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"Im gonna go now. I'll be back in a few hours." Roger says, heading for the front door.

"Do you have to go?" Constanse complains.

"Yes." Roger assures. I have to be alone. I have to think of a way to get rid of whatever is inside me. Because if i don't, it will either kill me, you, or Carl. And i don't want to have any of those things happen to any of us."

"Ok. I understand." she says. She puts her head down, disappointed. A tear forms from her eye. Roger walks towards his lover, and puts his finger under her chin, to make her look at him. He wipes the tears off her face. "Its gonna be ok. I promise. I will get this thing out of my head. There has to be a way. I'm doing this for you." He puts his hand on her stomach, witch is now a small baby-bump.

"I'm doing this for the baby." he says. Constanse starts to calm down. "Ok." she says.

"Hey?" he says.


"I love you. So much."

Constanse smiles. "I love you too, sweet heart." There lips part together.

He arrives at a local park. He sits in the clearest part of the forest. Even though he did not remember anything that happened at the hospital, it just keeps on festering in his head. Every image of that blood splattered room cannot leave his head. All he wants is for all this to go away. He started to regret walking to that pool of toxins.

"Why won't all this leave my goddamn head?" he asked himself, constantly. "What kind of poison was that?? Why didn't i just get some kind of disease?? I would have been better off!" He started hyperventilating.

"Please!! Just get out of my head!!!" He stands up. "PLEASE!!! LEAVE!!! JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!" At that moment his hands ignite in green flames. His eyes widen at this sight. "I--uh..." he struttered. He could not say anything. " my...power." Roger thought to himself. "I am in control of this now! He. Hehe. Hehehehe. HehehehahahaHHahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I will avenge my family. I will make every dammed soul parish."

"I.....Am.....The end."

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