Two Geniuses

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Sasori POV:

"One more time." "Ninja Art, Puppet Masters Jutsu!" Yaoyorozu starts make strings of chakra to try and move a practice puppet I gave her for it to latch on with success. "Good, now just concentrate on making it move. We'll practice the more intricate when you can move the puppet more naturally." She tries her best to move it with her fingers for me to see she's having difficulty. "Common. Move." The puppet starts to move it's arm before she loses it and it drops. "Grr, why is this so difficult!?" "Relax, this is why were practicing. You only just learned the jutsu, don't expect to be a natural off the bat." I start to remember the events of the USJ attack while Yaoyorozu regains her composure.

Two days ago

After being sent into the strange portal, I found myself in what looked like a mountain area with a bunch of other villains. Immediately, I pull out Hiruko and start taking them down. "Who the hell is that guy!?" Some of the villains evade but are hit by my poison in Hiruko's tail. "Heed this name well villains. I am Puppet Master, vigilante of a hundred puppets. The poison I injected you with will nullify your quirk and paralyze you for up to 3 days. You won't die with the amount you were given, but you will not see the light of day after this." I state this knowing the authorities will be able to arrest them after.

In what seemed to be an instant, a flash of light came with electricity coming towards me. Acting on instinct, I jumped into Hiruko and avoided most of the damage. "What was that?" I look around to see three kids. One with a lighning bolt on his hair and a stupid look, a girl with aux cords coming down her ears, and a girl that was rather developed for her age. 'Wait, IS THAT GIRL A FLASHER OR SOMETHING!?' I look away from her to avoid acting like a pervert until I heard a guy come out of the ground. I looked over to see the stupid one held hostage.

'This is bad. I gotta do something." I use Hiruko's tail to cut the villains arm and let go of the kid. "Who the hell did that?" "You've got some nerve picking on kids like that." I reveal myself to which the guy tried to use his quirk for nothing to happen. "Why can't I use my quirk!?" "Because my poison is preventing it. It will flush itself out of your body in the next few days, but now your no different than a quirkless man." He tries to come at me to only be hit by a tail into some rubble. I get out of Hiruko and walk over to the kids.

"L-l-look whoever you are, don't make us attack you. Were heroes in training and we know how to fight." The idiot kid tries to make threats with me looking at them with an eyebrow raised. "If that's your best attempt to scare someone, you need to put a little more force behind it." I turn around and put Hiruko back in a scroll before going for the 3rd Kazekage. "Who are you man?" "Sasori of the Red Sand. But you probably know me better as Puppet Master." Their eyes went wide as they realized who I was.

"Let's go, it's not safe here." I take the 3rd out and get ready for anything that will come my way. "Also, nice work on the insulation tarp kids. Smart thinking on your end to get rid of those thugs." "Uh, thank you sir." The taller one says this with us heading to the center to rendezvous with everyone else.

After the attack

I begin to walk back with Deidara after finding out Konan's relationship with Izuku. "Yo Sasori, did you expect that coming with Konan and Izuku?" "I thought it was strange and pieced that possibility together, but it is still a bit surprising(Smarter member of the Akatsuki and understood Kekkei Genkai enough to know how it's passed down)." "So me and Hidan are the only ones that were surprised(both are the dumbest members)!?" "Apparently." We keep walking until I heard someone behind me. "Excuse me, Mr. Sasori sir."

I turn around and see it's the girl from the mountain zone. "Can I help you?" She looks at me and bows. "Please make me your apprentice!" I looked at her and felt an awkward moment as a woman taller than me is asking me to be her master(Sasori is 164 cm and Yaoyorozu is 173 cm). "Why do you want to be my apprentice? I'm sure there's a million heroes that would rather you be theirs than mine." "Please sir. I could only offer support in the mountain zone today and realized I was useless after Kaminari short circuited himself. You however found a way to protect yourself and fight back. So please, take me under your wing sir!"

The girl starts to go on her knees begging me as Deidara starts laughing at me. I smack him in the face with my tail before facing the girl. "What's your name kid?" "Momo, Momo Yaoyorozu." "*sigh* ok. But this is going to be hell for you. You will have to learn what Izuku and Ochako learned at the age of 5 and catch up to them now." I turn away and start walking away. "Training starts tomorrow at dawn outside your classes dorm. If your late, I won't teach you." "Yes sir."

Back to present

I see her fail again and get angered that she can't do this. "Take a break Yaoyorozu. Your not gonna get it if your thoughts are clouded with frustration." She holds her head down and starts taking a walk. "...What do you want you annoying snake." Orochimaru comes out of the bushes and laughs at me. "Didn't expect you to be the teaching type." "I'm not. I'm just showing the girl how to use a puppet and nothing more." "Hehehe, you can't lie to me. I can see you admire her commitment. Some puppet masters take months to connect their strings, and she got it in just two days.

I start to get angry at him and turn my head around to have my face see behind me."Just what do you want. If your here to judge me on being a teacher, leave now." "It's ok, I'm not here to fight. In reality, I'm here to give you some information." I turn my head back to normal before answering. "What is it about?" "That creature that the villain called Nomu. I have some news about it."

Momo POV:

"Annoying damned thing. Why can't I just do this? I've done harder things before right? Is chakra that more complicated that I can't do this as well?" I start to breathe out in frustration as I walk into the woods. I stop when I hear running water however. 'UA shouldn't have any drainage systems around here.' I follow the sound to see a waterfall with a bridge. "Did they always have this?" I look closer to see at least a hundred Midoriya's stopping the waterfall several times. "Again." "Fire Style, Fireball Justsu!" I look to the side and see Uraraka training with Mr. Pain making fire come out of her mouth.

