both tailed beasts in hand.

At the Dorms

"Were back." "Hey Izu, how'd it go?" Ocha walks up to us with Ashido and Yaoyorozu behind her. "You can let him go now Ms. Konan." She let's Shukaku go and has him drop to the floor. "Ow! That hurt you crazy bitch!" Shukaku looks over to see the girls and has an irritated expression. "Oh great, more crazy bitche-OWWW!" I step on Shukaku's tail when he tries to call Ocha a crazy bitch. "I dare you to say that again." "Just accept it Shukaku. Your stuck here for now." "Grrr, fine. But I won't like it!" Shukaku walks over and relaxes on the table to make himself comfy.

"So what exactly are Kurama and whatever that thing was called." "It's Shukaku you big titted cow!" 'I had a lazy fox before, now I have a rude sand gremlin. Can't I get a normal acting tailed beast?' "Shukaku and Kurama are what's called tailed beasts. 9 sentient beings made of energy called chakra that me and Ocha use to do those justsu's we use. The major difference with them though is that their made of a heavy amounts of it that it's kinda crazy how much." "Dang." "Your telling us Mina/Ashido." "So why are they here?" "To make a long story short, Kurama wants me to summon the tailed beasts back into the world. They don't care that the world is populated mostly by humans and that their relics of the past. They just want to live their lives back in this world."

Ashido and Yaoyorozu seem to understand this but question the size of them. "Their way bigger in their actual form." They look at Ocha confused. "This isn't their real form?" "Here's what Shukaku looks like in his actual form." Ms. Konan brings up a picture of Shukaku before he went down to fun size. Both their eyes widen at the amazing stature of the being. "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!?" "Will you shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" We all quiet down for Kurama to not yell at us again. "So you have to summon 7 more of these things?" "Yeah." I start to get a little light headed and stumble into Ocha's arms.

"Midoriya, are you alright?" "Yeah, it just takes a lot of energy out of me to summon one of these guys. Sorry about this Ocha." "It's ok. I kinda like the fact you fell into my arms." There was a sudden silence in the room until Ashido commented. "I didn't know you were into that kinda stuff Urara." We both go entirely red at this and start panicking while trying to fix ourselves. "I-i-i-it's nothing like that!" "Ha ha! Now I see why Kurama sticks around. You lot are annoying, but you are entertaining." I start to close my eyes in exhaustion to se Mr. Pain walk in and pick my semi conscious body up to take me to my room.

Several hours later Konan POV:

After Izuku rested for a few hours, he regained consciousness and started about his normal life. Pain had left after putting Izuku in his bed to rest with the other Akatsuki members following him. I decided to stay at the dorms to help keep an eye over Shukaku with Aizawa. Compared to Kurama, this tailed beast seemed to be more rebellious. Right now, all the members of class A are in the common room doing whatever they thought of doing today until Ashido seemed to get an idea.

"Geys, let's play truth or dare!" "Screw you raccoon eyes! I'll be in my room!" Bakugo had left to go into his room with a prominent scowl on his face. "Is he normally like that?" "I am afraid so Shukaku." "Anyone else not wanna play?" No others had objections and decided to go along with it. "Alright then, let's play!" They all made a large circle with Ashido going first. "Urara, truth or dare?" "Hmm, dare." "I dare you to sit on Midori's lap." Everyone started to make noise hearing this with both being rather composed. Ochako gets up and makes herself comfy on Izuku's lap with a happy expression. "I would've done this even if I wasn't dared." 'Aww, that's so cute.'

"Ok Asui, truth or dare?" "Truth." "You said your quirk allows you to do things a frog can do, but does it also make you an amphibian?" "Not really, I can just swim faster in the water than most people. Toru, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to pick Kurama up off the couch and hug him like a stuffed animal." 'This could get ugly.' Hagakure went over to Kurama slowly and reached for him. "You touch me human, you will die a slow and painful death." I could swear I started to see sweat come off the invisible girl as she slowly walked back to where she was.

"O-ok Sero, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to put an alarm on your phone next to Kurama and have it go off to see what he does." Sero starts to get up before Izuku grabbed his arm. "Unless you wanna lose your phone or any of you wanna see how big Kurama really is, I recommend we stop trying to tick him off." Everyone agreed to this with Kurama holding a smirk on his face. "Mineta, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to see what you can do to Uraraka before Midoriya stops you." '....This may be this child's last decision ever made.' I watch as the little pervert walks over and looks to reach out for Ochako before a paper comes in front of him. "Take an inch closer to her pervert, and your face gets blown off."

Mineta went back to where he sat with Izuku hugging Ochako in a way of showing she is his woman. "Midoriya, truth or dare?" "Knowing this one will have less repercussions with you, truth." "What the hell is your relationship with the guidance councilor!?" "Pffft!" I do a spit take of my tea as Mineta yells this. "She's mine and Ocha's teacher." "Bullshit! You leave a sexy woman like that unclaimed for Uraraka!? You have to be screwing her or something!" 'Oh my god, I'm gonna be sick.'  I hold back the urge to vomit after hearing Mineta say this. "That's gross. I look at her and Mr. Pain like family. Thinking that makes me physically sick to my stomach. Get your mind out of the gutter perv." 'Oh the irony in Izuku's words.'

