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Roger had finished packing his cloths, and other things he needed for the trip. But he couldn't stop thinking about his dead relatives. Every thought that went through his head had to do with his loved ones. And every tear that was shed felt like torture. Sobs were the only thing that could be herd in his room. He felt like he was alone. So alone.

Thoughts of suicide went to his head.

Just then, there was a knock at his front door. He wipes his tears, takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down, and walks towards his front door. He unlocks his door, and opens it, to find Constanse Wilson. She is another childhood friend of Roger. In fact, she's been his friend longer than Carl. She was a beautiful women. She had light brown, short hair, blue eyes, and freckles on her cheeks. There are a few guys that flirt with her, but her heart was set on one person, and that was Roger.

"Hello, Roger." she greets her crush.

"Oh. Hi, Constanse." he says. "I wasn't expecting you to come here. It's only six."

"I just wanted to see you. You look nice today."

Roger was currently wearing a black coat, a white button-up shirt, black pants, and a red bow tie. This is how he usually dresses. Constanst usually never complements Roger, but when she dose Roger easily gets flattered. Roger blushes, and tries to hide his face with his short, black hair.

"Th--thank you, Constanse." he says, shyly. He straightens his coat, to make himself look nicer for her. He looks back up to her, with a warm smile on his face. She giggles.

"May i come in, sweetie?" she asked.

"Of course. Come on in." says Roger, as he gestured her to step into his house.

She walks in, and sits on the couch.

"I'll be back. You wait there" Roger says, and walks to his room to get his briefcases. As he got his last item, he stopped, and sat on his bed, setting his briefcases on his sides. He started festering to himself. "Why exactly is Constanse here? I know it's because she said she wanted to see me, but why?? Is it because she wants to take one more look at me, just in case a warhead hits L.A.? Or is it because....or because she..."

A long pause.

"Nooooo!! That can't be why! She's only my friend."

He puts his elbow on his lap, and festers more about this topic.

Just then, Constanse appears at his bedroom door.

"Is every thing alright, Roger? You haven't came back for a while." Constanse says, concerned.

"Oh no. I'm ok. I'm just sitting here." he says. Constanse then looks at him for a while, then slowly walks to him, and sits next to him. Roger looks at her, confused. She then puts her arm around him. "Uumm...what's up?" he asked. She says nothing. She just looks into his eyes. She leans her head on his. Roger is now kinda scared. Was his guess real?

"I'm sorry about your family, sweet heart."

Those words broke him. A tear formed from his eye. "It's ok." he says, his voice breaking. "I'm trying to p--put th--th--that behind m--me. I--i--i--i" He bursts out crying. Constanse now felt bad for starting a conversation like that. She never thought about hurting his feelings.


"I'm sorry, Roger. I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry!" she apologized, hoping for forgiveness.

"It's ok. It's not your fault. It's the soulless son of a bitch who launched that damed warheads fault!!!" he shouted, loudly. Constanse dose not respond. She just looks at him, with a surprised look on her face. She had never herd Roger say curse words before.

"Oh, I'm sorry i shouldn't have said those words. It's just...." he wiped his tears off his face.

"It's just i feel so alone. Every one of my relatives is gone. I'm alone. So alone."

He puts his head down, starring at the floor. "This isn't good for him." Constanse thought to herself. "He's just a little boy to me. I love him. And now, he thinks he's all alone. But he's not. If i tell him. That's it!!! No more holding back, Constanse!!! You're gonna tell him!!! I'm gonna tell him."


Roger looks up at his "friend". "Yes, Constanse?"

"I have to tell you something. Something I've been meaning to tell you since 5th grade."


Constanse couldn't utter the words, dew to the fear of being rejected. But she built up enough corage, and said "We've been friends for the longest time. EVER! But, i've started having a weird  feeling whenever i was around you. We were young, so i didn't know what this feeling was. But when we went to jr. high, I found out that this feeling was love. It took me a while to realize it. Roger...I love you. So very much."

She then pulls him in for a big hug. Roger feared this. He had a sick feel that she would say this. He would be a total ass head if he told her, but he told her anyways. That Dumbass!!! He told her "I was thinking you would tell me that you liked me. Constanse, you're right. We've been friends for the longest time. EVER. But that's how i always saw you. A friend. And if we were married, that would be kind of weird. I'm sorry, Constanse. I really am. But we should just continue to be friends. I hope you can accept that, and we can continue our normal life as friends."

Constanse was now pissed! "He only sees me as a friend?? A friend?!?!? OH, FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!" she mentally said to her self. A tear of anger drips down from her eye. She forcefully grabs him by the shoulders, and pulls him in for a passionate kiss on the lips.

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