"What's going on?" "This is their training." I stop and look to see Ms. Konan to the side of me. "They saw what happened at the USJ and wanted to get stronger. I've known them for over a decade now and never seen them put so much into their work." I look and see them sweating intensely as they do this. "Their already amazing, how much stronger could they get?" "As far as their hard work and commitment can take them." I look at her a bit confused until she clarifies.

"The skills they have now are proof of how hard they trained. If they would've put half the effort they did into their training, they would've never beaten you all so easily." I think on this and realize their pushing themselves so hard even after everything worked out in our favor. "You seem confused. Do you need assistance in something?" "Actually, I've been trying to work with Mr. Sasori on puppet mastery ninjutsu and hit a bit of a curve ball. Is there any advice you can give me on chackra control?"

She looks at me and back at Izuku and Ochako. "Chakra isn't something you should look at as something unique. Think of it as an extension of yourself. When your fighting with a puppet, I think it would be best to think of the strings as your embodiment your putting into the puppet and a way for you to interact with the world." I think about this and consider it. 'A way for me to interact with the world.' I start to clench my fist and smile. "Thank you Ms. Konan." "It is my pleasure Ms. Yaoyorozu."

I start to run back to Mr. Sasori with a determined face. "That look says you want to give it another try." I nod for him to only smile. "Very well, let's try this again." I stop and think on Ms. Konan's words. 'My strings are my way to interact with the world. I'll take them and show the world what I can do.' "Ninja Art, Puppet Masters Jutsu!" I connect my strings and keep focused. "Good, now try to move it like last time." I slowly move my fingers to adjust the puppet to stand. Once I feel it stand, I open my eyes to see it standing up and Mr. Sasori surprised.

"Nicely done Yaoyorozu. It takes a born natural to move it in the time you did. Though you should not get ahead of yourself, you should take pride knowing this." I turn to Mr. Sasori and bow to him. "thank you sir, but Ms. Konan helped a bit with explaining chakra a bit more for me." "Guess I should've explained that better to you. I guess I expected you to learn that part already. Anyway, now we get to the basics of movement. Are you ready?" I smile and nod for him to smile as well. "The answer I like to hear."

Time skip to the evening Sasori POV:

"Alright, let's call it a day here." Yaoyorozu starts panting on the ground covered in sweat as she loses her grip on the puppet. "For someone who just learned puppet mastery, your excelling rather fast. You may even catch up to Izuku and Ochako over the course of our training." She smiles at me and thanks my complement. My mind however, is in the conversation I had with Orochimaru earlier in the day.

Flashback to their talk

"The ME's report says that the thing was a D-class villain that went missing a few weeks ago." I looked at him confused. "How is that worth reporting?" "The thing is, we also found traces of 3 other peoples quirks inside him and his genetics completely mangled. Whatever happened to the poor man wasn't natural." I ponder on this for a moment. 'This thing had 4 quirks and had been genetically modified. Could we even call the man a man at that point? Also, how could he hold so many quirks in him when a normal human can only hold one at a time?'

"Your quite interested in this, aren't you Sasori." Orochimaru starts chuckling with me thinking on the phrase the man with hands said. "That villain knew of us enough to call us relics of the past. Only a select few knew who we were to begin with, so either someone snitched to the wrong person or-" My eyes grew wide when I thought of the alternative. "Whoever is pulling the strings in this may have something to do with us being here." "Report this to Pain. He should know what's going on with this." "Already gave him a report."

Orochimaru leaves with me still deep in thought. 'If we find out who told that guy about us, maybe we can finally go home.' I think on this and the thought of Izuku and Konan come to my head. "Don't think this too deep Sasori. She knows she may have to say goodbye to Izuku when this is over." I think on the possibility that the one villain may just be someone who has his strings pulled as well before Yaoyorozu comes back with a determined face.

Back to present

"Mr. Sasori?" "Huh, my apologies. I was stuck in thought." I pull myself out of my daze when Yaoyorozu starts questioning me. "Hey Yaoyorozu. In your opinion, do you think someone can willingly give quirks to another person?" She looks at me confused for a second. "Your asking something that defies all natural laws of how the world works." "I know, I'm just asking if in theory someone could be born with such a power." She thinks on this before answering.

"In theory, it may be possible. But I've never heard of such a quirk existing. Why?" I think on this and shake my head. "No reason. Just a question." I try to change the subject to avoid a problem from forming. 'Something isn't right. Whoever is pulling the strings behind this 'League of Villains' is more dangerous than we think. Let's just hope we have time before whoever it is makes a move.'

Meanwhile with the tailed beasts 3rd person POV:

"Ready, rock!" "Paper!" "Scissors!" "Shoot! Tie, go again!" All three decided to have a contest to see who would sleep in Izuku's head next. As they continually tied with rock, paper, scissors, the members of class A that watched were confused as to why they were doing such a thing. Kirishima decided to speak up as the one to break the ice. "So why are you thre-" "STAY SILENT HUMAN, OR I SHALL SHOW YOU THE MEANING OF PAIN!" Kirishima shut his mouth as he watched the show unfold with fear knowing what the tailed beasts really looked like. "Tie, go again! Tie go, again! Tie, go again!' This happened for 2 hours until Shukaku finally won.

Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. So yes, Yaoyorozu will be Sasori's disciple and learn Puppet Masters Jutsu. I also have a second apprentice that I will showcase in the sports festival. I'm gonna keep that a secret, so stay tuned for that. Also if you haven't already, take a look at my Story Idea's work and leave a comment in the voting poll chapter for what you want to see next on my channel. Thanks for reading.

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