"Come to think of it, Ms. Konan does have your quirk *ribbit*." "Yeah, weird ones like yours just don't randomly happen without much blood lineage. Maybe your both aunt and nephew or something." "Maybe she is part of your real family Izu." "Real family?" Everyone looked at Izuku and Ochako for an explanation. "I'm adopted, so that idea isn't too far gone. My mom found me in an alley when I was a baby and decided to adopt me as her own." 'Oh no, he's gonna find out.' "I doubt were related though, but it is a possibility." 'Thank you for my son obtaining Yahiko's ignorance!' I sit down and sigh at this before Aizawa gives me a drink. "Don't know why, but you look like you could use it." I take the drink and have about half of it before my memory starts to get fuzzy with my deep rooted emotions flooding my head.

Izuku POV:

"My turn, now who should I ask?" I think for a few seconds until I felt hands over my head. "YAHIKO I'M SHOWWY!" "Ms. Konan!?" "Yahiko, forgwive Konan. Konan ish sowwy swe gwave away our baby. Nagato swaid swe had to." I look up and see Ms. Konan bawling her eyes out begging for forgiveness to me thinking I'm someone named Yahiko. "Ms. Konan, I'm not this Yahiko guy." "Forgive Konan pwease Yahiko. Konan ish sworry. Konan did not mean to gwive him away. Konan did now want that." 'Konan is a mom!?' "I knew that your relationship was more than a teacher! I grabbing Uraraka's fine ass now!"

He tries to get close to us with me putting another paper bomb up. "Try it and see what happens pervert!" He backs away with Ms. Konan bawling harder. "My baby! How could I let go of my baby like that!? I'm a howable woman for letting go of my pwechious baby like that!" "Do either of you know why Ms. Konan is crying and hugging Midori like that?" Ocha looks and is beyond surprised at the actions that are happening. "I can't even tell you why." I try and get out of Ms. Konan's grasp for her to hold me tighter and sob right into my ear. "Swe wash a bwetter mom than me. Swe would never let him gwo." 'She? Him?' "Ms. Konan, What are you talking about?"

She stops hugging me and looks me in the eyes with a face showing wrong. "Izuku, I....I...BLUREEGH!" Ms. Konan started to throw up all over me. "I god! Someone help me out here!" Kirishima and Sato pull Ms. Konan off me to show she passed out. "Ocha, can you and the girls help get Ms Konan an ice pack and some water while I clean up?" "No problem." I grab some cleaning stuff and a few other things and clean up the mess. Ocha and the girls grab some ice and some medicine for Ms. Konan for when she wakes up. 'That was weird. What was that about a baby and this Yahiko guy? Did Ms. Konan have a family before the Akatsuki?'

Few hours later

After everything was clean and Ms. Konan was asleep on the couch, I sat on the couch beside her until she started to wake up. "Urgh, what happened?" "You passed out after Mr. Aizawa gave you a drink." "I remember the drink, but one should not get me blackout drunk." "He said he takes some stronger alcohol and didn't think you would be that affected." "That would explain it." She gets up and I pass her some medicine and water to help with a headache she may have. "If I did anything during my little time lapse, I apologize." "Nothing worse than you throwing up on me happened. But you were crying and calling me someone named Yahiko for some reason."

Ms. Konan's face went pale when I mentioned this Yahiko person. "D-did I say anything else?" "Some stuff about a baby you had with him and how you left him with someone. Other than that, you were mainly crying." I see Ms. Konan hold a pained look on her face. I wanted to know who the baby and the person was for some reason. Maybe I could find out why she was hugging me like that. "Ms. Konan, who is this Yahiko per-" "I have to go. Thank you for helping me." She gets up and makes her way to the door. She stops right before opening it and looks at me. "It would be best if you forget what I said. All I said were things I can never take back or forgive myself for that you should not concern yourself with." She exits the building and heads to the teachers dorms with me completely confused about everything that happened. "What was that about?"

Konan POV:

"What did I just do!?" I start ranting to myself the second I'm certain Izuku can't hear me. "He's bound to know something is wrong after hearing this and me running away after saying it. How can I be so stupid!" I start yelling to a point I sounded like Mitsuki's kid. After about a minute of shouting, I fell to my knees and held my pant legs. "I can't do this anymore. I need to tell him or get out of his life. I don't think I can keep the secret from my own son anymore. I-I can't take it anymore. It was bad enough that I left him in the first place. But now, I think I'll lose my mind if things keep going this way." I start to tear up knowing I can't live like this anymore.

"Ironic since you help with insanity." I look up and notice that Aizawa was standing some distance away. "Why are you here?" "I came to apologize about the drink. But now I also wanna ask a question. What is your purpose of not telling Midoriya your his mother?" I begin to stand up and look at Aizawa. "It's hard enough for him knowing his mother gave him up. How hard do you think it will be on him if he finds out the teacher that taught him almost everything he knows since he was a child is actually his biological mother?" He averts my gaze for me to walk past him.

"He's gonna find out one day. He's dense, but he's not stupid. It would be better coming from your mouth than someone else's." I stop and know just how bad things could be with him not learning it from me. "I will tell him when the time is right. But right now I cannot." "Keep telling yourself that. But the longer you wait, the harder it will be on you both." "*sigh* I know." 'I need to ask Pain if I can tell him soon.' I walk away into the faculty dorms to get some rest for tomorrow.

And that finishes this chapter. Thanks to Aizawa's drink, Konan almost spilled the beans for what happened. Next chapter will be the USJ arc. If anyone has a tailed beast they want to see next, leave a comment down in the comment section. Hope you enjoyed this and be sure to check out my channel if you haven't already to see some of my other works. Thanks for reading.

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